The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 30, 1898, Image 8

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f MRS. LONDON COMES TO ROME , *1 We have much joy in announcing to eur fri9nde,in and out wav from Broad street. i J of Rome, the coming of Mrs- L. C< adon, of Atlanta. ( Mrs. Condon is assisted in her magnificent Rome studio by f j . (ezXl In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- ' Mr R. G. Hubner, one of the leading young photographers o feasion. She is todayphe highest exponent of advanced photogra- J . Baltimore. A visit to this new uijd modern Photo Studio wil phy—Equalled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the ■£ A prove a most delightful event and will more than repty you f tideland. „ .• v There is not a better appointed gallery in the South —Nor has j y I ] Her studio in Rome will be in the elegantly appointed apart- i _ r „ . n i i L 1 J meats on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- | Mrs. Condon a peer. .an s ie . * W HOW / S 3 TO BASS V- . We are now in *ur new store. We lost a month before getting into it, We are determined to make it back.. Our prices will do i° Moody A Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlant.., failed-sneriff so d their immense stock out in cash wl ~ 2rl ir!Jkr>i.z pnme mprohants at thesale. We beught ar at-isle. We II turn the bargains over to our cus- We hive an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goodsand SUks in the latest N fV®lties, and as- sortment of Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few ot the special bargains- Tow«... Ladies’ Fa.l Black Ho.e 3” T ’° ’>«’« Tard wid « D "‘ l,Kg ’ 7, r "’ Sc ’. , * Three casas Ladle.’ Fast Black Seamle.s Hase 5e Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 Two case. Ladle.'Fleece Lined Jeney Ribbed Vests 10c Tea Bale. AA A Sheet ng, yard wide 3 J , Two case. Men’, full .Ise and full length Undershirts 10c W'W W W Thrp ' c *'” T * rd wide P * rcale ’’ '' ,H ‘/, C Three cases Men’. Heayy French Neck Under,hi.t. 15c T ' TO b "-‘ go ° d < ’“ h ‘ y r ' cking “ ’ 4ic Two case. Men’, box 8c JUWtf Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5c One case Men’s Seamless Sox »c One full case of remnant White Lawn,, wall worth 15c, at 8 Two cases yery heavy Drill Drawer., well worth 30c al 15. Two case, of good Bonnet and Dress Gihgh.m. at 3 3-4 c One case Ladies’Hemstitch Handkerchief. ; one case Men’s 2,000 Man’, all pure Linen Collar., fire tor 25c Liuen Fiai.h Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c T3£r 800 Men’s Fine Shirt., a little .oiled, some of them worth One case Men’. Hear? Buckskin Shirts 25c »>• «>, your choice lor 39c Are you in need of a t uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh a pair of Panish a Coat and Vest? Do you want a Hat? >v e’II tave you from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases. Good Jeans pants 35c; Mon 6 Sty ish Capped Coin Tne Shoes, 75C; Ladies’ India, Button, Foxtsd Vamp, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes, a, sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our sl. OO Shoes are the best in America. MflF" For Ladies’ Fine Flats and Bonnett, go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else it you care to save money. VV e lepeat that we lost a month on account of builiing our store, and that we are going to make it We have a world of goods which we bought at half pricee and we can afford to let them go at half prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve knocked th® bottom out of pricee to get 't. Oui pricee are as low as 4-cent cotton. Come to see us at our new store. BASS BROS &> CO J • • I THANKSGIVING. Proclamation Issued 9y Pres ident McKinley. NOVEMBER 24 THE DAY. Sat Apart For The Nation to Give Thanks. A..*.*..—*■ Washington, Oct. 29. — The pres ident, after the ct»bluet meeting yesterday afternoon, issued the following Thanksgiving proclama tion : “By the president of the United States. “A Proclamation. “The approaching November brings to mind the custom of our ancestors, hallowed by time and rooted in our most sacred tradi tions, of giving thanks to Al mighty God lor ail the blessings he has vouchsafed to us during the past year. “Few yet>rs in our history have afforded such cause for thanksgiv ing, We have been blessed by abundant harvests, our trade and commerce have been wonderfully increased, our public credit has been improved and strengthened, all sections of our common country have been brought together aid knitted into closer bonds of na tional purpose and unity. “The ekies.have been for a time darkened by the cloud of war, but as we were compelled to take up the sword in the cause of humani ty, we are permitted to rejoice that the conflict has been of brief dura tion and the losses we have had to mourn, though grievous and im portant, have been so few, consid ering the great results accomplish ed, as to inspire us with grattitude k and praise, to the Lord of Hosts. We may laud and magnify k His holy name* that the cessation of hostilities came so soon as to spare both sides the countless sorrows and disasters that attend protractl - war. “I do there'ore invite all my fellow citizens, ss well those at home as those who may be at sea or sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe Thursday, the 24th day of November, as a day of national thanksgiving, to come together in their several places ot worship for a services of praise and thanks of Almighty God for all the bloesings of the year, for the mildness of the seasons and the fruitfulness of the soil, for the continued prosperity of thepeop'e. for the devotion and valor of our countrymen, for the glory of our victory and the hope of a righteous people, and to pray that the di vine guidance which has brought us heretofore to safety and honor may be graciouly continued in the years to come. “In witness whereof, etc. (Signed) “Wiluam M’Kimley. “By the president, "John Day, Secretary of State,” I w _ IIILJIM I - I POPE WILL GU T The Price [of Wheels for Gaining Season. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS To[Be Make From The Chain less Down The Line. St. Louis, Oct. 29.—Another big cut is coming in the prices of bicycles. It has been inaugurate) by the Pope Manufacturing Com pany, which has announced that it will open the season of 1899 with a big slash ail along the lin< of its manufactures. Information was received at the local branch house of the Pope Company yes *erday to this effect It was stat ed that the Columbia chainless would be put on the maiket for 175, the chain wheel for SSO and S4O, the Hartford for $35 and the Vedette for $25. This is a out'of SSO on the chainless, $25, sls and $lO on the others in order. This is the second big cut in bicycles in the last year. The frst was announc- d just about a year ago and was inaugurated by the Columbia Company, and all the other standard manufactories fol lowe I suit. The result lessened the margin of profit to such an extant that many of the smaller concerns quit the business, and their trade went to the houses that lemained in the game, so that while they made less p< r wheel they came out ahead on lhe volume of business. Managers of the local branches of other bicycle manufactories were asked about the Columbia cut, and said they did not know what action their companies would take, but presumed they would meet the Columbia cut. Besides announcing the cut on Columbia bicycles the Pope Cohi pany announced that it had been decided to raise the local branch from a retail to a wholesale estab lishment and that hereafter tha Columbia business for the West sad Southwest would be handled through St, Louis. The local man ager, Mr. J. H, Blackman, has bvgun arranging to handle ths en larged plant of his company. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar rington Co. THE WEST. 4 TG ARKANSAS & TEXAS, - - ■ . m Schedule in Effect Oct. 4th, 1828. gORTBBeuND. No. 2 No. 4 | No 70 j No.T2 tv Atlasifa 8 Ram blJOpm 4 50pm stKipu) Ar Marietta.. 9 ofam 9 16pm 5 4opm 6 25pia ** Rome 11 25am 7 43ptu “ Dalton. 11 41am 11 41pm 816 pm “ Chat’nooga 100 pm 1 00a in 93ipin “ Nashville . 6 55pm 6 40a in •* Memphis., 730 am 4 30pm Lv Nashville I 7 20pm| 7 30am| Ar St Louis. .17 UOanji 7 S2r»m . . Lv Atwuviue I < Aipmi < 3oam Ar Chicago ~ , | 9 08am! 8 30pin Lv Nashville .17 50pmi 730 am Ar Louisville. 2 30am 1225 pm “ Cincinnati.! 7 05amI 406 pm Train No. 2 carries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville, Fla., Atlanta and Nashville, oou netting with vestibule train for Chicago. Train No. 4 carries, Pullman Sleeper Augnstl and Atlanta to Nashville and St. Louis through without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to Chattanooga, passengers remain in car until 7 o'clock a. m. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta t 4 Knoxville via A. K. & N. Ry. Train No. 70 connects at Boyce with Q A C. for Cincinnati. This train carries through ■eoach Atlanta to Romo. To the South and East. •OVTBBOUND. | No. 1 No. 3 ' N 0.91 ! N 0.73 tv Nashville | 9 10am 10 lOpni, Chat'nooga 2oapm 8 20am! 5 58ain “ Dalton 411 pm 4 28aml 7 Hum •' Rome 4 25pm .. . J 746 am “ Marietta . 6 43pin 6 45am 1 9 45am 705 am Ar Atlanta ‘Bopm TJJOam lO 85am 8 00am Ev Atlanta ... I 750pm' 750 am 4 05pm Ar Macon... 11 13pm 11 10am t2opm Tifton... j 2 50am 8 05pm . “ J ack'n villa 8 45am! 10 25pm I ... . Lv Atlanta 77 760 pm 7 Soami 4 05pm Ar Macon .ill 18pm 11 10am; 720 pm “ Albany i 887 pm 1106 pm " Thm ’ grille > 6 30pm “ Savannah . 6 00am 6 00pm Jr Atlanta 111 35ptnl 756 am I 4 10pm ' r Augusta ...15 15am- 120 pm 8 25pm Ar Charleston 11 00am 8 00pm 1 “ Columbia ,|lO 55am |lO 10pm j Lv Atlanta I 750 pm 12flbm 12 00m . Ar Athens . . |!0 21pm 2 l«pm 2 l«pm ” Richmond. 6 15pm 715 am 715 am Wash’gte<!o 30pin 11 Slam 11 81am / w New York. 6 Qbam 5 23pm 5 28pm Train No. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nash ville, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson ville. Fla. Tiaia No. 3carritw Pullman Sleeper St Louis ♦o Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper Chattanooga to Atlanta open for passenger! Chattanooga 9 o’clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper Knoxville to Atlanta via A. K. A N. Ry. For further information write to H F SMITH, C. E. HARMAN, TraC- Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. M,*ny Verwon s are nr-*» t. ftmt >v_rwo’k or household cares. sMOtvn’-i (r -n Bitters Rebuilds tan x stem, aid- kjeetiou, -emoves excess M tUM SOUTHERN r <>JV RAILWAY. (otnlensed Brh«4sle la Bflbet Jaly 9, 1898. ~ STATIONS. No, IOTNoI 14 No. I Lv Chattanooga.7. flt3oam ?.3uptn liTiSptn Ar Dalton 7.51 am 8.42 pm 12.10 am Ar Rome.. -9.00 am 9.40 pm 144 am Ar Atlanta 11.40iun|ll.50pm 600 am Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm 1 l.Ksm 5.20 am Arlhecn 7.10-pm 2 05um 8 3oam Ar Jesup «.45am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 7.25 am 3.25 pm Ar Jacksonville 9.40 am 9.26 pm Lv Jesup AToiam «.6flpm Ar Jacksonville I.oopm'iAlspm Lv E rerett 7.30 am Ar Brunswjok B.3oata| 4.90 pm No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping (Jar Chat tanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Puiltran Sleeping Car and Day Coaches Cha: tauooga Jacksonville and /Jt tanta to Brunswick No. 8 carries Pullmae Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. STA-rioss. TNq. 13 WaTyoT Lv Atlanta .... 4.80 am 4.00 pm T.soam Ar Rome 6.30 am 6.96 pm 10.20 am Ar Dalton 722 am 7.84pm|l 1.30 am Ar Chattanooga 8 40atn 8 59prr. I.oopm Lv Chattanooga 9.10 pm Ar Burgin .... 4 29pm Ar Lexington 5.10 pm 4.50 am Ar Louisville 750 pm ? 50am Ar Cincinnati 7.3opin 7.30 am Lv Chattanooga l.fcpm T7lsam| 1.25 pm Ar Nashville , 6.55 pm! 6.40 am! 6 56pu> No. 18 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STATIONS. N',.6 j No. 18 ; No. 11 Lv Chuttanooga. 8 4 lam! 4. lOarn idijOpm Ar Knoxville Il 55um B.(fenn I.loam Ar Morristown 1.21 pm 9.50 am 2.25 am Ar Hot 5pring5......... 3 1 ipm 11.49am| 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4.35 pm 1.15 pm MOam Ar Salisbury 6.40 p m: 9.80 am Ar Greensboro 9.62 pm 12.10 pm Ar Raleigh 1.40 am 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk 750 am! Ar Wa hlngton .... .... "6 4aJm| 4.35 pm Ar New York. ... ~..| 12.43 pm 6.23 um No. 12 carries Pullman Drawing Ro Ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 ain also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk No. 16 is solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury. with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. st a ro>Ns_ No. 4 j No. 6 LvT'hattanooga ' s.(>Opml"A4o’am Ar Knoxville 8.4 .pm 11.55 am Ar Mprrfstowu. 2.15 am! 1.2.1 pm Ay Bri-tol . . 7.00 am! 3.55 pm Ar Washington 7.4<»am Ar New York ... , ...' I.Bopm No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Washington and Cbuttun oga to New Ytrk without change. Ne. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Knoa vllla to Bri tol. stations.' ~~ N0.~15~ Tiokm A». Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm * r IMpm Ar Meridian 730 pm Ar New Orleans 10.80 am Ar Jackson T?46am Ar Vicksburg 11.3f> ala Ar Shreveport 7.2t'pm ♦No7tT[No. 10 T 00pm j 4.sbpm Lv Horn* i»oam 8 36am A4opm As7pm.Ar Gad-den. ar AOOam 6.30 am COOpm 7. lopmi Ar Attalla, jy 5.46»m_ 'kroam t Dally exospt Sunday. | Sunday cnly. ~ F. S. GANNON, idv. g A a.M .Wasbtagtan. D.Q J. M CULP, Traf Mgr.. Ww-hingtoa. D. O. W. A. TURK. Q. P A.. WaahlaglM. D. a 3. a nvvswrvw . < » A T.r, Fancy new seeded Raisini Currants and Citron at Lloyd & Harper’s. Prices’to ee Hqukk. Anruiai Salaa c varo,M«,M9 B»»e FOl ULIOUI AID IMTOUI DLJOZSZtS <p«A B 9 Wiaiftaad >«iaSt tt»« ht'iMi, WddiiMa. Ffilauap after weadf. EeaA aaho, DtaMaoM. Drcwaiaan. Bsshiist • f HaaU Iwm <f Arpetlsc CvaiireMwa Blotahes as 3ba Bk(n. OLi k 11 bad Slaap. Jfrufhttfui Drauase aO al Avrvoua and . Tseraßllug Beaeailoih TIB FIRST DOSI IIVB KJLIIJ IW TWENTY MTXUTBB. IwMftNt will aekijowladge them io A WONDERFUL FIEDICIRf. BEECKASDS PILLA, Mkaß m rfiaiaß od, will anieAiy r»s»ere FeanU«« »a,a»B plete heallii. They ptgjaealy obstructions or ir-egulkrli# es tie m tern mid cure slcft CtradbcM*. Ja; a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR eHILDR&N Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have th 9 LARGEST SALE Patent Medicine in tlae Wtrfildl 25c. at aU Dru< Stores. Beware of Imitations j JtMN DUNOAN't tOMK AOATA NfW VbRK. Starke, This Tailor - Mr. S. M. Starke the popular tailor i» now open for orders and ready fo r business in his new business borne next door to Wooten’s drug store in the Clark building. Mr. Starke Em a splendid line of new season goods and invites you to call and see him and them.' e&WI hai» balsam •Be Jtj Cl>-»r.M a <>' J bwmailM thi KX|rrou.oiei i> lui'iriant F r "“ l 2_ _ Never Faile to fieeto« G> ra »