The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 09, 1898, Image 5

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ta V-v'Vf-KiuLA- v The Chicago Times-Herald is • , f,>r Ihe moon when it calle for a magazine that is not devoted ° r and cor. et advertisements. 10 W- r O O O Forty-eight per cent of the ot f .- State, Federal and inunici ps'in North Carolina are held by p»grc* 8 - 0 o O In the city of Wilmiugtor, a city o f-’5,000 inhabitants, there are ten negro policemen, forty-six ne gro magistrates and twelve negro Jetier carriers. The uegro efficers outLUinb*!' the whites three or four tim* 8 - o o o Tke white people of the town ‘own 90 per cent of tho property Bl d piy >0 per cent ot the taxes and they have virtually no voice ju th* h twicipal government. o o l' The population of North Caro lina was, in 1&90. composed of whites 1,066,382 and negroes 562,- 565 So one-third of tne popular lion, that owns less Can one twn.lieth of the proper! j and pays, possibly, one-twentieth of the rev euui that maintains the State and municipal governments, holds al most a half of the offices. O 0 o Col Ingersoll refuses to thank iifd for our victories over the Spaniards. Bit ho doesn’t go to the other extreme and thank Shaf ter.— Louisville Times. o o o Ou Monday iast ten carloads of sheeting left the yards of the In dian Cotton Mill, at Cordova. Walker county, Alabama, for the Celestial empire. This is the sec ond shipment of sheeting from this mill to China. Brokers in the Orient have engaged the output of the mill for five years, and every pound of its output will go there. o o o We heartily eiidoue every word j of Editor Loyless’ article in refer ence to the Beach resignation from the Prison Board. Wa would n>t h ive been surprised if Gover- ■ nor Atkinson had made an ap pointment or two while Governor elect Candler was taking the oath of oflice. He was loyal to his ring-, sters until the, But at last things have changed in Georgia am we hope such another action ■wiil never occur again.—Fitzgerald Couf'-r. o o o In the chief cities of Japan sev eral of the streets are devoted to the sale of certain lines of merch andise. In one’street you will find nothing on sale but wooden and wiLow ware, another to paper lan urns, wnile one street resembles * forest of bamboo, where the thousand of bamboo articles are sold. o o o Lord Ashburnham, ths wealthy Eng ish agent of Don Carlos, man ag*s also the affairs of the Princess E*l ( uofl.jlo,claimant to the thrones wf Greece and Turkey, Princess H tris, of Bavaria, who ccntests that of Naples, Princess Ludwig, cf Bavaria, who thinks herself en titled to that of Englund, and Queen Carola of Sixonv. who claims the right to Sweden. o o o The list issue of the American l\oi»| and Cotton Reporter tells a •tory in s atieties from which a m>ral may be drawn. Under the Lwadiug of “N<-w Mills” eleven J t»ms ar# given—all southern. Un tr the caption “Enlargements ,u d Improvements” are . found fclavsii items—nine southern and two New England. Under the hsading “Shutting D >wn” eleven mi lls are mentioned—all New Eng l»rid. These figures show most pointedly in which part of the country the textile indus'rits sre 111 aking the greatest progress. The best way to avoid sickness is to keep yourself healthy by taking Hood's . Sarsaparilla; the great blood! purifier. t • DOING GREAT WORK. Use of Paine’s Celery Com Pound in the Philadel phia W. C. A. • • fl 1 U U\\ww ’ "M. 1- or • /I] V -k Jl V IF The magnificent building at' the corner of Eighteenth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, is a monument that tells what a great charity is the Woman’s Christian Association of the, Quaker City . The superintendent of the W. C. A. home is the accomplished woman whose portrait is print ed here,Miss Katherine Kenne dy, What she has done and what she is doing for the bene-! fit of other women commands the highest respect and admira tion. In all other institutions of ihi« kind more attention is giv en every year to teaching the laws of health and right living, physically as well as morally. The health of communities is more and more frequently a subject of attention from clergy men and teachers. An ailing, nervous man or woman finds it more difficult to be hopeful and cheerful and good than a well one. Writing to the Wells & Richardson Co., who are the proprietors of the most wonder ful of all remedies for the cure of diseases that arise from tne impairment of the nervous sys tem, Paine’s celery compound, Miss Kennedy, in the course of her letter, referring to the use ot Paine’s celery compound among th’e members of the W. C A., says that “those who have been taking it feel greatly bene fitted, and desire to continue the ORF STLE AN D. COMFORT and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth ilia like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies,traps, carts, wag onettes, canopy top, or open sur reys, are lipht, easy, comforta ble and beautiful in coiistruc- vehicles; also carry a bi e line of fin- ) harness and lap robes. Rom* Boaor Co, 5309-511 Broad , Btnit.Kome Ga. Sattebfikld illtams, Agents use of it. So many women run > down in health by overwork, or what is worse, overworry, have been restored to perfect .-.hfealth by Paine’s celery compound, £ : that its record in every large [city in the Union Grateful tesii-. monials of this character have been published time and again 3 in these columns,- and it is a fact that no other remedy has ever 5 received a hundredth of the \ ’ hearty blesssings that the man- > agers of public institutions have openly accorded to Paine’s col- > erp compound. 4 lhe widespread use of Paine’s celery compound, in the most intelligent, careful homes, and among the most thoughtful por tions of every community, ha* \ grown up by just this sort of - guarantee, by word' ot mouth, from persons made ; strong and well to others ne *d ing exactly the kind of invigo- < ration and toning up thatPaineh > celery compound gives. In time of great mental stain, when other remedies only med die and muddle, Paine’s celery ; compound purifies the blood of all bad humors, and cures tin - many ailments from this faniilr ; iar cause. . ‘ A vast prouortion of all dis/ , eases are preventable. Paine’s . celery compound is universally prescribed by medical men to - stop the progiess of disorders, due to poor blood and badly nourished neryes .. J V / 'JSIL rMb lA '*■ v Wlllgifl ; , ■ El P E ; PHOTOGRAPHS ’ THE summer HAS 1 PASSED AND GONE MPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY f AND HAYE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! i | YOU ~ | j IKnOW |; | iB O to * Rd TH EekJISS OF Wo< | > ky j r J S TURNOUT .. h > Mi • SW 5 -~ = fcyj YOU ARE |1 COMMIT ! sS Hj : i flllliTm r JI nfi ll■■ V V x rfS bO Mm |3| BUI irtWSja < ESJb -Bra uosSI Uy Ihi Hi BO -PH JBLaB ■ ■ fl r-a ' Ml i fIiMIM Ks •' E Mt Rfi ' K BP - W | .< DUUUUtONCE | *|lr T.ui '?} tgja. MM - Fy4 t'iu : y 4 J, W.kandeaster M *' 4T*t; -hq a sa b-r,. wr ’ j ao o.' Bfrki -^" ! Cwr aecH UdT’-.iefub CB