The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 01, 1898, Image 7

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~!■ n- INSTIGATION. SI ----- Bcird flsscnibißd $ |at Lexincton, Ky- I TO If ONE HIGH OFFICIAL, d - |fi have come from ■ Camp Hamilton, o —— f lxing.o.., Ky-' N /- I '- JJ I. Dodge, Col. Sexton and f ■Conner, of the War Investi -2 Kg Commission, arrived here K ■ o’clock this morning from ft Bttanooga. They had not left ■ r private car at 9 o’clock, ft Hir work here had not been K Hially outlined. | ■rom an inside source it was y ■ ne( ] that the commission | H have a tlrm-’igh examina »B) and inve‘-ii;u^ lo:i °f Camp / Bnilton and .he divsion bos- > Hl. Then all the officers here ? B, C an give testimony regaid- I Huie conduct of 6amp Thom f Hjt Chicainauga will be sworn I H askedt ° tell all they know ‘ [ only high officer here has ' publicly expressed Huself as being cognizant of ► at Chicamauga ‘ ■['ol Leonard, of the Twelfth ! York. He will be placed witness stand. ■fieu. Sanger, who seems to ■ow much about miamanage- at Camp Thomas, is south a camp site for his Gen. Waites, who pub critieiz *d the management Thomas, has gone to home in Houston, Tex. Maj lott and Col. Cecil, of the ■rstCorp-, are here and may Sable to give valuable testi ■ony. Col. l‘ew, of tlm Eighth Massachusetts, may be before ■e commission. Col. Smith, of ■eThird Kentucky, is said to ■ve some important things to ■lim Dodge and other com ■isjiouers reported to Gen. Wil ■ -at 10 o’clock. Ambulances ordered and the party went imp Hamill on. Dr. Conners ■<.. inspect the disision hospital ■ndGen. Dodge and Col. Sexton camps of the several regi ■lents. Gen. Dodge, in an rnter ■iew, said : "lucre’s no complaint from B>e new camps and none from Hamilton. We expect to In. ■INC'S w ■NIL ■CERMETUER “ d s and perfect remedy, so H e '*£htful to take, so refreshing and ■ I **M ar ating, stands in highest favoi B * -h all who know it best, as the great Mtst of a ]j m e jj ca j reDje ji eg f or hortt M •ties, of all ages and in all condition® I Ml IT WILL DO FOR YOI I ■•lHglve you APPETITE. [I J»illgi»ejou restful re.ToShlng SLEEP. I ’* ill stimulate jour DIGESTION. I restore your NERVOUS ENERGY. I **ill put your KiDNEYS In perfect oria. ” *ll purify ynur Blood. I change your weakness into STRENGTH ■ ’•‘ilWngjou out of Witness into HEALTH. I W 1 ACKAGE, I.ARG' UOTTLB, '.<« doses one douae 8010 BY ALL ORUCCiSTS. “anufactured onlt bt AtlaQta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Gl * >rrß ,CH *»-PAGM KOOK. MAXLED >*£» exf mine a number of witnesses here regarding ilie management of Camp Thomas.” ijve members of the War In vestigating Commission in spectedthe 4th Tennessee and the division hospital at Knox ville. Both were found in splen did condition. Ay® GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortable. But why shoutd not every chair in the house be the same? We have a line of chairs that are substantial, handsome and comfortable. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our line of dining chairs. We are offering these at prices lower than ever known in this city. Calf and see them. Rhudy, Harvey & (’ >., 337, Broad Sf. SELF-DEFENSE Tiik Plea In Behalf Os “Dode” Carr ngt >n. Terr., Finite, Ind., Nov. 1. — “Dod«” Ct-rrington was placed on trial today for the murder of Wes ley Niece and Bayless Ewart at the mining town Grant, Feb. 12 last. Hia attorneys will try to prove that Carrington acted in •elf-defense. Today was spent in getting a jury it is asserted that Sitnuel ClujS' ton. one of the States' witnesses, who mysteriously disappeard will turn up all right. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take L ix itivo B'on) Q unin e Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. _B. Q on each tablet. CLOSED AT MIDNIGHT The Omaha Exposition a Thing of The Past- Omaha, Neb., Nov. 1. —The Trans-Mississippi and Interna tional Exposition closed at mid night. The closing hours of the enterprise were brilliant: Fully 75,000 people crowded into yes terday. The grand total will considerably exceed 2,600,000. The exposition was a financial success, something over $400,000 remaining to be divided among the stockholders. A fraction less than $2,000,000 have been re ceived and $1,500,000 expended. THAT JOYFUL FEELING With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown tojthe few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the wel informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. •n i ■— For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis & Wright and J. 1. Crouch. ■ 4- ' - jgj (2)1 tMb> “J,',.-:,! ‘ \ ‘"/I vittio'ut <» f <> l ’Y'. ,l ’S n, 2‘ > PHSONJL MLNNGIT- Hon. Juu us IliHyer is in the Gate City on legal business. Miss Ro a Plumb is visiting Mrs. Will Patton in East R me. For a most appetizing meal g<> to Gomez case on Second. Avw. Mr. Claude Hanson, of East Rome, spent Sunday in tba “Gate City.” Miss Maggie Harris, of Cedar town, is visiting Mrs. T. R. Gar lington. The many fri- nda of Dr. Lindsa) Johnson are glad to see him oui again. You can get what you want cooked a-< you want it at the Good z cate. “Pawnee Bill’s” Wild West cir cus plays in North Rome tomor row night. Eggs are getting quite scarce on the market, and are bringing at retail 15c to 18c. Col. R, A. Denny, afterjapend ing the night with home folks, re turned to Atlanta this morning. Go to Mrs. A. O. Garrard for best brand of zephyrs at 2| cts per ounce. Mr*. R. G. Clark entertained the Ladies’ Whist Club at her palatial home in East Rome this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Hose supporters, the 25cts grade, at lOcts to close them out at Mrs. Garrards. The many friends of Mr, F. M. Carwile, ot East Rome, will be pained to learn that he is quite sick. The best way to avoid sickness is to keep yourself healthy by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Mrs. W. W. Martin, who has been spending some time in Vir ginia. is now with her mother Mrs. R V. Mitchell, on Tower Hill, The fat of the land served in Selmonican style at the Gomez case, on Second Avenue, next door io the Armstrong. Miss Mattie Rowell, one of < 01. C. Rowell’s charming daughters, is in Atlanta, where she will spend a fortnight. Impure blood is an enemy to health and may lead to serious disease. Hood’e Sarsaparilla conquers this enemy and averts danger. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harvey re turned from Atlanta yesterday, af ter spending the day most pleas antly with friends. About all of the Romans who were in Atlanta during the opening of the term of the legis lature, have returned to the city and to their normal conditions. Fancy Celery, fine Cranber ries, Canadian Apples, Pigsfeet, new Kraut, new Olives, Sweet Pickles and other good things at Lloyd it Harper’s. They handle high grade groceries only. ‘‘Pawnee Bill’s wild West” show comes to Rome Nov. 2nd. ‘‘Today begins the fifth week of Pawnee Bill’s Wild West, and up to date has been visited by 150,000 people. August 20,1888. Over 15,000,000 people visited Pawnee Bill’s W ild West yes terday.—Philadelphia Times . Don’t forget the day and date ol Pawnee Bill’s Wild West in Rome Wednesday Nov. 2. The Post, Waihington, D. C.; Pawnee Bill’s Wild West certainly con tains a fme collection of skillful ropers, good shots and splendid riders,. Stylish Overcoats. Covert cloths are recognized a? the correct thing for top roats. We nave them. $7.50 buys a stylish, overcoat. J . A. Gammon A Co. Judge Joel Branham, the genial lewyer and ever courteous gentle*- man after a few days visit to At lanta, will arrive' home on this evening’s train ISLANDS DEJIfiNDED Philippine Islands Demanded 3y Americans al Paris. ASSUME PAHTOF DEBTS. An Hour's Session Held by the Peace Men Monday. Washington, N v. 1. —The State Department was informed at 1 o’clock y<-nti rday in a caolegram from Judge Diy that the Peace Commitsior.eis had met and that the Atne'ican» presented their de mands for the taking of the Phil ippines and bad granted until Fri day tor the Spaniards to prepare their reply. Parisf Nov. I.—The ten Peace Commissioners met at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the Foreign Office. They sat at the table on which Benjamin Franklin and his colleagues in 1783 iigntd the treaty of the Independence of the United State«. The American Commissioners presented a communication, in which it was said that ths purpose of the United States w.»s to take the entire group of the Philippine Island and to assume that part of the which has been spent for island improvement?, The United Slates will not as sume any part of the debt that was contracted to raise fund for war purposes in suppressing .osur ractiou of the natives,The session lasted an hour and then adjourn to meet Friday when the Spanish will be expected te give an an swer. MARIA TERESA SAILS Spanish Cruiser, Raised by Hobson, for Hampton Roads. New York, Nov. I.—A dis patch to The Herald from Cai inanera says : The former Spanish cruiser the Maria Teresa, which was sunk during the battle with Cervera’s fleet and raised under the direction of Naval Construc tor Hobson, sailed for Hampton Roads last nighL She is being towed by the Vulcan and Merritt and is being convoyed to Cape Maysi by the Cincinnati and the Leonidas. k Kuttue r’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttuer emporium is grow ing. 2-CENT STAMP! Will send a letter to any point in Uncle Sam’s big $ domain.' For this very reason, if you are sick, ■ore or suffering, this very trifling < utlay , ‘ .■'< May Sava Your WSBk liffl ! Here’s just how Lllui *1 * g - »You can * write a plain letter, can t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it to the “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if yon came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing it every day. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some of them hundreds of miles awav. and their cures are simply won darful. CURES POSITIVE AND T [J F r I CONSULTATION IIILLi In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, Hare Lip, Cross Eyes ana other surgical cases, also in all forms of Skin and Blood disorders. Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Catarrh of the broae. Throat, Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ. Liver. Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nesses of either men or women, diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. write freely It costs you nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send you question blank for full particulars. If your case is curable by human skill and perfect science WE SHALL CURE IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. All letters sacredly private, ADDRESS, Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. •00-i Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Ga* hkFFEhihGS c Fi r Rent.—9 room house on 4th Ave. 2 blocks from Broad St. Apply to N M. Gernez. 18To 10.—Tne Armstrong waiters defeated tbw barbers in the game of baseball yesterday by a score of 18 to 10, Benefit St. Peters, —The La dies’ Aid Societv of St. Peters’s church will serve ojsters tonight in the vacant st re in .the Noble block . VisrriKG Mrs. R G. C.ABK Mis» C iff rd Baker, of Roswell and Miss Natalie Heath, of Atlan ta, rr* the giowts of Mrs. R, G. C. ar k. An Accident. —Annie Hettey, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dent Daniels, fell while rid ing a horse in the yard of her home, and duloca ed and fractur ed b inns in her arm. Dr. McCall relieved the little sufferer at onc», and »heia doing v- ry nicely. Candy Pulling. —Miss Lizzie Smith delighted a few of her many friends with a candy pul ling at her father’s home on East Third street last night. Miss Lizz'e makes a charming little hostess, and all went away singing her praises. N.w In Cmattamocoa —The motor car which has besn running on the C. R. it S. between Rome and Lindale, ha* been carried to Chattnaooga. The car is eminent ly practical ana worked very satis factorily, but the experiment hardly paid just now. It may be resumed later. Is Moving. Mr. Roy R. West, the up-to-date bicycle man, is moving his big stock of wheels, wheel sundries and repair shop, into the Sir ffregen building and will occupy the stand recently vacated by Hunt, the baker. A Happa Crowd. —Quite a party of young ladies and gtntlemen enjoyed a possum hunt last night. Ti era were about fifteen couples, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs, Ar thur Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs C. K. Ayer. They caught a ven fine possum weighing some 10 lbs. Everybody had a jolly time, and delicious refreshments were served. The party returned about 12 g ’'c'ock. Use Ciibap Package Coffbe? —I would not do so any longer when you can get something free from dirt, old glue, sticks and stones for nearly the same price. We have just received a good Santos Hiat we will supply at 16c lb just two or three cents alb more in price, but worth 10c more in quality. Be sure to try one or two pounds, to be had only at Llcyd & Harper’s. Gamblers Theo —Will Long. Cohen Hawks, Ben‘ Lampkin ai d Jno Willi-ms. colored, and Sam Pullum, white, were tried befor Justice Harris yesterday charged with robbing and beating up D, B. Mobley. They were all gambling together. Williams i roved by Justice Harris that he was in town at the time the affair occurred. De cision on the others wa» held until loday. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becomes n very simple art 1 For this purpose the McCall Bazaar Patterns are superior in every respect, in fact they are i referred to as “The ’Reliable | Pattern,” not only is a perfect fit guaranteed (if the proper size is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice •cut after these models. 'Sheets free at Lanham & Sons. A Real Fine Syrup. —The genuine pure New Orleans syrup is very hard to get these days, but we are very critical in our buying, and have just secured some of the best that can be made from pure caue juice. To have a fair profit, we ought to gr 66c gallon, but we WIH offer this at 50c, Try one gallon, phd if you are not delighted with it, we will gladly take it ban!,- and ask you no questions. Lloyd & Harper. The McCall Bazar Patt* mu are known as the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham & Sons. M AsoNic Reunion.—O j»lan*ul * Lodge, perhaps the inuit vigerout and successful young lodge of Mas* sons in’h* i-tate, has issued in vitations to lodge* in Summorvile, Trion, Dalton, Kingston, Carters vill •, 11 >ek mart, Cedar town, Floyd Springs. Cave Springs, Adairsvill* Calhoun and other north West ciiies and towns, to attend a ma -Bomo reunion in this city on the night us Nov. Bth. That worthy master C. W. Underwood and hie 'odge will give the visiting breth ren a royal time, goes without saying. The Great Aggregation of Pawnee Bill’s Wild West comes Nov. 2. The Philadelp n.t L°dger said : Pawnee Rill’s il.sturical Wild West has the merit of geuuineucsi and deversity of feature. It is a splendid enter tainment. Thousands ot people have witnessed it and came away delighted. The total admissions to the Omaha exposition up to and in cluding last Thursday were 2,- 279,529. This is a most magnifi cent attendance in a war year. Womeii’neliance.’ After Many Discouragements They Turn to Munyon, Mrs. J. EL Wood, 8T Auburn Atlanta. Ga., *vs: "I have been a wa6- tyr to dyspepala for years, everything if ’’ « II 1 T ate distressed me, and I wu rapidly becoming weak and debilitated from n>» inability to partake of a nourishing dteA A few weeks' use of Munyon’s Dyspef* Bia Cure cured me completely. It aet«4 ks a strong tonic to my stomach, an* built up my strength In an almoat mar> veloua manner.” Munyon has a separate eure for eae* llsoase. At al l druggists. Mostly 25 cant* k vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyno, 1,506 Arch dt.. Philadelphia, Pa., as. awnrad with free medical advice for <■* tlseaae Woman’s Friend The Great Medicine that (lives Nerve Strength •ersapsrilla Mußm th* Blood Rich end s*ure, CroalM ►» Appetite and R*etoreu Vieraltb, Vigor and Vitality. “I feel that I ought to writ" a Mw words in preieo of llqpd's Rs..eay*rina, whieh has done great things for &«. I was in a delicate condition and was slek at my stomach and constipated. Itr »4 remedies highly recommended for female YMknMtM, but the medicines brought on other troubles. I vis so week 1 *o«ld not attend to my household dot"**, and I then determined to try Hood’s L<r saparllla. After I bad taken this n cdlciae a short time I began to gain strength. I Orcw Stronaor ii£ Day until I was able to wc”k sll day wfthe at any inconvenience. 1 hare taken Hood’s JPlite for constipation, and 1 am better to day than I have been for five years. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills I foci rested In the morning. I am lees nervous and am sure I hare richer and purer blood. I bare always been bothered with scrofula, but now I am rid of it. Before my last child was born I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and my girl baby was fat and strong, while my other child was not well and lived to be onlv two years old.” Mrs. B. >. Dial, Box 419, Missouri Valley, lowa. HOOCPS Is the best—ia taet the One Tree Blood Purifier. HoocTs