The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 01, 1898, Image 5

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J A T ROME ON WEDNESDAY NOV. 2nd. I fnu'A’SNATIONAL ENTEKTA'NMENT, ■M eIU BEARIN'? THE SEAL uE EUROPEAN SUCCESS. I PAWNEE BILL S I ‘historic wild west I M.ocKi m, Indian Village, Hippcdrome. .International MiplAN M ■ Exposition of Novelties, I L ~ ‘ ; .4] I; • t r ■' «■ i I WW IsL;-.. ' ••*- ’ ; ■■•!.% ■•>-'"/> ■ •• ’ 1' W ■ rW||l“ l ?«wra^w , .-£>c . i*-. - I THE MARVEL OF THE AGE AND THE I Greatest Wild West in the World. ■ twtalD »featuies S« Ac .L for their historical lalue a d character from the Wild west of I Ainwi'cain particular, and tie World at as Nature's Own Trutfiful Exhibition. Faw- I , »ee Bill s Wild Wee: has fulfilled every purpose and is acknowledged to be IIU/1 ( NAL ANDIJMS I RUCTIVE >»—• -—-- ' — ‘ " • ——. 0. It nona, and Great White Chief of the Pawnees. Major Gordon A . Lillie (Pawnee Rillj has spair d neither trouble uor expense in his efforts to collect from every clime STARTLING AND STERLING NOVELTIES, iai fl.itf of nnown A whole Indian Village. Travcys. and thousands of curiosities ar , wl ehted. Spotted;Tail, Afraid-of-his-Horses, Left Hand.and Dozens of Indian Warriors frrmthe celebrated Sioux, Comanche, Ch ye ne, Aapaboes. and other trib?s. 3BANDS UF MUSIC 3 MEXICANS, INDIANS / ND COWBOYS. An Army of Cowboys and Frontier Heroes, in their sports, horse nianship, repulsing of the Bloodthirsty Redskins at Trapper Tom’s Cabin and Fort Sell Stage Coach. A GRAND THRILLING MEXICAN BULL FIGHT Divested of all the cruel phases, yet retaining the exciting action of the fierce combat, will be given at each performance Pawnee Bill’s Will West. • Woufded Knee Fight And Mountain Meadow Massacre. TH E GRA ND ‘HIPPODROM E. kaani.g Rac.s Chari t Race.. Hurd e and Wil i Texas Steer Races.: n Indian Runner agains 1 I'or.e -etior Francisco ind bls Vsq e os. M ss Mav I illie, th only laoy who can •-hoot M-rrmgly with a r fie on Horseback. A levy of leautifu' Wild ves ern Girls Mies hr* «n the Queen of tbe ula ns. Spotted Mnitar g M , Bit- king Proi c> os. a <li< ve of Pflfl 'l.xas Stoers Ar illerv P ces in tl e cleeriiiL’. Ai d ibe only l eru of Buffalo. With i> any World-it it e Celebiities. Mustang V alter. Corey, the c ack p Biol • hot, Pc ny 1 ob and some of ti e most toted Pangenien, famous for their skill with the Lariet. fT*ON THE ROUND-UP AND BRANDING CATTLE J THE GRAND STREET PARADE Which will start at 10 A. M. daily, immediately after the Cannon is heard to boom. This is the signal to start, look out for itl Two performances daily at 2 and 8 P, M. □NE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. LADIES AND CHILDREN OUR SPECIAL CARE. Nothing will be omitted at one and done at another performace. Excursion Rates on all Railroads and Steamboats. Dis<& I have been taking Piso’s Cure for Consumption since 1883, for Coughs and Colds. I had an attack of La Grippe in 1890, and have hnd others since. In the Winter of 1890-7, k had a spell of Bronchitis, lasting all winter, and leaving a troublesome cough, until I again tried is ■ Cure, which relieved ine.-Mrs. M. B. Smalley, Colorado Springs, Colo., August 19, 1898. Call elseTailS. ta Cough syrup. Tantes Good- gs Tb. Company, Wawcn, Pa. W 0 i ? Ku C A. ND COMFORT ail( l for a jolly good time with Rniily orjrjends", there is noth 1 U" tike an open surry for either inter or Summer. Our stock stylish carriages is unrivalled “nd our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies, tiaps, carts, wag onettes, canopy top, or open sur- are ligdit, easy, comforta le and beautiful in construe t’ On » trimmings and finish. We als o repair and overhaul vehicles; also carry a big;nue o Orness and lap robes, Rome Buggy Co, 5a09-ol IBr fcl ieet,Rome Ga, Satterfield & Williams, Agents. „ iiip! _ nf fine Tsp I'll' in hag been quite s row rais ed because the late Ha old Fred.r if died wi(i)( ut th e assistance of a physician. o o o Counting the Cubans and Fil lipinoe, this country will, it is es timated, number 86,000,000 in the next national round up, according to the figures of the Age-Herald. o o o Ibe total registration in New York city is 556,389. The demo crats regard it as most favorable and declare Van Wyck will carry the city by 120.000 to 130.000 and the slate by 75.000. o o o It is rumored that Editor Hearst of the New York Journal, is about to establish a free silver paper in Chicago. It he does, he can be re lied upon co make it lively for the go'd organs of that city. 000, A number of citizens of Santi* ago have volunteered to the United States authorities tu pay an in creased tax on imports, if the pro ceeds are devoted to the improve ment of Santiago Harbor. The suc cess of the United Statas in the war appears to have ziven Cuban business a boom. o o o A few days ago the goldbug or gans were teilmg the country that Representative Daily, of Texas, who had been asked to make some Democratic speeches in New York, had subsequently been warned not to come. Now Mr. Bailey has been heard from, and he says it isn’t true. 000 General Kitchener' who fought his way to the Upper Nile against all opposition, o mid not make his way through the mob of his enthu siastic c juntry men when he ar-> rived in London. He had to make an inglorious back door retreat. 000 Richard Croker, usually so sue .t and during this campaign so «... • • prisingly loquacious, made a inw departure in a speech to an audi* tmoe of deaf mutes in New York last night, He delivered h>s talk in slow and clear sentences and a .man standing at h ; s side, who knew how, translated it on his fingers to the audience. There was frequent applause and other signs of appreciations. 000 The Pillager Indians, who have been stirring up things in Minne sota for the past few weeks, sur rendered to newspaper men, while not a marshal or soldier was with in fifteen miles. The newspapers are not inclined to under-estimate hs credit due the soldiers, but they would like respectfully to suggest that there are others. 000 A Georgia marble man says that if all th* houses, not only in the United Stites, but on the Ameri can continent, were destroyed, so inexhaustible is the supply that they could every one, large and small, be rebuilt out of Georgia marble. 000 The stock of the ’Chemical Na tional Bank in New York, whose exchequer has been unlawtully and extensively tapped several times, is still very giod stuff to own. At anau ction sale of securi ties the other dsy six shires, of the par value of SIOO each, sold for $4,000 each. Theie ar« only 3 . 000 shares altogether, the bank’a capital being only $300,900. TWO DEATHS • - Steamer With Repatriated Span iards jn Board, Ponta Del Gada, Aznre Islands, Novi. —The Spanish st>>amer- Mantserrart, Capt. Deschamps, from Havana on Oct. 12 via Giba ra, for Cudib with repatriated Spanish troops on board, has ar lived her- 1 . There were sev*ntys two deaths on board the vessel during the voyage. MOONSHINE RAID Deputy Collector J<nes And Party of Rome, Make A capturjc A somewhat exciting moonshine laid occurred during lie enrly Lours of yesterday morning near Ewgl* Cliff Ga,, the following par ticulars of the same having beei I brought to this, city by parlies I living in that neighborhood. For a >me tim* past the Eagle Cliff neighbirhood has been in fested by moons Lin ;r, who have done a thriving bu.ineas in the sale of illieit whisky. Saturday United Slates I) puty Marshal Jones, of Rome Ga., organizead pass* and started for the sesne, arriving there Saturday after-, noon. Just before daylight yesterday morning Jones and p isse sur rounded and captured a still in tull operation in a hollow in the mountain near E igle Cliff, Ga , arresting the proprietor, R P. Daniels, a > old veteran moon shiner, and his partner Bud Cherry Jones also captured and destoryed forty gallons of whisky, 1,000 gallons of beer, cue eighty-gallon copper ?til 1 cap and worm and a large quantity of ma’t, mash and grain. Ths raid was conducted very successfully, and Daniels and Cnerry were taken completely by surprise. Th* two priseners wan take* to Rome Ga,, and will be tried today before a United States commissioner. Chattanoogo Ne> e. 10 CK SUBSCBIESRS IMPORTANT The Quaker Valley Ffg. Cc., have requested us to announce that they have several thousand sets of the finest coin silver Wai- Memorial Spoons left over from their recent distribution. They will mail postpaid, a full set of six of these spoons to any sub scriber to The Rome Courier, who will send name • and ad address—a postal card wil do. If, on receipt of the spoons you find them the most exquisitly beautiful specimens of the sil versmith’s art you ever saw.and worth $3.00, remit 78 cents, as payment in full, within 30 days; if not'pleased, return spoons I immediately. Each spoon is of a different desing—after-dinner coffee size—showing soldiers in camp in Cuba. Morro Castle and four U. S. Battleships. They are imperishable mementods of the ate war, and every subscriber should accept this most remark able offer, and obtain a set be fore it is too late. All that’s necessary is to say you’re a subscriber to The Rome Cour ier (this is important) an l that you accept Memorial Spoon Of eer. Address Quaker Valley Mfg. Co., 357 W. Harrison St., Chicago. SHOT HIS NIECE DEAD Because She would Not Msrry Him Attempted Suicde. Leonara, Kaws, Nev. 1--Wil. Ham Elliot followed Mi'* Fannie an l h*r Mater hom- from a dame an l shooting over the head of lister who trind to save her, killed the first named in the street. He then tired th re* shots into his body and may die . Elliot came here from Chicago three weeks ag >. Notwithstanding hs i* the girl’s uncle h« persisted in paying her attention. The shoot ing was the result of her refusal to marry him. ■SaBMMHQHMrS KUCHENER A LOAD Tux Dist’NgujbhGeneral Raised 'I o The Pkkrge. L >;id >u, Nov I.—lt is officially reported that General Kitchener will take the »itle of Lord Kitche ner of Khartoum, and ot Appall, in the County of Surrey. 1 SPINAL BLST OF ALL DOCTORS! Good Health of Countless Americans Dueto Paine’s Celery Compound. Ly■.. rA'.'‘x -* ’ -.1 I / U. t M -aw aww- ’ ■ - S L ' tew F x wl h ■ .ytete.VSVß. IO jtte ■ /f Bw B .-BH. Countless h( mts in every city 1 in America have been saved ] from the sad loss of some des pairing member by Paine’s cel ery compound. The story of the life-work of the discoverer of this world-fam ed remedy is familiar to most readers. The likeness of Dart mouth’s greatest professor, Prof, ftdward E. Phelps, M. I)., LL. D., given «bove, is the best por trait of him yet printed. “Excepting its handful of magnificent statesmen and its military heroes,” says the most recent writer upon and critic of America, “the people owe more to Dartmouth’s physician teach er than to any one man. “In every walk of life, among the highest office holders at tliei national capital, in the homes; of the best people in the large) cities, among the every-day | folks of the country, families in comfortable circumstances, fam ilies that ‘live from hand to mputh,’ and could not, if they wished, afford the services of any but an ordinary physician — everywhere I have met people to whom Paine’s celery compound has been a blessing.” It was the world famed dis covery by Prof. Phelps of an in fallible cure for those fearful ills thai result from an impaired nervous system and impure blood which has endeared the great doctor to the world, and made his life an era in the prac tice of medicine. Prof. Phelps was born in Con necticut and graduated in medi cine at Yale. His unusual talent socn NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin Printup, attor— i neys, was dissolved cn May 21s lass, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. U Jno. C. Printup. brought him reputation and prominence among his profes sional brethren. First he was elected to the professorship *f anatomy and surgery in the Ver mont University. Next he was appointed lecturer on materia mecica and medical botany in Dartmouth College. The next year he was chosen professor of tho chair then vacated by Prof. Robby, and occupied the chair, the most important one in the country, at tlie time when he firstfoi muiated his most remark able prescription. Prof. Phelps has given to his profession in Paine’s celery compound a positive cure for sleeplessness, wasting strength, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheuma tism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. It is the only I specific recognized and prescrib ed today by the best physicians for diseases arising from a de bilitated nervous system. For such complaints Paine’s celery compound succeeds again and again where everything else fails. Nr remedy was ever so highly recommended, because none ev er accomplishes so much. Paine’s celery compound stands without competition for feeding exhausted nerves and building up the strength of the body. It cures radically and permanently, healthy increase m appetite and a Corresponding g-in in weight and good spirits follow the use of Paine’s celery compound, It is the most re markable medical achievement of this last half of the nineteenth century. jjrasftj visa yo* wactfcar /•« ijuttMi •< I.illu < t. rmwn ItaMt. fetr.Nvp.s the d*JMro eulih rvous I iost mMiiiHd. J ® 3 **l2 puk©3 you. sVrottg V/3 ••K. 1 ’* <***4 y W M’** w y. p orUMtwaßy >PV pgtfii k «. *rauHy «wre« ; > ¥«••. BM >JkHI KTiArj.Mtoea t*» cure, or rofuna b«ML Bemody Co.. BoatroM. lev ■ -12-2! ..■ I 2HILWI! , 'T , y" - ”1— Rlpans Tabules: for «our ttsmaea.