The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 27, 1898, Image 7

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IjoM M Proctor; I IS NOW I iwj> EO. < I jjF* FOR * * te.B.F©JftBES J KoME BRfINGH music house. | ■ g e gdicits the influence and patroniiga cf the peo- J ■)le of Rome aud the Burroun<^in ? '’ountry. It will be to ; Kcur interest to call and get prices. J ■Marvelous I Lo Figuresl I < I Will be quoted on ail PIANOS, ■organs, BICYCLES, SEWING MA- | ■chines and other goods now includ- J led in the big stock at No. 327, Broad 2 ■street. While this entire stock is to ■be closed out at reduced figures Mr. ■Procter is empowered to make the ■terms decidedly easy to ail buyers. IbICTOLEm | ■At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must ■ abd will be sold regardless of cost. See our wire ■at once—it will pay you to take a look. [Sheet Music | I This stock will be closed out J ■at 10 cents per copy. J k .v‘ v ■t-tt—"- ■;l. i■> l ■■ w.' ■■ —”—• _ ’ - ' _ ~i_- a:.:—_ ■K. X.«X. *X. •>>. *X .'Wu X "X. -X. ’XIA pngraM 1 LITBIA I Wateß J builds up the system, M r . bor Sale at Soda Founts of: CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. Sj IT Crouch and Jervis&Wright. pF ' * ®©o©©©©OO©«!? ■©©©©©©©©©©©* K - hanson. , norris n. smith, the HANSON SUPPLY CO. Plumbing and Tinning. Engineers’ and machinists supplies. Stoves, ranges and tinware. Gas and electric fix tures. INSURANCE ‘gasoline stoves. Water meters. 325 Broad st. Phone 32. RDfIJWSEDKN |Kntered tij a Bad, Horrid Maa. CHARLES C. TYLER, Naw York Lawyer While Inebri ated Caused a Wild Panic. New York, Oct. 27.—Mrs. Wilson keeps a fashionable bearding house at 61 West Thir ty sixth stree*. Only ladies are received there asguests. There isLiot a man inthe house. '1 his Adamless domicile was thrown into hysterics yesterday, A well dressed, gentlemanly man walked up to the front room on the tep floor, stretched him* self out on a fine couch, lighted a. cigarette and seemingly count 'd upon spending a pleasant evening. Lust night the intruder was locked up on the charge of being a suspicious person. The police were uncertain at first whether to regard him as aj new edition of McGarvey, the famous Astor tramp, or something worse. He described himself as Charles C. Tyler. A little after 11 o’clock some light was thrown upon the mat ter, when Alfred I. Brown, a lawyer, rushed into the station, saying that he wanted to bail his friead, Mr. Tyler, out. Sergeant Jessop said that, owing to the peculiar circumstances he would not accept bail. It transpires that Mr. Tyler is a reputable lawyer, and while slightly inebriated walked into the Bianless house and sought a sn< oz i. He was released. THAT JOYFUL FEILING With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal eleanlineee. which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknewn to, the few who have net progressed beyoed the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered] jut never accepted by the wel informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Gg Syrup Co. I Announce,—To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongsts, etc. All we aek ie a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, •ext door to Curry’s drug store description 6t>V YOUNG AND OLD We none of us live so careful ly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicine to put us right. It’s a comfort to know where you can get them pur® at proper prices. We are not modest about theio points—we can give you what you want in patent medicines, druggists’ sundries, toilet articles and ect Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch & Co., 300 Broad street. BRYAN CRITICALLY XL His Wife Telegraphed tn Come To His Bedside. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 27. Hon. William Jennings Bryan, command rof the Third Ne braska Regiment United States Volunteers, is at the DeSota Hotel critically ill. He has been indisposed several days and to day wired Mrs. Bryan to come to him at once. Col. Bryan’s physician will permit him to see 1 no one, sending out word that he is too indisposed to receive callers. Mrs. Bryan returned to Lin coln, Neb., only a few days ago thinking that her husband had entirely recovered from his re cent illness in Washington. Col. Bryan’s regiment reached Sa vannah yesterday morning from Jacksonville, where it has been a part of Lee’s corps. Lieut. Col. Vifquanis is in command of the regiment during Col. Bryan’s illness. JEBSE JAMES IS ON TRIAL. Son »f Famous Outlaw Arraign- •d In Court Kansas City. Mo., Oct. 27 The trial of Jesse James, son 01 the noted outlaw, for complicity iu the Missouri Pacific train rob bery at Leeds on September 23d last, was begun in the criaiiual court here today. The day was spent in securing a jury. Prominent lawyers have been re tained by both sides, a formidable array of witnesses have been sub' poetised and a battle royal is ex pected. Ihe case of young James, who, up to the time of his arrest for alleged complicity in the rob-> bery, bad boine au excellent rep utation, baa excited great interest, and many of the beat men in the city have come out in hia defense. Chief es Police Mayes, on the other band, declares that he has evidence • sfficient to convict James, Frank James, of Bt. Louis, uucle of the famed Jesse James, is in the city to attend the trial. | ——™— DRAWS BIG CROWD. Democratic Nomine* Speaks to ’ Three Thousand People I 1 Syracuse, N. Y., Ost. 27. —Jus- tice Augustus Van Wyek, the democratio candidate for governor, was given an enthusiastic recep tion last night by the democrats of this city. Fully 8,000 voter* were gathered in the Alhambra, where the meeting was held. The meeting was presided over by Mayor James K, McGuire, who referred briefly to the issues of th 1 campaign tnd who also mentioned Bryan as the logical leader of ti e party. I This reference to Bryau aroused greater enthusiasm than any other event in the meeting The chair man then introduced Ju-tioe Van Wyek, who was heartily received and cheered. Trolley Kills a Child Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 26 Jennie, the 2 year-dd child ul Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fortune, wa» killed by the Mantua trolley cai in front of its homi about half- I past 8 e’cluck this afternoon, Th»- child’s sister was on the opposite side of th * street and the little lune attempted to erossuvir when it was struck and nurled to the cobblestones. I The motorman, Albanss Winner, of Gloucester City, stated that he rang the gong, but thought the ehild would n t cross and conld not stop quickly enough when he 1 saw her start across. The con ductor of the car was Joseph W. • Ackroyd, also of Gloucester. Tht I acai lent occurred just below the » terminus of the main line. ftJim «e/v i• i»»i ♦ r«w Fjflk; 1 Wrxtepu • A*. >• J * ‘n W* < 1 PUBLIC I < nil»® 1 | We will Sell New I I Books wholesale I I PHICESi I « FOR CASH. Second Hand B « Books cheaper uhan the cheapest. Give me a call, || I H. A. SMITH, J | THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. || taiiHitmtHamtHtuawl SH. P. WOOTEN & BRO., j Successors to ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome igQ Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in 3" the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest gr ide. 55 We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- "Ufc* deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a times. We should be pleased to have you call on u Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a JJ 3 - such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr store. Cigars and tobacco. Com e to see us. nlll—11 I —. i. in. .1 11 . . juea.jjju g~e—a— mmmmummmmmm H m 22 E S. M. Stark, 2 h 2J M ® E LADIES AND GENTLEMEN’S W S h 22 h 2! S Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave . 5 h ® h »2S UiUtHiiliimiaiHiUHlli $1.25 and s>-5° Negligee shirts for t$ J. A. GAMMON & COMPANY WAITING • ■ for everyone in Rome to ioin« in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s slothing, M bicycle and golf suite, is what Jcw.QtW we are doing, but we are hue tling while we wait. We will ? ~ wJgMFBffl show you the finest stoeke ’ oMSnk’MIR I■# clothing, made from the ne west styles and patterns in fabrieks, perfect fitting and handsome, te be f° un d * n Georgia, and they ~*Rj. are a b ove competition in values for the price. t , The greatest line of negligee shir ever shown In Rome. J. A. GAfIMON &CO