The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 01, 1898, Image 8

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/■ MRS. CONDON COMES TD ROME 1 • * *) \Ve have n uch joy in announcing to •ur friends, in and out wav from Broad street. of Koine, the coming of Mrs-'L. Ccnd< n, of Atlanta. | Mrs. Condon is assisted in her magnificent Rome studio by I f In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in Her pro- ' Mr. R. G. Hubntr, one of tin leading young photo grapheis o session. She is today the h’ghest exponent of advanced photogra- J. Baltmore. A visit to this new and modern Photo Siicio «■ ’ **^*'• . pb,y —Equalled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the 4 prove a most delightful event and will more than repay your wide land. nnn H • ’ There is not a better appointed gallery in the* South—Nor has f y I ’ Her studio in Rome will be tn the elegantly appointed apart- ; ’ h J ments on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- | I Mrs. London a peer. C:.., and see her. I * ® IT NOW AJ© TO BASS VSkT We are now in eur new store. We lost a month before getting into it. We are determined to make it back-. Our nrices will do it Moodv & Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlant ■, failed--sneriff so d their immense stock out in cash Pots We were the only Rome merchants at the sale. We bought ar a t-itle. We’ll tun, the bargains over to our cuS tomers* We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and biIKS i t the latest imported Novelties, and a. great as sortment of Laces, tmbroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a .gw of the spec i oargams. Tow cases Ladies’Fast Black Hose 3c , Two bales yard wide Drilling, vilhßc, at „ 5 Three cases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hose 5c Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 Two cases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c Tp " BsleS A A A Sheet Dg ’ yard " id ® 31 Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10c WW#® Tbrpe casM yar<l wide Percale8 ’ ,<all 9t ? le9 4 * c Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c W Two bales good quality Matre.s Ticking at 4|c Two cases Men’s box 3c Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5c One case Men’s Seamless Sox i J 0116 full case of White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8 Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15c Two cases of good Bonnet and Dress Gihghams at 3 3-4 c One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchiefs ; one case Men’s W W 2,000 Men ’ S PUFe Lin ® n Collars ’ five tor 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c W W 800 Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth One case Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts ’ 25c $l.o(), you» choice foi o 9c Are you in need of a f uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh a pair of Pants, a Goat and Vest? Do you want a Hat? We’ll save you from 25 to 5U per cent on your purchases■ Good Jeans pants 35c; Men 6 Stylish Capped Coin Toe Shoes, 75C; Ladies’ India, Button, Foxed Vamp, Pa er.t 1 ip Snoes, all sizes, at sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $ 1 -CO Shoes are tho boat in America. jfW* For Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnets, go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else it you care to save money. \\ e repeat that we lost a mont i oh account of building our store, and that we are going to make it up. We have a world o, goods which we bought at half prices and we can afford to let them go at halt prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve kno jee I the bottom out of prices to get t. prices are as low as 4 cent cotto i. Come to see us at our new store. EASS BROS &> CO . i ■ LOCKS WARLIKE I— » 1.1 i . ■ England Prepared for War With Franse. FURLOUGHS RECALLED. Government Prepared to Ex , treme Limit. Loudon, Nov. 1. —Something extraordinary seems to have happened, and it looks as if a crisis were approaching. The British naval preparations are certainly being pushed with great activity. The British emer gency squadron is gathering at Devenport with all possible speed. Seven battleships and one cruiser have been thus far designated to join this squadron. Officers and sailors have been hurriedly recalled from leave of absence and several battleships and cruisers at Portsmouth are taking their full crews on board and other warlike preparations are being made. A number of signal men, now on duty in the British channel squadron, which arrived at Gi braltar this morning, have been ordered home for service, it is presumed on board the auxiliary cruisers if the latter should be required for active service. A sensation has been caused By the arrest this morning of a supposed Russian spy at a fort near Harwich. lhe man was already under suiveillance and went to a re doubt, where he tried to obtain some information from a sentrv 1 regarding the fortifications. He was promptly arrested and in- ft Pa IN’S GRIATESTNKHI) Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Garcelon ia, 8. C. Weak nerves had earn ed severe pains in the back oi his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. Ha tays this grand medicine is what his country weeds. All America knows thpt it eures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and orga.a of the body. If weak, tired or ailing yeu need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold Curiy Arring »b, druggists. . quiiies are being made regard ing his antecedents. It was also asserted today that the commanding officers of the London volunteer regiments have received orders to prepare for immediate mobilization and it was asserted that the differ ent artillery corps had been] in formed as to the forts on the southern and eastern coasts to which they have been allotted. She Pall Mall Gazette today, says: “England has been, and even now is, so near war that the government has carried on its preparations to the farthest lim it, of the preparatory stage. It has been atranged to call out the reserves and malitia and to mobilize the volunteers simul taneously and to form large camps at various important rail road junctions, where rolling stock and locomotives will De concentrated,” There was an unusually! glocmy feeling this morning on the stock exchange and the Paris bourse, both these markets being influenced, it is inferred, from the aggressive tone of some of the French papers. ♦ ENGLISH VESSELS READY, Warship For French Posses sions, Others Make Rkady. Victoria, B. C., Nov. 31. The departure of her majesty’s ship Amphion on Sunday for the Society islands, the French colony in the South seas, did not end the activity at the Es quimault naval station. As soon as she left the wharf at the dock yard, the dock yard crew was detailed to get the dry dock in readiness for the reception of her majesty’s ship Leander. She, too, ’.s to go on a long voyage, or at least be in readiness for any duty that she may be called upon to perform. The most significant feature outside of the departure of the Amphion, however, is the activ ity on her majesty’s ship Im pereuse, Admiral Palliser’s flag ship. Sunday a large number of men were given shore leave, a very unusual thing on Sunday, and this morning she commenced coaling. It is under stood that she goes under orders on Thursday, but it is not known that she will follow the Amphi on, as that would leave Esqui mault with a small fleet, the Leander, Icarus, two torpedo boat destroyers and two torpedo boats. I Announce,--To th*” public that I hav»* secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen i« Atlanta. .We are new making daily all kind of fine taffiss, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. AU we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antoghoi.i, uextdoor/to Curry’s drug sfore / THEWEST. * TGWANSAS __ Schedule in Effect Oct. 4 th, ISO 3. MRTHBO.'KD. No. 2 | No. 4 Nb.7B N 0.72 Lv At J anta . 8 liafti 8 30pm! l.’r-iiinS&Upiu Ar Marietta., 9 Uoarn M Idpi.v 54>pm 6 25pw “ Rome 1! .’fam 745 pm " Dalton. 11 41am 11 41pm BJCpm “ Chat'nooga 1 (“Opm 100 am 985 pm “ Nashville . 4 55pm' (I 4uam “ Memphis .. 7Uoani’ 439 pm Lv Nash villa I 720 pm I 7 30a ml .1 Ar St Lonf«. .' 720 a- 7 32nm' ' Lv A /ilie '■ go.onij i taui I A r Chicago.. I 9 03am, 8 30pin J | Lv Nashville 750 pm. 7 20nml Ar Louisville. 2 3,lam 12 25;>m | “ Cjncinuati.) 7 4Osmn| ...._. Train No. 2carries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville. Fit.. Atlanta aad Nashville, eon netting with vuutibule train for Chicago. Train No. 4 carries, Pullman Sleeper Augusts and Atlanta to } nshville and. St. Louis through wiDhont change. Pullman Sloeper Atlanta to Chattanooga, pa s»«ui’<-rs remain in car until 7 o’clock a. m. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta tn Knoxville via A. K. & N. Ry. Train No. 7(1 connects at Boyce with Q. <ft O. for Cincinnati. This train carries through coach Atlanta to-Rome. To the South and East. southbound. No. I No. 8 , N 0.91 | No. 73 tv Nashville . ’9 TOamjlo’lOpmT " “ Chat’nooga 2T>spm 3 Alain: S Mam •' Dalton 4 1 tpin 4 Sami 7 Unm •* Romo 4 25pm ........ 746 am “ Marietta . (143 pm 6 45am. 9 45am 705 am Ar Atlanta 7"opra' 7 3oam 1 10 35amj 800 am Lv Atlanta ...I i s6pnT~ 7 50am | 4 U’ipui. Ar Macon. 11 13pm 11 10am k2opml “ Tifton. i 2 50am 805pmI. . I “ Jaok'nvillel 8-Mam 10 25pm| |.. , A ,.. tv Atlanta ... 7..Opmi 750 am, 4 06pm Az Macon .. .11 IBpniill Warn! 7 20fiin “ Ailwiny I 32fpm 1105 pm “ Thm’Hville 6 30pm : Savannah . (’• "Sni i’oopm Ev Atlanta . illbopm 750 am li lupin .7 r Augusta...! 5 I’.ami 120 pm 8 25pm Ar Charleston ill OOamj. B(Jopm “ Columbia .| 10 55am I It) lOpin Ev Atlanta. , >Lu w.(lom ,12 (fcm Ar Athens ... ,1021 pm 2 16pm J lOpnj “ Richmond. 6 I.spm, 7 ifarn’ 716 am " Wash’gto-iilO UOpmjll Blamill Slam •- NewrYork■ .s,'’nin 523 pm 52Bp* Train No. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nash ville, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson ville, Fia. Tiain No. 3 carries Pullman Sleeper St. Louis to Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper Chatta.u. ga to Atlanta open for passengers Chattai >-a 9 o’clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper Knoxville to Atlanta via A. K. & N. Ry. For furthe ...formation write to H. F FMUL’H, C. E. HARMAN, Tialfe ,-nnager. Glen. Pass. Agt. rarny i*t .ftenne r.n rrort- iv-nre-k <r ; cus c r. •,1 care* ' Jr -u Bitters Rebu-id-iia,- Jjsejni. aid- ‘.’tr’icu, --.oves u* •. SOUTHERN , RAILWAY. Or ft. 13*1. ‘ "1 S*o “« * ; * ty’ Ti ”y?r i MUROtttfa rt.4D<«-. 7 d. lOpm 4Fl>Ut«ft .... U. -U-EB 4r it »ni * u.fXT’v.n I \r A:irtflU il.4i Chum Lv A ' *» I « . L r” '1 ! * »rwi; s.s*Gan kr t VrJf’up . .jkir’ii 2.3H;>tn '\r Jjjv.t .onHUo ... I V.idnnj’ U.23piU Ar Jacksonville. 1.1 Opia 16. i&ptn •l.v Kreratt ?... 7.3Va:n|-'iijpm <Ar, L B.3(la>a| 4.3ogin No. 10 ex.- Puhman Slopping Car Chal ’.anooga to Aciiata No. 14 chrrh'4 l’u.-li« au Slec 'la - Car and Day '.‘ouchesChs>ta Ja*..sunvllle and .4.- lanta to Brums vick. No. 8 e irriee Cullman Sleeping Car Chutta uo-fga to Allanm. “ su a-rro j 4. TN O - 14 i'Nj - 9~fNo f” Lv AAbmta 4 4.wpm! 7.5(1am Ar Horne (t.-finni! «.25jmrl(i.S0am Ar Dalton 7.2.-.<in. 7 Vtptn. 11.:40am Ar Chattanooga S no .>r. R .Wpnr. l.Oopm Lv Chattanooga 8 '-’.am 9. r.eirn .. ..... Ar Burgin 4.2i>tnn: I ■ Ar Lexington -1. Viaml Ar Louisville I 7 oUprn 7 SOarti Ar Cincinnati ~Ktopa|l i. Lv Chattanooga 7 iMpm i. isr.m i 3,pm Ar Nashville , _ 6,.V.{.m 6.4’tami H&spm No. 13 Carrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta >o Chattkno -iru and (Jhattanoom to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sit—Oiri--; Car Athtjlta to Cincinnati and Chattanoo*a Yo Lv~(sh<tt;ta;io«;«a .< Cant 10. liipm Ar Knoxville. it s'>nm KOtaim l.learn Ar Morristown 1.2 - n 9.5-hirj S.yum Ar Hot Springs .1 I '.n I !.>.«« 4.t)O*m Ar Asheville l.3.>ptn l.l.’.pru s.l»am , Ar Salisbury 10.40 pm ft. Mun Ar Greensboro i |i.s>pm l’. lilpin Ar Raleigh l. i-era 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk ! .... i 7 74^nt Ar Wa tlttgtOß. 1777?... I’tt Gun f.itopm Ar New York. . h.; i pm in No. 12 mirriosHuffman Drawl to m Sleep- Inr <’ar Chatt>anoo«a to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Ridli-nontl arriving Rich mond 6.40 a a nlse Pullman Sleeping ('ar Greensboro to Norfolk No 1(1 Is solid train C’laltano ><a to Salis bury, with Pullman S’.-inping Cv- Cb-t Can >0 -a :o Salisbury and Salisbury to N w Yet.; tv..ta bu t change. SI A rioss. J 1 4 ■ No. 5' Lv (it 11 u , I. ooga ... ’ fi toani Ar Knoxville 1 K. t pin,vtn Ar Mnrrjst.wn ■>. isi,ut 1.2.(pm Ar Bristol j ' UMpin Ar Washington 1 , 7,4,'iam Ar Xc* York , ! ‘ h2Jpm Nq. &.ttarrfes Pullman keeping Car Cbatu? noora (/> Washitm a and Chattan-oga to New Yc.rk without chance. rlw. 4 carries> Sleeping Car Hnox ( vtlie to Dr- toi. IT2 BTA-rp-Nr; -No. Fo~ KlOam *» Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham lO.OOpm •y S® l ’™. 3 55pm ArMerfd an 730 p nx I N Orleans 10130 am * r i.ftam Ar \ icksburg l) 35am 1 Ar Shreveport. 7 ld>m *No i» , e. » 7 ffNo. it jko. jo ■ 2.(»>pa> 4 “'pru.Lv’Sreine ar| i.3oam j ®aro j 5.40 pm S.s7prta|Ar Gadrden. art 4.ooami 6.3<>a»n . !■'J’P™ Ar Attalla. Jvl_s.4sami 7k warn f Dally except } Sunday only7~ F. S. GANNON, Mr r A g. m.. Walking tea, d.CL J. M. CULP. Traf Mir., WaFkioiUm D. Q W. A. TURK, G P A., D. C- CL A. BKNBCOTKH. <->. I Fancy new seeded Raisins I Currants and Citron at Lloyd & Harper’s. Prices torsel quic Annual Rales cvez9,Ms,»*J S-isse roi X7UOUI AID IHTeCI DMOXI*! «»«• a« Uiad a«4 Mia la *• s*4*-‘t. •--Idlases. F-xl«m after Name C«-«- «•<*, D‘xgtfa«M. Dretvalaasa. Mnitiagt »t Xeat, Isese es Ayaeft'M. GtalUtvljf®. X'rtabM ex Kldw. O*!4 oklllsj..?* v -bed Sleep, ft-igb tfei Drag* a 05 <B ’•rtoMS and Tuemfllag teaeailntii TYE FUST DOBB WLH RITI MLHf xM TWEMTY MHUTSB. »vw rtzlfc-® v 111 acknowledge th«m 1» fb A WONDERFUL HEDICIHE. ttERCCfAni’S FiLLA.taJtca oAi*3t»- ■sd, will qnia.'t’ly r’s-vsrta TgegAlw Ribs A iilete health. T hey sfnesijrity olistructioiis or iri-.vKitlAriwdt el we tern and eui-o sick £»hcSi*4H>*. Weak Stomach Impaired Divert Disordered Liver t!4 MEK, WOMEN 03 eHILBRStt Boecham’s Pilis aro Without a Rival And hnvs tbs LARGEST SALE nf-n::y Patent Me.llclnc in Hw V/C'.'4l< 2.5 c. at aU Drug Stores. Beware of Imitations avHeee** eaaa W> "** Starke, Thm Tailor - Mr. M. Starke the popular tailor i» now open for orders and ready ’! ( ' 1 business in hi* new business born* next door to Wooten’s drug flora in the Clark building. Mr. Sta'k* Las a splendid line of sew s-’af* oo goods and in vites you to wall a n ( see him and them, fISsEsJ&.SS -Ha Bit, hAi.SA*' | *'*y Clf uusta and w * -"f ?ror:n>iei a J"/?, ««•*«■ <° *!• Tov *£" ,h’u* I r, ■ *,/ '’'■tHCm.»«rnip *•,'L* l £jL* J