The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 08, 1898, Image 6

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SHUN YiCTDS Will Lei the Philippines Go flfte ft VifleroiJs Kick PAPERS LETTIItC UP England's Military Preparation Continues. Lon Jon, Nov 7 The Madrid correbpoudtnt cl tha Daily Mail sape: “Spain will sign the peace treaty under protest ” The Beilin correepoudent or the Standard Rhys: “The cenii ofii' cial phpt is have received a hint to stop their a'tacks upon America. 1 have good reason to believe that German will dofl' her reserve aa toon as other powers seek a share in the spoil of the Philippines. The V correspondent of ths Timas, coinßeenti:.j upon ths ir ritation of the Ge-mau press over the attitude < f the United S at«R toward the Philippines, says. “It has but liit.a in pittance and is o« y likely to excite the scorn and defiance of the Americans and tend to confirm them in their de termination to k«. p the Philip pine*. The Fremdenblatt, in a temperate article that gives the German papers an exanpta i f im pattality, recognizes that it ia purely a question for the Ameri cans to dec.da far themselves ” The military authorities at De venport the ute of the largest naval arsenal in Great Britain, received ordtrs today for the im mediate mobilization of all the troops in the western district The defense committee will mee to morrow. The Daily Chronicle this morn ing professes to have “important military news which it will not ba advisable to publish without the sanction of the war office,” Paris, Nov. 6. —The Matin tos day confirms the report that the government will instruct Maj. Marchand to return to France with his expedition from Fashoda byway of Jibutil, on the gu’f of Aden, “the only route consistent with French dignity.” The paper expresses the hope that the national flag “will not again be involved in such small colonial enterprises unless success is assured beforehand, both di plomatically and by adequate sup port.” Rheumatism la a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: “For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent aiedicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I x%j^ V7a9 soon able to move nJ/- 7 right arm; before I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170.’’ A Real Blood Remedy, S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine—S.S.S. (guai anteed. purely vegeta table') is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will Bend to anvone - Swift Specific . Co-. Atlanta, Ml r- a k r.BAa -^V-WA* •ff sty r*W »<*u dkrwMtn, wfc aa- n-'Mb a wfA K’ ■*. ’L? r.pwnnaby .a» 'r***''-’’* , ° M } r * ** ’*♦ r * fu •»’! Hvmedj C». *'u>cafc aoatreAU Sew ~ cojifn views ' Opposed 10 Disbanding the Cuban ftrrnij- HIS SOLDIERS ENTITLED To Compensation. Spaniards .Must Leava Before he Quits. Washington ,Mov. 7.—Follow ing is an extract from a letter received by Senor Quesada from Gen. Gomez, written Oct. 20: “I have full confidence in the solemn promises made by the congress at Washington and for that reason Ido not have any fear as to tie independence of Cuba. Some ti ne must elapse before itjwill be realized, but after so many ttr iggles and privations we can wait a little longer. The military occupation by the Unit ed States is to a certain extent necessary to prepare and hurry the evacuation of the Spanish and to bring about harmony among the different factions in Cuban politics. “During this military occu pation the republican govern ment will be organized. Its de cision will be finally accepted by all, order will reign every where. Those who speak now of annexation try to satisfy above all their spite by propagating unfounded fears as to personal security and private property. “The final success of our struggle has required necessary destruction of property which the enemy used to its advantage, but we have never attacked in dividuals. “The struggle against Spain is now ended. We commence now a more delicate and diffi cult task, namely: to slinks our republican political system tri umph and to reconstruct the' country. “It is not an easy labor and all men who love their country should contribute to it. For this reason I cannot retire now, not withstanding my 61 years, “Most of the officers and sol diers went into the field obey ing my orders : I eanaot aban don them until their future is assured. They have lost everything they had, they have a right to some compensation, and above all, to the salaries the new gov ernment must secure them. The disbandment cannot oc cur until the Spaniards have evacuated; my men cannot be abandoned without bread or work to the mercy of their ene mies. A solution could be found, perhaps, in the plan which the American government is said to contemplate creating a native civil guard formed in the major ity of Cuban soldiers. This or ganization would offer the ad vantages of not exposing the American troops to the deadly climate of the island. Ia the meantime until the evacuation occurs, food must be provided for my soldiers. “The evacuation should be as rapid as possible, and after wards everything will be ar ranged, for he American gov ernment will fulfill its moral pledger to us. f ome people have tri d to make us suspicious so as to bring about trouble, but before doubting the good faith of the American people we must wxit for acts which will give the lie to their solemn pledge.” Hose supporters, the 25cts grade, at lOcts to close them out at Mrs. Gaij-ards. I - »» I - uaMuaM*Ma> FULL OF NIMH. Quite a Nilmber of "Drinks” On The Dockel. SANDERS HOUSEHOLD In Darktown, All l orn and Rent In Twain. The Monday meruit a matinee of the “Fall of Niu’veh” wrs a large sized afTair this a m- though his Honor, Recorder Eubanks, soon made short wo-k of the docket. The first ease called war agains* B»n Thomas, of Darktown Bon got “leaded for hear” but didn’t go off before the police got there. H. wai diiorderly also and was fined $5 or 10 day- 2 . John Jones was fined $2.50 or 5 days for a verv plain drunk. W. C. Culberson for the same brand of un'rimmed drunk paid in a like sum. Tht evidence showed that Bill Cemer was, rot only, drunk on Broad street yesterday, hut that he undertook to dance a Viremia reel near the headquarters of the Salvation Army. He was fined $5 Walter Adams wss assessed $2.50 for a plain drunk and Tom Cl»ary ditto ■lso ditto fine. Shennan Ledbetter, a Dark'own Jehu, was fined $2.50 for leaving his back and hcr»e alone on the street. And then came a rehearsal of a Darktown tragedy. Columbus and Becky Sanders had had a deadly rucus in which many blows had been blown and much “langwidge” had been murdered . Husband and wife were fined $5 each and severe ly lectured. And the curtain went down. TROUBLE AT PANA A Ilack Attack On A Miner Causes A Battle. Pana, 111., Nov 7 .—There was a renewal of hostilities at noon to day between the union minors and the imported nagroes from Alaba ma A negro attacked James Boyle, a unien miner, near the Baltomore and Ohio Southwestern depot, which caused th* battle. Two ne groes w«r« slightly wounded. No white miners were wounded. Maj. Butler immediately sent a detachment of so'dieis and a Gat-, lin gun to the scene. No arrests have been made thus far. Th« women and children ware greatly srightaned and ran for places of safety, but further 'rouble is not anticipated. Annuel Sales 0ver5,000,003 Eoxea COR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and* Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness, Fulness after meals. Head iche, Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings □f Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE, SEECHADI’S P 11.1.5, taken as direct ed, will quickly restoro.Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Meir Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival A r d have t*i« LARGEST SALE Zany Patent tffedle’no in the World. 25c. at aU Drw fUorc<i. ■ ■ . jw I Announce.—To (he public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert •niicy candy maker, who has been f )i* the past two years with tiin Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are nc w makii g daily all kind nf fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, < tc. AH we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, Dextdoor to Curry’s drugstore sHOOME" J a Sa 7„ £ a gs p ■ fl fl"fl W fl flflk I R EASON I h a r urn w nW i T n P P : u a u . j ng FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES. q You have bought a h? i ; stock of goods for the fall trade, U and of course you secured many choice bargains for your friends I |j now, here wish ere the j l ROME DAILY HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL r , ftrllrnT|||Tn . r|| , |W -| H n come in and proposes to prove I an invaluable friend, for just as I | yon arc? reading thissowdl the I thousands of people in the Rome I H territory >ead your announce nt in this paper I I TWE. SEAXSOVA FOR ACTION I HASNOWABRIVED. I w nn ■■ !■■««! A : Al Is ▼ * V & Ju 1 rl D MS ■ 48m R PW 1 1 _ - z