The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 02, 1898, Image 6

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| John M Proctor J IS NOW | » IWAINIAGER £ < - 5 * FOR *~*H I K.EJFQBIBIBB I g ROME 6RAN6H MUSIG HOUSE-1 He solicits the influence and patronage cf the peo p] e o f Rome and the surrounding country, 't will bo to ■ year interest to call and get prices. j g Marvelous J 1 X.o Figuresl * # It X W ill be quoted on all PIANOS, 2 ORGANS, BICYCLFS, SEWING MA- | X CHINES and other goods now includ- ed in the big stock at No. 327, Broa"! w street While this entire stock is to be closed out at reduced figures Mr. Procter is empowered to make the terms decidedly easy to all buyers. £ BICYCLES ? At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, and will be sold regardless of cost. See our wh< e at once—it will pay you to take a look. | Sheet Music | X This stock will be clos r d out J j* at 10 cents per copy. X * IngraM | I LITHIA | I Wateß I /ft «»»»£€€*<* \V 4* BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, SV /|\ SV For Sale at Soda Founts of: SV 4* CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. SV T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. F. HANSON. NOKRIS N. SMITH. g THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. I C* J Plumbins: and Tinning. J Engineers’ and machinists’ £ supplies. Stoves, ranges and C tinware. Gas and electric fix- 5 tures. INSURANCE gasoline * stoves. Water meters. J 325 Broad st. Phone 32. & SEIZED fl TRAIN. Negro Soldiers fit Knoxville Obey UNWISE ORDERS. Train Letton The Main Track For an Hour or More. Knoxville, Nov. 1. —There was quite a disturbance ar the Union here about midnight last night. A battallion of the 10th (edoed) civalry was passing through on its Way from the Phil adelphia jubilee to headquarters at Hui.tcvllle, Ala. and at this print they refused to allow the train to proceed under the orders of the railroad authorities. The cfficers of the battalion left the train at Knoxville to get some thing to eat, with instructions to the men net to allow it to leave the station until their return. The rai read officials wanted to move the train befoie the officers return ed and the soldieis would not per mit it. It is alleged by the railroad au thorities that the officers were up tow u and remained away for an nour or more, leaving the train standing on the main track, The railroad people beci m * impatient and attempted to move, but some of the troops boarded the engine Hid ordered the engineer net tc start. The railroad superintendent then appealed to Gem McCook of ’he war investigating commissicd io interfere, but being a retired officer he referred thorn to the com manding officer ( f the post In the meantime the officers of the bat ta’ion returned and the train mov ed off The so’diers complained to by standers I hat tl e train was not iroperly provided for their ccim Veniences nnd said this was the reason of the disturbance This (he railroad people deny. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular size 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. 8. & A PRESCRIPTION B£*%. ■‘lra-’ --{udJr I YOUNG AND OLD We none of us live so careful ly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicine to put us right. It’s a comfort to know where you can get them at proper prices. We are not modest about these points— wp can give you what you want in patent medicines, druggists! sundries, toilet articles and ec’. Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch & Co., 300 Broad street. POLICE STOPPED A PLAY It Represent* Prince Bismarck in Hades. Lemberg, Aurtriu. Nov 1. —Out of respect to the memory of Prince Bismarck, the municipal have given notice to the director of the Stadt Theater to change the pro duction of a play entitled “The Devil on Earth.” I The puace is especially pleasing to the laboring classes, as it ar raign* unmercifully all potentates and statesmen who are regarded as enemies of the common people. The last act represents the infer no, in. which Satan orders numer ous usurers and monopolists to be passed before him whom he con demns to frightful punishment. Toward the last Cerberus men tior.s the approach of Prince Bis marck An indescribable outburst of yells ai.d h >w Is from the gallery greets the Fpiiit' f the great states man, Satan then reads bis record of sins, which seems endhss, and the punishment in made to fit hie long series of crimes Against the oppressed pcop’e. The play bad been produced for nearly a week before the po ice interferred. Ibe diitctor hss sub stituted Heir Wolff ai d Herr Schoenerer, two very unpopular deputies for Bismarck in the last scene and it is quite possible that the entire production will be sup pressed by the authorities, DR SMITH MISSING It is Feared That He mot A/ith Foul Play. Scottsbore, Ala., Nov. 1 —Dr. B. B. Smiih, Jr., of Larkinsvil’e, five i) : les wtst of this place, is missii j and it is feared that he has rr - ’ with foul play. Dr. Smith na~ 1 • -ren in Nashville, where hew intending the Na-hville Medical cohere and also was col lector for the W, E. Bateman Tranfer company. Last Friday morning be started out o.i a col lecting trip having bills to the amount of $l5O, T his amount he collected, about one-half of it being in checks He has e ; nc( failed to put in an appearance ai d Mr. Bateman and his friends fear that lie hts been robbed and per haps murdered. He was sand-bag ged and robbed of about SBO a couple of years ago in Nashville’s black bottoms. Smith was consid ered to be thoroughly reliable and has been trusted with much great er sum a number of times. Search is now being made for Dr Smith and his many frieds in this county hop* that the mystery will be pr:mptly cleared up entirely ir his favor SHOT BY A SOLDIER Negro Corporal Fatally W. und a Pi iiceman in Cheyenne. Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. I—ln a row between Corporal Bur’ise of the Twenty-fourth United States infantry, colored, from Fort Rus sell, and another colored ma i who were rivals for the affections of a woman, Policeman James Green was fatally shot by Burlise. The trouble arose in a saiooi tnd Policeman Green was caller in to quiet th»m when shot bj Burlise. The bullet perforated the right lung, ranging d wuward. -md lodged in the right hip. Bui lise was arrested. HOW IT HURTS! Rheumatism with all its sharj twinges, aches and pains. D< you know the cause? Acid in the blood has accumulated in your joints. The cure is found n Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousand 4 vrite that they have been com pletely cured of rheumatism bj Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick head.the, biliousness, indiges tion Price 25c. No morphine or opium in Dr Miles' Pa a . > m. s Cure AU E *fn. "One ijnt a dose." PUBLIC I SOM HE i We will Sell New | Books wholesale I PRICES’ II FOR CASH. Second Hand >1 Books cheaper uhan the I cheapest. Give me a call, || .H. A. SMITH, j THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. | p? » ® ® ' r ® ■> 3t at > > -Ur ® T » *H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., 8 < Successors to JC :S ROME PHARMACY. ® s? We have bought the entire stock of the Rome gjf’ ' tea Pharmac y an d are prepared to supply your wants in edj the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. 5® We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a -j*® times. We should be pleased to have you call on u Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr store. Cigars and tob a cco. Sl2 Com e to see us. r >WS — _J_i ■ !■ I I H SI £ S. Al Stark, s S LSIJlii iSil GEMIi'S I'A.LOB 5 Hti Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave ,4*( KJ® l-W lOihiiiirnHHHiiiiiiiiUiiHii ► ■ $1.25 an <l sl-50 Negligee shirts for t$ J. A. GAMMON & COMPANY ARE WAITING'’’"* J The greatest line of negligee shf ever shown i 1 Rome. J. A. ”■ .4 1 r everyone in Rome to some n am} see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s elothinf, bicycle and golf suits, is whet we are doing, but we are hus tling while we wait. We wi.l how you the finest stock e clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabrieke, perfect fitting and handsome, te be found in Georgia, and they re above competition in vales* or the price.