The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 31, 1898, Image 7

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■ $ U 7 |_in M Proctor | I 15 now <-*/ l£ manager f ■» M’ R ’a? < » K.'E.F<m»Kfil * •«■ * x *i<r # ROME BRANCH MUSIC HOUSE. * He eolicits the influence and patronagj cf the peo pie of Rome and the surrounding country. It will ba to .year interest to call and get prices. • x. a Marvelous y f Lo Figures! £ $ W ill bs quoted on all PIANOS, $ J ORGANS, BICYCLE’S, SEWING MA- X J CHIT ES and othergoods now includ & ed in the big stock at No. 327, Broad _ street While this entire stock is to & & be closed out at reduced figures Mr. Proctor is empowered to make the terms decidedly easy to all buyers. f BICYCLES - | At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, ASL /Ur, and will be sold regardless of cost. See cur wine at once—it will pay you to take a look. I Sheet Music | This stock will be closed out at 10 cents per copy. T - f $ IngraM I t HTHIA I I Wateß { 4S W 4S BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, \V 4S , W 4$ For Sale at Soda Founts of: \j/ J CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. W k F Crouch and Jervis&Wright. G F. _ II ANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. r I THE HANSON SUPPLY CO, fiTc 'Cj X Plumbing and Tinning. j S Engineers’ and machinists J X supplies. Stoves, ranges and < S tinware. Gas and electric fix- * | tures. INSURANCE gasoline i 4 stoves. Water meters. i 3 325 Broad st. Phone 32. | /I PRIZE WlflNß Tin Empire SLte cf Pie South Takes Medals IN CONTEST OF STfI?S. I Flattering List Telegrapher by “Ginneral’’ Northern. Yesterday’s Constitution con tains the following “specal” from “Ginneral” Nortern which explains itself: Omaha, Neb., Oct. 29.—Gor gia continues to win victries on this conspicuous field of ton test. With $7,700 we comento the mineral, mining and sone section of the union and wn a gold medal on building stons; a gold medal on aluminum ore and products : a silver medd on n inor minerals; bronze mdal on claj.B ; another on mangaiese and iron,'and another on 'old ores. We are also in the geat grain section and have win a silver medal on grain, grasses and cotton. In this great cortest of states wc have won the 'old medal on state exhibits. We are near through, yet will vire you again what could have ken possible if we had come vitb only half the money expended by any other s ate? With ssooo in building and $450 for ground space, we had only $4,100 for our show. W. J. Northern. Ji— -■3 “Disastrous Consequences ” Washington. Oct. 31.—The an nual report of the Dewes Indian commission, bringing up the work of that body in reorganizing the iudian Torritcry up to date, of narly this wsek, was made public today. It urge* as the main call or the government aid, “fraught with disastrous consequences it d<- ayed,” the need of some provision )y ths national government fui idueational purposes in the tsrri tory. HOW IT HURTS! Rheumatism with all its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the cause? Acid in the blood has accumulated in your joints. The cure is found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write that they have been com pletely cured of rheumatism by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, biliousness, indiges tion. Price 25c. J PRESCRIPTION S»- A Pt 14 'jr ISwBiSJ YOUNG AND OLD We none of us live so careful ly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicine to put us right. It’s a comfort to know where you can get them pure at proper prices. We are not modest about these points—we can give you what you want in patent medicines, druggistst sundries, toilet articles and ec’. Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch & Co., 300 Broad street. Ko nornhlß* or opiuo !n D’ Mlle.’ PUi ful*. UVMAUFiik -Ouu . jut» doe*. A SUM. | Un Insilranee of $2,000,000 1 Upon One Life. « BIGGEST ON RECORD I j Ch icago Agent Gets a Fortune J For Writing Policy. $ New York Oct. 31, —What is v probably ths biggest pieee of life « underwriting ever undertaken by a ?< sing'e company, is said to have >. just been made by the New York ?< Life Insurance Company. Two million dollars is a Fur es- v timate of the value of the policy “ to judge by the siz« of the first £ premium. The poliey is known to << have been taken out oy a prumi- x nent Wall Street opera’or, who is >! to be Charles T. Yerkes, who has >J large interests in Chicago, where >! the policy was written. The amount of the first premium was V $101,900. The policy is tor 10 years, and of the annual dividend >' endowment class. ) George W. Riggs. Chicago man ager of the New York Life, acted as agent in the transaction, and bis commission for a few minutes’ work was $75,000 ‘‘PAWNEE BILL” With His Famous Wild West Comes This Week. Pawnee Bill’s Wild West Show opened its second week at the Charles River Park yester day with the usual afternoon and evening performances, and with an increased attendance. The afternoon program was car ried out in full and the show was greatly appreciated by the audiences. In the reproduction of wild life on the frontier the spectators witness a genuine • Mexican hippodrome and Indian ( village, an Indian museum with | quaint relics, and the congress § of rough riders of the world, a " spectacle of rarity and deep in- a 1 terest. Not the least of the strong at- < tractions are the sharpshooting ■ contests in which May Lillie, the j champion woman shot, figures < prominently. During the per- j formances the spectators will see « the strange accourterments worn 1 and carried by Kit Carson in = ’49. ' ] The show itself has so many i good features that it is hard to ’ particularize them. There is so much that it is instructive and novel in the entertainment and so attractive that an afternoon or evening passed iu the com pany cf Pawnee Bill and his as sociates should prove alike agreeable to young and old. Maj. Gordon W. Lillie is bet ter known the world over now as “Pawnee Bill.” This sobri quet he earned by serving the government among the Pawnees and by having been chosen by that band of warriers and useful nation as its own white chief and interpreter. —Boston, Mass., Daily Globe. “Pawnee Bill’s Wild West” will exl-ioit in Rome Wednesday November 2nd, for one day I only. THAT JOYFUL FEELING , With the exhilarating sense t of renewed health and strength , and internal cleanliness, which 1 follows the use of Syrup of Figs, t is unknown to.the few who havt not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheat substitutes sometimes offeree but never accepted by the we informed. Buy the genuine Manufactured by the California 1 Fig Syrup Co. | Wi 5 '' TrKrYfiP77 fni iSt[ i. j ® w» I We will Sell New« I Books wholesale | I PRICES! || FOR CASH. Second Hand ;f || Books cheaper uhan the >» cheapest. Give me a call, ss | H. A. SMITH. 1 || THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. || * H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., *7 -3* Successors to K - ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. w* We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in fUe drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a times. We should be pleased to have you call on u Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr store. Cigars and’tob a cco. Com e to see us. ,. L S S. M. Stark, E 55 S 3 gj $ LiOIEJ MO GOIIMM's tUUH S - 5 55 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave S * *22 — ■ ' ■■ $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for t$ J, A. GAMMON S COMPANY ARE WAITING CM ■ r * 1 ****** > t J, Thegreatest line of njgligee shir 1 ever shown in Rome. ’ I i j. a. gammon &co or everyone in Rome to come n and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, bicycle and golf suits, is what we are doing, but we arc hue tling while we wait. We will how you the finest etoeke clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabricke, perfect fitting and handsome, ie be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in valuee or the price.