The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 30, 1898, Image 1

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|MNTH year linoke a “Bill Arp’ waiters New Brand ■ made -WIWR ■S ♦ L oore Men-if-war Follow I Ths Buffalo. • . I WANT LIiHT BORTS. ■ o bsrnMust Explain- Prlnce | ton San Juan. I New York, Oct. 29.—Two ■uore men-of-war will probably ■ollow the auxiluij cruiser But ■alow the AsiUic squadron. KrJers have already been given K o the gunboat Helena to pre- K tt , e for her long trip through Khp Suez canal to the far east, Knd as soon as she is ready she ■'will start. I Rear admiral Dewey has im ■pressed upon the department ■ the necessity of having a large I number of light draught gun fl boats among the Philippine is I lauds Tnt Yorktown, it is un fl derstood, will soon be placed in I commission on the Pacific coast and will start for Manila. In addition to these gunboats it will be necessary for the de partment within the next few months to send an auxiliary cruise, carrying another draft of men to take the places of those on the Asiatic station whose terms of enlistment expired. Before permitting Naval Con structor R. P. Hob on to con tinue the work of raising the ciuiser Cristobal Colon, his plans must receive the approval of the naval board of construc tion. Orders have been given to him to appear in Washington on Monday next at a meeting of tie board. Mr. Hobson will detail his plan for floating the Colon . Believing it desirable to add the chief intelligence officer to the membership of the board of construction, orders have been jiven to Commanber Richard son Clever appointing him a member of the organization. Capt. A. 8. Crowinshield, act ing secretary of the navy, has given inductions to Commander West, commanding the gunboat Princetion, directing him to pro ceed with his vessel to San Juan, Porto Rico, and take sta tion there until relieved. The cruiser Newark will re raim at San Juan until the ar rival of the Solace with Com mander A. S. Snow, and when Commander Snow assumes duty as commandant of the station Rear Admiral Schley will board the Newark and tail for home. JUDGE USES CHCICE WORDS From the Bench He Denounces Attorneys in Plain "Language. Cleveland, 0,, Oct. 29 —A sto ry been circulated during the last few days that Judge F. A. bellenbaugh, of the common pleas ®ourt. had received half an attor- ' noy’ 8 fees in a big divorce case tried before him. At the opening of court today the judge arose and said • I wish to beg the pardon of at torneys and litigants for being a httle tardy this morning. I have ieen delayed by reason of certiin stories— lies which have teen ' ueuluted against me. Attorney Vernon Burke is the instigator of these stories and Judge Lamsou. of this court, has been th® conduit THE ROME HUSTLER-COMiMEKGiAi, - I A, ROME PESCE JUBILEE. r,. —, . I —... ■ hi The “Quaker City’’ Ends .. With GRAND CIVIC PARADE. “America” Sang By 3,000 School children. Philadelphia, Oct. 29—Phila delphians and their visitors again poured into the stnets today to seek positions to witness the third and lait of tbs peace jubilee pro cessions. Today’s procession was purely of a eivic character and was a most fitting wind up of the week’s jubilee, the emblems of peaceful industry of the nation’s prowess in war. The exercises of the day opened with the rewledination of old In dependence Hall, the historic bui'dmg from which the declara tion of independence was read to the people of the new republic on July 4, 1776. '1 he buildings which hod from time to tims since that date been added to for use as offices of the municipal authoiities have all been recently r»moved and the fa mous hall is now in its original form as it was one hundred .and twentyitwo years ago, when occu pied by the United States congress and the national government r ffi cia's. The re-dedication exercises were presided over by Governor Hastings and were opaned by pray er by Rev. Dr. Bronson. The anthem “My Country, ’Tis of Thee” was sung by 3,000 pupils of the public schools, accompanied with music by the First regiment band. The memorial poem com posed by Mrs. Florence Earle Coatee, dedicated to the peace ju bilee, was rnad by Daniel W. Hutchins, principal of one of the public schools. The anthem “Ob-, iumbia” was sung by the scholars and then followed tue oration by Mayor Charles arwick. Upon the conclusion of the cer emonies the great audience hurried to positions from which to. see the monster civic procession. A stand covering the sidewalk the entire length of the front of the histori cal hall had been erected fcr occu pancy during the parade by the three school children who had participcted in the dedi cation exermsee. The mammoth trades display, or what was popularly known as the civic parade, started from Broad and Cumberland street promptly at 11 o’clock headed by Major General George R. Snowden and staff of 80 mounted aides. M’MIILIN AT GALLATIN. Gallatin, Tenn., Get. 29.—Hou. Benton McMillin spoke at Tomp kins’Opera house today tons many as could get inside the s'rnct ure - He was met at t • depot by a procession of horsemen and es corted to his where he held an informal reception until the dinner hour. Mr, McMillin spoke for an hour and a half and received frequent app'ause. He goes to Dresden tomorrow and thence to Covington on Monday. through which they were given publicity. I will only say now that a bar meeting will determine which of these men', Burke or Lamson, is the most malicious liar® Burke is a state senator and a well known attorney. He was the leader in the opposition to the election of M. A. Hanns for United States senator in the legislature last winter. Judge Lamson is o.e of ths common pleas judges. Judge Dellenbaugh is a very in timate friend of Senator Hanna. • r\ GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, CCTOBR 29. 1898. COL. M. J. BRYAN Is Rapifily Improving. Hopes lo bo Oil! Soon. I FREE FROM FEVER. ■ Is Exceedingly Anxious to Get' Back to Camp. Savannah, Oct. 29.—C01. W. J, Bryan is rapidly improving. His physician says he has no fever and is not as ill as some newspaper correspondents have tried to make him out, and that he will be cut of his room on Monday, if not earlier. Col. Bryan’s fever has entire ly left him. He is cheerful and his only concern is about his men. He wants to be out with them at the camp. . The commander of Third Ne braska has been a much sicker man on former occasions than now. TO RAISE THE MAINH Wrecking Company Request! Au thority To Make Attempt. Washington, Out. 29. —The Ac me Wrecking company, of San Francisco, has made a request up on the navy department for au tbodty to raise the battleship Marne' The company has had ex pprience in raising vessels on the Pacific eoast and representations have been made to the depanme t as to its ability to accomplish lUe task in Havana barber. It propos es to blow the mud from under the wreck by meaua of waler and then to | ass under chains and at tach them to a fiame work con nected with a system of steel barrels. These barrels will also be placed in the wreck and utilized whenever they can be made avail able, The company simply ask authority to raise the Maine and and bring her to thia country, If the government wants the ship ajt®! ebe reaches the f oiled Stales the company will want to be paid salvage money through condemna tion proceedings. It is probable in ease the government did not want the ship company would exhibit her in different large seacoast cit ies of the United States, No money is demanded from the government by the company. It is stated at the department unofficially that in case the company i® found re liable the authority asked will no doubt be given, DISGRACEFUL Out cf 700 Inmates of A Havana Hcspital 682 Died. Havana, Oct 29.—Th< ■ Mazorra an asylum for the insane, which is a municipal hospital, appears to' hava been disgracefully managed . The records of the last fifteen months show there were 682 deaths out of 700 inmates. T1 e directors will at once hold a meeting for the purpose of investigating the con dition of the institution. A. W. BILLI NGS DEAD Well Known Man Died In Lon don, England. Yesterday. London, Oct 29. — Major A, W. Billings, of Brooklyn, died in Lon don yesterday Major Billings went west as a boy and at the out break of the war enlisted as a pri vate in the army knm fewa, rising to the rank of major Mid acting provost marshal of the western di vision. I ''V .* ' THE§gs£— TIE IEST PUCE IS ME rtlom TRADING ' .j nnu, Ten Quarter Blankets, each 17c ' B 11 Ladies’ Capes,trimmed with braid,l9c HI M||i ; Shoes as.low as, per pair 15c All-Wool Flannel, per yard, 9c Bleaching as low as Everything ]\jew and gtylish. No Old Carried-Over Goods! * The Best Millinery Department! * THE BEST DRESS GOODS DEPARETMNT find The Prices arc under fine in Rome. __ We have the biggest stores in Rome===one at 245 Broadstreet,Bass’ old stand, filled wiUi the.very newest gqods, not an old piece of merchandise" inUhe house; then we have our Fourth ward stores, and you can get these goods at either store. Cur line pf • FINE DRESS GDDDS Is the newest and most complete in the city. We have from the cheapest to the best, and the price is righton every piece. Don’t buy your Winter Dry Goods, Mli nery, Shoes, or anytning in our line till you see our goods and get our prices. i► ♦ K Beautiful all wool Dress Goods, double 6 Papers Pins for ,*se width 9c Coats’ 100-yard Spool Cotton 2e Pretty double width Plaids 9c Cheap Spool Thread • lc Fine black Dress goods,worth 50c,only 29c MZ Best Table Odclotn * 10e Pretty double width Casbimere all Sv Window Shades 10c wool filled, only 9c SV SV Ladies Seamless Hose 5e 75c Corsets for only 49c Ladies’ Heavy winter 12c 50c Corsets for only 29c Ladies’ and Children’s Haudkeichiefs le Sheeting, yard wide 3|c Hooks rod Eyes, pen card le Best full standard calico 3i 45 Safety Pins, per card' 2j Beautiful plush capes, trimmed with to Linen Towels, each . 5c braid and jet, Thibet collars worth Pretty Knotted Fringe Towels 13c $2 25, for only $1.50 Good Jeans . .» 10e We have capes and j ck.ts from 19c up to Ladies’ Fine Trimmed Hats and Sail- as high as you care to go, all new. ors lor less money than any other store in 40 Crimped Hairpins for lc the city. Come to our store your Mil- 13 Balls Sewing Thread for 5c linery. uU i ® - Clothing, Shoes. Hats! Big StoCk, All New and Prices Right. Come to See us Before You Buy t LANHAM’S STORES OLD STORE, STORE, 1 Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt 10 CENTS PER WEEK » ■'