The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 09, 1898, Image 3

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j rtCOP |V '’’ 1 11 ’ ■ I COB >pl.«»« » . lhoro " s !’ B ur „ at Ko'» e I!u ’" ltss .'..Mil'll i,lllue ‘ ,c " of " S' „ 9 Lnd who a " K„ s re»l’°" sibl ' s I’ 0 ” 110 "’ I rtcoguiz-d eommerc ■ lf ’"" ’•"P" ■ bigb ending in "I ■ principa' .ide. a»J ■. I. Son'll "•« ■ ui«J tor the I"'* 1 ll'i'‘’“l' By»dF3. fl oU want a good situation the ■ extracts from recent ■ n ay interest ■ y*u. Be ftd theiu - B? rom large Iron Mfg. Co., in ■ > M (I j n thirty days we de Bireio-mph’y a stenographer; who is also up in hook keep ■ng^itoug 11 to our regular ■)eok-k«eper.” ■from Dry goods house, Ala. ■ [ “Your comm: nisation to flliand. Yes we des.j e /employ ■ a ealeslady ; one who can write ■ageodhand. Want her to take ■flivg? of our retail department ■Vh pay a good salary and wan' ■ seme one who is thoroughly u| Bia piling drygoods.” ■ From law firm, N. C. I “Replying to your letter ol ■ wme days ago will say that we 'I shall need f stenographer soon. I Want a ytun; lady who is I ipardy and ..ccurate at type fl writing.” From prominent lawyer, Sum I merville, Ga. “I want a young man to do I nsy work and study law. Will pay a reasonable salary, furnish good board, access to a fine lav library.” From law firm in Li. “We do not need a stenogra pber now, but believe we sbnl have need of one soon. Prefer ; young man of sober habits and must write a good hand.” From law firm in Brunswick Ga. “Yes we need a stenographei now, and you may have one of your graduates write us. No ex ptrience necessary, just so he i speedy and accurate at type writing and has good mora character. ” From Mfg. Co., 8. C. “Have you a young man wh( can keep accounts by double en try, write a good hand and is rapid and accurate in figures Have him write us. We need s good man and will take the on< you recommend.” I’rom Mfg. Co. , Arkadelphia Ark. “Thanks for your recent com munication, Yes we need a young man to keep our books, And as you have filled the p’ace before satisfactorially with one of your graduates, you know the kind cf man we desire.” From Mfg Co., Chattanooga, ep o j O' lenn. “Replying to your valuable fa vor of recent date will saj T that we do not need any more office assistants now; but in the course of a month will like to employ more help. Then w « will give you an cpportunity to fill a place with us with one of your graduates again. *r»in large Mfg. Co., Ala. In about thirty or sixty days wo will employ one of your young men graduates. Will want him to keep books and do general office and store wotk. e pay what ws consider a good salary and will want good wen. If you desire to make personal investigation of the above appli cations call or write, Rome Business College Rome, Ga. (PIIUST OPEIIIG or THEM ” ttL i “mOu 1 It Cost And Less Than COst FoR CASH LK'GUjJ • uITTTWVk NOT TO QUIT BUS!- We AU * * AlMli NESS TMO A new firm will be formed January Ist 18&9. and to acoonroli .h this end, we are offer’ng our entire stock, large and comolete as it is, in both Fall and Winter Styles,|at prices that cannct fail no interest the cios )st buyers. It will pay you well to visit us and examine’.our goods before buying. ONE WiDBED THOUSAND DOLLARS 1 f V worth of firocl; s s seasonable merchandise will be and must be sold within a short time. never, no a never in the history of Southern dry goods retailing has there been a sale to approach this one. Anything and everything in our store, which is crowded from bottom to top with new and desirable merchandise, will be sold ar cost and less than cost. To prove our sincerity, we will give you our cast Bal tl mor es a a A 1 2345 © *7 8 90® W • And be it well remembered , our cost is from 25 to 50 per cents less than most merchants pay for same ecods. Buying as we do in the largest quantities from headquarters, for spot cash, giyes us the inside, which, not many merchants c njoy; therefore come to us for everything you need in Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods, Silks, Savins, Velvets. Notions, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Capes, Jackets, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, Ladies 5 and Childrens’Underwear; also muslin underwear, Towels, Blan kets and Comforts. Rugs, Mattings, Shades, Curtains, Bleachings, Sheetings, Ginghams, ( i •*. , < ' iii Prints, Outirgs, etc. When m ncjd of Clothing be sure and look through our wholesale and retail stock. Everything g?e j inVhis sa'e. We have eyery size imaginable and every style you can think of. Our®to€k of furnishing goods is com plete: we have plenty shirts, underwear, hosiery, hats., suspenders, neckwear’ collarsand cuffs, trunks, vaiises. umbrellas. Our stock of sheas was never in better shape,'and you can fit feet and purse at the same time with out trouble. specials until gone. The entire slock is yours at cost and less than cost. Merchants Fruit of theiQom bleaching, closing price . . . need not send to New York and elsewhere for goock, but come Yard w ide percale, new fall styles 4 i . riflht here and get whatyou want. You can save money and liiuigo calico • • “ stand st yie freight besides. AAA drilling Heavy cotton flannel worth 10c DON’T ASK FOR CREDIT I we can’t sell goods at cost and less Fast black hese,ladies’and children ’ ’ ' 0 than cost «nd charge them besides. 3 spools thread for $ Samples sent on application. Mail orders promptly attended] to -xA a&ove AcsacuKWa. jSwOlWlffi Jo 3 ■• ? w> I DAHLONEGA, GA. A Ration la th. Xj’o” , i"«--lr ,, ch-pit ,^r d e X-« ? ta fe '- r . tas tcactaera; fall J T a€ . B “J o4f _ a collar* nrajmr- io63 im va-HW" bHus J<rt> wealth. elt ta'fnttoM wartad. RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight 6f in these days of “yellow” joumaliem. They care Utile for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news-all the new.s—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated dally newspaper in the world. • Its war news service is unapproachably the best Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.** Soli by newsdealers everywhere and Mbscriytion received by all postmasters. Address e<i£ QBOAGO RBOONA *M Madison Street, CWeago. | 'AWHOUCCLUB I I® ' ~ Ca ’t || t ‘ 1—- Mak Bette MI Running tfl I K. MM)* m I Time I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, inclu* “ ding Diamonds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev er more complete. i WEDDING PRESENTSjA’SI’ECI \LTY. R J. K Williamson ra