The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 30, 1898, Image 7

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'i 'r ’ i - ’ "i ■ John M doctor; K is now k^** 1 B* , * K |VI A l\l AG E R $ ■ -- '-—___ >“i I r FO R ■■■ * 5 I E JMWIBSS | i ROME BRfINGH MUSIG HOUSE- He solicits the influence and patronage cf the peo- Kt pie of Rome and the surrounding country. It will be to Kt* y Car interest to call and get prices. *r | Marvelous | E Lo Figuresl $ E % | Will b 3 quoted on all PIANOS, E ORGANS, BICYCLE’S, SEWING MA- Z ■ CHIf.ES and other goods now includ- E ed in the big stock at No. 327, Broad E streeL While this entire stock is to E be closed out at reduced figures Mr. E Proctor is empowered to make the E terms decidedly easy to all buyers. | bicycles J At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, Bjv and wil. be sold regardless of cost. See cur wh'fl BL at once—it will pay you to take a look. K/ I Sheet Music | This stock will be closed out Eat 10 cents per copy. I I IIM.I | ■■■ II ■■ _ - ■ . 1 ~'U ■ ■■ i. __ mu j InsraM 1 LITHIA I | Wateß J Ml builds up the system, Mi I „ , Ms 1\ For Sale at Soda Founts of: J CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. Sj* T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. i^to©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©* 1 ✓ J F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. : THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. / L i Plumbing and Tinning. i Engineers’ and machinists ! supplies. Stoves, ranges and ; tinware. Gas and electric fix- [ tures. INSURANCE gasoline ! stoves. Water meters. ! 325 Broad st Phone 32. I OQQGJCJGirAz.I r-w-©©© DRKYFUSSfISg. Io The Court of Cessation in Feature of Interest. — —— OPPfBKS A REVISION. Reporter B?rd on The Witness Stand. I Paris, Oct. 29. —Tcdayjs pro ceedings at the court of cassation were devoid of sensation. The on ly emotion caused ensued upon the reading of pathetic letters from Dreyfus. , A significant point was the rev elation of the fact that General De Boisdetfre gave orders, after the Dreyfus case was supposed closed, for the dossier containing the bordereau to bo burned, and expressed surprise afterwards to find that his orders had not been * xecuttd. 1 hus far the war < ffice has not been represented in the present proceedings and there is sti'l but littla hope of the secret dossier be ing produced, (specially if—as, however, loi kt somewhat doubtful —M. Dupuy succeeds in forming a cabinet. He was premier daring the Dreyfus trial and his appoint ment delights tbe anti Dreyfusites. who see in it the indication that President Faure has a greater sym pathy for the army than for the discovery of the truth. It is as serted that the father-inslaw of Dreyfus has received a letter from the prisoner in his own handwri'- ing. Formerly only copies of his letters ware transmitted and the new departure is regarded as a fa* vorable sign. At today’s session M. Bard, the reporter, concluded his re port of the Dreyfus case, the first pert of which was presented yesterday. He said this morning that the court should make ev ery investigation necessary to enlighten them and the whole truth in evidence. It was for the court to decide wha remained to be dene. Tbe task was a delicate one, but that was no motive to avoid it. He concluded : “You have a great duty to fulfill. Do what your conscience dictates.” M. Mournard, counsel for Mme. Dreyfus, urged that an investigation be ordered con cerning the divergency of the testimony of the experts v.lio examined the bordereau in 1894 and 1897 and also to ascertain whether secret documents were communicated to the courtmar tial. -The court was less crowded than yesterday, but the same stringent precautions were ta ken. There was no excitement ——J PR ESCRi PT i DEP'p. Sfi® YOUNG AND OLD We none of us live so careful ly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicine to put us right. It’s a comfort to know where you can get them pure at proper prices. We are not modest about these points —we can give you what you want in patent medicines, druggistst sundries, toilet articles and ec’. Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch <t 00., 300 Broad street. BISHOP KILLED Friday On A Trolley Car in At lante BY A LUNATIC Jugular Vein Sevoned Died In 30 Minutes. Atlants, Oct 29.—Cn a troll ay car yesterday morning, as it was net ru g the Nelson street bridge, WillianJ. Shockley stabbed to death D. Bishop, drove hie knife blade into the face of Capt John A. Thompson, of tbe poliot* force and then fought like a mad man to kill ex-Puliceman R. H McCoy, *ho finanally arrested him. The murder was without pro vocation and appears to have been the deed of a maniac. There were five passengers on the car at the time, and one was a lady, Mrs. N, J. Walker, who was going to West view cemetery with her little g'H. The murder and the subsequent acts of the madman created the wildest sensation. All sorts of ru. mors were rife, and at one time it was reported that five men bad been kilisd and among them Capt. Thompson. A large crowd went to the scene of the murder and there was some talk of a lynching. Tbe story of the crime i« one of the most remarkable that has ever occurred iu the city. Tbe fact that a deliberation murder bad taken place on a trolley car and the murderer had also attempted tc kill a police captain and then fought to slay his captor was an affair without in the city. Tbe weapon used was a twa bladed pocket-knife of ordinary size with the name “Dixie” on it* There were two eye-witnesses to the murder—the street car con ductor. Oscar L, Mims, and Mrs' Walter Capt. '1 hompson bad his back turned and the first he knew ( of tbe matter was whan he felt j the knife blade in his own face. I outside the palace of justice. The public prosecutor, M. Manau, followed M. Mournard. Addressing the judges, he said : “Nobody can now take the Dreyfus affair cut of y»ur hands j nor can you relinquish it with- i out direliction o£ duty. Your de- ( cision must constitute for every- , body the expression of truth and justice. Revise the trial then, gentlemen, or at least prepare for its revision.” M, Manau declared the court not annul the sentence imposed j on Dreyfus without a retrial cf . the prisoner. He added : ‘‘You must fix the responsi bility. If Dreyfus is innocent, the culprit must not go unpun ished.” The public prosecutor pro ceeded to argue on the same lines as M. the reporter of the case, urging a revision of the trial and dwelling upon the fal libility of the writing experts He also suggested that M njor Esterhazy should testify on the subject of tbe bordereau. M. Manau concluded with de nouncing “the at tacks on the partisans of revi sion,” and made a strong plea that the court be not influ enced by outside pressure, but that it decide in favor of a revi sion of the case and the imme diate provisicnal liberation of , Dreyfus. , Is Rkc vbring —The baby beyjof Mr. and Mrs Bob Dougherty, o* Lindale, aft»r a critical illness i» covtileeceut and the family phy ‘ sician believes is out of danger. The many 'riends of this good family will be pleased to read this 'announcement, . I PUBLIC I i Slit HUS I I We will Sell New I II Books wholesale I I PRICES! I I FOR CASH. Second Hand >1 |i Books cheaper uhan the | || cheapest. Give me a call, »« i H. A. SMITH, | II THF OLD RFLIABLE BOOK STOHE. || -1! - ! ! ! . . U» JH, P. WOOTEN & BRO., B Successors to JS ROME PHARMACY. jj| TIB 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in esz the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our "jp* stock is complete and of the very highest grade. JJ* We solicit a part of your patronage and shall eu deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a times. We should be pleased to have you call on u Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a ';>■ such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr store. Cigars and tob a cco. ejj Com e to see us. SC fyfMMMwww raw 22 5J S 3 22 ssx HJ s S. M Stark, £ s. s— 25 g g i LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S HiLOE S 3*« «y S 3 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave •jj *32 IW< P** <«♦< « —• ■ tt rr i t rfTTrnTTiiiiiiiiiiinil i $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for t$ J. A. GAMMON S COMPANY ARE WAITING M-4 J The greatest line of negligee shir ever shown in Rome. : j. a. gahmon &co or everyone in Rom* to loint in and see the magniicent »to«k on men’s and boy’s elotkiiif, bicycle and golf suits, what we are doing, but we are hur tling while we wait. We will how you the finest stock* clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabrieke, perfect Otting and handsome, te be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in yaleee or the price.