The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 06, 1898, Image 5

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(John M Proctor! * IS NOW \_X > rv/% ez n $. E— —_ ■ * K"" BOR g * RIS.FOKBEB I i ROME BRANCH MUSIC HOUSE- * ' w "V Be solicits the influence and patronsge cf the peo ftp pl# of Rome and the surrounding country. It will ba to j* year interest to call and get prices. . $■ ■ —— - < Marvelous $ < Lo Figuresl J W il' be quoted on all PIANOS, JJ ORGANS, BICYCLBS, SEWING MA- T J CHINES and other goods now includ b3 the big stock at No. 327, Broad _ street While this entire stock is to be clcsed out at reduced figures Mr. a Procter is empowered to make the terms decidedly easy to all buyers. J bicycle's S / T ' At any price to suit the purchaser, for they muit go, ai d will be sold regardless of cost, cur wh<» _0 at one —it will pay you to take a loofc. «Sheet Music | This stock will be closed out J at 10 cents per copy. t' IngraM f | LITHIA f | Wateß I $ \l/ 4s BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, W (\\ e /|\ For Sale at Soda Founts of: \|/ CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. W *! I .Crouch and Jervis&Wright. g. v x/ f F. HANSON. NORRISJN.|SMI'IH. j THE HANSON SUPPLY CO, ft G Plumbins; and Tinning. g Engineers’ and machinists' | suppii es . Stoves, rangesand 2 tinware. Gas and electric fix- C tures. INSURANCE £ stoves. Water meters. I 325 Broad st Phone 32. tsp r r fkXi o? c . N The be.-t memory in congres is said to be that of Sen ator V-st, of Missouri. He is able to quote ver batim surprisingly long extracts from speeches to which he has lis tened during a session. o o o 1 nough Thomas B. Reed holds the record for length ol consecu tive service m congress, Joseph G Cannon, of Illinois, has servid in all two years longer than Mr. Reed, 000, Miss Manha Baker, a teacher in Boston’s public schools, is now enjoying her first extended vaca tion, alter a service of forty-seven years. o o o Good Boy—“ Mother says I can’i go out on my bicycle this after noon, I’ve got to. stay in the house.” Bad Boy—“Aw, shucks! Dat’e de way wid Sjtne wemeu. Dey’d sooner have deir kids grow up to be reconcentrados dan rough rid ers.—Judge. 0 0 0 When the Hebrews built their golden calf Their cup of joy was lull; But when th ;y d finished up their laugh They found they’d made a bull. —lndianapolis Journal. 0 0 0 The Owl. South Jackson, Mich., is the only paper that we know of supported entirely by subscrip tions as no advertisements are tak en. It is conducted by that old school editor William W. Warner, o o o It is related that Admiral Dew ey, when approached the other day by a stranger who extended his hand with, “Admiral, I tet you don’t remember me,” replied, “You-win,” and walked on . 000 Last week’s insurance story of the sale of a life, supposed to be that of Charles T. Yerkes, of Chicago, was based cn the issue of a policy calling for a single pre paid premium of SIOO,OOO. Nu single ii surance company in it 8 senses is taking $2,000,000 on any one life. o o o It is said of a certain young man of Moultrie, who is now nearing the gates of bachelordom that he at «ne time, came within two dogs of getting married. His best girl promised to marry him if he would kill all of his dogs, and he began on a pack of five, but after killing three bis heart failed him and he gave up the bargain.—Moultrie Observer. 000 Pawnee County, Okla,, has a campaign novelty. Father, mother and son are running against each other for office. The Democratic- PQpulist candidate for Public Weigher is W. M . Obanan. the Republican candidate for the same office is W. T. Obanan, son of the Democratic-Populist candidate, and now the middie-of-the readers have nominated Mrs. Obanan, wife of the Democratic-Populist candidate, for Public Weigher, Consequently, whoever wins, the office will te in the Obanan family 000 The managers of Colonel Roose velt’s campaign in New York city have been making use of a large screen placed in a conspicuous place on Broadway, on which at night by means of a stereopticon are thrown various pictures and legends in furtherance of the colo nel’s cause and derogatory of the other fellows, The other night the manipulators of The stereopticon threw upon the screen in large black letters, “Croker is New York’s Aguinaldo.” What was their horror to see appear imme diately under it in larger and blacker ktters“Platt is New York’s Weyler ” An investigation showed that the Van Wyck men had quiet ly set up a stereopticon of their own which bore on the screen and were using it to boom their man. 000 Pity the sorrows of editor of the Columbus Ledger, who writes: “ \\ ith 7,000,000 packs of playing cards manufactured every y«ar it teems curious that ‘four of a kind’ are so hard to get,” 000 The nickle-in-thf-slot machine has gone, but dropping a petition in the bankruptcy and coming out free of debt is destined to take its place, 000 An engiuff-r d< u!ares that SO,OOO people now do the work with aid of machinery which needed 16,- 000,000 persons to do a few year ago. 000 “What’s the matter—are you weak kneed?” indignantly shouted an officer to* a bolting Irishman during the buttle of Santiago, No, sor, Oi bin’t,” replied the soldier, “Oi’m runnin’ as fasht’s inny av thim.”—Judge. 000 When railway lines cross each other airargbments are made by which they may do so without trouble or mutual interference. Something of the kii.d will pro bably be done for the crossing of the nations’ lines at Fashoda, England is marching through Af rica on a north and south line. France is doing the same from east to west. Let them arrange for a joint occupation of the crcts'ng point, and all will be well. i • 000 The Filipino congress at Manila voted almost unanimously in fa vor of the annexation of the Ph:l 'ppine islands to the United States Aguinaldo now expresses hires If as personally in favor of annexa tion, but adds that he does not think the natives generally will support such a policy. 000 The Savannah News furmishes a new illustration of the old saying that “politics make strange bed fellows.” It says: The queer tricks that tiae plays have new illustration in the close relations existing between Presi dent McKinley and Senator Mark Hanna. One hundred years ago Capt. Hanna cf (he British army, grandfather of the Senator, seized Francis McKinley, grand uncle of the President at his home in Con-! agher, Ireland and hJrried him to Coleraine, where he was executed : aa a rebel. If the shades of the British officer and the Irish pat riot each true to his sente of duty could visit America today a pecu liar surprise wtuld be in store lor them. 000 An Arkansas editor, who reah (hat a young lady in New York needs bre id with her gloves on, -ays. “We need bread with our pants on. we need bread with our boots on, and if our subscribers in arrears don’t pay up soon we shall 1 need bread without anything on.’ Illinois Registration. Chiesge, Nov 4— Tuaiday was tha laat day tor registration is Il linois outsida of Chicago, and dis patcher frem moat of th’* 101 counties outeide of Cook indicate that about 85 per cent es the vets of 1895. which was 1,090 819, will ba polled on Tneeday r pxt. WILL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds ot the McCall Bazar Patterns since we have taien the ageney, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department, we find that no* one pattern has ever been relumed as unsatie faetory, and tvith hundreds of tales, not one word of criticism has ever been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies are delighted with the MoCail Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each.—None High er. Lanham dt Sous 245 Broad street, Bass old stand. Go to Mrs. A. O. Garrard so best brand of zephyrs at 2| cts per oance. f I PUBLIC i I Sill MRS i I We will Sell New j I Books wholesale I I PRICES; I | FOR CASH. Second Hand Books cheaper uhan the |; i cheapest. Give me a call, II t H. A. SMITH, I || THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STOrtE. I H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., Successors to E- ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rofne Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our ’ jjrt stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage anil shall en *3* deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a times. We should be pleased to have you call on u Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a Sts such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr gj* 5® store. Cigars and tob a cco. Come to see us. g S. M. Stark, S 7 MWI s s i LADIES AND GBMim f AiLOH S IS Ss Dougherty Bldg, 2nd ■>--* ■ *-* - $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for tS J. A. GAM HON & COMPANY are waiting I • The greatest line of negligee shirts ever shown in Rome. . j. a. gammon &co r everyone in Rome to c«n« n and see the magnifeent >to«k on men’s and boy’s •lothing, bicycle and golf suits, vs what we are doing, but we are hwa t ling while we wait. We will how you the finest stock e clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in perfect fitting and handsome, te be found in Georgia, and they re above competitioa in relate or the price.