The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 03, 1898, Image 2

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COMPANY H, , Cf thr Secind Georgia is Assembling. majority of the wen Win Muster Out. Lltut Jack has Resigned. The men of Co., H, Second Georgia Volunteers who have beee at home on a months’ fur* lough, the furloughs having ex pired, are assembling in the city to report to Capt. Perkins tomorrow. « As the cut-of-town troops come in they are being quarter ed at the Hill City armc ry and are being fed by Mr. Cheanick. Capt. Perkins, when seen by the Hustler-Commercial this af ternoon, stated that perhaps a third of his men would remain in while at least two-thirds of them would ask to be mustered out. A number of privates and commissioned officeis were seen by the reporter, and every man of them said he was ready to be muttered out. Oue private stated that he knew of but two men who would not ask for an* honorable dis charge. The men claim that they have had enough, but many of them say that if the Second was not o be mixed with the First they would stay in . Lieut. Howard Jack has sent in his resignation, to take effect at once. • CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Offers a Delightful Pregram Friday Evening, For tomorrow evening, the Conservatory of Music offers to its invited guests aad patrons the following: PROGRAM. Rondo Beethoven Miss Minnie Scurry. Tarantella Cooper ■■l M 88 Joy G lover. Spaaish DanceGiese Miss Georgie Word. The Knignt on the Hobby Horse----Loesehoin Miss Grace Lanham. Allegro Mozart Mr. Joseph Speigleburg, M -s. Fortin. TarantellaSeharwenka Miss Lucile Moses. GerotteWesterhout Miss Minnie Flemming “Knyewiak'* MozouakaWieniawski Miss Allie Gio*.er CapiicePaderewski Airs Mary Lu W ikle. Fraumeral) Schumann Meuete JBoceh«rin t Ochestra. OR, ’ KING’S W ROYAL GERMETUER ♦ . Thia pleaaant and perfect rana*dy, m ••lightful to take, so refreshing a*d exhilarating, stands in highest fare* with all who know it beat, aa the graa* Mt of all medical remedies for b«®i •axes. of all ages and in all eonditiem WHAT IT WILL DO FOR TOI ta«tlnin«PKTlT‘ Il will flu jii restful I LIEF. twill itlßiliti jmt DIBESTION. It will rwtvi jour NERVOUS ENEMY. ItwlH pt jour KIDNEYS ia perfect or«a. Stpurlfj jour Blood. twill ohinp jour wukmi lato STBEMTM, tiNI brlif joi out of li.tiiM iiti HEALTH MW PACKACE, LAR«I %«• BOOBS own DULXAB. •OU® BY ALU •WUQCIWTO. MAKUVAQTUSBD OXLY SY kltiuti CUmicil Ci., itkiU, ti. M m «i.paob aeoK. WAiub mm* ' GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortable. But why shoutd not every chair in the house be the same? We have a line of chairs that are substantial, handsome and comfortable. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our line of dining chairs. We are offering these at prices lower than ever known in this city. Call and see them. Rhudy, Harvey A (3 >., 337, Broad St. TRIED TO DIE TOGETHER Tied Together With A Bed Sheet Jump inte A Leke Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. B. A desperate attempt to eomesit sui cide was made yesterday by Rose Laurer aged, 22, and J. E. Cleck ner, aged 32. The couple walked out to the end of the dock of the Cleveland Yacht Club at the foot, of Erie street and tied themselves together with strips torn from i bed sheet. They then jnmped iato the lake. Two Lake Shore Railroad detee* tives were in the vicinity and wit nessed the act. They at once ran down and dived into the icy water after the couple. The man and woman had already sunk ssveral times, but were finally rescued af ter a long struggle on the part of the detectives. Both were taken to a hospital. MASSOTO IHECUBANS Advises Them to Make Arrang* mento For Paying off. Santiago de Cuba. Nov. 3. Senor Bartolome Masso. Presideut of the Cuban provisional Admin* ictrative Council, has issued an address to th* delegatee now in attendance at the military assem bly at Santa Cruz del Sur, in which he reviews the consider ations upon whieh the Cubans eelieited the help of the United States and advises all Cubans to show true patriotism, and while making every expreeaion of grati tude to America for having given Cuba freedom and independence, to make prompt arrangements for paying off the Cubans now in arms and {for getting county into working order. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Ltxativa Bromr Quiuiu e Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q on each tablet. COST OF THE WAR TO DATE. i lie Treasure Returns for Oc tober Show jt to be Waibington, D. C. Nuv, 3. — The completion of the Treasury returns for October today leaves the net cost of the Spanish war up tj the present time about $160,» 000,000. This result ia obtained by deducting from the entire coat of the military and eaval estab lishments since the beginning ol March the cost upon a poaeo basis as indicated by the expenditures of previous years. The McCall Bar.a- Fatterne are known as the moat stylish and Reliable Patterns in the" market; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham A Sons. You eau get what you want cooked as you want it at the Gcmez ea f e. PERSONAL MtNNOIT. 1 Mr. vV. R. Long, of Chattanoo ga, was at the Armatn ng today. Pawuea Bill played tea very large crowd at North Rome 1 at night, Col. C. M. Harper has return ed frein a business trip to An niston. Go to Mrs. A. O. Garrard for best brand of zephyrs at 24 cts per ounce. Hose supporters, the 25cts grade, at lOcts to close them out at Mrs. Gazrards. The best way to avoid sickness is to keep yourself healthy by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Jabn Starling recently returned from service with the 2nd Ga. Volunteers, was here Saturday.— Summerville News. Judge Maddox spent several days of last week here, His re-eleotion to congress Nov. 18th, is an assure ed.fact.—Summerville News. Capt. Cleghorn returned Friday from Atlanta where he had been interesting himself in Judge Hen ry’s race.—Summerville News. The congressional election se cure next Tuesday, and John W. Maddox should roeoivo a full dtm ocratio vote. —Courant American. Mr. R. S. L. Griffin, an export tobaoco sign maker and advertiser, has moved bit family to Roue and is nicely located in the Fourth Ward. Impure blood is an enemy to health and may lead to serious disease. Hood’e Sarsaparilla conquers this enemy and averts danger. Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing. Hon. W. C. Bryan, ono cf Floyd’s trio sf legislators, cams up from Atlanta this forenoon and spent the day io the city, return ing to his post of duty this after noon . Miss Mattis Wilson, of Ma con, who has besn the guest of Mies Mary Berry, left yestarday tor Anniston to visit Miss Ivy lyn Duggan. Stylish Overcoats. Covert cl«ths are recognized as the correct thing for tap scats. We nave them. 17.50 buys a stylish overcoat. J. A Gammon A Co. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Patter son and two littls boys, of Car tersville, were here yesterday afternoon and last night. They returned home today. Judge J. M. Neel asms over from Rome last week and was con fined to hie homo several days by aieknooo. He is, however, able to be out again.—Cartersville Cour aot. Mr. T. W. Cbastain went to Romo Sunday on a visit to hie eon Ho and Mrs. Chastain, who has boon iu Rome sometime, have re turned home.—Sunamervil'e Nows For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Carry-Arrington Co., Jervis A Wright and J. T. Crouch. Fancy Celary, fine Cranber ries, Canadian Apples, Pigsfeot, aew Kraut, new Olives, Sweet Pickles and oilier good things at Lloyd A Harper’s. They handle high grade groceries only. - ■■ ' ~. ...r. ... —j CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GEOBGIA FLOYD COUKTT. To all whom it may concern . G. Williaman, administrator of R W. Richardson, deceased, bee iu duo form applied to the underoigued for leave to cell the lende belong ing to the estate of said deceased, and said application will bo hoard on tbe first Monday iu November. This 4th day of Oct. 1808. Jona P. Davis, Ordinary. LOC»l HAPP SE. For Rest. —9 room house on 4th Ave. 2 blocks from Broad St. Apply to N M. Gemez. The Q T. Club —At 2:30, to-> osonow afternoon, Mrs. Carlton Wright will entertain the Q T. Club, at her pretty cottage home on Tower Hill. ,S Minstrels Coming.—Cleveland Wilsons famous minstrels have been booked by Manager Nevin aud will play in Rome on tbe night of Wednesday, Nov. 9h, Tickets on sale at Trevitts. Reception ToNieHT —Mias Flo Seay, at the elegant and bospita ble home of her parents. Mayor and Mrs. J. J . Sf»ajr, will tender an elegant reception to her beauti ful guest Miss OoMeld of South Carolina/ He’s A Hustler. —Mr. Gordon Tatum, the efficient court steno grapher es this circuit, passed through here Friday on his way to Chattanooga. He did some excel lent work in Atlanta for Judge Henry.—Summerville News. That’s The Talks.— One of the greatest faults ot democrats ie apathy. Every man calling him self a democrat should go io the polls next Tuesday and vet* for the standard bearer of the party, Judge Johu W. Maddox. —Courant American. It Fits Floyd.—The chairman of tho democratic party of Bartow conn’y urges all democra s in the county to go to the polls and vote for Jndje Maddox ntxt Tuesday. Tb.s is a solemn duty resting on every member of the party and shoe J not b<* neglected.—Courant Ame. can. Prii’EßsoF Knowledge.—The you g o-ople iu ths primaay de paitmaut >f Shorter College have formed a society known as the Reapers of Knowledge. The offi sere are: Susie Bass president, Mabel SmOh. vice-president, L'z zie Keese, treasurer, Mary Howell, secretary, Ruby Reynolds, corre sponding secretary. They meet every Saturday and render a de lightful program. Fine Car Service. —The City Electric Car Co., gave the city a metropolitan service to and from the Pawnee Bill show ground yes terday afternoon and last evening. Manager Maivin is to be congrat ulated upon the splendid manner with which he bandied the enor mous crowds. Os course the rail ; road people did a fine business and r< aiized a mat sum from th 3 dsy’s 'receipts. Spanish Mausers.—Mr Robert Stiver, who is iu the United Slates mail eeivice at Santiago, Cubr, sent his father, Mr. J. A S uVe 1 , two Mauser rifles which came oil of the Lat Infields arcund Saatiug • They have been on exhibition in Word,s ehow window, and have atlraeted a g< od deal of a'tention, as they are 11 e drat curiosities ex hibited here from the late'Spanisli 'Ameriean war.—C< ui r i.t Ameri can. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becomes a very simple art - For this purpose the McCall Bazaar Patterns are superior in every respeoi, in fact they are referred to as “Tho Reliable Pattern,” not only ia a perfect fit guaranteed (if the proper site is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice cut after these models. Sheets free at Lanham & Sons. Ue« Chbap Pacxagb Coma? —I would pot do so any longer when you can get something free from dirt, old glue, sticks and atones for nearly the saim price. We have jast reooived » good Santos »hat we will supply at IGc lb just two or three eouts alb more iu price, but woith 10c luoro in quality. Be suie to try oue or two pounds, to be had only at Llcyd A Harper's. I Announce, —To the public that I have secured the servic-s of William McClellan, an exput fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thn Garrow femous candy kitchen is Atlanta. Wear* new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, ate. All w« ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. A.ntogholi, ■ext door to Curry's dri g luore MUST PART WITH IVES. Trooi'ship Will be Arrested at Honolulu. S. n Francisco, Nov. 3.—Tie man Earner Doric and the trans port Ohio, now on their way aoross the Pacific*, cairy orders from Gen. Merriam, directing that the tioep ship, Indiana, he arrested at Hon olulu and her commander, Cel. Funston Gidersd to land several stowaways, wives of volunteer of ficers of the army. Two cf these are said to be men tiosed specifically in the order and both are bridss of Kansas of ficers. They are Mrs. J. G. Schlie man. wife of the chaplain, and Mrs. F. F. Buchan, wife of Capt. Buchan. DEWEY MOVES UP A PEG A Ciißr»T>MAs Gift For The Herc Os Manila. Washington D. C., N*v..B.— Rear Admiral Dewny will soon bsc< me making < slicers of tin navy by the retirement of R>-ai Admiral Bunce, Dec, 25 Rear Admiral Milei will beietiredNov 22. Commodore H L Howi.on, commandant of the Boston navy yard will become Rear Admiral, and Captain H. F Pickin will be come Cemmctdo'e. SHOT BY HIS MISTRESS Tarver Went Te Hou?e While Drunk And Was Beating Her Selma, Ala., Nov., 3. —J'hn Walker, residing on the Tarver plantation in this county was shot tod*y by Margaret West his rail rr -ir~~ ,■ j ■■ ..ji A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying 1 could not live but a shoit time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stav with my frisnds on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covory for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all tight bi tilts I has cured me, and thank uod 1 am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s Regular 50 cents and *I.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. i YOUNG AND OLD We none of us live so careful ly that we nsver require the aid of drugs and medicine to put us right. It’s a sonifort to know where you can get them pure at proper prices. We are not mod«st about these points—w* can give you what you want in patent medicines, druggiatst sundries, toilet articles and et’. Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch A Jo., 300 Broad street. tress. Walker w eht to the hon. g drunk and proceeded t 0 beat th« woman over the he. d with a skiU let and cut her with a ki if« She managed to get hold o f a shotgun and fired th. load, tor. off the side of Wolksr’s fate j earned an eye with it. The wout.4 18 not neosarily fa’al. The sutreudered herself to the autl 0.- i ties. OVER TWO CONTINENTS St. Louis, Nov. 3.—After a chase across two continents L ua bert Wilt, comptroller ol the Bungbuzlau Savings bank at Bungbuz’au, Bohemia, with wife and her aunt, were arrested at the Hotel Rosier today on the charge of having absconded with 109,000 guldens, equivalent to $41,420. TH vT JOYFUL FEELING. With the exhilarating aenat of renewed health aid strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use es Syrup of Fig», is unknown to the few wholuve not progressed beyond the o! I time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISCISSION. • BORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas W P. Trout, adminii* tra'or of Jerry Townsend, repre sents to the conr. in his petition duly filed, that he has aominis tered JerryTowneend’s estate. Tine is to cite all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to ehow cause if any they can, why said administrator should not be die charged from his administration and receive letters of disniiesiou on the first Monday in January, 1899. Tms Oct. 3rd 1898. J>hnP Davis Ordinary „ J « YEAR’S SUPPOTT. GEORGIA FLOYD C-LNTY. To all whom it mu y concern. Notice is hereby given that the appraisers appointed to set spert and assign a year’s support to Mrs. Zenie C. Rhinehart, the wid ow cf Lewie Rhinehard, deceased, have filed their award, and unieee good and sufficient cause is shown the same will he made the judge ment ot thw court at tho Novem ber term, 1898, of the court of or dinary. This Oct. 3rd 1898. John P. Davi-Ordinary. —. -,.W I CATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GE iRGIA FL YD C UNTY T> a l wh m it may ecu cam. Foster Haruc-r adm ini st rat or < fM re Jane H. Clyne deceased,ha* in due orm appli-.i to the undersigned or leav • to sell t he lands belonging co the e-tate of said deceased, ai d »aid a[ plica!i« n will b* heard on the first Monday in Nov next. This 4'h day <d Oct. 1898 Jlhn P. Davis Ordinary'. 2-CENT STAMP! Will send ■ letter to any point in Uncle Sam’s big Snnain. For this very g jgj reesoti are sick, sore or suffering, this May Save Your Tl liffi I Here’s just how LI IB i it is. You can ........ write a plain letter, can’t you? Well, • win take just two cents to carry it to tkt “Washington Medical & Surgical IriM. Atlanta, Georgia/' And the famous speciAists who form the stafl of that Institute are able to give-yon advice end treatment by mail as well as if you came iu per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing it every day. They now have patients m all the adjoining’States some of them liuuure<> •f miles away, and their cures are simply wew darful. CURES POSITIVE AID F D C CI CONSULTATION rllLLi In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club F<**. Hare Lip, Croas Kye* and other surgical cases, aiaa in an forma of Bkm and Blood disorders, Rheums tism, Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. Throat. Lungs Stomach or any vital organ, Liver. uey and Bladder troubles. Nervous W«a» names of either men or women, diseases of tn eeaual parts and every other bodily affliction the highly trained special lets alone can deal with. write freely ft costs you nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send you question blank for full particulars. If you’ curable by human skill and perfect science w« SHALL CURB IT. That first 2-cent stamp may eave your lifc. A letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical & INSTITUTE. Austell Bldg., AtlsnU <J»