The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 09, 1898, Image 1

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■jSiltyJH YEAR smoke a “Bill Arp ’ warters New Bran d JIBS. MOORE fIIJT fl BROOK A ~ Says liir Lawyer aid Others of New York. REFUSES TO TALK. }4aa Said Recently the Cou’d Not Live JVith Moore. A New York, N >v. 9.—“ Mrs. Moore is more sinned against than pinning,” said Lawyer Abraham Levy last night. “This I will show to the entire satis faction of the court and the publie at the examination next Friday. In all my experience of twenty years as a criminal law yer, I have never had a client of whosa innocence I was more thorougly convinced.” It seems likely that an attempt will be made to show that Wil liam A. E. Moore alone is guilty es the robbery for which he and his wife were indicted yesterday by a grand jury. A circumstance strongly in the woman’s favor it the fact that she recently called at po’ice headquarters and telling Capt. McClusky that she could no longer live with her husband, asked how a separation could be the most easily affected. When tho two were arrested and taken to headquarters no word was passed between them. In court yesterday neither no ticed the other. That there has been an estrangement between them is evident. I called at the Tombs last evening to see Mrs. Moore, but she declined to see any reporters, upon the advice of her lawyer. The matron told me Mrs. Moore was the most beautiful and the best bred piisoner that has occu pied the famous old Tombs in tweaty years. “That girl is no criminal, •aid the kind hearted matron. Warren Leland, Jr., proprie tor of the Grenoble, where the alleged “Badger game” was “worked,” said: , “There must be some mistake. That woman is no crook! They 11 never get a jury to convict her! Martin Mahon, the alleged victim, was seen last night. He told his story in a disconnected manner and wanted mueh of it •oppressed. He admitted having bought wine at his own sugges tion at both the Metropole and Grenoble hotels for Mrs. Moore on the day of the alleged rob bery. Mahon is a middle aged married man and very wealthy. He was drinking heavily last night. Moore, the husband, will doubtless have a bard time ol it. He was indicted for assault with intent to murder as well as for robbery. On account of the beauty of the woman and the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the affair, the New York papers are “spreading the story. It is second only i > the papers to the election. Mrs. Moore spoke feelingly to the matron of the Tombs about her mother. She seems to feel her position more «u account of h«r than herself. x Morton Smith. TH E ROME IIUSTLER-COA i mERCI a L ROME DESTITUTION Delay ofOcctfpatianis Udi i»g Cdha RESPECTABLE PEOPLE 01 the Capital Forced to Beg and Steal for A Living. Havana, via Key West Fla., Nov. 9. —Following is a strong arraign ment of Presid’nt McKinley’s pre sent policy in Cuba, spoken by a representative Cuba» merchant of Havana: “First we were told that the date of occupation would be Nov. 17 then Lecember was fixed upon. Sj far as evacuation is concerned. January 1 is named, but now it is rumored that February 1 has been agreed upon, Unless the Washing ton Government forces its lethar gic Commissioners into greater activity. Cuba will be an immens* graveyard and its fields barren be fore the United States takes pos session. Entire villages are dying of stravation, Ou all sides the Spaniards robbing and plundering. In the meantime these sage, gos siping Commissioners from the United States sit sipping cool drinks by day atd seeking shelter by night with mortal dread of fever, yet absolutely impervious to the demands of humanity, “Thus far, the United States has sent in the name of humanity a mere pittance of a million ra tions, and the Red Cross has sent tw« c*vgoe», whose distribu tion and disposal there have been many unfavorable comments “While the blockade was on, the city was ruled with an iron band, and cases if assault and robbery were aimost unknown. Today, with the release of crimi nals and the increase of poverty, the list of murders and hold-ups is a very giave matter. There are thousands of discharged Spanish soldiers without means of support. Roys and young girls of genteel extraction have been thrown ou the streets, to begin their lives as beggars or thieves and to bring up in jails and houses of ill-fame. Do the people of the United States realise these thinzs?” AT NEVIN’S TONIGHT. George Wilson’s Grand Min strels. Don’t forget George Wilson and his merry minstrels at the opera house tonight. Among the stare are George Wil son, the greatest minstrel America has produced, E. M Hall, the Paganini of the banjo, John Queen, a national favorite. K«no and Welch, and many others, in i eluding Charles G. Webur the eminent barytone. They play only at the best and biggest theatres in the land. They are now ou a 20,000 mile tour of this country, Canada and Mexico. In 1900 they will play in Paris all through the exposition. The Wil son Minstrels will be the only American show in Paris that year. Later they will play in Louden, and after a farewell tour of this country will go around the wer d. All lovers of refined minstrelsy .hould see tonight’. unparalled performance. Positively no advance in prices lo any part of the bouse. Seat. at Trevitl’e drug .tore »1, '* conlß and galery 25 cents. ~ Mrs. Wtitehaad, of Rockmart, waß in the city yesterday. “ — ~ ' GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9. 1898. TERESA MAY BE SAVED. Cruiser Said to be Ashore on Cat Island. HURRYING TO THE SCENE Navy Department Credits The Report- • .1. . ■■ Norfolk, Vs., Nov. 9.—Tho Mejritt Wrecking company has received information that the Teresa is ashore at Cat Island. Capt. Chittenden will leave with the steamer Merritt at once. The telegram came from I. T. Mer ritt at New York and read as follows : “Teresa ashore Cat Island. Hold Merritt, with crew and ap paratus, also Capt. Chittenden.’ The Merritt was to have left for New York thi» afternoon, but that order was revoked and preparations are now making to start for Cat. Island, Nassau, N. P., Nov. 9.—Reli able news has just been received here saying a steamer is ashore on the northeast part of Cat Island. She is painted black, is deserted, has two funnels, two masts and no deck houses. Her name is not known. NRURLYDESTROYED Georgia Tswn About Wiped Oil! by Flames. LOSS ABOUT $15,000 Liat of Merchants Burned Out. No Insurance- • Talbotton, Ga., Nov. 9 Geneva, seven miles south of Talbotton, on the Central rail road, at an early hour this morn ing was destroyed by fire, ex cept the new storehouse of Mc- Bride Brothers, the depot and boLel- The fire originating in the postoffice and consumed seven storehouses and their stocks of merchandise. As far as eould be learned, the following merchants suffered loss : Jasper Turner, J. Mellichamp, Jean Smith, Mcßride Bros . and Miss Nellie Barksdale; the aggregate loss is supposed to be about $15,000. As far as ascertained; there was uo insurance, except S2OO in the Phoenix, of Broox lyn, on the storehouse occupied by Mr. Turner. THIY WERE GONE. “I was troubled for years with rheumatism and pain in my back and side. Afer taking a few bottles of Hood’s Sarsa parilla the pains were gone. I have not had any trouble from rheumaiism since and con do my work without suffering as I formerly did.” Mrs. A. E. J. i Hunter, Craigsville, South Car olina. Hood’s Pills are the only pills ■te take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. TIB BIST !UCE IN HOME MM TRADING Ten Quarter Blankets, each 17c iiffl Ladies’ Capes,trimmed with braid, 19c Shoes as.low as, per pair 15c IIII* All-Wool Flannel, per yrad, qc J Bleaching as low as 2^4c {Everything ]\|ew and No Old Carried-Over Goods! Winery Department! • THE BEST DRESS GOODS DEPARETMNT Aim tub Prices arc unaer flnu in Rome. We have the biggest stores in Rome-=-one at 245 Broad street,Bass’ old stand, filled with the very newest goods, not an old piece of merchandise in the house; then we have our Fourth ward stores, and you »an get these goods at either store. Our line of FINEORESS GOODS Is the newest and most complete in the city. We have from the cheapest to the best, and the price is righten every piece. Don’t buy your Winter Dry Goods, MH nery, Shoes, or anytning in our line till you see our goods and get our prices. • j, ■ - - t. Beautiful all wool Dress Goods, double 6 Papers Pins for >4e 9c Coats’ 100-yard Spool Cotton te "etty double width Plaid. C t* di CI,e “ P Sp °°‘ Thre "* ’* I Fine black Dress goods,worth 60c, only 29c W W Best Table Oilcloth 10. Pretty double width Casbiroere all M/ V Window Shades 10. ( wool filled, only ! ’= M/ W Ladies Seamless Hose • « 75c Corsets tor only «c W W Ladies’ Heavy winter Vet lie 50c Corsets for only 29c Ladies ’ aDd Children's Handk.iohi.f. 1« Sheeting, yard wide 31c /|S Hooks rnd Eyes, per card 1< Best full standard calico .31 /IS Safety Pins, per card l< Beautiful plush capes, Irim.ned with 4S Line " T ° Wel9 ’ eaCh *' 'braid and jet, Thibet collars worth 4S I’retty Knotli-d Towels M £12.25, fur only »l-50 Good Jeans 1» We have capes and j. ck.ts from 19c up to A Ladies’ Fine Triram.o nats and ;flal as high as you care-to go, all new. & ors for less money than any other ster. i| 40 Crimped Hairpins for ,1c the city. Come to our store for your Mil 3 Bill s Sewing Thread for 5c linery. Clothing, Shoes. Hats! Big StoCk, All New and Prices Right. Comedo See us Before You Buy. LANHAM’S STORE? OLD STORE, NEW STORE, Fourth Ward. 245 Broad? 1 width IO CENTS PER WEEK