The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 28, 1898, Image 2

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IT OS GRAND I The Christian Ciilrci JlfliJsi cale Last Eueninu. BETTER THAN PROMISED. A Very Large and Select Audi ence In Attendance. The muaicale last night was a success in every sense of the word. From first to last the program was bright, spirited, catchy, en tertaining and each number vied with the others in merrit ing the generous applause of a very large, most select and decidedly appreciative audience. Following is the program as advertised —and as put on: Geanb Concert. 1. Cornst Solo.—Mr. Charles Farris. 2. Trio, Vocal—Praise Ye, Vir di—Mrs. W. A. Pattou, Mr. Bei’j. Barker and Mr. W. A. Patton. 3 Solo, Vocal, Patti Waltz Song, Patterson—Mrs, C. D. Wood. 4. Piano Solo—Selection by Mr. Baldwin, of Atlanta. i 5. Selo Vocal —Springs Revels, Maltie—Mrs. W. A. Patton. fi. Reading—Miss Austin. FART 11. 7. Piano Solo—lmpromptu Chopin—Miss Rica Cohen. 8. Vocal Solo.—Mr. Benj. Bar ker. 9. Piano Solo—Miso Konski. 10. Vocal Solo— Mr. Horace King. 11. —Voeal Solo.— Mrs. T. J. Simmons. 12. Vocal, Quartette —Forsaken —Mrs. W. A. Patton, Mr. Benj. Barker, Miss May Patton, Mr. Harry Patton. The musicale was given by Rome’s matchless musical talent as a benefit for the first Chris tian church of Rome, and the very neat sum realized goes to the fund for purchasing a lot on which the church will, in the soon future, erect a handsome place of worship. BUCLLEN’S ARNICA SALVI The best salve in the world' for cuts, bruieee sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skia Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar lington Co. THE WATER WOULDN’T STOP RUNNING became the faucet was worn out and of course the people of Rome know that when there is anything in the line of plumb ing —repairing, raageor furnace work, gas or steam fitting, or sanitary plumbing of any kind —that we are experts in that line, and are prompt to answer you call, and our charges are moderate. [J, C. Childs, 223, Broad St. i(n ir> LOCai HAPPENINGS. The Flower Ball.—The chil dren’s flower ball at the Arm-, strong hot*! tonight will be a very pretty ave it. Some fi'ty children will tak»- p>rt. The little girls wiil leprts nt flowers. Oyster Suffer, —On next Tues day n ; ght, Nov. Ist. the Lai ie* Aid Society will give an oyster supper far the ber.i fit cf St. Peter’s Episcopal ehurch. Every one should go out and help these noble ladies in their grand work. Teey are Cr*kaj\ckß, The election of Judge Henry is largely due to the disinterested work of Col. Bill Ennis and Solicitor Ge.i* eral Mose Wright. B th took the position that the best man ought t) be elected. —Constitution. » ■“ Cheap Rates —The Western and Atlantic railroad will sell round trip tickets Rome to Atlanta al one fare Oct. 27th and morning train Oct. 28th, limited Ort. 30ih. Trains leave at 7:30 a. m. 4:25 p. m. Call on C, K. Ayer, P, A T. A. But They are Harmless.— Judge Henry, of Rome, has msds a good many enemies by permit' ting the friends who were working for hiai to inhabit the capitol and the Kimball lobby long after the fight for the office in which h« was interested was settled.—Con-* stitution, A Fine Boy. Mr. Tuns Turner, the j ib printer, wears a set of elev en-dollar-and-a-half dry grins. The new arrival is a fine boy and mother and child are doing well. The new comer arrived yesterday and will rema’n and grow up with the job printingbusiness of Rome Won A Pr motion. —The friends of Thoms H. Milner, of the Third Georgia, will be glad to know that hs has been promoted to the posi tion of first sergeant in his com pany. Tom is a bright young man, and will rapidly win his way to ward the front and he will get there in time. —Courant Amsri can. Football. Quite < number of Romans will go down to At lanta tomorrow morning and attend »he football game in the afternoon, when the State Uni versity eleven meets the Vander bilt team. The ’Varsity has many staunch friends and en thusiastic admirers in Rome. To Rep rt In Rome,—The mem bers of company H, Second Geor gia regiment, will report m Rome on Tuesday, Nov. 1, and will be mustered out Nov. 4. They will g® in camp a few days. Pri vates Will Keys and James Hil burn, of this city, will go in camp with the company —Cartersville News. Highly Complimented.—“Wai ton & Wagner, of Rome Ga, t >ok the contract for the power station and piping. These gentlemen wasted no time at their work and they finished several weeks aga From the commissioners to the ditchers, from the business men to the loafers, nothing but com mendation is heard for the firm Then part of the work has been duly tested and received -Green* wobd. (S, C ) Ind x. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becoaies a very simple art* For this purpose the MeCall Bi zaar Patterns are superior in every respect,’in fact they ar® referred to as “The Reliable Pattern,” not only is a perfect fit guaranteed (if the proper size is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice cut after these models. Sheets free at Lanham A Soi s. TTSJ 11 MF——— TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The tzenuine has L. Q on each tablet. SSa GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortable. But why shoutd not every chair in the house be the same? We have a line of chairs that are substantial, handsome and comfortable. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our line of dining chairs. We are offering these at prices lower than ever known in this city. Call and see them. Rhudy, Harvey drt ) l, 387, Broad St. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Lowry have moved into their new home on Morris street. —Dalton Ciiizen . SpKAK Saturday.—Hou. A. S. Clay and Congressman J. W. Maddex will address the voters' of this county at the courthouse Saturday Oct. 29. Be sure and attend.—Summerville News. Jack-Griste.—The marriage of Lieut. Howard P. Jack tn Miss Allem Griste occurred in Chatta nooga last evening at 7 :80 o'clock. Lieut. Jack .nd his attendants fr m Ccmpany H wore military uniforms, and the marrisge was a very pretty ore. The brother of he groom, Mr. M. M. Jack, wae best man. Those who attended from here were Lieut. Cubbedge, Nat Hoyt, Chas. Keene, Ed Lamp kin and Robert Gwaltney. After a brief wediiu ? trip the young ccuple will go to Nashville to live.* Lieut. Jack will shortly hi« traveling position with a large Nashville snuff house. High Grade Groceries. —It is a pleasure to know when you are ordering something to eat that you will get the very bast that money, long experience, untiring energy and careful judgment cati procufe. We buy goods only from the most reput able manufacturers and dealers in the union, aid if at any time goods fail to eome up just as represented, we simply “Ire themb&cK.” We may have gain ed a reputation abroad for “fir ing ’em back, but we do not intend to offer our customers goods that are not strictly first class in every particular. Lloyr A Harfe*. Blood Poison. Contagions Blood Poison kas beee am propriately called the curse of mankind. It ia the one dieease that phyefolaaa ■*>• ■ot cure; their mercurial and petoah remedies enly bottle ■■ the oeieM ia Um syUem, to e'sreiy break forth ia a more virulent form, resulting in ■ tetal wreck of the system. Mr. Prank B. Martin, a paosninewt jeweler at 936 rcnsylvania Ave., Waeh - iagton,D.C.,saye: t wa * • long ~ time trader trees y ment e< two of the beet pkyei r®- JS ciaus of this m*W, ry tor a severe eaaa . / •* blood Aft b ut ceedCMea grew woaee afl the while, aet- ‘ " ..y KSE&. withstanding the u * tb * t they 'ywl jflV - rbsrpsd me three /lyL#.' hundred doilare. wßf /jxr My mouth wee CM with Mting sores; my tengee wee almost eaten away, so that for three moetha I wos suable to taste any solid food. My heir was coming out rapidly*, end Iwmia a horrible fix. I had tried rerieas treatments, and was needy die* eoaregad, whan a friend recommended 8.8.b7 After ’ bad takes four battles, I beams to wet better, and when I had fcMatoad SBteCean bottlea, I was cured weM aad wall, my akia was witheWt a blemish, eat I have had no retww at the Arena**. Bdl.S.saved me from a life ■f laiaerr.** 8.3 8. (/aarenfcrrf tqgvMU) wdll care say ease of bleed peisea. Beaks on thediaeaae aaad its tonal- A. C Beeeiit Ctos, CTh PERSONAL MENNOIT. Mr. R. L. Foreman is here from Atlanta today. Capt. C. Rew ell is visiting relatives in Florence, Ala. Mr. Ab Dean, the popular y mng man is home from Allan* li. Master E;i>l Donaldson is quite ill at the Lome of bis pa rents. Mr. C. R. Merrett of Atlanta, was among the visitors in the city today. Dr. D. G. Hunt was up from Rome Saturday and Sunday.— Dalton Citizen. Mr. Berry Holder returned yesterday from a business trip to the Gate # City. Messrs. John M. Vandiver and Pkill G. Byrd came up from Atlanta this forenoon. Mrs. S, K. Dick and Master Jackson Diek, of Marietta, are at the Armstrong today. Mr. H. J. Ga't, of Rome, spent a day or so with his family this week.—Cartersville Courant. Miss Leila Hall has just re’urn ed home from a three weeks visit to Rome, —Cartersville Courant. Mr. A. R. Hudgins, of Rome, spent a day or two with his family the first of the week. —Cartersville Courant. The best way to avoid sickness is to keep yourself healthy by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Fancy new prunes, Libby’s mince meat 10c package, new kraut and dozens of other good things at Lloyd’s. Mr. M. L. Palmer, president of the State Farmers Alliance, and i one of Fiord’s leading citizens was in tl • city today. Don’t forget the social event of the season at the Armstrong next Friday night, October 28th. The children’s flower ball. Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing. If you want the best that money can buy for your table, trade at Lloyd b Harper’s. Quick delivery. Satisfaction sure. Impure blood is an enemy to health and may lead to serious 'disease. Hood’e Sarsaparilla conquers this enemy and averts | danger . , Stylish Overcoats. Covert cloths ar® recognized as the correct thing for tep coats. We hav® them. 17.50 buys a stylish overcoat. J . A Gimmsu A Cn. The many Ru«e friends es Miss Beulah McLetdon will be delighted to know tQu she is at i heme again after spelling gyy eral weeks in the Gate City. 1 Capt. John Cleghorn passed | ihrough the city today • iroute i from the “battlefield” of Athnta , to his hoase i i Summerville. He smiles as a conquering ero <Hy > can. For Kislnay, bladder, ana stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda faults of Curry-Arriagten Co., Jervis A Wright aid J. T. Creucli. The McCall Bazar Patterns are known ae the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market; no alteration; no com plaint® ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham A Sons. Fancy Celery, fine Cranber ries, Canadian Apples, Pigsfeet, new Kraut, new Olives, Sweet Pickles and other good things at Lloyd A Harper’s. They handle high grade groceries only. Dr. Watts, of Cave Spring, passed through the c’ty today KAISER AT JAFFA. A Multitude of Natives Met The German Imperial Party, Jaffa, Palestine, Oct. 28 —The Cerman imperial majesties ar rived here yesterday afternoon st 5 o’clock, escorted ’by a large cavalcade of Arabs aad Turkish cavalry.. They were accompanied also by thevali of Damascus and the gove nors of Jerusalem, with l» r go suites. A multitude of na tives came a considerable dis tance to meet them. The German squndron left Haifa simultane ously and steamed toward Jaffa. en rot te from the mealing of the Grand Lodge of Masons at Ma con, to his homa. Dr. J. T. Crouch, the popular druggist, has returned from a business trip to Atlanta. Mr, W. L.’ Selman returned today from the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge at Macou. Capt. R. G. Clark has return ed from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Magill, at St. Louis. Hou. C. 'V. Underwood has returned from the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Masons of Georgia. Mr. A. R. Hudgins, of Rome, •pent a day or two with his fam ily the first of the week.—Car tersville Courant. Mr. George Nixon, a promin ent young business man of Rome, was here last week.— Summei ville News. Miss Stella Green is convales cing nicely from a severe attack of fever, and her family and friends hope to see her out again soon. $12,20 to Atlanta and return via Western & Atlantic E. R., Saturday morning, Oct. 29ih, limited Oct. 31st. Train leaves at 7: 30 a. m. Miss Maynor Holmes, Miss Daisy Cheney and Miss Linnie Thomas, of Rome, are the guests of friends in the city.— Atlanta Journal. Judge E P. Treadaway came up from Atlanta this forenoon . Judge Treadaway spent yester day in the Gate City and many friends among the politicians. CHEAP RATES. The Western & Atlantic R. R. will sell round trip tickets to Atlanta Saturday morning, Oct. 29th, at half rates, good to re turn Oct 31st. Train leaves at 7:30 a m. U.K Ayer, P.&T. A. NOTICE. By mutual const nt the firm of Lumpkin A Printup, attor neys, was dissolved en May 21a Wot., 1898, J- B. F. Llmfxjm. Jh'O. C. PiUhITCP. II 1 IB .TAPE WORMS w *™ toabtsaa tost as W Bowens, Baire, Ukae 4? Ml **MTr TjU.k, maac w.-jm amoMßse .Jw ••■• COW«TirATIO«. ... M _ ***••»■ e— tM. re H-fe-Bic se ‘ SUPPLIES FOR CUBANS Schooner From Key est Wrecked. H.vena, Oct, 28 -The scLoon* r Cora Dm weutasbor. on Sunday mormog on the shoals clog. t ' Diana Key, and hag proved to be a total low. Her cargo coueigtg b f I 3,500 tone of coal. | The schooner Kate . which '.ft fjf the Cuban tones under Geu Joee Miguel Gomez at Sancti Bpi r ’ itue, struck ih the S aa Carlog reefe between Levies sad Arena baye, of Pinar del Rio, The members of the crew . caped death almost by a miracle After swimming ashore they took refugo in a swamp. remaining buried in mud up to their for eight hour. . They were event, ual’y rescued. The cargo was a total loss. WOODS LEAVES SANTIAGO Will Arrange F< r Thb Conduct or The Civil Business. Santiago de Cuba, Oct 27 Gen. W®od left h*re tedty <n board the dispatch boat Hot. b (; . companied by bis clerical stuff, f r the purpose of visiting Manzanillo and to intract Col. Pettit to ar range the conduct of the civil bus inets there. Gen . M»ya Rodrigues, the ins surgents comnrander, visited Gen. Wood at the palace this morning. He said he was immensely pleased with the manner in which things ar® conducted here and congratu lated Gen. AV cod on the w.rk he has accomplished, n um COL. BRYAN BETTER Mrs. Bryan and Friends in Lin coln Worried. Lincoln Neb., Ont. 28.—Mrs. Williim J. Bryan is preparing to go to Savannah ;f ths health of Col. Bryan does not improve. News of his continued illness is a sourc® of worry to friends in Lin» coin. Mr*. Bryan eaid last night that she would aot go for several days unless there was a change for worse. A telegram received by th® family late this evening said Col. Bryan was glightly better. TRAIN ROBBER SEN FENCED St. Joseph Mo., Oct 28. —In ths criminal court vesterdiy Herbert Donayon, Alonzo Arteburn, Chai- Cook James Hathaway and VI ilLam Hathaway were sentenced to the penitentiary for t®n years for iobbiug a Burlington passen ger train near St. Joseph ths evening of Aug 11. The robbers are mere beya and i f good fam ilies. .we CZAR FAVORS REVISION. L 'Btlon, Oc* 28. —According to the National Review, Emperor Nicholas of Russia has become ar. advocate of Drevfus revision. DR- KING’S > ROYAL GERMETUER Thia pleuaant and perfeat remedy, • delightful to take, so refreabinr aad exhilarating, stands in highest fav* with *ll who know it best, as the gre*» sat of all medical remedies for best aaxea. of all ages and in all condiUeto WBAT IT WILL DO FOR TOI I till glw jm APPETITE Hill) <!»• you toilful re.*7a«hln* ILMP. I will stimulate your OI6ESTION. Hvlll rootoro your RERVOUS EIEMt It will put your KIDNEYS in porta! orM It wUI purify your Blood. II *DI olungo jour woiknou Into STREHTi 8 will bring joi otil of ilAnooo Into NEAITI VW# FACKAOE, LABh'- AOtTI* '■* DOSES OXB DOiaAAB* •OLD BY ALL DBUCOIST* MAXUVACTVnsn OXLY >T fte Itlinti Chemical Co., Atluti w ans vox m-fags aoox. otajm® rt> *