The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 04, 1898, Image 7

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°'r ' I tvy pjibplly the scaniiy of ever -nat- ’ii iowt regiments is due to t ‘ l et that one ddiur was added J/.p/e price of each varment for ibner McKinley's influence. Such rHrl nent« could not be spread fcroadcast and the few firms tru ,t- J ff( . r o unable to fill the contracts , ];lJ tly—henco the patriotic vol- Jnt eH shiver in their -m miner Clothing. o o o Tbere is something slightly ridic clruß in seeing an elegantly ats fired officer, with enough gilt dan dee and belts on him to satisfy the ambition of the czar of Rus sia, booted and spurred, riding a HO saddle and $lO bridle and nounted on a coarse, stiff-jointed 490 horse, on? devoid of style or grace,what we call a plug horse! Jlu!it; v -l' 'I r:bune. O o o Gen. Kitchener m that he will reither lecture n write a book about the Nile campaign. Old Kitch, takes the kake. 0 0 0 Ju the streets and suburbs of London there ar H now iot only 712 fountains for human beings, |ut 296 large troughs for horses cod cattle and 470 small troughs Lr sheep and dogs. o o o On? cf the very rare albino squirrels was trapped recently by a Maine hunter. Therein not a co'or d hair in its white fur, and ar? cf a bright pink. o o' o Buenos Ay it a, with a population of 700,C00, hfi.s 40.000 ht uses pro vid (1 with water from the river Phlts. 000 ‘■How do you pronounce stingy?” “Please, sir, does it refer to a man or a bet?”—World’s Comic. 000 Egypt has 802 postofhces. In 1896 the number of letetrs hand led was 16,510 000, of which 3,- 190,000 went abroad and 4 410,000 came from abrc ad. 000 “Between Shikespere's time and oui>.’’ Israel Zangwill said in a lecture a few days ago, “only two plays have been written. ‘School for Scandal’and 'She Stoops to Conquer.’” Can it be possible that Zangwill ha« never seen “A Hired Gul.' '-‘ -.’s Alley” and “Ca s*y’t\ too AFi <> , millionaire has just peid ?, ... •. j for a batch of letters ■which e i .;tly wrote to a girl who was thoughtful enough to pre eervs them fur use in court. And yet they say I‘terary work ’n this country doesn’t pay.—Ch cage Journal. But it wasn’t the work of writ 4 - ln S that paid in this instance, it w as the labor and lorethought of pres-rration, and the rule still holds that the practice of old fel— lo»s writing to young women doesn't pay. unless they mean business —New Orleans States. o o o Havana is Americanizing at an •larming rate. A basebail game advertised for last Sunday, a[ td the authorities fearing a rio l refused the necessary license, so the game was declared ofi. Ihe Havanaitefi must have Iraida thing or two about the great Amer c®n “bleacher” and his behavior toward the umpire, Next summer Havana may apply for member 6bip in the League. BUCKLEN’S arnica salve I lie best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, f happed hands, Chill lains, horns, and ail Skin Eruptions, an d positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give ] erfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar lington Co. PERSONAL MENTION. Judge \\. M. Henry was here ■last week.—Summerville News. Go to Mrs. A. O. Garrard for best brand of zephyrs at 2j cts per ounce. Goimz’s case continues the most delightful creature < f the kind in the city. Hose supporter?, the 2". its grade, at lOcta to close luemuut at Mrs. Garrards. J. N. \\ ri<rht, of 11 >me, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Hall, Saturday.— Calhoun Times. Mrs. \\ , C. Bunn returned Tuesday from a visit to Mrs. T. R. Garlinglon in Rome.—Cedar tow i; Standard. 11. D. C. Edmonson went to Rome yesterday on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Maddox. —Summerville News. Say “No”wheu a dealer offers you a substitute for Hood’s Sar saparilla. I'here is nothing “just as good.” Get only Hood’s. Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing. Miss Ethel Hiles returned I home to Rome last Saturday, after a pjeasant visit to Miss Martha Adams. —Cedartown Standard. Miss Estelle Wright, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Hall, for the past ten days, has returned to her home in Rome.—Calhoun Times. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alexan der, of Adairsville, and Miss Louella King, of Rome, visited the family of-Mr. J'. V, Alexan- der Sunday.—Calhoun Tinies. Miss Scylla Thomas, of Dal ton, who has often visited friends in Home, will be married on November 30th, to Mr. Gu.y Crawford Hamilton, of-New Or leans. For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink. Ingram Lithia, for sale at tht soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis JI Wright and J. T. Crouch. The most delicious Maple Syrup ever brought to Rome can be had at Lloyd & Harper’s.; Other kinds maybe good, but this is the best of all. One trial will convince- Fresh eggs, chickens and tur nips are very scarce and bard to get, but you’ll find a good sup- - - - SCROFULA |-t le Foul Blood’s Advcrtiss mar.t Bwi ft Is ,J9d Mood’s 1 arewp.-ir rUa. Yoe, SorafnU, !r ’- b**;'*- 1 -" tAe kdvwrtjs''r»-»nv es fo' swjorgs of the world—t f.t ’' • stubborn tad w.ul v erab'.t. Outward appl»<Sftti«R» d<? not .bey trly drive U» dififeuley t-> new g-;irte« ihP ’ ccaao ‘ •boils* th. writ. There WV ent, find ttist in to t-»- Mtet trow »*• t*oo4. 1* on that W u ’ s *' «<1 It h the only on* thatu so .ar as ku<rw, »l«3trt Invarfatk vsu• • - r , B where the system !•» ’ ' ra P cipjn * hy lon 3 y**»rr of tatm-- • •’>’'» U r«palrsd ®r« treniendoae. That remc J k Hood’s Sarsaparilla. E<»d this: ••Mr daughter wr.s aSiotied r. uh ■ • pure blood. There wore runniny X rccommonded u blood purifier., not eeo t hat they did any good. VX'd to! • me about Hood’s A friena tot - -irltbismea rt’le srd L began E-vins, u; ao Ths result was that -he was pu , f t-ik'n’’ a few bottles. sores Einc® th*- ,me ffcirrn, Couth L.h-uer *- SJ? ?■ '/ C. , 2?'S<3. r “ pOO' * parilia ■ , , n .,-.. v .<)-. e ?Yu’Blood Purifier, hui.*'- ' - y-’;;’ : !lbst; tute. . . ■ t hatnionlously ** ■ j(XX* ** b’fits* ;; ply at Lloyd & Harper's at rea sonable prices. Mr. L. E. Ripley of Atlanta, is in the city today. Mr. ’fol Fricks, of Chulio, spent yesterday in the city. Tax Collector V. T. Linford has returned from & trip to At lanta. Mr. E. V. Shackleford went down to Round Mountain this afternoon. Just everything good to eat, and at tempting prices, at Lloyd <fc Harper’s. Air. J . C. Rudicili, of Atlan ta, is paying Rome a business visit today. Mayor John J. Seay left for Gadsden this afternoon. He will return tomorrow. Mrs. E. E. West, of Atlanta, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. West, in East Rome. Mrs. A. F. Johnson and Miss Spyker White, ot Van’s Valley, were in the city yesterday. Mies Mayme Hudgins left Mon day morning for a few days visit to Rome. Cartersville News. Mr. C. L. Deardorf, of D id ton, selling paper for the Sho walter Co., was here today. Mrs. A. W. Shropshire is on an extended visit to relatives in Rome and Gunterville.—Trion Herald . Mrs. £ H West, of Rome, was the guest of her sister, Mis. R. H. Baker last aeek. —Dalbo Citizen. MissFoy Murphey of Shorter College, Rome, spent Sunday in Irion, with home folks. —Trion Hera’d. Misses Nannie and Lou Flem ming left today for a pleasant visit to Miss Jessie Corpu’, at Cave Springs. Mr. T. T. Booze, Mrs. M. A. Booze and Misses Eliza and Lil lian Booze, of Cedartown, are at the Armstrong. Handsome John Nichols, of »!.c Curry-Ariington Drug CompuH.,, of Rome, spent Sunday with home folks. —Dalton Citizen, The many friends of the fami ly will be pleased to learn that Mrs. W. J. Griffin is convales cing from a painful illness. Airs. J. H. Reynolds and Miss May Reynolds, of Rome, have re turned home after spending several days pleasantly in this city.—At' lanta Journal. Miss Bessie Archiable. daughter ol R. J. H. Archiable of the Chamber of Commerce, Cincinnati, and Mies Elsie King arrived today. They will b® the guests of Capt. R, T. Coverdale. Sergt. Chas G. Keene, of the second Georgia, who has been ill in-this city for the past few days, has recovered and will leave for Rome. Ga , in a short time.— Chattanooga Times. The McCall Bazar Patterns are known as the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market ; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham & Sons. Mr. Fred 11. Lee, who for several months has been con nected with the C.R. & S. road, resigned his position in the general office here and left for Atlanta this afternoon. The Gordon county friends of Mr. and Mia. A. F. Cantrell, of Rome, will be glad to learn that their little girl lecently operated on for appendicitis by Dr. R. M. Harbin, is getting well.— —Calhoun Times. Compliments A R« man.— There is not a man in this district »hat could make a more capable chair man of the Democratic Ex-cutive Committee than the present one, Hon. W. J. Ne<l, of Ron»u. The party owes him a splendid reward for his signa! service andablity. —Dalton Citizen. •LOC4I HAPPENINGS. Firßem. —9 rocm house on 4th Ave. 2 blocks from Broad St. Apply to N’ M. Getnez. Meets Tonigit.—l. 0. O F. , Rome lodge, No 40, meets tonight at 7:15. Important businrss de rnr.nds a full attendance. Judge J. M. Neel, who has been here sick, jeturned to R une Wed i.iodar night. The family ot Judge Neel will continue their residence in Cartersville until tl.o winter is over.—Cartersville News. Calhoun’s Big Day.—A pony and dog circus is billed to be in Calhoun Friday in addition to the North Georgia Horse Swap pers Convention —C alhoun Times. Brui»ei> His Head.—A recal citrant darkey tussled with the city officers Saturday evening and received some bruises from blows before being locked up.— Cartersville Courant. llad Diphtheria.—The little 11 mouths old infant of Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Hinton of Holland, died yesterday of diphtheria. The remains were interred in the Summerville cemetery to day —Summerville News. Lamer Circle.—On n xt Mon* day night tne Lanier Circle will hold its first regular meeting at Mrs. W, S. McHenry’s. A splen did pr gam has been > rrang d and it is ean.est’y urged by the officers that a lull attendance be bad. Time Draws Near, —The North Conferente will meet at Augusta on the 231 inst Bishop Duncan will preside. The South Georgia Methodi-t Conference will hold its annual session in Haw kinsville ob December 7th. Bishop Hargrove will preside. A Handsome Roll-Top.—One of the hipidsomest roll-top desks in the city is offered for sale by Mrs. A. 0. Garrard, at her milinery store on Broad St. Mrs, Garrard finding she has no fuither use for it < fl-rs it for sale at a very low figure. If yon are interested, call at once. Maddux In Polk.—Maddox car ried Polk by over four to one, and every precinct in the county ex cept two —Antioch district, the home of Represetative R. VV. Everett, and the Seventeenth dis trict, in which is located Etna, the home of Mr. Alec Hamilton. —Ce- dur'own Standard. Tc Memphis and Return. — On account of the National Quar antine Convention, Memphis. Tenu., Nov. 17—19th, 1898, the Southern Railway will sell tick ets at the rate of one fa e, or .$lO,lO for the round trip. Tic kets on sale Nov. 15th and 16th with final limit returning 21st. J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. Bou«iit Fruit Lan». —Mr Rad Wyatt of Menlo, soft! last week to Mr. Thompson of New York, 160 acres of laud, the consideration being $1,600. This laud is located I next to Puterbaugh it Perry’s fruit farm and is admirably adapt ed to Iruit raising. Mr. Thomp son has recently moved to M-nlo from New York and will engage in fruit raising. —Summerville News. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becomes a very simple art* • For this purpose the McUfil Bazaar Patterns are superior in every respect, in fact they are referred to as “The Reliable Pattern,” not only is a perfect fit guaranteed -(if the proper size is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice cut after these models. Sheefc free at Lanham & Sons. Has Njt Resigned.—Th it re port sent out by an over zealous newspapu correspondent that Capt, Walter Perkins bad resigned is not based on facts. That the, story gained publicity is due to the fact that the reporter acted upon a mere rumor, Capt. Perkins will remain with the con mind until il is mudertd out. Recorder’s Got rt. —Owing to the good behavior of the sin ners, it was not necessary to hold a Recorder's court session this morning. ■ Albert Hine on Deck. —Dur- ing the illness of Mr. Wade Lowry, Mr. Albert Hintr, one cf tha best hotel clei ks in the state, is holding down the office of the A rmst rong. Ai ter A Colony.—The pri. st m charge of this district of the Cath di ', church is making an ef fort (<> locate a colony at Dalton. It it hoped he may bo successful. —Dalton Citizen, A John Allen Story John A)l«-n, or buying a dog, asked if the animal was affectionate. “I .should say so,” r the deal er . “I have sold him four tirn-s, and < very time he's ci me back tn rue.” Tri in's Genek ids President - The president o< the Trion Mfg. Co, v i 1 build a house and reading rooms will be furnished, which will be the pride of the town and «n honor to any community,— Tricn fl, raid. Quite Enjoyable, —On las' Monday af.ernoon at the Second Methodist church the Missionary society had quite a pleasant meet ing, a nice program was rendered after which dainty refreshments were served. The society from the First church w.s present and all expressed themselves as delighted. New Candy Dainties.—Wai nut and Pecan Crisp, large boxes 10c, Peanut and Cocoanut Brittle 10c, pure Milk Kisses 5c box (the new delight,) Fairy Midget Stick, pure as crystal, light as a feather, 15c lb. Also fancy gift packages in latest stylesand flavors, at Lloyd & Harper’s. I Announce,—To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with tshn Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongate, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry's drug stere Comes To Rome—T. J. Newsom has a position with the McDonald- Sparks Stewart company, the big gest furniture house in Home. Mr. Newsom will move his family to the Hill City in a week or two and will l>t accompanied by Iris brother, Mr. G. A. Newsom .and wife and his brother-in-daw, Mr W. H. Buchanan. Cahoim regrets to give them up, and their many friends wish for them u.ilimited success in their new field. —Calhoun Times. Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: “For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. 1 took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew werse until I was un- able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I • 7 was soon able to move ' ray right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and I X >’ ■ when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170.” A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine—S.S.S. (guaianteedpurely vegeta table') is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable t'OI books. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, £ F.LEXBKfILER Will Deliver his I'auioils Lec ture on “THE GEORGIA DARKIE” In Rome, at a Date tuba Fixed Very Soon Rev. Ah x Bealer, the well known Ail .uta divine and news paper man, has consented to como to Rome and deliver his famous lecture on “ i'hc Georgia Darkie.” Mr. Bealer has hundreds of admirers in this city, his news paper articles being always as reliable as forcibly written. He is one of the most popu lar young men in the «t it ( ', en joying tlje esteem of i I who know him intima’ely, an 1 the confidence of every one else. Mr. Bealer has consented to deliver his famous lecture in this city under the auspicesand for the benefit of the building fund of the Christian church of this city. The date for this lecture will bs announced in a few days, when tickets will be put on sale. Mr. Bealer has giyen his lec ture in many of the Southern cities and towns and has always drawn large houses and enjoyed most appreciative audiences. The press has in every in stance paid Alex Bealer high compliments—and especially in his beautiful pathetic or ludi crous word paintings of the old time plantation negro. Mr. Bealer will be the guest of Hon . W. J. Neel when he comes to the city. Let’s ail turn out and give the gifted young Georgian a full house and warm reception. THEY WERE GONE. “I was troubled for years with rheumatism and pain in my back and ?idc. Afer taking a few bottles of Hood’s Sarsa parilla the pains were gone. I have not had any trouble from rheumaiism since and can do my work without suffering as I formerly di l .” Mrs. A. E. J. Hunter, Craigsville, South Car olina. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla “ rjl 1 ■ . IRONCLAD ifs. If you would enjoy much, scatter much enjoyment. If a man does nothing he does worse than nothing. If a cat has nine lives a fiddle should have more strings. If there’s any luck in a horse shoe it must be hard luck. If there is honor among thieves there should be some among politicians. If a man is satisfied with him self he Bnds others awfully dis- *♦ appointing. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on ach Will Bring Dreyfus Back. London, Nov. 11 —The Paris correspondent of Ihe Morning Post says: “It- has bjen decided to bring Dreyfus back t > Paris” ""Mrß. J. A. Wynne, of Roma, is visiting her son, Dr. F. A. Wynne, at his heme on Lnckie s r»et 1 Atlanta Journal.