The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 31, 1898, Image 2

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BEST OF ALL DOCTORS! Good Health of Countless Americans Dueto Paine’s !k Celery Compound. ' Jr H{ A • - V I if A ii / \' m AW' / *” wfSf/Ujt&r j '‘•'■jit ' W? ' / ■■■■ ""*•■ eP Countless homes«in every city in America have been saved from the sad loss of some des pairing member by Paine’s cel ery compound. The story of the life-work of the discoverer of this world-fam ed remedy is familiar to most readers. The likeness of Dart mouth’s greatest professor, Prof, •dward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., given above, is the best por trait of him yet printed. “Excepting its handful of magnificent statesmen and its military heroes," says the most recent writer upon and critic of America, “the people owe more to Dartmouth’s physician teach er than to any one man. “In every walk of life, among the highest office holders at the national capital, in the homes of the best people in the large cities, among the every-day folks of the country, families in cemfortable circumstances, fam ilies that ‘live from hand to mouth,’ and could not, if they wished, afford the services of any but an ordinary physician— everywhere I have met people to whom Paine’s celery compound has been a blessing.’’ It was the world-famed dis covery by Prof. Phelps of an in fallible cure for those fearful ills that result from an impaired nervous system and impure blood which has endeared the great doctor to the world, and made his life an era in the prac tice of medicine. Prof. Phelps was born in Con necticut and graduated in medi cine at Yale. His unusual talent socn NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin & Printup, attor neys, was dissolved tn May 21s last, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. Jno. C. Printup. brought him reputation and prominence among his profes sional brethren. * First he was elected to the professorship of anatomy and surgery iu the Ver mont University. Next he was appointed lecturer on materia medica and medical botany in Dartmouth College. The next year he was chosen professor of tho chair then vacated by Prof. Robby, and occupied the «hair, the most important one in the country, at the time when he firstformulatod his most remark able prescription. Prof. Phelps has given to his profession in Paine’s celery compound a positive cure for sleeplessness, wasting strength, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheuma tism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. It is the only specific recognized and prescrib ed today by the best physicians for diseases arising from a de bilitated nervous system. For such complaints Paine’s celery compound succeeds again and again where everything else fails. No remedy was ever so highly recommended, because none ev er accomplishes so much. Paine’s celery compound stands without competition for feeding exhausted nerves and building up the strength of ths body. It cures radically and permanently, healthy increase in appetite and a corresponding gain in weight and good spirits follow the use of Paine’s celery compound, It is the most re markable medical achievement of this last half of the nineteenth century. - 'J*, '—2 '-k ■'■■■ ! vita ye> vfcMtar r— •orve kWLn< UM, reno*H Ui9 Urritsr wot nerrou <ua»r«ee mb«L< A W *■• purifies t*e bleed. M tteree Lost maahssfi. e WA. terse pufefiea reu Btroaf A ho beaith. ' eases seres *<e eed Tfb KAC fr«A all Cl a* ***' P**«a*lr. ■I k |B)> — ■ ailUir xrw I »•!•• SJ» ■ ■oarunsnd v» ««r> t va rWua mJKf •*'■*« *M# oa_ lilui, M«n< Iw r«X Rlpans Tabules: for sour |HY WITHDRAW Speculation About Paris Ne gotiations. * EVE OF MAIN QUESTION. Wearisome Discussion uikely te be Raised. Paris. Oct 31.—Senor Mon tero Rios, president of the Span ish peace commission, is ill. This causes some doubt this evening as to whether there will be a joint session of the commissions tomorrow. If he is unable to attend, it is unlikely that the Spaniards would con sent to enter the conference to take up the Philippine question. There is a strong impression which has been growing hare recently that the Spanish upon receiving definite assur ances of the American determi nation to take the entire Philip pine group, would quit the con feience, but all such speculation is modified by the attitude of Spanish newspapers arriving here today. There are found to have wheeled into line with the Epo ea of Oct. 27th which demand ed that the Spanish commission ers sign a treaty in Paris no matter how onerous the condi tions imposed by the Americans. Nevertheless, despite this at titude of the Madrid press, and despite the denial given on Fri day last to the correspondent of the Associat d Press by a Span ish commissioner, who denied that the Spaniards had any in tention of withdrawing, the Americans will not be surprised if one or more of the Spanish commissioners resign and prac tically close the negotiations. In ths Philippines discussion t-vo wearisome are likely to be raised early by the Spanish. Th* first is on the govern ment” of the archipelago, the Spaniard* doubtless holding that the word “disposition” does not involve possession, though they know that “possession” was origi nally written in the protocol and ch inged to “disposition,” on M. Cam bon’s insistence i u behalf of - p mish sensibilities. Sunday Cabinet meeting. Peace Negotiations at Paris ! Were Referred To. Washington, Oct. 31. — An in formal session of the cabinet was hold last night at the white house. The President embraced the op portunity afforded by the presence of several members of the cabinet to discuss with them their forth coming annual reports. The peace negotiations at Paris were referred to, but were not se riously considered it is understood. This statem“:it is borne out of the fact that Secretary of State Hay was not a party to the conference, It is said authoritatively that no new devt lopuoonts in the Paris sit uation have arisen during the past thirty**!* hours. A Real Fine Syrup.—The genuine pure New Orleans syrup is very hard to get these days, but we are very critical in oar buying, and have just secured some of the best that can be made from pure cane juice. To have a fair profit, we ought to get 66c gallon, but we will offer this at 50c, Try one gallon, and if you are not delighted with it, we will gladly take it back and ask you no questions. Lloyd & Harper. 1 PERSONAL NIENNOIT. Mr. Tol Fricks was in the city yesterday. For a most apprizing meal go to Gouaez case on Second Ave. Mr. P. S. Perry, of Cave Spring, spent Sunday in Hie city. You can get what you want cooked as you want it at the Gomez ca f e. Mrs. Lon Willis went to Ghu lio today to visit her father’s family. Eggs are getting quite scarce on the market, and are bringing at retail 15c to 18c. Go to Mrs. A. 0. Garrard for best brand of zephyrs at 2| cts per ounce. Mr. J. C. Crookshanks, the well known Atlantian, was at the Armstrong yesterday. Hose supporters, the 25cts grade, at lOcts to closa them out at Mrs. Ga.rards. Mr. J. E. Stewart, of Spring Garden, came up yesterday and spent last night in the city. Mr. J. B. Chanabiee spent Sunday in Cartersville, return to the city today. Mr. C. C. Black, after a brief visit to relatives in Dalton, has returned to the city. The best way to avoid sickness is to kepp yourself healthy by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Mr. F L. Smart, of Atlanta, is in the city today, having ar rived yesterday. Mr. C. E. Davis, a popular knight of the grip, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. J. C. Watts, of Cave Spring, was in the city yester day, a guest of the Armstrong. The fat of the land served in Selmonican style at the Gomez case, on Second Avenue, next door to the Armstrong. Mr. P. W. Roberts, a promi nent citizen of Piedmont, Ala., and well known in Rome, was here yesterday. Miss Bessie Byars, the beauti ful and talented daughter of D. O. Byars, spent yesterday with Mr . and Mrs. W. T. Fricks. Hon. Jake C. Moore,-chief warden of the state penitentiary, after spending Sunday .with his family, est for Atlanta this fore noon. Impure blood is an enemy to health and may lead to serious disease. Hood’e Sarsaparilla conquers this enemy and averts danger. Miss Battie Henderson, one of Chulio’s prettiest young la dies, spent Sunday in the city with her sister, Mrs. “Doc” Winggard. She was accompanied by Mr Fincher. Fancy Celery, fine Cranber ries, Canadian Apples, Pigsfeet, new Kraut, new Olives, Sweet Pickles and other good things at Lloyd & Harper’s. They handle high grade groceries only. Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing- For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis & Wright and J. T. Crouch. The McCall Bazar Patterns are known a« the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham & Sons. Jess Holt, the well known ne- gro, who has been at home on furlough for some days, left this morning to return to his com mand, the 10th Immunes at Lexington, Ky. Stylish Overcoa'e. Covert cloths are recognized as the correct thing for top coats. We nave them $7 .50 buys a stylish overcoat. J A Gammon & Co. J. Ji LOCAI HAPPENINGS. For Rent.— 9 room house on 4th Ave 2 blocks from Broad St. Apply to N. M. Gemez. Business Meeting.—The La dies' Missionary Society met this afternoon at the First Bap tist church. Business of impor tance was transacted. A Handsome Cane. —Mr. J. W. May, of the hooks, is the proud owner of a handsome cane presented him by Fitzpatrick the expert fireman and artistic bird cage builder. The carving on the stick is immense and must be seen to be appreciated. Look I Look ! —W. H Coker’s big add will appear on the street Tuesday. Will be in front of street people. Get one of his adds and read every word. He is of fering bargains and cutting be low others, big stock all you want and will sell. Slew a Reptile—Yesterday afternoon the editor of this paper assisted little Pauline Kincaid in slaying a snake. Tne reptile was discovered in the middle of the street in front of the old «ourt house taking a siesta. He measured about 30 inches long —and was about the last of the season. Use Cheap Package Coffee? —I would not? do so any longer when you can get something free from dirt, old glue, sticks and stones for nearly the same price. We have just received a good Santos that we will supply at 16c lb just two or three cents alb more in price, but worth 10c more in quality. Be sure to try one or two pounds, to be had only at Llcyd & Harper’s. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becomes a very simple art* For this purpose the McCall Bazaar Patterns are superior in every respect, in fact they are referred to as “The Reliable Pattern,” not only is a perfect fit guaranteed (if the proper size is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice cut after these models. Sheets free at Lanham & Sons. SI. 1 . -J"!. _L !■ ■■ A W- 1 -- 1 ? The local “reformer” is kuss ing Jake Moore about the judge ship race. And Jake only laughs at J? GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortable. But why shoutd not every chair in the house be the same? We have a line of chairs that are substantial, handsome and comfortable. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our line of dining chairs. We are offering these at prices lower than ever known in this city. Call and see them. Rhudy, Harvey A O 337, Broad St. GOV. RUSSELL Itai His Negro ConstitU atirs to Stay hay FROM ELECTION POLLS. Fears Righteous Vengeance O s The People. Wilmington, N. C„ Oct. 31__ The republican county convention met here Saturday and remained in aeseion two boon behind elosed deora. I am reliably informed that i u consequence of the ii. flamed cvndi. tion of the white people, th* con vention. b» ordarof Governor Rug. sell, republican leader, djcidel not to iaaue a county ticket, and advised all negroes to »tay awav from tho poll*. This procedure of the republican party ia unpreced ented, not only in thie count*, but in every other elate. Th« governor advised thia pro cedure, it is aaid, from fear of the righteous vengeance of the white people Nogro domination has become intolerable. All white mea of every party— democrats, popu lists and republicans—have aligned and solidified themselves for white supremacy. White peoph are armed to the teeth. They have twe Maxim rap id-fire guns, two howitzjrs aud fib teen hundred rifles. —T ■ . THREW ACID ON GOWNS. A Vandal Who Alarmed Wom en in Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Oct. 81.—A Aid.. ily*dreesed young man giving his name as P. Paulsoa, of Flounce street, West Philadelphia, was a prisoner in the Cent: 11 Police Court yesterday, ohr.ig d with • priukling a preparati- i> of acids upon women’s dresses iu tU crowd* en Chestnut street. He was arrested by Policeman Morton, of the Fourteenth district. The latter testified that he had watched the man for some tins and had seen him throw the liquid from a battle upon a number of women The prisoner was held in SBOO bail for trial. YELLOW FEVER SITUATION. Few Cases Reported, butare all of a Light Type Jackaon, Mirs., Oct ‘ 81 .—The yellow fever situution throughout the state is meet encouraging Re* ports from infected points hevs almost eeaaed and the first of ho vember will mask the end of the epidemic Refugees are returning to Jacksoa ob each tram and tbs town has begun tn assume a busi* ness-like appearaace. A few cases of sickness were reported, but they ar* all of a light type and there is posit, vely ne fear of new infaetiou. The weather continues cool dur ing the dav, with a g»od frost east night. The losal papers resu»« publication Monday. ■ i m. i A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on ray lungs cough set in and finally term!" nated in Consumption. Fo ur doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time- I gave myself up to my davior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Di®' covory for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank bod I am and, now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free st Curry-Arrington’s. Regular * >’?• 50 cents and 11.00, guaranty or price refunded.