The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 06, 1898, Image 4

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THEIIUSTLER-COMNIERCIA /*(47// / < / / < I • Established, IMM>. ’HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. ISV&. st rd svery evening, exctpt Saturday. SaaSav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Go vote for Maddox on Tues day. The steady drinker is not al ways steady. Tuesday dayad an M. dox is the man to vote lor. Men who go in quest of “Bob White” are having a bang up time. Blanco and his Spaniards lin ger with Cuba as if they really love her. Here’s to Brantly, and may he sweep the Eleventh like Dewey did Montejo’s fleet. people havn’t as much money ahead of them as they have back of them. If McKinley wants the Philip pines let him have them, only make him emmigrate to them and take Mark Hanna with him. France hates England but stands impotent in her rage, gnasping her teeth while she grins. Uncle Sam has no more use for the Philippines than a yal ler razorback shoat has for a box of toilet soap. In all lines of business there is only one way to succeed —by making the receipts larger than the expenditures. Rome’s little Democratic-Re publican postmaster is getting quite gay in the manipulations of the civil service rules in the , Rome postoftice. - - - You can depend on Uncle Al len D.Candler giving Georgians elean an administration as she ever had. He is built that way. -rßinggold New South. A man who figures out things says there are twenty eight dif ferent ways of dying, and we’ll bet he doesn’t include being talked to death. —Montgomery Advertiser. If France persists in the Fash- Help In trouble. ’ Nearly every woman can s*~ jjL recall from her own ex- JsSr-^sK periences some emer geitcywhenaready k nowledge of the best thing to do. ox7 'vk would have saved flaj /\ days or perhaps A V - on thsofan xie t y y suffering. No \ I family ought to ~~ ~\A, V Z?be without the \i r constant safe- guard and everpresent help of that wonderful free book the Common Sense Medical Adviser by R. V. Pierce, M D., chief consulting physician of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgi cal Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. It tells what to do in emergency or accident or sudden sickness. It contains over one thousand pages, profusely illustrated with engravings and colored plates. It gives receipts for sev eral hundred simple, well-tried home rem edies. It instructs the mother in the care of her ailing children or husband, and gives invaluable suggestions for the preservation of her own health and condition in all those critical and delicate periods to which women are subject. The author of this great work has had a wider practical ex perience in treating obstinate diseases than any other physician in this country. His medicines are world - renowned for their marvelous efficacy. Mrs H M Hansrote, of Magnolia. Morgan Co. W. Va., in a letter to Dr. Pierce says : 'My band is a locomotive engineer. He came home about s year ago and just dropped in the door way. He was burning up with fever and he commenced with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery according to directions and in two weeks he was able to go to work, without having * 1 commenced to take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription something over two years ago, and am glad to testify that it is a God-send to womankind. I have been out of health for J'* ar s * n< l am now able to say your medicine has me v en,lre 'y The three children who ware born before I commenced to take your med teae did not live long, they were very delicate, s's b°rn since (three in all) are very heartv and that convinces me that your mediciiie is just waat it is said to be and a great deal more." By simply enclosing 21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only to World’s Dispensary Medical Association, 661 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., a paper-bound vol »«>* of Dr. Pierce’s great book will be sent absolutely free, or for ten stamps extra a heavier and handsomer cloth-bound copy be sent. A whole medical library in m One 1000-page volume. RoYal Baking Powder I Made from pwe cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. AJtfns baking pewders are the greatest MMacers to health of the preseat day. R.VAI BAKIN. —NEW VBRK. oda business there will be more ships at the bottom of the sea, and they will not bo English ships. Only Latin ships are headed that way at present.— Birmingham Age-Herald. Charles. A. Connant, in the American Review of Reviews, figures up the cost of the war with Spain to June 30th, 1898, at $281,000,000. It is estimated that bad roads cost this country $600,000,000 annually. Every good road is a money saver in wear and tear on vehicles and horses. Some one is certain to remark that a Plug Tobacco Trust capi talized at $60,000,000 seems to be biting off more than it can chew. —Americus Herald. The Grand Canyon of Arizo na, the greatest known, is about 200 miles long, upward of 7,000 feet deep, and at sume points, from rim to rim, measures 10 to 12 miles in breadth. Dry weather in California this season has caused the shut ting down of a number of stamp mills and placers. This will re duce California’s gold output for the year compared with 1897. If that “coon” has any hope of breaking into congress from this district, he probably basis it upon the grounds that the people do not know he is run ning.—Moultrie Observer. Jenks, the free silver caudi candidate for governor of Penn sylvania is in a fairway of breaking into the chief execu tive chair, owing to the faction al fights in the republican party. Here’s to Capt. Jenks! “Old Man Hearst,” the veter an prospector, who was Mark Twain’s partner in the days when the material for “Rough ing It” was gathered, is still a miner, and is working a claim near the Black Range in New Mexico. Commodore Kautz, who has just been appointed to the com mand of the Pacific squadron,to succeed Admiral Miller, retired, was the man who, at the capture of New Orleans in 1862, hauled down the “lone star fl ig” from the city hall, which colors May or Monroe refused to strike. It costs money to get a repu tation, but a good name has a financial value. When it is once made, if you take care of it, it will never be taken from you, but will be a steady source of income. The harder it is to get, the more value it will be to you when once obtained. Gov. Tanner, of Illinois, con tinues to refer to negro miners from Alabama as “foreigners.” I'he governor should read up on the constitution, and learn that any citizen of one state has a sight to enter peaceably the hol ders of another. Gov. Tanner will have to relinquish his Gat ling gun theory,—Augusta 1 Chronicle. - ■ ■ - ™ — I The “Feminine Observer” in ! the Philadelphia 'l imes, acks I “why should women be classed | as little lower than angels? From | all the knowledge of angels that we possess, a single, good all round woman is infinitely su perior to a whole flock of them.” This “Feminine Observer” must be a man—and a very soft head ed man at that. What John AV. Maddox thinks of ex-Governor Atkinson as a possible military officer, as ex pressed in his Ringgold speech, would not look well in print.— Ringgold New South. “A war declared to save the republican party” is the way Congressman John W. Maddox designates theSpanish-American war. There are thousands who agree with him, says the Ring gold New South. Your “Uncle Allen” is jusi the same plain, honest man as governor that he was as a pri vate citizen. Gov. Candler is going to hold down tho fly-end of the expense list, and give Georgia just what we need most right now—an economical ad ministration of the state’s busi ness affairs.—Cedartown Stand ard. Members of the Grade Teach ers’ Federation of Chicago are about to undertake an experi ment in co-operative farming. It is proposed to purchase for $20,- 000 a 400 acre farm in the Green Lake region of Wisconsin, and to form a stock company for the cultivation of the same. Six hundred teachers will be the shareho’tiers, and each is to pay her assessment in monthly in stallments of sl. The sad death of brilliant Tom Cobb will cause general sorrow throughout the state. No young man in Georgia possessed more natural ability, and there were few whose future seemed so bright. Young Cobb fell a victim to that dread disease, consumption, and thus the st ite has been robbed of a citizen who in years to come would, un doubtedly, have added lustre to his state and to the honored name he bore.—Macon News. Some one has suggested to the Birmingham Post that Major Marchand be invited to lecture in London. “ He has accomplish ed a truly remarkable journey,” says the correspondent, “over ground much of which had nev- th ncaiwa w sw if iw is die not only io the originality ■mplicity of the •otßbtnalion, bat aIM t# the «m-« aad B km w jti, w },ich it ia raa ati faetnrad by aciantiflc pr*aaaa#F known io the Caijvobmia Pis IvrsT Co. only, and we wish to inipraes tips* all the importance of purthawinf t.ka terns and origriual remedy. Aa Site fetiaine fiyrnp of Fifa is metisfaeWireJ ky the CA.L!VO!»iriA Fie Hrarrp o». •■ly, a knowledge of that feat will •miat one in avsiding the worhklOte ieaitationa manufactured by other par teas. The high standing of th# Cali- FOMWIA Fis Bvaup Co with the me4i eaJ profeoeion, and the which the genuine Byrup of Fige Fivan to millions of famillec. makae the name of the Company s guaraaty of the excellence of it# remedg. It is ter ia advance of all oitier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver Mid bwwele without irritating or weakea ieg thsrn, and it Aoaa not gripe war aaaeeate. In order toget its benalcial •aecte, please reinembsr the aeaie of kba Catnpany CALIFORNIA FIG SYRIP C«. SAM FKAMM»€'», Cal ' leCIBVILLK. • Yei&Kt JS. T. er before been visited by a white man ; and there is no doubt that if he came to London in his capacity of Afiican ex plorer he would be accorded an enthusiastic welcome. The ad miration entertained in traveled circle? for his woik in that di rection is very marked, ami if the gold medal of the Royal Geographical Society were awarded to him it is believed that something would be done to allay certain susceptibilities which have been keenly aroused by rece’nt events.” ITEMS OF INTEREST. —e In Daniel Shaw, of Kingsbury, who is 85 years old, and looks but 60, the people of Indiana claim to have the oldest justice of the peace in the United States. American singers are not without honor in England. For the recent Gloucester festival a local wagon compsuy built a special state carriage for Mme. Albani. There are now over 250,000 words in the English language, acknowledged by the best au thorities, or about 70,000 more than in the German, French, Spanish and Italian combined. .Frozen milk is no longer a novelty in Europe. Milk is ta ken when fresh and frozen in bricks of different sizes and sold by size. The milk is said to be more hygienic than liquid milk. An eating house proprietor in Tacoma, arrested for selling gam ’ out of season, escaped on evide ice, satisfactory ,to the ju ry, “i ‘ his wife could prepare mui j.; to make it taste like venson, The next foreign celebrity who will visit our shores is Je han Rictus, of Faris, known among his friends and admirers as the Poet of the Submerged Tenth. He wears very long hair and is said to dislike notoriety. Within the past five years several millions of Pacific coast salmon have been placed in Like Superior. They are now frequently caught weighing from ten to fifteen pounds, and of ex c llent flavor, a little milder t tan that of the salt-water sal mon. EXCHANGED COMPLIMENTT S.iys the Atlanta Journal : Gov. Candler and ex-Gov. At kinson exchanged compliments with an exchange of overcoats, and the result was the surprising apparition of a Candler face sur mounting an Atkinson overcoat at the oratorical contest. The difference between the height of Gov. Candler and that of Gov . Atkinson is only about wj feet, and when the one-eyed I plowboy appeared in the gar- Iment f the tall wagon Loy from Coweta, the effect was al most startling. “Gov. Atkinson committed larceny when he left the |man sion Saturday,” said Col. Can dler, “and took my overcoat to Newnan, leaving his own for me. “You know that Gov. Atkin son is tall, and what the bojs c ill ‘slim-c nnplected,’ and I be -1 eve ir cutting things sboit. The result was that when I got into his coat my appealance was somewhat like that of David when he put on Saul’s armor. “I was booked for the orator ical contest Saturday night, and as it was cold I had to wear an overcoat. There was none to’wear but Gov. Atkinson’s, so I put it on and did the best I could. Since then Gov. Atkinson re turned my coat and I sent him his back with the message "that his mantle had literally fallen on me, and I hoped I might r it as worthily as he did.’’ MARRIES A POOR LAWYER. Miss Emily Vanderbilt Sloane, one of the great heireeaea to the oonibinatieq of the Sloane and Vanderbilt millions surprised the world of lashion late last week by announoiug that she bad chcaen a husband outside ot that circuni seribed group called the “400.” The man upon whom she has be stowed her heart, her hand ami her heritage is a poor young New York lawyer . Her cousin, the Duobesa of Marlborough, united her millions to s groat title and a vast estate. All William H. Vanderbilt’# other granddaughters have uubea their groat fortunes te other great fortunes. Miss Sloane is the first of all her cousins to pick out for her busband an obscure young lawyer. Miss Sloane will become Mrs, John H. Hammond early next year. Her prospestive fortune is estimated at $5,000,000. Mr. Hammond is a graduate of Phillips Academy at Exeter and of the Yale elass es 92 and Co* utnbia Law College. He is a mem ber of the law firm of Shepard & Ogden, of Broadway Mr. Ham mond is thirty-one years of ago.— New York telegram to tho Chicago Tribune. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Emperor William called the sul tan “the great reformer,” bo» Gladstone called him “the great assassin.”—lowa State Register. So tar Englsadand Francehave fired one yellow and two blue books at each other without fatal effect —Richmond Times. By continuing to regard Schley as a hero the people are causing much worry in the navy depart ment at Wash’ngton.—Nashville American. Dr. Swallow is running for gov of Pennsylvania on tho platform of “thou Shalt nM steal .” He has no eharoe to win. —Louisv.lle Dis patch . All the democratic newspapers want to eoe mora vim and yigor lut into the dealings with Spain. The democratic press wants ‘hinfs pushed in that direction. A dem ocratic house would by no moans tolerate any dilly-dally policy. Nobody undersiondu this any bet ter than Sagasta d es.—Ca«Wa nooga Tinies. POINTED PARAGRAPH’. Life's sidoshuos coat us more than tho real circus. Wise men nev?r wast their tim e answering pratling fools. Doctors assist nature when men try to escape ths debt thereof. A woman may envy the beauty of another, but s'.o never forr gives it. W hen a girl is in love she doesn’t carry his letter# in her pocket. Tho maxi who psjt as ho goos seldom goea fast enough io over heat himself. When marriage is a failure tho man tnea to put iijal! in his wife't name. It is easier le take medicine than it is to male up ’your mind to takejit. Raw recruits are prel ably so called because they are not accus tomed to fire. It's far more important that a man should know when 'o be fun ny than when to know h< w. When meney talks one soldom troubles hiassGf to inveatigate the truth of its remarks. Labor is a good cure for melan choly. We soldom hear of a la- : borer traveling ths suicide route. After a man gets a good fat of fice ho biffins to advise hie friends to have nothing to do with poli ties! It e unwise to bosstefyour gen •Mogy. Even if you succeed in tracing it back to Adam and Eve you haven't any tho ef others. it * n-zwo-’k ur *iarta •rown’d h u Bitteru KubuUd.» HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dol lars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chevey & Co., Toledo, Q, We, the undersigned, h HVe known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug, gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kmnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, ft. 1 Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the est b ===!• r.-..—-.-J . I ~ Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME GAS CO fBOHSSIONiI UIDi ATTORNEYS. J. BR.A.NHAM, Law Office 200, XL.sti First reet.Bt, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Ar torn ay at Law, Rciha' Croporaion Law Only. ■W J. NE3HJL Attorney at law. Will practice in all ocun», Special attention given to commercial uj[w and the examination cf laud titles. office in King building. Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office’over F. i. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB Commercial Lawytre. Office in Armstrong hotel builui ig. Rome, M B EUBAMK3, Atterney at law. OfficeKiu, Building. Rome, ba. "W H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law. jWill Practice in all courts Office, Muonic Temple, Rome, Ga. J. SANTA CRWF OR - Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collection* a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES WRIGHT. HARPER HAMILTON WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postoffice Building - -- . 11 - . - I'. 11 -.. - 1 DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office24o 1-2 Broad. * Over Cantrell & Owet J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D S..M 1). . ENTIST' office, 306 1-8 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYsIciANsT O- HAMILTON, M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, MedkjUl Building Rome, Ga. On ce ’phone No. ®i. L. F> HAMMOND. M. D- Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medlqa building. Residence, No. 403 West First at eej’pai No. 8 •■■■■WBBaaaaKaMWaßWflSS 1. . .. TONSORAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, The “Old Reliable,** operating the Centr hotel Barber Shop, Invites yo*itogive him trial, and promises to do the rest. (July irkhlvd men employed on the chairs, HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Himself a skilled barber, employs or ly th* eery best artists in his tonsoral studio, in Qje Curry Building, opposite the Armstrasg. Here you are made comfortable while y> ur wefk >• being done. PASTEUR FILTERS The onb Germ Prcoi Filter in the Makes water pure ■ and Jclear so- 1 sale by The Hanson Supply Co Successful Physicians. Ve haaatily reoom mead Dr. Hafeaww * D* ff •‘4 1 Broad Bt., Atlanta, frm. aa MM ff" natly ranable and rawiarknbly Kwuf,! ia w* •mI es audWi hai» Aonld •** ■M tauuwjvwxi aad y«n will revet re • roar **•* ** ***** ’**