The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 06, 1898, Image 2

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jftRED .ant Move on the „ of The Hero. . asbiugton, Nev. s.—Admiral >ewey Cabled the Navy Depart ment that the cruiaer Charleston aid the gunboat Concord has sail ed from Manila for Iloilo, the sec* eud largest port in the Philippines, situated on the island of Panay. The explanation given at the department concerning the mission of these two warships is that they have gone on a cruise. It is prob ably well understood inofficial oil • lea that the cruise has a deeper signifieance *ban a mere desire to •how the Stars and Stripes at ports in the island possessions, which this Government has deter mined to held. “ According to the understanding here, Admiral Dewey has sent the two warahips to visit all the places ia the Philippines where the Span iards have garrisons to ascertain just haw strong the defenses are and what means the Spanish for ces have es making any sort of re* eistance if th® peace negotiations are broken off', and hostilities re newed. SPAIN’S GREATESTNEED Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had cans ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He tays this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim , vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve end organ us the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sole by, Curiy Arriug on, druggists. POPULAR IN ROME. Mr. Yancy Hains Weds Mjsa Talmadge., Friday evening’s Journal has the following special from Athens: “A marriage that creates quite *a excitement in this place today was that of Miss Daisy Talmadge and Mr. Yancey Harris. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Mr. Walden, Presbyterian minister, at the residence of the groom’s moth er, Mrs. Hugh Harris. “It seems that the bride’s father opposed the match, but the young people, meeting at the flower show last night, arranged to have the wedding today . “They are both very prominent oeially and the marriage is the great news event in Athens today.” Mr. Harris formally lived in Rone, and his bride is well known here. She spent several weeks as the guest of Mi?s Julia Dean dur ing the summer. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bi ttiese sores, ulcers, Balt Rheum,Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Cerne, aid all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to jive perfect satisfaction 01 money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar lington Ce. French Spy Arrested London, Nov. 5. —A French-i man has been arrested at Dover t for attempting to enter the big gun I turr®t on the admiralty pier there. "TS PLUMB ' .i Walter Coleman of Cedartown MADE OIL INSPECTOR For Rome And Cedartown. Commissioned Yesterday. Editor Walter S. Coleman, the hustling young democrat of Polk, was named as oil inspector for Rome on yesterday, This ends a warm contest be ing waged by a number of prom inent Romans. It has been known for weeks that the Cedartown editor could have the place for the asking. However, the fight waxed hot for the Romans had enlisted for the war. It was reported here that the appointment would not be made before the middle of December and so the candidates hustled. Friday night Mr. Coleman was called to Atlanta and yes terday morning hejwas tendered the commission which he ac cepted. It is understood that Editor Coleman was not an applicant for the place, having never asked for samo. The Cedartown man is one of the most popular editors in the state, being presi dent of the Weekly Press, and while he is not a Ro man he is a North Georgian to the mountains born—and is a powerful good hand in pouring oil on troubled waters. I f Rome couldn’t get the place, then Coleman is our first choice. wr—-w ■ '■■u» ■ '■ JUST SMILE, Irate Passenger (who has managed to board a trolley car that didn’t stop)—Suppose I’d slipped aud lost a leg—what then ? Conductor You wouldn’t have to do no runnin’ then ; we allers stops for a man with a crutch. —Boston Traveler. “Politics,” said the man with a fondness for the trite, “makes strange bedfellows.” “Yes,” answered Senator Sor ghum, “but there’s always the same old fight about who is go ing to sleep comfortably in the middle and have most of the covers.” —Washington Star. “What we need in this coun try,” howled the political orator, “is an elastic currency.—” “Right you are, mister,” in terrupted a man near the door; “something that will stretch a man’s income so as to make both ends meet.”—Chicago News. “Well, uncle Jim,” said the lawyer, “the doctor says there’s no hope for you.” “Yes, suh; dey tells me I gwine toe cross ober.” “Have you made your will?” “Yes, suh ; I done will toe go.” “I mean,” said the lawyer in an explanatory way, “have you anything to leave?” “Oh, yes, suh !” exclaimed the old man joyfully, “two wives an’ de rheumatism !”—Atlanta Constitution. Life’s sideshow s cost u» moi® than th® real circus. Wise num nev?r wast their tim e answering pratling lo«ls. Doctors assist nature when men try to escape the debt thereof. A woman may envy the beauty of another,’ but she never for gives it. . i A Home Enterprise. On another page will ba seen a full page advertisement of the State Mutual Life and Annuity, Association of Roma, Ga. We earnestly ask our readers to scan with care the entire ad vertisement, and having read it seriously, Consider every state ment made. The promote rs of this associ ation are citizens ot Rome, have, lived in this city for years, by their actions and business meth ods have builded characters that do credit to themselves aud hon or to our city. Their interests are Rome’s interests, In view of these facts they will not make te the public any statement not baaed on fact and years of business experi* ence. Life insurance is no longer an experiment, it has long since took its place In the front ranks of the business world, and has become thoroughly engrafted upon our commer eial system. To be without insurances is to expose the loved ones, to needless dangers of want and poverty —to place them on the mercy “of the oftimes unchari table” world—ln this day of advanced civilization such an omission to provide for those dependent upon us is little less than criminal— Those seeking insurance will do well to read the prospectus of this association and consult their agents as to its plan of in surance. Being a home enterprise, managed by home talent, they have a right to expect and re ceive the support and patroa ege of our people. They begin under the most favorable auspices. In their un dertaking the Hustler-Gonjmer cial bids them god speed. Wife (proudly)—l saved you SI,OOO today. Husband—Saved $1,000! We haven’t that much to save! Hangi me if we have over $lO, come to think ! Wife—But you have always said that if you had money enough yeu would build a house! Husband—Of course. Wife—Well, for $5 I bought a book showing how to build a iIO.OOO house for $9,00Q . —New York Weekly. One thousand, five hundred and eighty samples of temper ance drinks were analyzed last year at the British government labratory. Os this number, one third were found to contain more than the 2 per cent of al cohol allowed by law. Some of the samples contained as much as 6 to 8 per cent. DEMANDS FE MALE JURY. Plea Counsel for a Woman Charged With Murder, Louisville, Nev. s.—Au unusual plea vii made by Attorney A, J. Speckert, ia the Criminal Court, today. He ii counsel for Sallie Rogers, a celored woman. charged with murder, Speckert demanded a jury of woaaen on the ground that only women jurors could be called her equal®, as men were lacking in sympathy and cempre hsnsion of feminine character, The ease was passed till later fer a ruling. The “Feminine Observer” in the Philadelphia Times, asks “why should women be classed as little lower than angels? From all the knowledge of angels that we possess, a single, good all round woman is infinitely su- , perior to a whole flock of them.” This “Feminine Observer” must be a man—and a very soft head ed man at that. 1 MURDER GLE‘W Followed By Chicago Police in Hickey Case MAYBE (LEARRD, i hat The Girl Did Not Commit Suicide. Chicago, Nov, Interest in the case of Jennie Hickey, the 1 young girl whose bodr was found in the lake on Sept. 20, has been , revived. Detective Tyrell ie en deavoring to prove that the theory of suicide ie erroneous. Yesterday he f und a man who testified that he saw Jennie Hickey with a man wearing light clothes l at 8:15 on the night she disappear ed, near Tbirty-sixth Street and 1 Cottage Grove Avenue. i Thio is two hours later than the . movements of the girl have here, tofor* boon traced. The witness , says that the man after trying to induce the girl to enter a saloon with him, seemed to be about to compel her to do so. when she left him. Her companion followed her and they walked to Thirty seventh Street When shown a picture of Jenni* Hiekey and the bat »he w ire. he readily identified them. It is said that Niemeyer, one of the men who was questioned in regard t<» the case before the inquest, wore a light suit on the nirht of Miss Hick y’e death and the defectives will fry to arrange a meeting be twe°r him and the new witness. MrtS ». V- L HARPER, Daughter of Mr. Abel Lloyd Writes From Florida. ( • A recant letter from Mrs. S L. V. Harper, daughter of Mr. L. A Lloyd, the enterprising grocor, says: “We are having an aviful nice time, and the weather is simply beyond compare. At Daytona we spent several da lightful weeks, enjoyed surf bathing often, and I gained sev eral pounds ia weight. The beautiful shell beach extends for many miles down the coast, and we drove out almost every day. Trepical palms and moss covered trees overhang the road way, making the drives very ceol and inviting, “We have spent about ten days at Orlando, and met many lovely people. Orlando is situat ed in the high Jake region, and is considered the healthiest por tion of the state. We have made • great number of friends here, and among those we met was Mrs. Beeman, wife of the chew ing gum millionaire Beeman. She took quite a fancy to me, and invited us oui te her winter home. “We were driven out through lovely orange groves, and she carried us over to Winter Park, a magnificent winter resort, four miles from Orlando. Our next trip will be io Deland.” OUTLAWED BY AGUINALDQ A Earning to Anti-American Filipinos. Mairia. Nov. fi.—Aguinaldo, the Insurgent Chief, has issued a proc tarnation peiuting out that al- ' though th® orders previously is ■ tied by him have been generally obeyed, a few Filipinos have re- ' fused obedience, aud he now warn* i them that they are liable to be de clared outlaws. He apparently re i fer® to tbo anti-American Fi ipi- ( nos He also allows all armed for eigners, except Spaniards, to '.rav el in Philippine territory. ’ DOING GREAT WORK Use of Paine’s Celer pound in the Phili phia W. C. A. ’ lli i / [[ //Fl I '• l ; ’ It■ ii\ 1 IF i H • > \ y' ' . art v ’ The magnificent building at' the corner of Eighteenth and Arch street*, Philadelphia, is a monument that tells what a great charity ’.s the Woman’s Christian Association of the Quaker City . The superintendent of the AV. C. A. home is the accomplished woman whose portrait is print ed here,Mias Katherine Kenne dy, What she has done and whet she is doing for the bene fit of other women commands the highest respect and admira tion. In all other institutions of this kind more attention is giv en every year to teaching the laws of health and right living, physically as well as morally. The health of communities is more and more frequently a subject of attention from clergy men and teachers. An ailing, nervous man or woman finds it more difficult to be hopeful aud cheerful and goo 1 than a well one. Writing to the Wells & Richardson Co , who are the proprietors of the most wonder ful of all remedies for the cure of diseases that arise from the impairment of the nervous sys tem, Paine’s celery compound, Mies Kennedy, in the course of her letter, referring to the use 1 ot Paine’s celery compound 1 among the members of the W. C. A., says that “those who have ' been taking it feel greatly bene- 1 fitted, ami desire to continue the ; ORF STLE AN DJ COMFORT and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth ini? like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish •arriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa >outs, buggies,traps, carts, wag onettes, canopy top, or open sur reys, are liffht, easy, comforta ble aud beautiful in construc tion, trimmings and finish. We also repair and overhaul vahicles; ‘‘l ßo cair (<0 ■ harness and lap robes, Rome Bi aired,RimeGa. Sattmrfiw d• b use of it. So inJ down in health I what is worse, i been restored ta by Paine's celei that its record 1 city in the Unio monials of this been published i ia these column! that no other red received a hunda hearty blesssingS agers wf public i openly accorded «rp compound. 1 he widespred celery compound intelligent, cared among the most tions of every cd grown up by jus personal guarani mouth, from strong aad well I ing exactly the I ration and toninj celery comp«tindl In time of grei when other rem! die and muddle,| compound purifil all bad humors, i many ailments fl iar cause. A vast prooert eases are prevent celery compound prescribed by mt stop the progiest due to poor bit nourished nerV e! 4' i r ft