The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 27, 1898, Image 8

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r MRS. EDNDDN COMES TO ROME ■. r We have much joy in announcing to our friends, in and out wav from Broad street. of Rome, the coming of Mrs* L. Ciadon, of Atlanta. I Mrs. Condon is assisted in her magnificent stu lio by i | (e)/4| In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in Her pro- | Mr R. G. Ilubner, one of tin leading yiun» photographers o yX ,rx A feasion. She is today the h’ghest exponent of advanced photogra- Bultmore. A visit to this new and modern Photo Studio wil phy—Equalled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the A ’y‘ prove a most delightful event and will in ire th in reply y>u - wide laud. . , . ' There is not a better appointed gallery iu the South—Nor hislf y I 1 Her studio in Rome will be m the elegantly appointed apart- hi ' I ments on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- • Mrs. Condon a peer, tn ill d see her. , V * • ___ w NOW / SB TO BASS V- We are now in ®ur new store. We lost a montk before get ing into it. We are determined to mak® it back. Ou prices will do ii. Moody <& Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlant s failed- snerifrso d their immense stock out in cish lots. We were the only Rome merchants at the sale. We baugnt at a trifle. We ll turn the bargains over to our cus tomers- We have an enormous stock of Fine Dreis Goods and silks i . the latest imported Novelties, and a. gredt as sortment of Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the specia- bargains: Tow cases Ladies’ Fast Black Hose 3e Two bales yard wide Drilling, w rth Bc, at -5 Three cases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hose 5e Three.cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 Twocase# Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c Xl^ A A Sheet ng, yard wide 3j Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10 c Three ca ’ e * var ' ] wido Percales, Fall styles 44c Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c fwo bales good quality Matress licking at 44g Two cases Men’s box Sc I wo cases !■ ah outing, the 8 c quality at 5c One case Men’s Seamless Sox 5c One full case of remnant White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8 Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15e ztQjs 1 "’o cases of g >od Bonnot and Dress Gihghams at 3 3-4 c One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchiefs ; one case Men’s 2,000 Men ’ PUFe Linon Collsrs ’ five ,or 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c 800 Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth One c:ise Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts 25c $1- 50, your choice for ?>9e Are you in need of a s uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh, a pair of Pants, a Coat and Vet?t? Do you want a n a t? We’ll save vou from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases- Good Jeans pants 35c; Men’6 Sty.ish Capped Coin Toe Shoes, 75C; Ladie#’ India, Button, Foxed Vamp, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes, a 500 Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $ 1 -OO Shoes are the best in America. fjtfT For Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnets, go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else if you care to save money. We repeat that we lost a month on account of burning our store, and that we art going to make it up. We have a world of goods which we bought at half price* and we can afford to let them go at half prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve knocked the bottom out of prices to get ’t. Our prices are as low as 4-cent cotton. Come to see us at our new store. LB-AdSS BKOS 00. i I MUST W. Prefers War to Present R«- csfling Positiin. ORATORS ARE ABUNDANT, Support of the Government is Demanded. London, October 27. —Last evening witnessed a great out pouring of oratory on the Fasho d i question. Speeches were made at various places by Hon. Charles T. Richie, president of the board of trade ; Sir John Gorst, vice president of the com mit tea of council and conserva tive member of parliament; George Wyndham, under secre tary of war, and others. All recognized the gravity of the situation, but declared that even at the risk of war, it was impossible for Lord Salisbury to recede from his position. Lord Salisbury held the usual foreign office reception in the afternoon. The French ambas sador, Baron de Courcel, was conspicuously absent. It is as sumed, therefore, that whatev er proposals he bears from Paris were communicated yesterday to Sir Thomas Sanderson, per manent under secretary of state for foreign affairs. A report was in circulation in the city last evening that the Rothchildes had been informed that France had agreed to evac- Fashoda, but the foreign no information on this The activity in naval onntinnps on Doth sides of tlie channel. The keen desire to hear the views of the liberal leader in the house of commons, Sir Wiiliam Vernon Harccurt, on t ie Fasho da question, was satisfied today by his speech at Aberystvith, Wales. Sir William Vernon Harcourt said it was the urge it duty of every one, without regard te political difference, to support the government in maintaining the rights of the empire in the present crisis—a crisis especial ly dangerous, owing to the un exampled situation in France. 1 ... ■ -Trr —— GIOVER-A RMSTRONG Important Wedding at Oosta naula Wednesday Afternoon. Mr, Joe B. Glover, of Rome, and Mies Lillie Armstrong were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s father, Mr.'L. D. Arm strong at Oostanaula Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The wedding was a very quiet home affair and only immediate members of the family were pres ent. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. Hudson and imme diately after the marriage the bride and groom left over the Southern railway for Washinton and other eastern cities. They will be absent about ten days after which they will return to Rome where they will in the future re side . Miss Lillie Armstrong has for several years been one es the most popular and widely known young ladies in Gordon county. Bright, beautiful and possessed of a pleas ing and interesting personality, she made friends and won admir ers wherever she went. Mr G'over is the eon of Mr. J. A. Glover, one ot Rome’s wealthiest and most successful merchants, and is a young man not only of fine intelligence, and exceptional business capacity but of excellent' character . SPaIN S GRIATESTNEED.' Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ta, 8. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest, blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He »ays this graad medicine is what hie country «teeds. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, puriies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve axel organ of the bojy. If weak, tired or ailing yeu need it. . Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by| Curry Arring •s, druggists. He holds a responsible position with the Simpson Grocery Com pany of which his father is part owner, and his prospects are the very beat. The many friends of Miss Arm strong and Mr. Glover extended to them their best wishes for a happy and prosperous voyage over the matrimonial sea —Calhoun Times. ■JI ' y ' M NO CABINET IS FORMED YET Chanoine Resigned Because he He Could Not Agree. Paris, Oct 27.—The Petit Jours nal published an interview with I the former min-ster of war, Gen . Chanoine who explained that ha resigned on account of differences of opinion with the premier M. Brisson , about the Picquart affair He added that he had not demand ed the prosecution of the papers which had been attacking the ar my because he considered that the penalties provided by the laws wera insufficient. President Faure this morning received in audience M. Loubet, president'of the senate, and M . Deschanel, president of the cham ber of deputes. It is the intention of M. Faure i to form a new cabinet as rapidly as possible, .<l ta ♦«:. Ui ya— ii mi. | »». x Mu « ** sab— i &. w * [ Mr J ? P— A ' jMSMIS- J Fr>«* r-, ~¥wiai Sfo. 1 lew*-Im Ja«lw>Ka.. ASuH mi 4 .'Seek . eeu- 3fo>. 4 xv'e***. PiAmm A«vMMD •■4 A—«e tn MwkvlHe a>4*t. Ijends fcrevte Wlftewt PiWVwjmi Sleep* A*a*M * •kfkWemrpß.. P«e»*irere remata M —■ * • »tcah a. ■ PMtkenn vea A. K. A ST. Ry. •*. * «mrti art R*«e «iMi S * for . WMI «aAT<H Sajksft eea>K Arihvtn kv R*n*. ■ r.t- -M .fc ,_ |M . T» the Sop th tpnd Bart. Be. I'i !*'•. 3 . Wfo " (Wiiw'-wnnfn 1 I ftauE i Mm»j.. “ fLt*. ! f "a— ...... " >nne .... r fa* . a " dLffsW.’ - -*r-iflii —v n.«« JWMrfla t« 41. i*». IfoCa OUqiai' so. keofo so wUtaww t» JAlkau <—» tfo-. AM,Mu ♦•IfB » fl. *. PSfoiM* AdUWS In. via A. It Jr Cl. -/<r ifary .tg»l*aui4i»ti 1.4 »• ¥■ u. x ifogipgwt. *&,. «. z." . Many Persons »r» tt*Aic'> KM fr— k or hausakold «arw. Brown's iFvei Bitter'i JUbtuifo JMU>— •’ r’ ' -ifT’ w .:.:::: IK7 n i .... ..I i«c,v i ' OfflT | nxVvwj. >j> 4. j »< » U»«’ <t. Car »...C : i ♦« aMi —fc ® *i»wz*r.' -.-»T » .tetaa a. - Ii ’ r so AyMcn -...♦> I L/reas « C,V *•* Vi*-* tin V" , • > *7X'*’-=rn no 1 ■■lx fjrrT” K<nr ** 5 * ,r •■ - '’.l' - ! t ? .. 4 •••• £ ll.H»it ' if ' • .. —. -J ? I i-1?;/® ’ IL > r U. A': .ryw aM/* .«j us-.; LJ®"* “fe • •’X’kTsu >*«s-nrr.aci C«>ss'<- M PtAiUiu*. cMr Kno>- «•* fcw W‘l. tCI. « o [■ r <i ..{ rS >*•••***4 ►! 1.805.00 ’ Wjir omh— 4 iegr«.oj weijt e. • .ts iviShiirwii. B.C x M. edLT Wtf. a. a f •• « A..WrU,..«1. foSc. * A lUCMkISaHfiMk 4 ■**. ITWM rr ——TIMMI an—ll —I v.. -.>mr u Fancy new seeded Raisins | Currants and Citron at Lloyd A Harper’s. Prices to selhquick. * Annual bales evero,63e,e®< Rama FOB BILIOUJ AID KSBVOUI DISOAWII £■<*> Wiad sad >»:» t« ttia UkpMil, Wddiaaaa. Fulhm* after Kania. Eml - L>i—n—. PrnwaiaaM. BReskSnas 1 Hnar, J jaa cJ Ajjauea. G-«Wv«»i». i *...'tartan •« t*» Skin. Cold ChillKDi4- i.ed Sleep. Dr«BJM «C 0 rD SarTvas and TreaiFlias SeaetsioßS. T 23 FIMT DOSS WI&L »IVI IBLIB? IX TWEXTY MHUTM >e»v I '<l.l mknowladse tjkem Sa ■ A WONDERFUL SEDICiKE. ; HSHCEAK'S F!ELA.»«e aalii—k ed, willquiekljr r»a > ii»r» fe mm pl<it» health. Thay v-'VBiiAy Aftiow ekatraertleiik iw irrerelariCja es *e eia »■«! mza tZnatfc o(nadktth*. fori Weak Stomach impaired DifiwtiMl Disordered Liver IV MEM, WGMIN OR CHILBMJ Bssckam’a Pills axe Without a Rival LA«Ce#T*bALB •/a— Patent Medial— la MM WRaMk Me. at all Dra« Bterea. ——KM— Utew&rs of hnftaftys ■ | amwikaa UM, a»»»<w h^bu— n—in— — Starkh, Ths Tailo* Mr. S. M. Starke the popular tailor i« now epan for ordera and ready f° r butdnoes in hip new business home next door to Wooten’s drug store in the Clark building. Mr. Starke l>»s a splendid line of new esaaon g'iods and invitee you to call »«d see him and them. -"sm ; \ B ak.E&A LlAik &AL6AIX Mau* *l4 btoanrUs Ut «• <•:.•. r»t«« k Innwrtaßt •ver Fells to Oft* lair to i«a Yourtiftil Oarer. u;c» »e»lr y i , and >1 W at