The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 04, 1898, Image 5

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Hohn M Proctor Jte. £ is NOW V y y . <* m IVI (taa tki. fl ._!' Jl“ .'><£ ;.v- ■' *jr* FOR m- .w» W<lk':-r') \‘r • BuM. ft ROME BRfINGH MUSIG HOUSE- S He solicits the infiuenci and patronsg icf the peo pit of Rome and the surrounding country. It will be to year interest to call and get prices. v . z < V * Marvelous X * l»o Figures! * V. il: be quoted on all PIANOS, J ORGANS, BICYCLES, SEWING MA* J CHINES and other goods now includ be the big 3Lock at No. 327, Broad T street. VV hile this entire stock is lo be closed out at reduced figuies Mr. Proctor is empowered to make the Z. terms decidedly easy to all buyers. . CLEs * At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, and will be sold regardless of er st. See cur vh<e at oner—it will pay you to take a look. > _L_ ' Z * Sheet i This stock w ill be closed out * at 10 cents per copy. W $ W* $ < W W Z/ f' i InmM t | IITIIA I 1 Wateß | 4S BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, W $ For Sale at Soda Founts of: 4fc CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. W V? T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. ’•'k | F. HANBO*. NORRIBSM6MITH. | | THEHANSON SUPPLY GO. j £ Plumbine: and Tinning. . £. S Engineers’ and machinists g £ supplies. Stoves, ranges an ’ C tinware. Gas and electric fix f tures. INSURANCE Igasohne % g stoves. Water meters. > 2 325 Broad st, Phone 32. pMsToI&S For DsMßler 1898. MRORGIA,FLOYD COUNTY, \\ ill !)• sold b«for* th* court bom* door in the city <f Rome Fl«yd county G»., betwean tho legal hours of ? H | fl ->n the latTuen day in December 1898, the folh w ing described property by vtu » of at ata end county tax li fa* no • uad by th? tux collector of Flevd uounty Ga,. ami against the fol lowing named defendants. Ail that tractor parcel nf bind in the 22ud district aid 3rd B?'C tiou at Floyd county Ga. , con taining eighty acres more or lea's it being an undivided had ini'-res' in lot number twenty-three. Ltv iad on by virtue td a tax fi la is sued by V. T. Sanford for tax 1897 in favor of state and county v-i Junie? ware as the property o's the defendant. Also at the same time and place all that lot of land lying and be ing in East Romo bounded as f I lowb, beginning at a pent on thn North ude of Spring street 150 ft East from the Northeast intersect tion of North and Spring street and running thence North along the East margin of lots ot Holt Jarnos and Mis. Thomas to prop erty of East Rome town Co,, thence East along said property of East Rome Town Co. , 50 feet to property belonging to Ed G. Warren, thonce Scuth a'on* sa d margin of s-iid E. G. Warren prop erty 150 fed to North margin of Spring street, thence West along said North margin of Spring str“et 50 feet to point of beginning Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford tax col lector for tax 1897 in favor of state and county vs Mrs L. J ?atton as the property of the de-> fendant , Also at the same time and place a certain lot and improvements thereon, situated in the Fifth ward of the city Rome‘*Floyd Co., Ga., fronting 100 feet more or less on Spring street «nd running back same width 300 feet more cr lees. Bounded on the East by the props.ty of O, T. D- zier and on the West by the defendant. Lvied ■>n by of a fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford, tax collector for tax 1897 in fav< r of M. M. West & Co., transferee vs Matilda McAr thur, ashhe property of th# Deft, J P McConnell. Shet T, PUBLIC SALE OF RIAL TATE. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas on the 18th day of No* vemher 1896 Frank Murphey exe cuted to Mrs. A. H Cheney a note tor the sum of $430.00 and at the game time executed and delivered to her a mortgage on the lands described below’ to secure said cote, find whersae iu said mort gage the mortgagor gave to the mortgagee the full power to sell mid lands at public sale before he court house door of said coun ty. in case he made default in 'he payment ol said note and mort gage as to pr ncipal and interest, which mortgage it recorded in the Clerk’s office of Floyd superior court in Book K—l of mortgages page 111 and hereby -referred to. And whereas said mortgage and note came due on Nov. 18 1897 inddias not been paid by th. mortgagor. Now therefore by the power si vested in the undersigned the mortgagee in said mortgage, which power is more specifically shown in said mortgage hereby referred to, the undersigned will sell to -he highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in December 1898 during the egal hours of sale be fore the court house door of said county the following tract of iand with the improvements thereon, *ll that t ac or parcel of land ly ing and being in the 23rd District and Srd section of Floyd county Georgia and being part of lane lot 117. the tract herein described b>ing the Southeast corner ol said lot on tho East side of the Dalton road containing thie acres more or les j and bei-ng the land conveyed to Frank Murphey by D. P. Phi lips on Oct. 4 1890 and recorded in book “P I'" ot deeds page 584. Thu total amount of principal and interest that will be due on said n te and mortgage and aso the costs of this advertisement af terallowing certain credits is $84.16. Fee s ; mple titles will Le made to the purchaser at said sale and the proceeds will be applied to the payment of said mortgage *nd losts and tha balance will be turn* ed over to Frank Muiphey. This 7th day of Nav. 189°. Mrs A. IL Cheney, Mortgagee. JUpans Tabulee cure lß<n*eeuon. NUi It K I OK KG- A, FL YD C ■UNTY By virtue of an order of the cen t of Ordinary of said county will be -<ojd al public, outer, on ths first Tm in Dec, 1898 nt f, i" court hc-tiße door in said coun- I 1 » I etween the usual hours of sale the following raid e»tau» t< w.t. Lying and being in the Fifth-wnd of tli« city ( f Rome Flevd county Ga. Beginning on the E-st side of Spring street at dividing In e between lot wf John Rupe- and lot hereby described. theme East erly along said tin- 88 fee.t. tho ce Southerly 80 feet, tii»nce Westerly 132 feet, and 8 inches to Spang Sr, thi ic- Northerly with Spring St. 88 feet to th* a art ng point Sold as the property of Mrs Nicy Kam. merer, d cen *d. Terms of sale cash. Thi«*Nov 7th 1898 IKlek J Kammerer, Administra tor. NO ‘ICE. GJToJteiA fLoYD COUNTY Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said county, will he «old at public outcry on th* firs' Tuesday in December 1898 at ho court house door in said county between the legal hours of sale the following real estate tewit, Subdivided lo's Nws. 11, 12, IS, 14, 15 16 and 17, ac cording to the plan ai.d platt of a tract of 51 acres survey-ad and platted by Dr, J. W. Htikr from land lot No. 316 in th* 23rd d.f trict and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga. Sold as the property of Mrs. Jan# H. Clyne, deceased Terms of sale one-third cash, La - aime in one and two years with 8 per cent interest. This N«v. Btb, 1898. Foster H arpee, Adminialrator. • r - ” r—m - LETTERS OF ADVINIRIRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern,Mrs M. J. Morrison having in proper form sppiied to me for permanent leitera of administration on the • s’ate of E, T. Morrison, late cf said county, deceased This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of E. T. Morrison to be and appear at my office with>n the time allowed by law and show causa if any they cam. why permanent administration u h ?uld not be gran’ed to Mrs. M. j. Morriaon on E T. Morrison's es'ate Witness my hand and of ficial this 7th d y ot Nov. 1898. J ohs P. Davis, Oidinary, CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To *ll whom it may concern W. H. Ennis, administrator of Elijah Perkins, deceased has in due iorm applied to the under sig ued fur 1 a»v» to Fell the lands bell nging to the estate »f said deceased and said app'ication will be heard on ths fiist Monday in December n-xi T his $ h day of Nov. 1898. John P, I)Avis, Ordinary 20, W ■W ' B ‘teX ni BS Tfe H p --d IN THE DINING ROOM Every good 'man lik-s to see a goo 1, soli 1 I ))’;i i g k i • SIDEBOARD. It gives dignity to the room and besides it is the right place for the pitcher of ice water. Decide h w much you want to pay for this useful And orna mental article of furniture. We have them from $lO .00 to $30.00 The least expensive are well made of oak w ith 14x24 mirrors. Serviceable and durable. '1 hose of higher price are more ornate in design, some of quartered oak hand carved, with shap' d bevel* ed French plate mirror. Inter esting to look at even if you don’t buy. • Rhcdy, Harvey & C 337 Broad St. sVX 2L • jL • x. - - Jk /•> PUBLIC | j (u piiiniiif ww I | .ui..lU Jj lEjIJJJJjIu 1 .'.e ... , II New | Boeks wholesale I I PHICES; I || FOR CASH. Second Hand S Books cheaper uhan the || >■ cheapest. Give me a call, || I H. A. SMITH. | 1 THF OLD RFLIA-BLE BOOK STORE. AS H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., J Successors to JCr - ROME PHARIVIACY. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome cc® Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our “jj? stock is complete and of the very Irighest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall eii. deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a times. We should be pleased to have you call on u '■'63l Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a ' ; t3a such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr 5® store. Cigars and tob a < co. ®t- eS Come to see us. SG S 3 22 tax rJJ B S.M Stark, S s S 5 ’ ss 2 LADIB3 ABB fill.’ g .X Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A v o **• '»< HJ? ’ M* I - -W- — ,Ji WHRIPJWWM— SI.2S and $l5O Negligee shirts for t$ j. A. GAWON & COMPANi' ARE everyone in Rome .to ©on a n and see the magnificent stock , ,2 on men’s and boy’s clothing, A; bicycle and golf suits, is what , we are doing, bu't we are hus tling while we wait. Ws will I how you the finest »to«k« X;' V c Vy; -Clothing, made from the newest / yF styles and patterns in fabrieke, perfect fitting and handsome, to —X- be found in Georgia, and they ' 'S -**7 ■■ *- . . . 1 r« *’ re above competition in values ' • or the price. fl The greatest line of negligee shirt ever shown in Rome. || j, a. gammon &co J