The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 04, 1898, Image 4

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THFIIIJSILtMHEIffi EHUSTLE R O F R O M E Established, 18sX). ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, IMO. bkt*d •very tMi’i.i'. <x<<pt Saturday. Sunday and I;. *. PHIL G. BYRD, EBITOR AND MANAGIK. Aii honest conviction is good forthe —law breaker. Yes, Jane, dear, social trocas are often crossed in love. Twenty-four sheets of light ning makes an illuminated quite. A shipment of stawbefries has I bee* received in Boston from. California. Uncle Allen is eternally and everlastingly fernent deficits and kiting. Be industrious and Col. Bil ly Satan will not be half so apt to enlist you. Thanksgiving draweth nigh. Thagobler will soon b« gobbled. Let the eagle scream. Yes, Jane, dear, when you check an elephant’s trunk you put Fourpaws ©n his travels. * - 1 ■■ r 1 The fellow who is always broke never dreads the breakers —unless he is a sanguine man. Buy everything you need, right here in Home ;you can af ford to, and you can’t afford not to Be charitable in all things and after many days the bieid wagon will Hoat back to your wharf. Let the school children of Georgia have a vacation until the deficit in the state treasury hat been cured. The concert of the “powers” does not seem so palatial to the bull-fighters as it is respectful to the American eagle. The Maria Teresa seems de termined to sleep in old Ocean’s bed. She was a Spaniard, hence a very funny man-of-war. Some governors would send a deficit “kiting,” but it takes your Uncle Allen to send the same animal along the “Wards ducks” route.” avv nat K- mother ■ does not '* wish to be 9 pro u d of 3 her chi 1- I dren? What J. mother does not » want them fl to be H healthy, in happy, r laughter- J loving and able to withstand the ordinary illnesses of childhood ? Any woman may insure the health of her children who will take proper care of her health in a womanly way. The health of her children depends almost entirely upon her general health, and particularly upon the health and strength of the delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of maternity. A woman has no right to dis regard her own health, comfort, case and happiness, she certainly has less right to condemn her children to a life of suffering or an early death. That is what she does if she neglects the health of her special womanly organism. Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription is an unfailing remedy for all disorders of this description. It strength ens and invigorates the sensitive organs concerned, and is the best preparation fur the trials and dangers of maternity. It in sures the well being of the mother and the health of the child. Its use is a guarantee of a bountiful supply of nourishment for the little new-comer. Many women who once bore children only to speedily lose them, are now mothers of healthy, robust children as the result of the use of this medicine. Barbra A. Mudd.of Indian Creek. Mo . writes: “I am very thankful for what Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription did for me. I wa- all broken down from nervous prostration, but since taking your medicine I have had more relief than from all the doctors Your ‘ Favorite Prescrip tion ’ did me a world of good." Many women have told their experiences, and given their names, addr sses and pho tographs in Dr. Pierce's Common Sens.: Medical Adviser. This book is free. A copy will be sent to any address upon re ceipt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. The “Favorite Prescrip tion ’’ is for sale by all dealers and no hon «st man will urge a substitute. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest mcnacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ‘ North Carolina, which pays a pension to Configurate army veterans that are in need, finds that but one in fifteen of the I known survivors in the state is on the pension list. Applicants t for aid an» fewer each year in stead 01 increasing constantly, as is the case with federal pen sion ts. In Georgia the Federal epich mic seems to have gained a footing. The Georgia tax pay ers contribute to Georgia Con federate veterans about as much as all the other Southern states ' pay to their veterans. The Geor gia rolls should be payed and every veteran and widow of a Confederate soldier who does not absolutely need the pensian should be cut off of the rolls. If all the property in Georgia that is hidden out from tax ition could be reached and made to pay its honest dues, the problem of state income and expendi tures w’ould be solved. To ac complish this result should be the earnest and persistent effort of the legislature, and it should be accomplished at the present session.—Atlanta Journal. A French doctor has invented an electric helm t, inside of which is a small motor that vi brates strips of steel, the motor making 600 nuns per minute. This whizzing is supposed to cure nervous headache and put the sufferer to sleep. But the aver-- a< f e man with wheelsin bis head, does not need such a motor. Count Esterhazy is now re ported as being in the black mailing business. It is charged that lie has written to several French Generals, demanding money, under threats of expo sure. Tins same alleged noble man is lavashly decorated with several crosses of the legion of honcr. It is reported that Spain bought a cargo of 135,000 bush els of wheat in New York the other day—her first commercial transaction with Uncle Sain for some time. The only doubt about the alleged transaction is the fact that it takes cash to buy wheat. Let the people who talk about economy, practre wh it they preach—and let the gentlemen who straddles the comb of the highest house top and yells him self hoarse telling the people to patronize homo industry—prac tice what he preache°. France’s “dignified withdraw al” from Fashoda is very sug gestive of the attitude of the dignified middle-aged person who taied to pick up the coin that was na led to the sidewalk, while every body was looking.— Savannah News The Rome postoffice has ar ranged a screen inside the gen eral delivery window. Postmas t’r Hamilton evidently does not want to par;.di his appointees before the faces o f the white patrons o ft he office. bio morphine or opium in jli’.es 1 Pais 41LLS, CVHE All I" tin. “Que a dose.” Prof. Edgar W, Bass, of the United Stives Military academy at West Point, who has just been retiied, has held the chair of mathematics in that institution | since 1878. I What per cent of the mail that is handled in the Rome office is from or for white patrons? What per cent of Postmaster Hamil ton’s appointments have been white men? ahe sugar trust has bought the entire sugar crop es our new Hawaiian possessions—250,000 tons. But, then, the Hawaiian islands were a “put up job” for the benefit of the sugar trust. An international matrimonial paper in three languages is I about to make its appearance in Berlin. Tom Platt should sub scribe—and send the copy to one Dick C'oker of New York, U. S. A. The most efficient and skilled employees are being unjustly turned out of the Rome post office and their places filled, in nearly every instance, by negro polticians—Where is your “civil service?” In Kentucky a druggist has been sued for SIO,OOO damages for selling poison to a young man who made use of it to com mit suicide. The suit is brought by the administrator of the sui cide’s estate. The registered distilleries of North Carolina, 1,407 in num ber, last year produced 620,716 gallons of spirits. The moon shine outpus for the same peri od is thought to have been about ♦-Is zx a-, « .... _.. A. A number of Michigan farm ers in the Grand Traverse region have been experimenting this season in growing peanuts, and in every case the experiments have proved successful. A state that could produce such a poli tician as Alger, should-find no trbuble in breeding peanuts. OUR GOVESNOR. Gov. Candler is going to make Georgia a good governor. Even those who were his worst oppenents are forced to admit that.—Hogansville Bee. The message of Gov. Candler to the present general assembly of Georgia placed great stress upon two of the most important issues before the state, in our judgment, the ballot box and taxation. —Telfair Enterprise. It is our candid opinion that Candler will make the best gov ernor that Georgia basever had Why we say that is from the fact that he is a sensible man. He can’t quite spe through a mill stone, without a hole in it, but he comes nearer doing so than any man we know of, if he hasn’t but one eye. It is now Gov. Candler, and his motto is : Bsllot reform, bet- SPAIN’S G REAT ESTN EEI). Mr. R, P. Olivia, ofCarcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had cans d severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood <nd nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country teeds. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up be stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life intc every muscle, nery/t and orgah of the body. If we/ak red or ailing you need it'. Ev cry bottle guaranteed, 'only 5C cents. Sold by| Crnjy i Arring on,’druggists. THE EXCELLENCE «F STOP OF MS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific process#? known to the California Fig SyruF Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As th* genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, Cal. I4>U<BVILI.F. ' VW VORR. 1. Y ter primary election system, and equalization of taxation. These three matters are of paramount interest to the people of Georgia and the legislature should, act according to the suggestion of our new governor.—Dahlonega Signal. AT WOMAN’S EXPENSE. W: en an up-to-date girl wants to be particularly cruel to another gir’ -he accuses her of having ob tfii' • h< r soldier’s hat-badge at a store Chicago Recorl. A New York girl who made an unsuccessful attempt to commit V 4 her dress at d mai- ried. Perhaps she expects to take from her husbands a lesson on bow to commit suicide, —Louis- ville Courier Journal. A South Gto\gi a brother is re sponsible f or ths one. The Amer ican bud enthususticatly screams **san k ee - D«od 1e- io i r lfie rooster joyfully crows ‘Vjck-a-doodle do!”aud the old mt\l hysterical-, ly *xc aims “Any dv\>-l! do!” “It’s all up with you. now,” he remarked as he varied tL umbreL la, “No,” she replied, ‘\ ou mean is is all evsr between usi And i‘ it wis'.ot laughter that the libs of the umbrella it mil p BVP been the wind. - PhilL;phj u Times. \ They h d surrounded hiri [ ]af j the patriotic women, this hl o f i the Fightitg Thirteenth. Hk a( ] 1 a most engaging limb. \ “Was il done by o»'6 of i g „ drt-adiu 1 Mauser bullets?” al ( > the tall blonds with the eye glaa “ Will y< u be crippled for lift queried the plump brunette. \ “I suppose he was shot wan earning a Wounded comrade ojL the 11 -Id, gushed the romantia m liden. 1 he crippjed veteran, as modest as be was brave, was visibly- em barrasst d by these tributes from the fair. As soon as he could control his ( motion he remarked, simply: “Aw, g'wan ! T’aint nawthiu’ but a boil on me kmc.”—Buffalo Express. HUMER SUSPECTS. Teacher—“ What is a pedest rian i” Johnny Squauch — U A feller tha‘t gets run over by a bicycle, ma ’am ” —Tit-Bits, Johnny— “ Were you in the war?” Ge/t'era!'-‘‘lndeed I wrs. I had ui/i'ny narrow escapee. One bullet grazed my arp 3 Johnny—‘‘leuidn’t you find a , wider tie*?’ r i‘Uth “No,” she deolafed/H will ntVtr ' marry for love or money.” “Ah” 1 e reiu'.ued.“you are 'looking for some with a _»V I . title —cl• VtJui. L udfir. “Is 1 e * deep thinker?” “Well, yes, I Buppose bo. At least what thiukit g he does must be deep. Most of hi* work is done in a diving bell .’’—Chicago Re cord . “I rather think she prefers a pensive thoughtful man.” “Ab?” “Ah. At any rate, whirltold her I loved her, she told me not to get gay.’’- -Indianapolis Journal. She—“ Did I understand you to say that your friend is engaged in litenrw pursuits?’'’ liv “Nd, indeed! lie meiely writts stories and poems for the msgaziues.”— Chicago Evening Post. Isaacs—“ Did you e-f. r tryg jui.s ting backyards from vun t’uusand ven yon can’t sleep?” Coheustein—“You, but dpt gounting backyard maigs me feel like 1 vos losing moneysh, undt I can’t go to shleep at all!”—Puck, “ Were you out in all that rain?” asked the Clifton g’rl “No,” said the young woman from Boston, “I was merely in the portion of the rain that descended in my immediate vicn ity ”■—Cin cinnati Finpiir r. I ANA RROW ESCAPE. i Thankful words written by ; Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. , “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a shoit time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, ami thank Hod I am saved and now a well- and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular size 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Eoxea ?(!R EILIOU3 AND NERVOUS DISORDERS “(<•!• as Wind and Pain la the Stomach, nilditrnss. i-uiuesn after meals. Head rrr 7 lz ? IDCS s, Prowsiness, Flushings H iioit, Boss of Appetite, Cnstivei’f-s. Blotches oh the Skin. C<>ld Chills, Dis urbeH Sleep Frightful Dreams and ell aud Trembling Sensations. xHE FID IT DOSE WILL GIVE BELIE! ' TV ™ MINUTES. Every suffer* ' Hl uckuvw them to ue A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. PILLS, taken as direct- • uh’-tJ healu y T'r toro to com- ’,V 11 ‘Gill- 1 Iley promptly remove c obstructions or iri o.rubirities of the •' tom and euro M<-k nea<. rt ej e . Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN ® Beecham’s Pills are ithdu i b; J And the LAJWrST L'A'.£ u t fan -' Ib.teut .Vci.’leine J.-. World, ni 125 c. nt all Drug Stoma \ 1' viwl y Mot J W L-F \ V>k In at our stock . , . 101 ercoats and clothing wl wou are prepar ing for you it t . . . . , ion thanksgiv ing day, ancl , ° • A l u n ®ed » new pair of trowset x , r u •. rlP at and vest, or full suit of 1. ... Ing, top coat or macintosh, I . r . • I 1 g've you perfect nt in a , . , •« ’■* garment at a very low 111 p s V’ H J^ er - F. b. —Special® , , in men’s woolen underweaß You’ll buy 'if you sW. W e W. 11. COKE It U<‘ BSt. HOW’S THIS? 55 Wo offer One Hundred lars Reward for any Catarrh diat cannot be cured I Hall s Catarrh Cure. J' Kv * o°, T uiedo . We, the undersigned, i.,. known F. J.Chenev for the J In years, and believe him to J • financially able to carry out J obligation made by their Hrm I West & Truax, Wholesale Dru J gists, Toledo, O. I Wnlding, Kinnan & Wholesale Druggists, U o i ed ] Hal ’s Catarrh Cure is take! Hdcrnally, acting directly up J the bldod and mucous surfaJ of the system. Testimonials J f reo., Price 75c per bottle. Sol by all Druggists. | Hall’s Family PiH s a 1 est b ' ■ Coke chep per thai Coal- Can be used u stoves for heating apj cooking purposes N smoke or soot. Olea] and economical. F o further particular see ROME GAS C( fIBfiSSIMiI ills ATTORNEYS. J. BR ANH AM, , Law Office 200, e st- First reet.St, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Ar torn ay at Law, llofca- Crcporaion Law Onlyr "W. J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice In allorui Special attention given to commercial 1 and the examieation of land titles, office in King building, Rome. Ga. WALTER HARRIS. Attorney at law And J. P. Office overF. Kane & Co.’s. LIPBCOMH <Sr .WILLI x QUA Commercial LUwy< t». Gffice in Armstrong hotel bull i .g, Rome, M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. OfflceKing Building. Konje, i.a. W. H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law. .Will Practice in all cow Office, Masonic Temple, home, Ga, J- SANTA ORWF O t i at law > Rf »3»e. Ga. Collection specialty. <. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES/ RIGHT. i HARPER HA NlLTfj WRIGHT HAMILToI Attorneys at Law. )ffice:No. 14 Postoffice Buildia CHARLES E. DAVIS —ATTORNEY AT IAW - | Collection a sp< cial.y. Will practice in B urts. | lasuuic Temple Annex, ' Rome, J DENTISTS. J. A.~WJLLS, D? D. 5 J ffice 2401-2 Broad. < Over Cantrell & Owvfl ■ . L. PENNINGTON. D.D S.,M ■ . BNTIBT- I ffice', 3tis 1-3 Broad street. Over Hauks Fill iture Co. ■ PiiVSICIANS. i o HAMILrON. M- D I Physician and Surgeon Office, Medln® Building Koine, Ga. O. ce ’phone No. is ■ L-- F- M £>'■ Physician and Surgeon, Office in building.- Residence, No. 403 West I’irsnß cej’phoNo. 0 H TONSORAL PARLORS! LEWIS BARRETT, ■ The ‘Old Ki liable.” operating ■ the hotel Barber shop, Invites you to give O x promises to do the rest. Oulj <heP 'einph y»;d qji the chairs . I HOWELL C. TAYLOR I Miniself a skilled barber, employs *Mfy very best artists in Ins tonaoral studio, i Q curry Building, opposite the Aruistraii;’ vou are made comfortable while your being done. ■ PASTEUR FILTER® I he cnh Ger*® Prcot Filter in th® world. Makes waMS pure and sale by The Hans 0 ® Supply Co • I