The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 01, 1898, Image 1

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ninth year smoke a Bill Arp’ warters New Brand dr. WILSON SHOT. fy a PiJrajlniD' Posse anil broilfilit to bay. CHASED BY BONDSNEN. Inflated Severe Wounds, He May Die. I Warwick Ga., Nov. 1. —A ’ tragic sequel to the sensational Worth county ii-urance fraud developed at <’• ok’s Ferry, six miles from Leii, in Lee county last afternoon, in the probably fatal shooting of Dr. Hugh Wil ton, one of the principals in the case. Ever since Tuesday Dr. Wil son has been engaged in evad ing the officers of the law, but the posse, consisting of his bondsmen, has been steadily on his trail. '1 hey tracked him from place to place. With an accuracy excelled only by a trained bloodhound, they would find where he slept in cotton hous s and b .rns on the planta tions. and ear y la t morning, win e pursuing their seach in such places as they had found that he stopped, as the posse approached a cotton b >use on a plantation in Dooly county,they heard what they thought was a gun being cocked. Cautiously examining the Lous; they discovered the doc tor within. It is imported that the posse then c tiled upon him to surrender, but instead of his doing so, he jumped out of the house and ran eff in the direc tion of a nearby sugar cane patch with bis gun pointing back at the posse in a threatening man ner, still refusing te halt, where-' upon the bailiff, armed with a *hctgun, loaded with buckshot, shot the doctor just as he ap proached the cane patch. It is reported that he was hit with four buckshot in the back part of the thigh. The doctor then surrendered and was brought back to his home in this county, where he is now being guarded by a * bailiff, he being thought too weak from loss of blood to be brought to jail now. Ihe people of v. orth county are determined that justice shall be meted out to this trio, and ancli frauds as they endeavored to perpetrate t ffectually discour aged. Judge Smith is presiding for Judge Spence, and it will require fully two weeks to clear the docket. Ramseur and Pat terson are securely c nfined in the jail at Isabella. awaiting trial. blr. \\ ilson was appointed postmaster at this place about , Tp month ago as a republican, tough he lived at Att, fifteen 1111 e8 from here. All the chanc are against his recovery. KITCHENER a load hisTiNGUiBH General Raised 1 o The Pker«e. L »odm, Nov 1 —lc i> officially Te pOit6dthat General Kitchener Wlll tak« the title of Lord Kitche- U' r of Khartoum, and of Aspall, in ’b* County o f Surrey. A. G. Bradshaw, of Senev, was 18 tb * city yesterday. THE ROME HtSTLEH COMMERCIAL SUG'JSTfI BIIK Stores DesWyi il du Broad Street by Fira CONSIDERABLE LOSS. Landrum & Butler Closed. Mc- Coy Convicted. Augusta, Nov. I—A general alarm last night at 11 o’clock called out trie entire fire depart ment. The fire started io the store of William Nixon, 8«7 Broad etroet and the entire building wa* dtetroyed, also the olh adjoining, occupiey by Davidson & Matthew-, sou and th? Phoeriix Job Printing company. The building occupied by Rich ards & Sl’.av: r was also damaged, and their stock of bo®ks flooded with water. The losses are: Wil liam Nixon, stock, $7.C00, Phoe nA Printing company plant. $5,- 001 Divds n & Matihewson, 'A, $5,000, Richardson Sha \ r stock, $2 000, estate of Fred Cumming, which owned both houses, $14,000. fully insured Landrum <fc Butler, on® of the oldest dry goods bosses in the city, were today closed by H. B. Chat liu & Co., of New York, their prin cipal creditors. Joe McCoy, a negro, registered fraudulently in the Fourth ward, was convicted and sentenced hv Ihe recorder to pay a fine of SSO or serve sixty days on the public works ’ PARSONAGE BURNS Pastor Was Sion in Bed and Was Carried From Bui'dinSf• Tifton, Ga., Nov. 1. —The Me thoditt parsonage here caught fire iibout 4 - 80 o’clock yesterday af ternoon from a defective kitchen flue and burned to the ground. The building was worth about $1. 1 - 000 and was insured for S6OO, The furniture was insured for S3OO. Over half of the furniture was sav ed and loss on it is fully cov ered. Rev. Charles E. Crawley, the pastor, was convalescing from a severe illness and had to b® car ried from tbs building. He is blis tering greatly now from the pros tration and probable relapse, The residence adjoining belong ing to Captain John A. Philips, was only saved by hard work of the tucket bridgade, leveral out houses belonging io him were burned and are a total loss. His furniture was badly damaged and the house damaged, by scorching. The t"tai loss on house and furni ture is about S2CO The house was insured for SIOOO and the furni ture for S4OO, fully covering the loss. COL. WARING’S REPORT. Was Practically C®mplot6d and Will be Sent to The President. New York, Nov. I. Dr. Stim son said that Col. Waring's report on his investigation in Havanna and his suggestions as to sanitary improvements in that city for President McKinley was practical ly completed before his death. On Thuisday last be wanted a stenog rapher so that he might finish it. He was too weak at that time, however Dr. Stimson, however, said the President can obtain a<l the information that Col. aring had gathered essentially from the reportasit stands. Col. U ar ing had three copies of bi# re port made. They will be for warded to washington at an ®ar y date but will first be thoroughly disinfected. ROME GEORGIA. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER I, 1898. VIGHM«PRIEST Rev, Father Heise, of New Drleais Assaulted. GIVEN CHLOROFORM By Three Desperado’s. Cover ed His bed With Broken Glass, New Orleans, La , Nov. 1 —lt transpired last night that Father R. V . Moise, rector of St. Francis d’Assisi Catholic Church, had been the victim last Wednesday night of one of the most sensational burglaries and brutal assaults in the criminal annals of this city. Father Moise is a brother ®f the Judge Moise ofthe criminal Cour', berore whom the burglars, if caught, may be tried, and inas much as it is a capital offense in Louisiana to commit burglary and be armed with a dangerous weap on, the brother of the victim may sentence the criminals to death The crime presents some unique features. The burglars, three in number, chloroformed th® priest, and lest he should surprise them at their work of opening the safe in the corner of his room, spread broken glass about his bed. lie came out of the influence of the chloroform while they were work ing at the safe snd jumped from his bed, severing an u rtt ry in his foot. The burglars threw them selves upon him, beat him about the b dy , and when, between the beating and the loss of blood b was near fainting, forced him. a:, the point of a revolver, to open li.e safe, They rifled it of about s2tfc) and then departed, Meantime Father Moise, who had managed to tie up his foot suflicieutly to stop the free flow of blood, had fainted from exhaus tion and pain, and the burglars j est him Ijing on the floor uncon scious They wrote a note, sarcas tically thanking the priest for his hospitality and generosity. This note was found in Father Moise's room by the eouk when, alarmed at his nonappearance at bis usual hour in the morning, she went to his room, and finding the door open, looked in and saw the rector lying with his feet in a pool cf blood and his face discolored from the brutal beating he had re ceived. Father Moise was loth to make public the burglary and aesualt, but Judge Moise, of course, had to be told of the serious cendition of. his brother, and the facts were made known to the police by the Judge, despite the priest’s plead ing that bis assailants be allowed to go free with their ill-gotten booty. There is absolutely no clew to the identity of the perpetrators of the crime beyond Father Moise's statement that two of the men were white and the third a negro. LU I— !■ BUCK TEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for «uts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For said by Curry Ar lington Co. Yesterday at 11:80 "the fire de partment was called t® extinguish a small blaze on Seventh „venue. The fire laddies soon did the work. Damage elight. LANI» SOK IB BIST PUEi IN ROME TO 00MB TMOfflG S 3 - • »|i|; Ten Quarter Blankets, each 17c 1 ■ Ladies’Capes.tri mined with braid, 19c I Shoes as.low as, per pair 15c All-Wcol Flannel, per yard, 9c *f, Bleaching as low as Everything I\jew and Stylish. No Old Gamed-Over Goods! * fhT BesTl ill in ery Department! • THE BEST DRESS GOODS BEFARETMNT find tub jWyi’G underjnu in Rome- We have the biggest stores in Roine-==one at 245 Broad street, Bass’ old stand, filled with the very newest goods, not an old piece of merchandise in the house; then we have our Fourth ward stores, and you can get these goods at either store. Our line of FINE DRESS GOODS Is the newest and most complete in the city. We have from the cheapest to the best, and the price is right en every piece. Don’t buy your Winter Dry Goods, Mli nery, Shoes, or anytning in our line till you see our goods and get our prices Beautiful all wool Dress Goods, double 6 Papers Pins for S« width 9c Coats’ 100-yard Spool Cotton Pretty double width Plaids 9c Cheap Spool Thread le Fine black Dress goods,worth 50c,only 29c Best Table Oilcloth 10® Pretty double width Casliimere all Window Shades wool filled, only 9c Ladies Seamless Ilose 5« 75c Corsets for only 49c st? Ladies’ Heavy winter Vests 18e 50c Corsets for only 29c* Ladies’ and Children’s Handkerchiefe le Sheeting, yard wide 3£c Hooks rod Eyes, per card le Best full standard calico 3| Safety Pins, per card 2e Beautiful plush capes, trimmed with Linen Towels, each fe braid and jet, Thibet collars worth fa Pretty Knotted Fringe Towels 18e $2 25, for only $1.50 fa fa Good Jeans 10* We have c ipes and jackets from 19c up to AS Ladies’ Fine Trimmed Hats and Bsil- as high a» you care to go, all new. ors for less money than any other store in 40 Crimped Hairpins for 1c the city. jCome to our store for your Mil- 8 Ball s Sewing Tbieae for 5c linery. “"’T Clothing, Shoes. Hats! Bjg StoCk, All New and Prices Right. Come to See us Before You Buy e LANHA M’S STORES OLD STORE, NEW STORE, Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt 10 CENTS PER WEEK j!