The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 02, 1898, Image 5

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~. 1 ‘ n Mir- u.i Xjj., “TpROMEON WEDNESDAY NOV. 2nd. ~„rA ' S NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT, vl ;l BEARING THE SEAL OF EUROPEAN SUCCES PAWNEE BILL S historic wild west m M useum, Indian Village, Hirin drome, Internation. Exposition of Novelties, ■K»atek ■ ..,«> I *“■ ■ ,jrgft ■ < * r **i< - 7 • ■ r - -- w ■ *---4fiß / ' i - a/- AjHfeMcxM t x -ffi*x r. /*• <•!»-;/»«*: <' jE V/ r> - ‘ ■ t -'"" ‘■" *'-■ >r; W gt-.. J ..’X^Dpft 4 THE MARVEL OF THE AGE AND THE Greatest Wild West in the World. (MMini features, leltcted for their hieiorlcwl value v d chaiacter from the Wild west of 4»»nu in particular. »ud ti e World at larj,e, ae Nature’s Own Truthful Exhibition Paw see Bill's Wild Wect baa fulfilled every purpose and is acknowledged to be 1 I I ( / 1 ( NAL ANDIJMSI RUCTIVE • ——- ~ . - - ■ —.— __ #( tars of 0. linoma, and Great White Chief of the Pawnees. Major Gordon W. Lillie (Pawnee Fill has ‘pair'd neither trouble nor expense In hie efforts to collect from every clime STARTLING AND STERLING NOVELTIES. Jadlan Chief of renown A whole Indian Village. Travoys, and thousands of 'curiosities ar > MMute<l. SpottedvTail, s/raid-of-his-Horsee, Left Hand,and Dozens of Indian Wanlort from the celebrated Sioux, Comanche, Cheyenne. Aapahoes. and other tribes. 7BANDSOFMUSTC 3 MEXICANS, INDIANS AND COWBOYS. ia Army of Cowboys and Frontier Herons, in their sports, horse msnship, repulsing of the Bloodthirsty Redskins at Trapper Tom’s Cabin and Fort Sell Stage Coach. A GRAND THRILLING MEXICAN BULL FIGHT Pivssted of all the cruel phases, yet retaining the exciting action of ths fierce combat, will be given at each performance Pawnee Bill’s Will West. W«uxded Knee Fight And Mountain Meadow Massacre. THE GRAND HIPPODROME. MM4I.C»s. Chari'.t Rare-*, Hurdle ant Wild Texas SWr Rsccb. tn Indian Runner apains S Bsr.s renor Fr. ncisco and his Vt one os. M s« May Lillie, th only lady who can '•hoot sa-IHi gly Riih a r fie on Horseback. A I evy of 1 eautffui Wild Ves era Girls Miss fits ' eu the Queen of the Plans. Spotted Muhtangs, Bu< king Rrot cl os. a dr< ve of Wild ’l»xas Stocrs Ar illery H ces in tl e clearing. And the only I ero of I.iving Buffalo. With n any World-Wide Celebrities. Mustang v alter, Corey, the. c ack p ttol «hot, Pony I ob and some of the roost noted liangemMi, famous for their skill wiih the Lariet. JO'ON THE ROUND-UP AND BRANDING CATTLE _j*J THE GRAND STREET PARADE "Which will start at 10 A. M. daily, immediately after the Cannon i» beard to boom. This is the signal to start, look out for it! Two performances daily at 2 and 8 P, M. ONE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. LADIES AND CHILDREN OUR SPECIAL CARE. Nothing will be omitted at one and done at another performace. Excursion Rates on all Railroads and Steamboats. &sq& .Iffor /liBUMS' I hare been taking Piso’s Cure for Consumption since 1883, for Coughs and Colds. I had an attack of LaGnppe In 189 Q, and have had others since. In the Winter of 1890-7, I had a spell of Bronchitis, lasting all winter, and leaving a troublesome cough, until I again tried I ,Bf * B Cure, which relieved me. —Mrs. M. B. Smalley, Colorado Springs, Colo., August 19, 1898. In time. Bold by Ct>mp*By, WMwn, Pa. °Y' SnjP ' V ND; COMFORT * D ' for a jolly good time with •ffiily or friends, there is noth an open surry for either ’"ter or Summer. Our stock ° Mii«h carriages is unrivalled J* ( ,ir spider phaetons, runa- Ca Ut8 '’ buggies, traps, carts, wag tiettes, canopy top, or open sur y>( *re light, easy, comforta e a °d beautiful in construc on. trimmings and finish. We 0 repair and overhaul vehicles; also carry a big line of fine * arueßß and lap rob e 9, Rome Buggy Co, 5509-511 Broad Ga. Satterfield & Williams, Agents. 1 fe?3f-z*w* r 'ffA- A ° r (At. £ , r) WssoeSr* ri Mang life is fall of crosses and temptations, says an exchange. He comes into thia world with out his consent and goes out of it against hie will, and his trip be tween the two eternities is exceed ingly rough. The rule of contrari ness is one of the important features of the trip, When he is little the girls kiss him, e o • If hs raises a large family be is cal ed a poor man, but if he raises a small check he is a thief and a fraud and is shunned like a China man with the itch . If he is poor be is a bad mana ger, if he is rich he is dishonest, if he is in politics it’s for pie, if he is out of politic! you can’t tell where to place him he ia no good to his country, if he does an act of charity it’s for policy, if be won’t give to charity he’s stingy and livei only for himself, if he dies yenng there was a great fu ture ahead of him, if he lives to a ripe old age he has missed his calling. 000 He is introduced to this world by a doctor and to the next by the same process. Verily the road is rough, bu’men lik‘S to travel it, 000 “The killing of negroes at Har persville, Mies , is a reflex—well, eensidering the recent festivities at Virden, perhaps we had best say as little as possible concerning the gentle pastime of chasing the man and brother into the weods and filling him full of lead. The Miss sissippi newspapers might talk baek, which would be embarrass ing.” —Chicago Chreniole. 000 T. P.Gore, a blind man, baa been nominated by the populist for congress in Texas, and this prompts the Richmond Times to remark that, of course, he ca,.\ see how thoy can beat him in Lu own district. 000 Reports from Mexica are to the efiect that the cotton crop in Mex ico this year is greater than was ever knewn. In the Laguna dis trict alone the value of the crop '6 estimated at $8,000,000. 000 Mrs, W. C. Glenn, the new post mistress of the house, is a daugh ter of the late Dr. Armitrong of Atlanta, the well known Episcopal clergyman, 000 The total registration in New York city is 556,389. The demo crats regard it as most favorable and deelare Van Wyck will carry the city by 120,000 to 180,000 and the state by 75,000, 000 It is rumored that Editor Hearst of the New York Journal, is about to establish a free silver paper in Chicago. If he does, he can be re lied upon to make it lively for the gold organ! of that city. 000 A number of citizens of Santi ago have volunteered to the United States authorities to pay an in creased tax on import!, if the pro ceeds are devoted to the improve ment of Santiago Harbor. The suc cess of the United States in the war appears ti have given Cuban business a boom. 000 A few dayr ago the goldbug or gans were telling the country that Representative Baily, of Texas who had been asked to make Soma Demoeratic speeches in Nt>w York, had subsequently been warned net to come. Now Mr. Bailey has beer, heard from, and he Bays it isn’t true. 000 General Kitchener* who fought his way to the Upper Nile against all opposition, eou’d not make his way through the of his enthu siastic countrymen when hs ar rived in London. He had to make an inglorious back door retreat. 000 There has been quite a row rais ed because the late Ha old Freder ic died withcUt the assistance of a physician. 000 Counting the Cubans and Fil lipmos, tots country will, it is es titrated, number 88,000,000 in the next national round up, according to the figures of the Age-Herald. 000 Richard Croker, usually so si'ent and during this campaign so sur prisingly loquacious, made a new departure in a speeeh to an audi ence of deaf mut*B in New York last night, He delivered h's talk in alow and clear sentences and a man.standing at h s side, who knew how. translated it on bis fingers to the audience. There was frequent applause and other signs jf appreciations. 000 The Pillager Indians, who have been stirring up things in Minne sota for the pait few weeks, sur rendered to newspaper met,, while not a marshal or soldier was with in tfteen miles. The newspapers are not inclined to under-estimate hs credit due the soldiers, but they would like respectfully to suggest that there are others. 000 A Georgia marble man s »ys that if all the houses, not only in the United States, but on the Ameri can continent, were destroyed, so inexhaustible is the supply that they could ev»ry one, large and small, be rebuilt out of Georgia marble. 000 The stock of the Chemical Na tional Bank in New York, whose exchequer has been anlawtnlly and extensively tapped several times, is still very good stuff to own. At anauction sale of securi ties the othe c day six shares, of the par value of 1100 each, sold for $4,000 each. Theie ars only 3, 000 shares altogether, ths bank’s capital being only $800,900. NOTHING SURPRISING ABOUT IT. Timers is nothing surprising in the revolution of political senti irent at Fitzgerald. Tnese settlers came from the northwest, bring ing with them many prejudices against the Southern people. Nev ertheless, met with a hospitable welcome. They were intelligent men, and observation soon taught them that they had cherished many erronious opinions. Thsy soon found that the people of the South were not the lawless bar barians they had been taught to believe them to be, and moreover they are not intolerant of an hon est difference of opinion. In the genial climate of South Georgia and on its fertile soil these indus trious northeners prospered in bus iness and readily adapted them selves to their new surroundings. They have learned by experience that Georgia Democrats are loyal, law abiding, patriotic citizens and it is not Strang l, that they elect to affiliate them lathertnan with the heterogeneous classes that make up the opposition, these colonist! will no doubt w rite to their friends at home, and by their n cital of facts, disabuse many of them of their erroneous ideas about the south. The tfleet will prohab ybe that many others v ill decide to abandon th? bleak northwest and seek comfortable homes in the more highly favored South. — Lynchburg, (Va.,) News. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SaLVB The best salve in the world for eute, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ox money refunded. Price 25 cenbe per box. For salu by Curry Ar lington Co. Successful Physicians. Wa kMrtll; aaoaamaad Dr. Hathavu A Oa. ft ribroaa it, G*. aa baba Mt tartly ranabla tod ramarkabfy winurfiil La wa traatoaaat of ahroala diaaoeaaof maa aad womaa. Thar aara vbaa othaN tall. Oar aoa&M if b ■aal at madlaal h<dp «hzrald aortal ijhr watte Cttaa aaiLamt doatovo aad yea w<U aaeofre a ftM <n4 aajMrt eefaioa at roar mm by nMm mau •bheVtMi rwrwTTia-~’?. jiiiii»ri»L”: fu'n ««■ . BEST OF ALL DOCTORS! Good Health of Countless Americans DuetoPaine’s7 Celery Compound. ’’l "A - w S'*-' - c illll i llWwB Countless homes in every city in America have been saved from the sad loss of some des pairing member by Paine’s cel ery compound. The story of the life-work of the discoverer of this world-fam ed remedy is familiar to most readers. The likeness of Dart mouth’s greatest professor, Prof, •dward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., given above, is the best por trait of him yet printed. “Excepting its handful of magnificent statesmen and its military heroes,” says the most recent writer upon and critic of America, “the people owe more to Dartmouth’s physician teach er than lo any one man. “Tn every walk of life, among the highest office holders at the national capital, in the homes of the best people in the large cities, among the every-day folks of the country, families in comfortable circumstances, fam ilies that ‘live from hand to mouth,’ and could not, if they wished, afford the services of any but an ordinary physician— everywhere I have met people to whom Paine’s celery compound has been a blessing.” It was the world famed dis covery by Prof. Phelps of an in fallible cure for those fearful ills that result from an impaired nervous system and impure blood which has endeared the great doctor to the world, end made his life an era in the prac tice of medicine. Prof. Phelps was born in Con necticut and graduated in medi cine at Yale. His unusual talent socn NJ TICE. By mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin & Printup, attor neys, was dissolved cn May 21s last, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. Jno. C. Printbp. brought him reputation and prominence among his profes sional brethren. First h«Mii elected to the professorship ef anatomy and surgery in the Ver mont University. Next he was appointed lecturer on materia medica and medical botany in Dartmouth College. The next year he was chosen professor of tho chair then vacated by Prof. Robby, and occupied the ehair, the most important one in the country, at the time when he firstformulated his most remark able prescription. Prof. Phelps has given to hie profession in Paine’s eelery compound a positive cure for sleeplessness, wasting strength, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheuma tism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. It is the only specific recognized and prescrib ed today by the best physician* for diseases arising from a de bilitated nervous system. For such complaints Paine’s celery compound succeeds again and again where everything elee fails. N ) remedy was ever so highly recommended, because none ev— • accomplishes so much. Paine’s celery compound stands without competition for feeding exhausted nerves and building up the strength of th* body. It cures radically and permanently, healthy increase in appetite and a corresponding gain in weight and good spirits follow the use of Paine’s celery compound, It is the most re markable medical achievement of this last half of the nineteenth century. <s rests wit* vtdMr /w «*<*** ••rvc xuli.j UMI. retr.oMt the f*r •Mt ■•(-▼••• dl9tr«a< repels bns, purifies Wu WloaJ, 9 U Sbat m U>«t «aa»nvs4. mW MUthaM yea abroad AU MUB fitfesaJUi. IB HB ' swsfws4»tS Md socks air trsSi frcui- A MB* vcw sw*s irurttol, vim *• B vawb iar w. Tamils irlft Ik” w*l. p<«A*»My, psrsAsSw»«y Jtas K TO- mafty carve; 1 b«Y«s. JggS W cmrs. cr M rcTuas »«iK <to—■ MifraSLiUwf—ft V3SMHBEMEMBBHV Rigans Tabules: for tour amacß.