The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 04, 1898, Image 6

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COUNTERMANDED! Tiinl Georgia May Nut pit to Ctlba’ TRAJIBPOR WIOM WAS Arrangeu for Officers And Men Disappointed and Disgusted. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 10. —The 1 bird Georgia Regiment now in camp at Griffin may not go to Cu* ba uf’er all and it is practically certain that the regiment will not go ab ard transport at Savannah on the 22d of this month, the time originally set by the war de partment for the departure of the troops. An order has been received at the department of the gulf from Washington holding the order for the transportation of the Third Georgia in suspension and post poning the time for the departure of the regiment from i'scamp. The dispatch from the war depart ment was received by Coi. Dravo, chief comissary of the department who for the past few da<s has been engaged in preparing rations for the Third Georgia in presence of orders received by Col. Berner. Every arrangement for the trans portation of the regiment hud been completed and the Georgia troops were wai’ing patiently in camp for the order sending them 'o Savan na to arrive. The quartermaster department of the gulf opened bids fur the transportation of the regiment some days ago and the c ntract for the movement of the troops was divided equally between the Central and,Southern railroads. Ona halt of the men were to go by way of the Central and the other half by the Southern road. The dispatch of the war dej art mer.t was a short one contain ed no informs ‘ on leading to au •xpla ittn / the sudden change o f o iarhas e officers of the de partm he gulf were surpris ed at t r of affairs. Col, [■ . to whom the tele gram vir r nd iressed, said that in his opinion, it was probable that the regiment was being detained for the reas -•> that the island was not yet in condition for the American army and that he be lieved the order for the transpor tation of the regiment would come some time near the end of this month or the fiist ot nexj. Col. Dravo Buid : “It is likely, although of course I have no information to this effect from the war dep rtment that the government is waiting for the transportation of all the Spanish troops back to their own country before sending our men to the is land. In this respect the goyei , n t « meat is inclined to be much more lenient with Spain since the country is devoid of ressources, than she would be with a stronger natien in case that Country was at war with us. “It is possible, of course that the Third Georgia may not sent b* 3 to Cuba atall, but I think the order suspending the movement of the reg'ment is only a temporary one and that orders wi’l be re ceived soon for the troops to move to Savannah.” T A E WORKS® A tape worm c’lxliteen feet Sons at tb " af’f •■■'■ taking two CASCARE I This lain tire has caused my Lid health for the p-st three ;. • : I avi utiil taking Case. U-. • the only cathartic worthy of Bollen by s< .. .. Osu- VV. UoWLESj H J.ird, Mass. /WcSXc te':’ £ \ w’t-. tr ade ma™ RrarsrtßCD » . , I:| . , ;;; L”.r CURE CONSTIPATION. ... H,Odcro, M„„(„ Kp „ yorM . ,J, hfl’TO-RAC anrt by all dree- WW I 4 DHU g, btg , 0 < VUJ. l.baccc Uabtk. 8 ■ DOIh’G GREAT WORK. Use of Paine’s Celery Com pound in the Philadel phia W. C. A. V ( \II Hl HtLiUl I 111 WWr * - ’V. Ji/fl ll' ■ //15 w \ J| // i : 1 1 \ ■ faf v if IM H- << X’ ' 4 JBk ? t' The magnificent building at' the corner of Eighteenth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, is a monument that tells what a great charity is the Woman’s Christian Association of the Quaker City . The superintendent of theW. C. A. home is the accomplished woman whose portrait is print ed here,Miss Katherine Kenne dy, What she lias done and what she is doing for the bene fit of other women commands the highest respect and admira tion. In all other institutions of this kind more attention is giv en every year to teaching the laws of health and right living, physically as well as morally. 'l'lie health of communities is more and more frequently a subject Os attention from clergy men and teachers. An ailing, nervous man or woman finds it more difficult to be hopeful and cheerful and good than a well one. Writing to the Wells & Richardson Co., who are the proprietors of the most wonder ful of all remedies for the cure us diseases that arise from the impairment of the nervous sys j tem, Paine’s celery compound, Miss Kennedy, in the course of her letter, referring td the use of Paine’s celery compound among the members of the W. C A., says that “those who have been taking it feel greatly bene fitted, and desire to continue the ORF STLE AND COMFORT and for a jolly good time with family cr friends, there is noth ina like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies,traps, carts, wag onettes, canopy top, or open sur reys, are lipht, easy, comforta ble and beautiful in construc tion, trimmings and finish. We also repair and overhaul vehicL harness and lap robes, ] street,Rome Ga, SniHinn use of it. So many women run down in health by overwork, or what is worse, overworry, have been restored to perfect health by Paine’s celery compound, that its record in every large city in the Union Grateful testi monials of this character have been published time and again in these columns, and it is a fact that no other remedy has ever received a hundredth of the hearty blesssings that the man agers of public institutions have openly accorded to Paine’s col erp compound. The widespread use of Paine’s celery compound, in the most intelligent, careful homes, and among the most thoughtful por tions of every community, has grown up by just this sort of personal guarantee, by word of mouth, from persons made strong and well to others need ing exactly the kind of invigo ration and toning up thatPaine’k celery compound gives. In time of great mental stain, when other remedies only med dle and muddle, Paine’s celery compound purifies the blood of all bad humors, and cures the many ailjnents from this famil iar cause. A vast pronortion of all dis eases are preventable. Paine’s celery compound is universally prescribed by medical men to stop the progiess of disorders, due to poor blood and badly nourished neryes. |S|||| les; also carry a big line of flue Rome Buggy Co, 5509-511 Broad <J Vniuvs, ypirt * M' 1 ' |kwe * | * psoyosryipss | * THE SUMMER H, sS PASSED AND GONE 1 HPROYE THE NEXT PRETY DAY * | AND HAYE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! | B eK 15 thi E Oft *a| sr S 1 * | TBEGSSS 0? WOBif I I B E3 F.i W £ \\At. TURNOUT K i * “ =i== i i ho 1 Wj ?t W —XUU AJtwd E3 5 * ImARM II!! VI« inwlr|i -n S fcs ‘ . IE g * H All 1111 I RM EIVT .-J I” LEj ? -fl Crt ! ; IR ■ » si h bs sd. fed sUUz Kd Ig W . . Wb | aii w S H 11. W.kandeaster if * t JI