The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 28, 1898, Image 8

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nr irn wr w ar rtf t m nwr bl afflL KjD& ■ -- ' •• I y f MRS. CDNDDN COMES TC ROME t aBSSsagM • ’ « ' . • • *■ ' -* * ** '* ,•* bbW We have much joy in announcing to eur friends, in and out wav from Broad street. E j of Rome, the coming of Mra- L. C< adon, of Atlanta. Mrs. CondOn is assisted in her magnificent Rime studio by f { M . foAl In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- | Mr R. G. Hubner, one of tin leading .young photographers o A®) I session. She is today'the highest exponent of advanced photogra- ! Baltmore. A visit to this new and modern Photo Studio wil | phy—Equalled by but few. if any. and excelled by none in all the i prove a most delightful evont and will m >re th in repiv y u ' wide laud. x t There is not a better appointed gallery in the South—Mor hus r t | 1 1 [ 2.22 ‘22 2_ 2 f I I W ISTOW /S 3TO BASS I We are now in eur new store. We lost a month before getting into it. We are determined to make it back. Our ? orices/win do tt^oodv’A Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlant failed--snenff so d their immense stock out in ■ Pots We were the onlv Rom? merchants at the sale. We beught at a trifle. We’ll turn the bargains over to our cus- I R tom'ers- We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and Bilks in the latest imporHd Novelties, and r. great as- I U sortment of Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few o. tle spec a bargains- Tow Ladies’ Fast Black Hose 3c - Two bale, yard wide Drilling, w rth Be, at Three cases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hese 5e Threecase. yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-® #IW | Two cases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jeney Ribbed Vest. 10c leß Sheet ng, yard wide • I W Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10 c Three cases yard wide Percales, Fall styles LVc ■ra Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c Two bale, good quality Matre.. Ticking at 4U < II > Two cases Men’s box Se Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5c . One case Men’. Seamless Sox 5e One full CM * ° f re,nnant Whlte LanUß - well ™rth 15c, at 8 1 Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15a Two cases of good Bonnet and Dres. Gihghams at 3 3-4 c // One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchief.; one case Men’s MM 2,000 Men .all pure Linen Collars, five for 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c 300 Men s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth One case Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts 25c $1.50, your choice for 39c H M Are you in need of a luit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh a pair of Pants, a Coat and Vest? Do you want a Hat? We’ll save you from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases. Goqd Jeans pants 35c; ' Msn’6 Styiish H Capped Coin Tne Shoes, 75C; Ladiea’ India, Button, Foxed Vamo, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes, at 500 Our prices on shoes M beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $ 1 .OO Shoes are the best in America. jpflr For Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnet., go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else if you care to eave money. We repeal that we lo.t a month M on aecount of builiing our .tore, and that we are going to make it up. We have • world of good, which we bought at half price, and we can afford to lei them go at half M prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve knocked the bottom out of price, to get >t. Our price, are as low a. 4-cent cotton. Come to .ee us at our new store. H BASS BROS &> CO. Bfl * ■ ■■ ■ II ■ ■■ — .lb —I II! I ———■ ■_ I —■■■■■■■■ . ~ | j| fl NEW CABINET. President FaUre Has Asked Dilpily u Form it. WHO WILL BE IN IT. Louis Napoleon Has Raised a Large Loan. Paris, Oet. 28, — President Faur», at 9 o’clock last evening, asked M. Dupuy tn form a cabinet, in auc cession to the Briaion ministry, which resigned on Tuesday. M. Dupuy has asked until to morrow to decide, But he will doubtless accept the task unless unforeseen difficultis arise. M . Dupuy wub born at Puy, on November 5, 1851, and has al ready been twice premier to France. After having been a pupil of the Superior Normal school, a teaeher of philosophy, honorary vice rec tor and an officer of pub ic in struction, M. Dupuy was elected a deputy fiom the Haute Loire in 1885, and was le-elected in 1889, 1893 and 1894 He was minister of public instruction in the Ribot cabinet in 1892, president of the council of ministers (premier) and minister of the interior in April, 1893, president of the chamber of deputies in December, 1883, and president of the commit and min ister of the interior in May, 1895, which offices he issigned on Jas ti ry 14, 1895. M. Dupuy was regarded as a strong rival ot M, Casimir-Perier in the canvass fer a to •be late M. Carnot. It is thought that the cabinet be composed as follows: . Dupuy premier and minister the interior. |M De Freyeiuet, minister of war, S M. Constaas. minister of justice, M, Dslcasse, minister of fore ign affairs. M. Ribot, min ster of , tnance. M. Bourgeois, minister of public instruction. President Faure received M Delcasie 'today and Lad a long conference with the m nister on foreign affair. M. Deleasse had a long talk this afternoon with Caps, Baratier, the French officers sent to Pans by Major Marshand, with the latter’s report ot bis explora tions and arrival at Fashoda. Louis Napolio* Raises a Lassi Loaf, London, Oct 28. —The t Rome correspondent of The Times says: “I learn that Prince Louis Na poleon whs was supposed to have joined his regiment in Russia, is really at Geneva, where he has raised on speeial security a loan of such dimension as excludes the hypothesis of its being required fer private purposes. Prince Louis has long been a candidate es the Benapartists fer the French thorne in preference to his brother. Prince Victor.” REACHES ENGLAND Hero of The Egyptian Cam paign Given Warm Wslcoms Dover, Rugland, Oct. 27.—Gen eral Lord Kitchiner, of Khartoum, arrived at Dover from Paris, and wm frantically cheered by the en thusiastic crowds of people assem bled to welcome him home. He< was me* at the landing place by Major General Sir William Fran* cis Butler, the military command er of this district, and by the mayor, corporation and local functionaries, Later General Kit< hinsr was presented with an address of ooh gratnlation. Gunther’s fine candies .just received at Lloyd’s. Nothing prettier ever brought to Rome. SPAIN’S GRBATEBTNBBD. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, I. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe paint in the baek ot his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest; blood and nerve remedy, all pein sooa left him. He taye this graad medicine is what hie ecuatry •code. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, puriles the blood, tones sp the stomach, strengthens ths serfs#, pubs vim, vigor and new life into every rnuecle, nerve and organ of the boly. If week, tired or ailing yen need it. Be ery bottle guaranlead, only SO cents. Bold byf Carry Arriag as, druggists. TO LEAVE manila. General Otis has Power to Vend Home 800 Sick Prisoners. Washington, Oct. 28.—Th* fol* lowing cable massage has been re ceived at the War Department: ‘‘Spanish transport ship ex pected to arrive tomorrow from Barcelona which is to transport to Spain 800 of the 1,100 sick Spanish prisoners of war now here. This worfld relieve situation. Shall per mission be given? “Otis,” Tt is message was answered in the affirmative. HOW IT HUR r j I ! Rheumatism with all its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the cause? Acid in the blood has accumulated in your joints. The sure is found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write that they have been coaa-r pletely cured of rheumatism by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills euro nausea, siok headache, biliousaose, indiges tion. Price 25c. w>au THE WEST. TG ARKANSAS. TEXAS. Schedule la Effect Oct. 4>u, IMTMOVn. No. 2 No. 4 No 70 j N 0.72 Lr A tian la , Item 8 80pm 4 sCpm 6 30ptn Ar Marietta.. 9 06am 9 Wpm 6 4i>rn 6 26pu “ Rome .11 26am 746 pm " Dalton. 11 41am 11 41pm 810 pm “ Chat'nooga 1 Wpxa 100 am 9 85pm ** NaahvUle . 4 55pm fl 40sm •• Memphis ~ T 30am 4 30pm tv jTashvfile 720 pm 780 am ~ ........ Ar St T.oai. . 720 am 7 K2tim ._. Lv Aunvuie I 2Upmi 7 fluaui Art Chicago. . 9 03am 8 30pm Lv iJaahville . 7 Ar Louisville . 2 80am[12 25pm **' Cincinnati. " Q6ami 406 pm . .. Train No. 2 carries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville, Fla.. Atlanta and Nashville, ouu-. nesting with vestibule train for Chicago. Train No. 4 carries, Pullman Sleeper Augusta and Atlanta to Nashville and St. Louis through without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta t« Chattanooga, paseengere remain in car until V o'clock a. m. S-ullman Sleeper Atlanta U Knoxville via A. K. 4 N. Ry. Train No. 70 connects at Boyce with Q. 4 C. for Cincinnati. This train carries through eoach Atlanta to Rome. To the South and Eifst. KIUHBOCND. . Mo. I | No. 3 j N 0.91 No.W Lv jTaeh villa . 9 10am lO lOpm ; “ Chat’nooga 2 55pm 8 20ain 6 66am “ Dalton 411 pm 4 28am 711 am “ Rome 4 25pm 7 46iun “ Marietta . 048 pm fl 45am • 46am 706 am Ar Atlanta 780 pm 7 SUanvlO 85arnj 9 00am Lv Atlanta . I 3 60pm T 50am 4 05pm Ar Mgooa.. 'll 18pm II 10am 720 pm ..... .. " Tifton. 2 60am 8 (4pm *‘ Jayk’nvtlle 8 45am 10 86pm Lr Atlanta ...| VlOpm SOam 408 pm Ar Macon ill 13pm 11 Item 720 pm “ Albany 8 87pm 11 OSpm M Thm’aville |. 0 80pm “ Savannah .fl 00am fl 00pm ... tv Atlanta .. llkipmi f fluam 5" 10pm Ar Augusta... 6 15am 1 20pm| 8 26pm Ar Charles’on 1100 am 800pm| " Columbia ,10 85am114 10pm]..., Lv Atlanta 760 pm 14 Ski. "l>®m / Ar Athens 10 21pm 2 10pm 2 141 pm •' Richmond. fl 15pm 715 am 716 am • Washjfto'*|lo 30pm 11 Slam'll Slam “ New York.| 8 68am 6 23pml 6 28pm Train No. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nash ville. Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson ville. Fla. Train No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeper St Louia to Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper Chattanooga to Atlanta open for passengers Chattanooga 9 o'clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper Knoxville to Atlanta via A. K. AN. Ry. For further information write to H F SMITH. C. E. HARMAN, traffic Uaaager. Glen. Paas. Agt. B*.- ny rvraetia are «e<atcA -a Arm ra wre-k or beueetooid vnria rtniwuL li yq Ritters KabuWtaßt y*«a,'al4- ».yr'iw. nmor •. exeew of SMS. , SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 4ba Ironed SeheAgto la Effeet July 4, 189 s. BTATIOXS. ' j Ro~io j No. TTj~ Sfo. i ,t.V Chattanooga fl.3oain' 7.3 pm 10.10 pm Ar Dalton 7.6lanii 8.42 pm 12. loam Ar Rome, ~.. 9.ouam| 9.4opini I.44atn Ar Atlanta 11.40am 1 1‘.Sopml SOtatn Lv A'.la: la 4.20 pm 17> pm 5.20 am Ar Macon 7.lop>u 2 «»m; B.u>mn Ar Jo-up .45am 2.3Bi>m lAr Everett 7.25 am 3.85 pm Ar Jacksonville 9.4Uemi 9.25 pm Lv Jesup 10.01 am flhipin Ar Jacksonville I <*>pm lit |£»pin Lv Everett 7.3'am| "3.35pm Ar Brunswick . B.3oum| 4.3oi>m !• No. 10 carries IhiSmun Sleeping Car Chut tan oga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries PulN» an Sleeping Car and Day Coaches Chu la ooga 'o Jacks ,nctllc anil /it lanta to Brunswick No. 8 carries i'ullmae Sleeping Car Chatta inoogu to Atlanta. _ S TATIONS. FNo. 13 |~ Ro. t rN67V~ LT Allan la 4.80 am A Oopin 7.50 am Ar Rome 8.30a in i 'l.2f>t>m|lo.2oam Ar Dalton 7 22;.m 7 3ipmi 1 l.lliini Ar < huttanoopa 8.40 .in H-Mpir.] I.oopm Lv C iattaunoga........ 8 —.nm w. lOpin Ar Burgin 4 2Wpm‘- Ar Lexington 6. Wpmi 4 Mhun Ar Louisville 7 .30pmI 7.50 am Ar Cincinnati ?.30ptn!T. 3oam ' Lv Chattanooga I 1.25 pm 1.16 am i 25pra Ar Nuahvillr . 8.115 pm fl.4oan>: 9.56 pm No 18 carrier Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta io Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Ixoitsville. STATIONS No. fl. , No. 12 I No. I<7 Lv L'hiittunooga 8 Warn 4 lOam isl X)pm Ar Morristown I.Vfpni 9.sO:in> g.2.*am Ar Hot Springe 3 |3pmlll.4flani 4.ooura Ar Asheville . I.Jjpia 1.15pml Mourn Ar Salisbury .... a 40pru 9.80:un Ar Greensboro w.S’pm 12.10 pin Ar Raleigh I.4oum' 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk .... .... 7 Sou tn Ar W» hi tigton I 6 IJ.itn Ar New York. | I:.' 13pm 6.23 am No. 12 carries Pullman Drawii.g Ro mFSleep log Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond fl 40 a.m also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk. No isl is solid train Chattano >.,-a to Salis bury. with. Pullman Sleeping Cur Chattanooga io Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. stations. No. 4 No. 6* Lvvhattanoogu fl.'topm 8.40 am Ar Knoxville 8.4 pm,11.55am Ar Morristown. 2 15am 1.23 pm Ar Bristol .... , T.uoumi 3,55 pm Ar Washington I 7.40 um Ar New York ~. 1 1.20 pm No. fl. carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Chatta nooga to Washing! >n and Chaltanooga to New Ycric without change. r 4-». 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Qgr Knox rtlls to Brl tol. - • ST ATP >N S ~ ' hfo!s~ 7.v Rome .... 9 10am lA Anniston ...-. <’..t II 21am Ar Birmingham » LA 10.00 pm Ar Selma.. 3.65 pm Ar Meridian 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans .... y.. 10.30 am Ar Jackson "3745 am Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport 7 tNo? 15T|N0.~9 tNo7IT fNo'|7‘ "5.06 pm 4.60 pm Lv Hot M... ar S wam 8 36»m 1.40 pm 9.57 pm Ar Gadsden, er 400 am A.Boem B.oopm 7.10 pm Ar Attalla. >v B.4ftam| ♦ Daily except Sunday. j Sunday only. F. S. GANNON. Mv.e 4k OM,Wa»b!n<to*. D.G J. M CULP, Tret Mgr., Waehlaetoa. D Q W. A TURK. G. P. X. Waahtagun, D. a a x BEWsoarsji « xiunsaMfxTtu » * •fc- - -V —-»-■,«» ■ - .. ,|, 1,1 Fancy new seeded Raisins Currante and Citron at Lloyd A Harper’s. Priteejto ee Annual Salas avar 5,504,45« Beaee poi iruoui aid laavoui moimi C«h as Wiad aad >*Jk St ttos ddiaaaa. fuluaap after laiJ- Mhe. DMMaflto. Prewalaem. 1' Heat. Issa *f Appetfax QeeSvkmes 3 i.waliM ea We Skfa. Oni| uhlllxnl* rted Sleep. Tritfktfkl Drampa afl an 4-voxa tn 4l TaemSliat ■••eeiloiA rsi yiiiT dosi wi£t am iitiif It TWK ITT YITUTB JhwNtoa will KalneVladas toaaa to ■ A WORDEftFiIL BEDICIKE ad. wtll<ataklr rvavare FemXea to pleka health. Thar SSeaiaiy Mbo*v fltefrurileaa w trhejelkriito ot ffa taa tom ■>< were dxaa KeeUtosato Bava Waak Stom&ch Impaired Dit'cvtleß Disordered Liver IS WIN, WOMBS es CRILSSM Beeohem'e PHleere Without a Rival dad Im Ska LARGEST SALK Cftoar Patent Bedlatas in tSto WWSA Ma. at SU Drw Btorex lewkre es ißgeßpe asOi asMtto MBS fetARXJi, Thb Tailor— Mr. M. Starke the popular tailor '■* now open for orders and ready f« r bußinetain hie new bueiaees hoo>* next door to Wooten’e drug etore in the Clark building. Mr. Stark# Laa a splendid line of new ««»’< « goods and invitee you to call aid see him and them . fIB9RSO& Miut&i ' MW maim »al»ah H&Safeuattt M«tr to im 2? andfnv u