The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 01, 1898, Image 6

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New Minister of War in France cornu and go with as much regal* arity »a new disaie s for his ma jeaty, Kuang Hsu, Emperor of china. 000 Den Carlos, after a brief vaca tion promised to go into the pre tending business aga ; n, His type writer is also bask at work, and another manifesto is promised at ' aa early date. 000 “Why not annex Liberia?”ex claims a Boston Contemporary. Dan’t g» too fast. Is there not an adequate supply of “Uncle Tom’a C abin” shown on the New Eng' land circuit this season? 000 Seth Low is going to vote far Reueeve't, Coudert is going to vote ter Van Wyck, and Schurz is go ing to vets for neither . It looks a* if the ordinary voter in New York will have to make up his mind for himself this year, 000 The Acme Wrecking Company of San Francisco have aaked for authority from the government to raise the Maine. Permission will undoubtedly be giver, if the com pany is reliable. 000 Bill Anthony, the sergeant of marinss who reported the explo sion under the Maines to Captain Sigsbee by bumping up against him in a dark passage of the ves sel and saying; “Excuse nae, sir, I have to report that the ship is blown up and is sinking,” was married nearly two weeks ago to Mies Adela Maude Blanchet, of New York, but the marriage has only just been announced. 0 0 6 Captain Chanler, Democratic nominee for Congress from the Fourteenth Congressional district in New York, has made the charge in a campaign speech that Abner McKinley, brother of ths Presi dent, was interested in the con tracts for furnishing clothing to the army and had made a lot of money out es clothing which he declares was no good. The captain says he will ask an investigation if he gets into Congress. 000 An Oklahoma girl adveitised for a husband and got him. The ad vertisement and wedding outfit coat sll. Within a year he died aid left her $5,000 life insurance. And yet there are some people who still argue that advertising doesn’t pay, 000 . If the gossips are not in error the pretty little Quien of Holland is to be the heroine of a real, com meupltee love match, and the Prince of Weid is her Romeo. While the similarity of their names—Wilhelmina and Wilhelm —is very striking, yet both names are dear to the heartof a Holland er,” The union will surely receive the national #od bless you. 0 0 9 Allen Candler carried 100 c. un ties out of 137 in the primary and j 12$ in the general election, No comment could emphasize that sact —it would make a glowing epitaph for the grand old man. He was almost the unanimous choice of the people of the state. Candler a majority in the slate was 70,415. — Dalton Argus. 000 Os course we are a nation of shopkeepers,J wholly inapprecii tive of the finer qualities of the high-bora Spaniards. Here we art now notifying Blanco and his •rowd, regardless of tl eir sensitive consecration to honor, that we can not allow them to steal any more cannon, tomb-stones, stores, etc., in Cuba. Successful Physicians. *' Or. Halhawu A Ota. B<-. Atlant*, (Au aa b«3n« par fOabU and remarkably ■ueeeaeful la rise !£••*■* 1,11 ehronlo diaeaeeeof men and women. <h«o, others fall. Ooj mdci If La ■•dltal help ih/jold certainly write wjm eminent duelers and you will vaeeire a hwe of your caec hf r>n* mail JIM WITHDRAW SpecUlaiion flboiit Paris Ne ootialions. EVE OF MAIN QUESTION. Wearisome Discussion uikely tn be Raised. Paris. Oct 31.—Senor Men tero Rios, presidentof the Span ish peace commission, is ill. This causes some doubt this evening as to whether there will be a joint session of the commissions tomorrow. If he is unable to attend, it is unlikely that the Spaniards would con sent to enter the conference to take up the Philippine question There is a strong impression which has been growing here recently that the Spanish upon receiving definite assur ances of the American determi nation to take the entire Philip pine group, would quit the con feience, but all such speculation is modified by the attitude ol Spanish newspapers arriving here today. There are found to have wheeled into line with the Epo ca of Oct. 27th which demand ed that the Spanish com:ui3si'>n ers sign a treaty in Paris no matter how onerous the condi tions imposed by the Americans Nevertheless, despite this at titude of the Madrid press, and despite the denial given on Fri day last to the correspondent of the Associat d Press by a Span ish commissioner, who denied that the Spaniards had any in tention of withdrawing, the Americans will not be surprised if one or more of the Spanish commissioners resign and prac tically close the negotiations. Iu the Philippines discussion two wearisome are likely to be raised early by the Spanish Th« first is on the gevern meut” of the archipelago, the Spaniards doubtless holding that the word “disposition” does not involve possession, though they know that “possession” was origi nally written in the protocol and changed to “disposition,” on M. Gambon's insistence in behalf of Spanish sensibilities, Sunday Cabinet meeting. Peace Negotiations at, Paris Were Referred To. Washington, Oct. 31. —An in formal session of the cabinet was held last night at the white house. The President embraced the op portunity afforded by the presence of several membera of the cabinet to discuss with them their forth coming annual reports The peace negotiations at Paris were referred to, but were not se riously considered it is understcod. This statement is borne out of the fact that Secretary of State Hay was not a party to the conference, It is said authoritatively that no new developments in the Paris sit uation have arisen during ths past thirty-six hours Miss Battie Henderson, one of Chulio’s prettiest young la dies, spent Sunday in the city with sister, Mrs “Doc” Winggard. She was accompanied by Mr Fincher. ivwkb it. L'VER f, sale: AND FEED STABLES!" Offers lhe public th*, finest tei us, bate? ey ances and most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of boree# and mules on sale co*** stantly.J . —i ■ 11 ■Oteas*.i i i coil. RUSSELL flduises His Negro Constitil alirs to Stag Away I FROM ELECTION POLLS. Fears Righteous Vengeance of The People. Wilmington, N. 0., Oct. 31. The republican county convention met here Saturday and remained iu session two hours behind closed doors. I am reliably informed that in const quence of the inflamed condi tion ol the white people, the con vention, by order of Governor Rus sell, republican leader, dscide i not to issue a couety ticket, and advised all negroes to stay away from the polls. This procedure of the republican party is unpreced entid, not only in this county, but in evtry other state. Th* govern )r advised thi» pro cedure, it is said, from fear of the righteous vengeance of the white peo pie Negro domination has become intolerable. All white men of eysry party —democrats, popu lists and republicans--have aligned and solidified themselves for white supremacy. White people are armed to the teeth. They have two Maxim rap id-fire guns, two hownz rs and fil* teen hundred rifles. THREW ACID ON GOWNS. A Vandal Who Alarmed Wom en in Chestnut Street- Philadelphia, Oct. 31.—A flash ily*dressec young man giving his name as P. Paulson, of Florence street, West Philadelphia, was a prisoner in the Central Polic- Court yesterday, charged with 8 ; riukiing a preparation of acids upon woman’s dresses in th# crowds on Chrstnut atr-et. He was arrested by Policeman Morton, of the Fourteenth district. The latter testified that he had watched the man for some time and had seen him throw the liquid from a bottle upon a number of women The prisoner was held in SBOO bail for trial. Mr. Tol Fricks was in the city yesterday. Cancer Os fte Breast. Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., I Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife I paid no attention to a small lump which appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment ol the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two 1 holes in her breast. The doctors soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat her > but she con- V 2 y T/ tinued to grow worse and when informed both her aunt -v) au< l grandmother had -i died from cancer he ? £ ve the case n p as A hopeless. • Someone then re- commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she begun it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she kad taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign ol the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable') is a real blood remedy, and never faib to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism 1 Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books will be mailed H v free to any ad dress. Swift . vfi Specific Co., Atlanta G*. KIIPE @TO & PH S THE SUMMER HAS PASSED AND CONE MPROVE THE NEXT PRETT DAI AND HAYE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! gYOXT _ ' | I KnOW i al O -O w mw w m i THEgMSS OF WORK I S \TTt_ TURNOUT. fa F'nd I W YOU ARE I CORDIALLY KI I tuimrrti i i TlUl/irtTl! fe ■ K iU If 8 F ft U » $ W IW JI Ji b'h WIiWIIHf H BH A A p KT -WltF PH Eg C,V\\_A_ VNtOVUQ.'E. | KI B £l. W.kandeaster ||