The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 31, 1898, Image 1

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MNTH YEAR . ROME finoke a “Bill Arp’ warters. New Brand pM'-w v , ... 4 > 'i (J fi’i**"* ■ucts His Sweethean, At- Lpj U Kill Ho'lsekeeper Sgggl ,‘A'* •' / ) •, ••■ t • f •« J z »» i o♦ ’■ ■then SLAVS IIIISELf HH f H' / •* i<*' Y* <i ‘i ■» ’U i » » ■. 98t ->sa Tremenduous Sen fl sation in Knoxville, —————— V >& A < I Kn xvilG Tenn., Oot 31.-John, Bennedv, nged fif.tepo* last night ■ lo t«nd mortflbv wcpmted hie ■veetbesrt, Mar 1 ' nod after ■yingtokill tie »n'ifekeeperv of ■ftp Peck family, kitted himself. ■ Kennedy wt'ot to tin home of ■he girl. « lld cal!in3 her tO, thQ ■ |l( ,r asked why she had I eep ■ fep;C » company with another ■ unis man. Site failed to give ; ■ in) a «ali«fac'°ry answer and he O h‘F through the breas*, mar ■the heart, She may die. ■[ Th (> housekeeper h r> ard .the "f tervoui g mistress and ms'ind ■ to the door. ■yuiois turn'd the gun on her ■ and fir-A but without dflf ct. He ■ rb! i l>‘< ck in IR-direeteien of ths ■ centra portioi - r the city, stopped ■ and placing tb- ptetoltegtfii st h'rs' ■ tetnp;eb>?r'h!» t'rains out, He three hours later.,, ■ The y< ur< ! tdy who , suff-r id, ■ hciiiE? she did u>t believe in re- ■ t:;i::.g h<r--!f to onx man fi.ear ivir. life i.« a daughter, of one of, ■ tb:? city's men,,, the. Lead of a 1: rge .grocer'.- I-u-iness th# is hut. ffteen year.'/ t age... ■ The yom g man. ho: s- .< n v doe ]■ pmdent for some tin;e because be ■ could not enter the army, being ■kn young, and the action ofhis ■ nreeth'iirr in partially bar drove him .to the.raajj.acls, ■ WAGON TURNED OVER ■ One Man KitlecCand Another ■ Fatally Injured . ■ Augusta, (h, Oct. 31. —Two B white men from Langley, 8. C., H were driving home from Angus ■ ta yesterday in a wagon JJdrawn ■ by two mutest. They had induig- ■ «1 rather, freely m ■ were somewhat hilarious, .> I One of the mules became un- B wanageabl# atid-ran the wagon B on an embankment on one side I of the road hnd turned it over. Bu.l Kimball was killed and I Tom sustained severe internal I injuries and donfusions of the B full, whi<;h, it is feared, will terminate fatally. The accident occurred about, three miles from Augusta, in South Carolina. BUBONING PLAGUE ’FRISCO * ■ 4» /* Bark Reaches That Cjty, Re Porting Two Cases. h , San Fratiflirco, Oct. 31. —The french bark Duchesse Anne has ar rived in port’ from Hong K-uig fi>- iug the yellow ting both the federal *ud state quarantine launches put oal to tho vessel, and •s'on the •owi came back to port that there had been two deaths on board dur rilK the voyage from the bubonic plague. Cervary, master of the B bip, was the first to succumb to the 1 read diet ase. He was sick on ly » few day s and di'd cd August 20th. •’''»arly a m-nth afterwards a •ailor named Menier was stricken *■ L the plague and on Sept. 19th h* died at d was 1 uried at sea, r fhe link was ordered into quarantine. Mr, R p. Parker, of the Gate is in Rome today. ME ■'EIirSTLEHrCOA. ... UaAL 111 wtoi < n() t'i* */»» < ~ Enip«ror find Emppess. Sim ■i Warm taplinn. *.' • ' < ;4 • , j r’. , j ’IIS RECEPTION In Other Places *Vag Anything But a Success. ■ ■ Jerusalem, Oct. 31. —The ap proach of their German imperial majesties to the city Saturday was made through triumphal arches and amid banners, gar lands and ever growing crowds, displaying in every way their enthusiasm and delight. The formal entry through the Jafia gate was heralded by the roar of guns at the citadel, where the Turkish band played the German antitem. From tlte tower of David, Emperor Wi liam and Empress ‘Attgusta Victoria proceeded on foot aniid wild cheering to the Church wf the Holy Sepulchre, where tltey were received by the Gfeek and Armenian clergy’, whose patriarchs •-pre sented addresses eulogizing the. devotion of Emperor. W.iHtem ,who has since con ferrod, Uqns of tire patriarchs. Their majesties then proceed ed te the German Evangelical eburch, where tho past,ev pre ■ s’enied an address.. L ; , . . , At- f> o’clock in the evening (Saturlay) a reception was held, at the German consulate and later there was a general illumi natioa of the city, with a display of lire works. Yesterday the imperial pair attended service at the Evangel ical (hprch in Bethlehem, after wards paying a visit to the Church pt the Nativity. • '1 be weather was beautiful and everywhere the greatest .enthusi asm was displayed. After the excursion to Jericho Pasha, formerly grand vizier, recently,Turkish governor of Crete and now attache to the person of Emperor William as a special representative of the sul tan, will leave the imperial stiite. It is rumored that this is due to some unpleasantness., Emperor William has sent his portrait in brilliants to Tewflk Pasha, Turkish aipbaisador to Germany, among Hie high Ottoman dignitaries who received the emperor and em press m Constantine pie. ' Emperor William and / the mTTflrefis, white at the Church W the Holy Sepulchre-, visited jjie various portions Sacred Shrine and eputetcu,minutes at the scene of the crucifixion. Their return from the .church, was the occasion for another outburst of popular enthusiasm,-- palm branches’ bring stwwn along the way and the cobb|o stones laid with carpets. * X 41 f J fl ’ /> i Kaiser Had a Cold Rfx'kptioji London, Oct. 31. -According to private information received here, Emperor William’s recep tion at Haifa, Palestine, was anything but a success. The Turkish ironclads that were oi dered to fire a salute did not ar rive until four hours after the emperor’s departure, and no- JEORGIa, MONDAY EVENING, CCTOBrt 3| 1893. . SOB "HE DEM • ■ " ~ !> .. H » * .4 11*.., ’ ‘ : i'.-X.- » 1 ■' *« < ‘ ’i .Jl j 1 Parties-.tast d Wha .Si tempi tb Wreck a Train fZ I , IJ/ . JW» «l’ ON YliK W. X fl. RQfID te’- J. . ~7. One Man Confesses That the Right Crowd is Captured. " ' ■' ' ■ - i I i/A 4> 7/ -jx*h *J < ' »» i’j »j t ' Chattanooga, Tenu., Oct. —Detective Haskins, of the Western. A Atlantic Railroad, assisted by Sheriff Davenport, of Cobb county, Ga., last even ing arrested three men, named Luke and Thompson Vann and Lex Cantrell, near Acworth, Ga , rm suspicion- •of being .the in bn who ■'attempted a -short time since to wreck a train on tlte Western & Atlantic railroad, by piling, telegraph poles on the •track, which were .agcidentally discovered just in time to pre vent the disastrous wreck of a crojvded train, One of the suspected men made a confession, stating that the train in question carried con siderable money. They intend ed, he said, to rob tile dead and dying after the wrecic, as- we!L _us the safe.. He said further that they had intended after-the telegraph poles failed train, to remove,a pail at apoint where the train i would.cj'p^j,a high trestle, but] they were just in timej to prevent the..execwtioi; of tin r plot. They were all three held to the next term of the court. . » , -Ml . .1. I U / ' ' u I 4 . MESSAdEf FROM DEWEY. .. o i aj c. > ( t Admiral Wires Mayor Warwick, Returning Thanks- . , t , Piuladelphia, Pa., Oct. 3L Mayor Warwick today received the following cablegram ’ from Admiral Dewey in response tO' the one extending tii him Phila delphia’s congratulation's on the' occasion of the city’s Peace Ju bilee and tsgretting his inability to take part in it along with the other heroes of the war. The cablegram reads : “The officers and men of the squadron under my comnyand join me in .thanking you for your kind message and w® con gratulate you and the city pf Philadelphia upon the succeispf the great celebratipu,” . V(i ■ DYNAMITE IN handbags . .... •. ■-. Two Passengers Arrested as They Leave Steamer at Ponce. ' Ponce. R rto Rico., Oct 31—A sansation was caused here, yeeter' day on the arrival of the Red D Ime steamer Philadelphia Irotn the Spanish th? disc*' vei\ in the. handbags of two pailietWe of a number Cartrid ges containing dynamite. . . was made by the custom?! bfii’.iate and the, pa’sen gers were arrested on the supposi tirn ‘..'.at they are anarchists. The police, wtip fear th it iAhery belonging to the escap- ed, are making a strict search. J —— Gol. Pkill G, Byrd went down to the Gate City this forenpen. ■ ,UU_ 171, tj body ww allowed tn witness the' imperial lauding'from the win dows.” . : i - - .... .. .... ~ I , f ~ , 3 • .. A lAW&SKi TIE BEST PLACE H B»ME TH DO WB TBMJO — I --.. >"■» -tTT “ --'d' ', -4... - 4. . *4 - Ten Quarter Blankets, each 17c "'Sr Lad ies’ Capes,trimmed with braid, iqc I'j Shoes as.low as, per pair 15c ' i!| Sß i ‘ All-Wool Flannel, per yard,- 9c wplfc' Bleaching as low as aA(c Everything ]\|ew and Stylish. No Old Camed-Over Goods! L # » The Best Millinery Department! * THE BEST DRESS GODDSDEPARETMNT Anti me Prices are under fion in Rome. ' •' '*T r» A — - - - ■ '- -1. j- ; , - t- We have the biggest stores in Rome^ —one at 245 Broad street, Bass’ old stand, filled with yery newest goods, not an old piece of merchandise in the house; then we have our Fourth ward stores, and you can get these goods at either store. Our line of FINE OREES GOODS Is the newest and most complete in the city. We have from the cheapest to the best, and the price is right on every piece. Don’t buy your Winter Dry GoodSj Mli nery, Shoes, or anytning in our line till you see our goods and get our prices, , t—mt— ——r- ' Beautiful all Dress Gpods, double G Papers Pins for width ’ 9c Coals’loo-yard Spool Cotton 1 St Pretty double width Plaids 9c S’? S’? Cheap Spool Thread le Fine black Dress goods,worth 50c,only 29c Best Table Oilcloth t> 10« Pretty 7 double width Casbimere all Window Shades wool filled, only 9c Sv Ladies Seamless Hose 5e 75c Corsets for only 19c Ladies’ Heavy winter Vests Lie 50c Corsets for only Ladies’ and Children’s Handkeichiefs lc Sheeting, yaidwide ’ 3sc Hooks rnd Eyes, per card le Best full standard cafio 3 j /|\ Safety Pius, per card . Beautiful plush capes, tri n ri' i with Z|S Li, ien Towels, each • Se braid and jet, Thibet C6ilars- worth Pretty Knotted Fringe Towels , lie $2 25, fur only $1 50 (\\ to Good Jeans yVe have caoes and j iclce’ts from 19c up t/o Ladies’ Fine Trimmed Hats and Sail- as high as you care to go, all new. ors for less money than any other store in 40 Crimped Huirpius for G' the city. Come to our store for your ME- 3 Balls Sewing Thieac for -‘C linery. ,7 .T-lj immi Clothing, Shoes. Hats! Big stoCk, All New and Prices Right. Come to See us Before You Buy, LANHAM’S STORES OLD STORE. NEW S IORE. J Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt 1.0 CENTS PER