The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 08, 1898, Image 2

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f John M Procter # IS NOW 2 >< % ” FOR # ROME BRANCH MUSIC HOUSE-1 He solicits the influence and patroncg) cf the jco J pie of Rome and'the surrounding country. It will be to Q. y< ur interest to call and get. prices. £]±" —■■■ ■nO s•s *■»■>■ ■ 11 1 ■ # Marvelous J fir | Lo Figures! i Will be quoted or. all PIANOS, ORGANS, BICYCLES, SEWING MA- X" CHINES and other goods now includ- X 2 be the big stock at No. 327, Broad £ street While this entire stock is to Oe closed out at reduced figuies Mr. L Procter is empowered to make the terms decidedly easy to all buyers. J BICTCLEs | At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, and will be sold regardless of C( st. See cur wh'e at once—it will pay you to take a look. ISheet Music | This stock will be closed out J' at 10 cents per copy. , ■& $ «««<< IngraM f LITBII t Wateß | BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, \V . \ For Sale at Soda Fotin' s of: S CURRY=ARRINGTON CO, J. T.Crouch and Jervis& Wright. S' jtS* S' S 7 - / F. HANSON. NOKBIS.N. SMITH. I THEHAW SUPPLY CO. | > Plumbing and Tinning. a X g Engineers’ and machinists' e I supplies. Stoves, rangesand © tinware. Gas and electric fix= x tures. INSURANCE gasoline stoves. Water meters. “ ® 325 Broad st. Piwne 32. ® fl FRESH ROW. figilinako anid his Link Game of Blilff DEMANDS INDEPENDENCE We May Have to Spank Those Islanders- Manila, Nov. 8. —The great est interest is manifested here among all parties in the devel opments of the Paris peace ne gotiations. Dispatches indicating the de termination of the Washington administration to annex the en tire Philippine group are satif factory to all classes of business men here. The insurgents are watching the situation with concern. Many leaders heartily favor an nexation. A considerable fac tion, however, opposes any thing further than a protectorate, and Aguinaldo favors this faction. A few days ago Aguinaldo said to an Englishman : “We have fought always for our independence, and we will always light for it until our last man is dead.” This is undoubtedly largely bluff. It indicates, however, Aguinaldo’s increasing self-es teem and also his unwillingness to surrender his present royal style of living, which surrender he recognizes would be a neces sary concomitant oi annexation. The best students of the com plex Philippine question are becoming more convinced that a conflict with the insurgents is ultimately unavoidable. WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds ot the McCall Bazar Patterns since we have taken the agency, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern has ever been returned as unsatis factory, and with hundreds of sales, not one word of criticism has ever been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies are delighted with the McCall Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each.—None High er. Lanham & Sons 245 Broad street, Bjss old stand. ■L” 1 " 4- FREEDMAN’S AID SOCIETY. Boston, Nov. B.—The Freed men’s Aid and Education socie ty held a meeting today, Bishop Ho’ding presiding. Rev, Dr. Hamilton read the annual report of the society. The disbursements of the fiscal year exceed those of the previous year by more than ss,ooo.There was an increase in the total be nevolences of the conference for 1897 over 1898 of $8,616. Forty-two schools were open n ed during the year, 401 teachers being employed, and .9,090 stu ' dents enrolled-. The total receipts | of the society and schools for • the year ending June 30, 1897, I were $308,161, as compared 1 with expenditures of $308,111. ; The total indebtedness is $202,- ' 807. k It is stated that “the stone of | the coronation chair in Westmins ter Abbey is claimed to be the same which Jacob, the eon of Isaac, the sou of Abraham, used as a pil s low when he Lay down to sleep on ' the starlit plains of Judah.” The ’ chair is the most precious relic in ® all England. , A GUN’S MUZZLE At Mahon’s Head Made Him Giue Up Money. HAD MOORES ARRESTED. Husband, Adam-Like, Ha Put The Blame on His Pretty Wife. New York, Nov. 8. —W. A. E Moor#, who says be baa Lclw ap. pointed United States Consul to Durban, South Atrica, ana who gives his horn* as CLvaland, 0.. was arrestad, together with his wife, at the Hotel Grenobie, last night, on the charge ot blackmail. Martin Mahon, proprietor of, the Amsterdam Hotel, claimed that Moore extorted SSOOO from him on an “outraged husband” dodge, Aluhoa anjs he first met Mrs. Moor* three years ago. when she was unmairied. H»r father, he learned, was a Justice of the Su preme Gouri in Portland, Ore. Ma. hon did nut see the woman again I unul iastFiiday. They dined to gether that evening and la<er Ma hon accompanied the wwman to tier parlor at the Hotel Grenoble, ahere, he says, they played cards and opened wine far an hour. As he was about to leave, Moore, whom he bad never seen Before, burst into tn i room, fl mashing a revolver. Mahon states that Moore made his wife write out and sign a con f-esion -if guilt, to which he was forced Io add hia name. Then holding f hi weapon against hi s J head ioare made hiai promise to 1 pay Root's) in cash by Monday night, and collected a diamond pin and slt?7 from his person at the time. Moore admittei that Mahon wis the victim of a game, but said Mrs. Moore put it up . Tlje lat ter is only 21, and a beautiful woman. Moore was held in S2OOO bail on the charge of blackmail and on the charge of assault preferred by the detective who arrested him. He says Moore struck him with the butt end of a revolver. The woman was held in SISOO bail oh the charge of collusion. The case, was postponed until Friday. Who Moore Realty Is. iVashington, Nev 8 —Wil iam I A. E. Moo e who was arrest'd ifo ! New York on a charge <f b'ack mailing, was appointed from Ohio as Consular Agent to Durban, Natal, oa May 12, 1897. He never went loirs post. The consular agency at Durban is a small one, the fees last year being less than s2oo,cf which the agent received half. PLOT IN PARIS- Deciaion Favorable to Dreyfus May Result in Revoltion. London, Ko. B.—The Daily Chronicle says this morning: “We have received informa tion from a reliable quarter of a well organized plot in in the event of the inquiry before the court of cessation proving favorable to Dreyfus, to foment a riotous outburst in the French capital, to attempt to overthrow the civil power .and to assassi nate the leading champions of Dreyfus. “These reports are confirmed by interviews had with M, Tra rieux, former minister of jus tice, and M. De Pressioso, for mer editor’uf the Temps,as well as others. “The police have warned those triends cf Dreyfus to change their residence tempora-. rily, or at least to carry n vol vers.” Hose supporters, the. 25cts J grade, t>t lOcts to close them out at Mrs. Ga.rards. | PUBLIC j 1 Ill■■ | | We will Sell New | I Boeks wholesale I I PRICES’ I || FOR CASH. Second Hand >| b Books cheaper uhan the | || cheapest. Give me a call, I H. A. SMITH I THF old reliable book stoke, g II hi i iiliioi mi lift Hit fiit i >- -<v' U 3 u *- •« > « ® <« • a ■ l» * *» a » H J If I ia J 2 J J 2* H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., S ca, 1 Successors to ‘5 • S’ r.: ROME PHARMACY. S’ 2® It ~*SS 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. ' We have bought the entire stock of the Rome eV <- k® Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in ,e dru S’ piescription and patent medicine line. Our J"L> c -jfci stock is complete and of the very highest grade. 3 VZe solicit a part of your patronage and sh ill en. .-Ji® deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a .J&® timQs. We should be pleased to have you cal! on u Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a Jp Ijjb such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr gV s s ® store. Cigars and tob a eco. Come to see us. ?-HcV...T'' " WS 44 a*B»4 4 s.S. M. Stark, '! 4«< hH Md AM GERTuliOli'i I'AiL ...>s »m Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A «* ■ .'4'< . M?T $2.25 and < $2 50 Negligee shirts for t$ J. A. GAMS & COMPANY —ARE -v . ■■ ■ - ’ ; ,' r ’ * o.■ ■ ■ The greatest iine of negligee shirt ever shown in Rome. I .** J a. OAnMoN&co everyone in Rome to come n and see the magnificent stotk on men’s and boy’s clothing, bicycle and golf suits, is what we are doing, but we are hus tling while we wait. We will how you the finest stock 0 clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabriek*, perfect fitting and handsome, be found in Georgia, and they re above competition in values or the price.