The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 30, 1898, Image 6

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1 ((s)..£ ahdd^a C4 T3 Th* Kngl’sh Parliament baa re vised the criminal Bode of tho United Kingdom ao as to permit tLe aecuaed to (ratify under oath on hie own behalf, both at the pre liminary hearing and at the actual trial. Aa ia thia county, he ia not required to goon the witness stand contrary to his wish, and he can not be compelled to criminate himself. The act alao provides that the wife or hnaband ■ay tee tify on behalf of each other if de aired by the one accused o o o Uncle Sam's troopa in the Phil ipp nes are issuing a newspaper— The American Soldier—which is the pioneer English journal as the arebipelago. It ia issued weekly from Spanish prestos. The initial number cays I “Don’t blame the proof reader nor the writer for all the errors in grammar or orthog raphy. The typo io set up by na tive Philippines, and it would have taken a proof reader with a dtzen pairs of eyes te have discov ered the errors they have made.’’ Another paragraph announces that “food ia improving, and we have been issued hammocks to sleep in. It is only natural that the wheels of office should torn slowly at first, considering all the disadvan tages encountered. The ‘Kickers’ will have to bide their time, and all will be satisfactorily arranged.” 0 0 6 The sudden fall from popularity in Inglaad of Ted Sloane, the jockey, because of his imputation of unfairness upon the part of the dandown Park judges is made re markable by the amount of spaee being given to the affair by the English newspapers. Sloane ia now declared to bo unworthy to ride the Prince of Wales’ horse for the Cambridgeshire stakes, and some of the papers recommend the withdrawal of his license. 000 Tho reinstatement of Aguinaldo •f several of hie insurgent officers whom he had relieved because of their lack of education seems to be due to the same necessity which prevents him from to Paris to see tho Peace Commissioners . Ho ia afraid in the latter case that when he returned to the Philip* pines ho would find a now govern ment, of which ho was no part. 0 0 0 Senator Platt is a little lato. in viow of what the newspapers have said, in declaring ha had never asked President McK nley to speak in Now York and that thor»- was never any such idea. The Senator ought to know what bo io talking about, however, as he makes his declaration from Washington, where he has undoubtedly be«n able to verify it by seeing tho Pres ident hi so so If. 000 The old Bradlee House, at tbe corner of Tremont and Hollis str oats, Rooton. built in 1771, and longonoof the historical land marks of that city, io being torn down to make way for a modern business structure. In its kitchen the ringleaders of tho Boston Tea Party disgusod themselves ao In dians before going to tho wharf whore tbe cargo of tea was thrown into tho waters of Boston Harbor. 000 Tho increasing number of rob beries in Franco bad led to tbe formation of an assurance society against losses by theft. Tbe New York Tribune suggests that it might pay such a society to start a tchoool ot thieves, as tbo more widely the latter ply their trado tbo greater is likely to he the suc cess of tbe new enterprise, 000 Since tho passing of the Irst vaccination act in England, in 1841, the death rate from email pox has fallen from 578 per mil lion to 20 per million, 000 The gigantic Russian cross hewn ialho granite rocks of the St. TIB EXCELLENCE IF STILT IF FMS io doe not only to the originality and simplicity of th* combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific preceeaeC known to the Cauvobria Fig SratT Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing tho true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Pigs is manufactured by the Califokxia Fio Sybup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will aaaiat one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of tho Cali- Bosnia Fie Stbup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, ao it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAJI ruaxcisco. CaL boomvill*. • «ew tobk. r. v. •othard road, in Switzerland, near the Dsvii's Bridge, is now completed It eomtnemorates Snvarreff's vietory over the French a century ago- The oldest inhabited h«use in ■ . gland stands does to the Riv*r Ver and about 260 yard# from Bt. Alban’s abbsy. It was built in th tim# of King Off* of Mercia, about the year 795 ai d is thus ever 1100 years old. It is of octagonal shape the upper portion being of oak and tbe lower walls of grsat thicknsss. At one tims it was fortified and bore tbs name of St. Merman's goto. 000 The Hen. Dudley Msjoribauks, eldest sen and h«:r of the wealthy Lord rwsedaoou'b, who spent some time in this country a'tsr refusing to marry Miss “Birdie” Sutherland, of the Gaiety Theatre, who thereupon sued him for breach of promise and was awarded $25.- 000 damages is reported now as being eagsged to Lady Helen Stewart the eldest daughter of th* Marquis of Londonderry. Lady Helsa’s nickname is “Birdie,” and she is celebrated as the best etna tsur actress ia England. 000 Alexander R. Shephard, better knot* at ene time as “Boss” Shepherd, of Washington has made a fortute of about $12,000,- 000 in the mines ut Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexieo where ho lives in socluaiou the toWu being visited by few Americans. What bo does with come of his money is shewn in the well j avod streets and the beautiful parks a free public libra ry, oleetrie lights and other con veniences with which he endowed Batopilas. oeo A Kansas papsr stated tho other day that George McGinnis one of tbe colored soldiers in Cuba had seat home $75 of hie pay to hie mother. As the members cf the regiment specified had only re eeited S3O ot their pay, tbe read e * of tbo item were much puzzled; bat tho next day the paper explain ed that MeGinnis was “the lacki set eooni who over shot crape ” 000 A “LegaControl Coltello”(Lea gue against tbo Knife) bat been fumed among tho workingmen of Romo, its object being to aid in enforcing tho law against tho car rying of that wespon. Knives ore the instruments used in the pre petrstion of upward of 4000 homi cides in Italy annually, Rlpans Tabules cure headache. ivm tmwiu L'VER I, SALE AND FEED STABLES? Offers the public the ti int tea u*, betco ey ances and most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of hordes and mules on sale co * stantly.* TO EHRTHEW Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr., and Wife Haue Taken OCOEN SOELET MANSION- Will be Backed by The Wilson Faction at Least. New York, Oct. 29.—For the first time since their marriage, which stirred socitly profoundly Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vander bilt, Jr., are about to establish themselves in tho very citadel of the Four Hundred, housed as proudly as any family in New York. | Throughout the season, now at its dawn, the young couple will occupy the lordly establish ment of Mrs. Ogden Goelet, at Fifth avenue and Forty-eighth street. There, with the finest pri vate ballroom in town at their command, they will dispense costly hospitality to their friends. »If is well understood that ten der relations have been re-estab lished between father and son ; but hitherto there has been no evidence of Mrs. Cornelius Van derbilt, Jf., being included ir. the family love feast Shrewd students of the situa tion believe, however, that the invalid head of the house of Vanderbilt has deferred such a manifestation only in order that it may be made more unequivo cal . And the establishment of tbe young couple in the Goelet resi dence will afford an opportuni ty for just the kind of formal recognition foieshadowed by the gossips. Mr. and Mrs. Corneli us Vanderbilt, Jr., will at least be entrenched in a stronghold of the Wilson faction of the Four Hundred—the family of the younger Mrs. Cornelius Van derbilt—with the Astors, the Goe'ets, Wilsons and others as allies. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., has made such a splendid impres sion on his father by taking a place as assistant engineer in the mechanical department of ; the New York Central system, I meaning thus to familiarize himself with the railroad busi ness in ail its branches, that all the talk now is of peace and it is not thought that a social war is about to begin. PHUNNY GRAFTS Brother Jack— ‘ Either I’ve fattened or my dress suit has shrunk since last winter.” Sis ter Ethel—“ Shrunk, I have no doubt; I heard you tell Tom you had it in soak all summer.” “Saw you on a weighing ma chine this afternoon,” said the Cheerful Idiot; “were you think ing of auicide?” “Suicide?” re peated the typewriter boarder. “Yes ; doing a weigh with your self. ’’—lndianapolis Journal, “Look here,” si-id the barber to the restless man in the chair, “if yon don’t keep still I’m liable to cut yonr throat.” “Oh, 1 I’m not afrafd of that,” replied the helpless victim, “as long as you continue to use that razor.’’ —Chicago Mews. Rlpans Tabuiea. , = FIPE r iTHE SUMMER HAS ■ PASSED AND GONE • MPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DA ■ AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MAD IkxiOW J* ♦ @ TH EFLJISS OF WORK Q TURMCJUT... Mb ——— .1■» |W YOU ARE tarn! INVITED ,Bj 31 i » Pl T o a /■ JT niiT—i fl. w, kandeaster I ™ 1