The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 30, 1898, Image 5

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ROME ON WEDNESDAY NOV. 2nd. ■ ipa’S NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT. ■' VvU ' BEARING THE SEAL OF EUROPEAN SUCCESS. I pAWNEE BILL’S I HISTORIC WILD WEST 9 xfir’sEi’M. Indian Village, Hippodrome, International ■ian M l ■ Exposition of Novelties, I — ’ , C LX ■ /<• J * * * • ■ .... w h '.X-Hr** ■ K& 4 V : F B&Ky .■.■ fcYviA), ■ter/. -At? - 11 W I THE MARVEL OF THE AGE AND THE ■ Greatest Wild West in the World. fortheir historical lalue a<l chaiacter from the Wild west of ■ | ai.d the World at laige, as Nature s Own Truthful Exhibition. Paw- K nee Bill s Wild Wect has fulfilled every purpose and is acknowledged to be | | IU/1( NAL ANDINS I RUCTIVE 811. tirotf 0. hhoma, and Great W bite Chief of the Pawnees. Major Gordon A’. Lillie (< awnee I n d neither trouble nor exper se in his efforts to collect from every clime I tartling and sterling novelties I (,ai (liief of renown A whole Indian Village. Travoys. and < housands of eurio itics ar reWiiitd. Spotted Tail, AJrai ’.-cf-Lis-lloises, Left Hand, and Dozens < f Indian Wariiors ficni ibe ceietrated Sioux, < oE.ancLo, Cheyenne, Aapaboes. and o'her tribes. 6BANDS Ol ; MUSIC 3 /MEXICANS, INDIANS / ND COWBOYS. f" Army of Cowboys and Frontier Heroes, in their sports, horse manship, repulsing of the Bloodthirsty Redskins at Trapper Tom’s Cabin and Fort Sell Stage Coach. A GRAND THRILLING ] MEXICAN BULL FIGHT rl). rested of all the cruel phases, yet retaining the exciting action of the fierce will be given at each performance Pawnee Bill’s Will West. Wounded Knee i igiit And Mountain Meadow Massacre. Itß.ifvg Rrc< a Charkt Race-'. Hurd e and Wild Texas Steer Races. ; n In’lan Runner aeains a Hor.e. ’■enor Francisco :nd his V?q> e os. Miss May Lillie, th only lady who can -hoot nu-rringly with a r fie on HcraebacK. A 1 evy of leautifu. Wild *es ern Girls Miss Hn • en the Queen of the t la ns. Spotted Mustai gs, Bu< king Broncl os, a dt< ve of VHld’lixas Ar illerv R ees in tl e cleaiine. ai d the otrtv kero ol liv ng Buffalo. With r any World - k i< e Ceieblities. Mustang v alter. Corey, the c ack pistol -hot, P, ny i ob and some of the roost t oted Rangeuim, famour for their skill with the Lariet. fITON THE ROUND-UP AND BRANDING CATTLE J THE GRAND STREET PARADE Which will start at 10 A. M. daily, immediately after the Cannon is heard to boom. This is the signal to start, look out for it! Two performances daily at 2 and 8 P, M. ONE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. LADIES AND CHILDREN OUR SPECIAL CAKE. Nothing will be omitted at one and done at another ptrforiuace. Excursion Rates on all Railroads and Steamboats. 8150’5 I have been taking Piso’s Cure for Consumption since 1883, for Coughs and Colds. 1 had an attack of LaGnppe in 1890, and have had others since. In the Winter ot 189 G-7, I had a spell of Bronchitis, lasting all winter, and leaving a troublesome cough, until I again tried 1 iso s Cure, which relieved me. —Mrs. M. B. Smalley, Colorado Springs, Colo., August 19, 1898. WHEHE AiCeISE FAILS. £9 Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, use Company, WKrren, Pa. _ Z V ND COMFORT for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth Itlff like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock stylish carriages is unrivalled 11 h l our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies, traps, carts, wag onettes, canopy top, or open sur r°J 8 , are lipht, easy, comforta ble and beautiful in construe-. ll °n, trimmings and finish We 8180 repair and overhaul vehicles; also carry a big line of ne harness and lap robes, Rome Buggy Co, 5509-511 Broad set,Rome Ga.’Satterfield & Williams, Agents. Jtj <2)l ® Il mwjffS PLANS j Kaiser Wants Cualing Station And Is AFTER SANTO DOMINGO Hoping There by to Control the Nicaragua Canal. Chicago, Oct. 2y.—A sppcial to the Journal from Washington says: The Stete Department has discovered a clever scheme on the part of the German Government •o acquire coaling station or naval bases in both the Atlantic and Pacific, at pointe where they will come in direct conflict with the interest of this country when the Nicaragua Canal is built, In this same connection the de partment hae also unearthed what appears to he a breach of faith on the part of England towards the United States iu Samoa. Even since the death of King MaLetoa. Gt i many has been run ning things in Samoa apparently independent of the t ip e protec torate exeraised over It by the United States. Great Britain and Germany. Careful ir. ves'igation has con vinced the State Department that Germany and England have made a secret compact, whereby the latter has ceded t > the former its rights iu under the pro tectorate. and has eocsenied, for a consideration to allow "Germany to utilize the island as a coaling and naval st-tion While this pact between England Germany is not an actual violation of the protectorate, it is yet prac tically a breach ot faith on the part of England. If it has England’s claim in Sa moa, it is established at the Pac ific end. For the eastern end it is working out a plan which may i giv * the State Dedartuaeut much trouble to circumvent, It is slid that Germany is try ing to secure a naval baseat Sa. to Domingo should she succeed here the United States, which expect jto build the canal, would find it self at a disadvantage at the outeer. The Republic ot Santo Domingo is heavily in debt. Most of its bonds are held in Germany and the Kais er expects to acquiie a naval sta tion by threatening foreclosure on his bonds. The president of Santo Domingo and Smith Weed ot New York, re presenting the syndicate which controls the customs revenues and stands responsible for the annual •xpenses of the Republic are hold ing conferences. Should it be disclosed that there 'is no other way to prevent Ger | many securing the coveted naval base, it is highly probable that the annexation of Santo Domingo to the United States will be urg ed, It is asserted that annexation would be a small pnee for the United Statss to pay to prevent Germany acquiring a naval base tbe very mouth of the canal. Nassau, N. P , Oct. 29.—The United States ciuiser Montgomery' sailed for Charleston today, hav ing on board the eommiesion, headed by Smith M. Weed and President Heureanx of San Do mingo It is understood that al) the negotiations have been con cluded on a satisfactory basis. The comtnuiiou headed by M. Weed is not a government body. ; ■ l .j T I Announce.— To the public that 1 have secured the services of William McClellan, an exper fancy candy maker, who has bee for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen i» Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a triaL We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug score itiimiiHt! iHffiiir The Quaker Valley Ffg, Cc , have requested us to announce that they have several thousand sets of the finest coin silver War Memorial Spoons left over from their recei.t distribution. The; will mail postpaid, a full set of j six of these spoons to any sub scriber to The Rome Courier, who will send name and ad address—a postal card wil do. If, on receipt of the spoons you find them the most exquisitly beautiful specimens of the sil versmith’s art you ever saw,and worth $3.00, remit 78 cents, as payment in full, within 30 days; if not pleased, return spoons immediately. Each spoon is of a different desing—after-dinner coffee size—showing soldiers in camp in Cuba. Morro Castle and four U. 8. Battleships. They art imperishable mementods of the ate war, and every subscriber should accept this most remark able offer, and obtain a set be fore it is too late. All that’s necessary is to say you’re a subscriber to The Rome Cour ier (this is important) an I that you accept Memorial Spoon Of eer. Address Quaker Valley Mfg. Co., 357 W. Harrison St , Chicago. i\ir w (Ft | j*- \ \ v I / wB wk THE ADMIRATION OF ALL lovers of handsome and perfect fitting clothing is our superb stock of top coats and overcoats. Our gentlemen’s silk lined top coats in vicuna, English covert and whipcords, stylish and per fect fitting, we are selling at the lowest possible prices, and our handsome suits at the same rate. W. II: Coker,. No 11, Broad St. P. S . Drummer’s samples of mackintoshes and ladies and gent gossamers at 75c on the sl. Get first choice. 2-°CENT STAMP! Will send a letter to any point in Uncle Sam’s big domain.| For this very reason, if you are sick, sore or suffering, this very trifling outlay ,i 1 . •.-.y-Hffil May Save Your lif A I Here’s just how LI 18 i >1 is. You can write a plain letter, ca® t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it to the “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who .form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing it every day. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some of them hundred! of miles away, and their cures are sin.ply won derful CURES POSITIVE AND F » F F I CONSULTATION i ftlll In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, Hare Lip, Cross Eves and other surgical cases, also in all forms of Skin and Blood disorders,Rheutna tism. Sciatica. Catarrh of the Nose, Throat, Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ. Liver. Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nesses of either men or women diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send you question blank for full particulars. If yo«> case is curable by human skill and perfect science WE SHALL CURB IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. All .etters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical &. Surgical INSTITUTE, -90-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Ga . _ ... 1 hAlfc toALSAM I IWVrerL / <•- -.«« pad beautifies the h«a.| -net a luxuriant gnwit. 1 ver Faile to Beatnre Gtajl Jlfir to Iti youthful Color. I ---■ S ec.Jp 4i»“ % haif ladLujf I KA* - • —52. —.l. -. l)ru^ 41 I }*he only f ire Cure tor Con.a. Stop? all pain. Eneurw ;ot» the tek .alkinx wue LSctr. at Druung* SPINAL JrNIW Nerve VLteJei* BEST OF ALL DOCTORS! Good Health of Countless Americans Dueto Paine’s Celery Compound. - * W-’ A-. ' 1 r w / ■. f ’® ' K ill ■ M Countless h mes in every city in America have been saved from the sad loss of some des pairing member by Paine’s cel ery compound. The story of the life-work of the discoverer of this world-fam ed remedy is familiar to most readers. The likeness of Dart mouth’s greatest professor, Prof Hdward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., given above, is the best por trait of him yet printed. “Excepting its handful of magnificent statesmen and its military heroes,” says the most recent writer upon and critic of America, “tbe people owe more to Dartmouth’s physician teach er than to any one man. “In every walk of life, among the highest office bokbrs at the/ national capital, in the. homes; of the best people in the large j cities, among the •very-day folks of the country, families in comfortable circumstances, fam ilies that ‘live from hand to mouth,’ and con’d not, if they wished, afford the services of any but an ordinary physician— everywhere I have met people to whom Paine’s celery coinpoun 1 lias been a blessing.” It was the world-famed dis covery by Prof. Phelps of an in fallible cure for those fearful ills tlia; result from an impaired nervous system and impure blood which has endeared the great doctor to the world, end made his life an era in the prac tice of medicine. Prof. Phelps was born in Con necticut and graduated in medi l . , I cine at Yaie. His unusual talent soc n NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin & Pi intup, attor neys, was dissolved on May 21s last, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. Jno. C. Printi p. brought him reputation and prominence among his profes sional brethren. First he un elected to the professorship »f anatomy and burgery in the Ver mont University. Next he was appointed lecturer on materia inedica and medical botany in Dartmouth College. The next year he was chosen professor of tho chair then vacated by Prof. Robby, and occupied the ehair, the most important one in the country, at the time when be firstformulated his most remark able prescription. Prof. Phelps has given to his profession in Paine’s celery compelled a positive cure for sleeplessness, wasting strength, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheuma tism, all nervous diseases end kidney troubles. It is the only specific recognized and prescribe ed today by the best physicians for diseases arising from a de bilitated nervous system. For such complaints Paine’s celery compound succeeds again and again where everything else fails. N > remedy was ever so highly recommended, because none ev il Accomplishes so much. Paine’s celery compound stands without competition for feeding exhausted nerves and building up the strength of the body. It cures radically and permanently, healthy increase in appetite and a corresponding gain in weight and good spirits Mio w the use of Paine’s celery compound, It is the most re markable medical achievement | of this last half of the nineteenth |century. i '.vita rev vUriftir MUltMf B MU)i«rkb.ow to Avi ’. If Sit Bd .« .-<• fc ' Um.COIX. VIS voia »H4> • *•, purifies blood, • J ' flßxrtS* .osl in# & rr ~t9r bvxw I w e pooieu TCTBAC frwm ..-j A y S ft •'-'lulbrii. ifwuh fV'CS kA n’t Oj>« k ’Jr-- **»»>, ••u»4ly e«r»»; I bon». fc>», C««ar«. ot we rg„t aioKr.»‘ •* —X « •». OEM** WeMrMl. few feX Rlpana Tabules: tor bout