The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 09, 1898, Image 8

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i ‘ ' —— —— - -! - - f MR- EDNDDN COMES TO ROME 1 We have much joy in announcing to our frieuds,in and out wav from Broad street. I* 1 , of Rome, the coming of Mrs; L. Condon, of Atlanta. Mrs. Condon is assisted in her magnificent Rome studio by { I . In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- Mr. R. G. Ilubner, one of ths leading youn g photographers o ksi session She is today ll,e highest exponent of advanced photogr.- 11 Ball,note. A visitto this new and modern Photo Studio viS&k. phv—Equalled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the 4> x , . , , w 1 V wide land. ' T $ P»ove a most delightful event and will more than repay J i Her studio in Rome will be in the elegantly appointed apart- * here * 8 not a better appointed gallery in the South—Nor has Fy J ments on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- Mrs. Condon a peer. Ca l and see her. > W WOW ZS TO BASS ■».< We are now in our new store. We lost a month before getting into it, We are determined to make it back. Ou prices will do it. Moody & Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlant , failed--sneriff sold their immense stock out in cash lots. We were the only Rome merchants at the sale. We bought ar a trifle. We’ll turn the bargains over to our cus tomers. We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and Silks in the latest imported Novelties, and a great as sortment of Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the special bargains: Tow cases Ladies’ Fast Black Hose 3c Two'bales yard wide Drilling, w jth Bc, at 5 Three cases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hose 5c Three coses yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 Two cases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c Ten Bales AAA Sheet ng, yard wide Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10c ' Three cases yard wide-Percales, Fall styles 4| c Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c Two bales good quality Matress Ticking at Two cases Men’s box 3c vYv Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5 C Oue ease Men’s Seamless Sox 5c One full case of remnant White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8 Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15c Two cases of good Bonnet and Dress Gihghams at 3 3-4 c One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchiefs ; one case Men’s MM 2,000 Men’s all pure Linen Collars, five tor 25 c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c 'TYv -TYe 800 Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth One case Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts 25c $1.50, your choice for jg c Are you in need of a j uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh, a pair f Pants, a Coat and Vest? Do you want a Hat? We’ll save you from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases. Good Jeans pants 35c; Men’6 Stylish Capped Coin Tie Shoes, 75C; Ladies’ India, Button, Foxed Vamo, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes, at sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $ 1 .OO Shoes are the best in America. For Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnets, go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else if you care to save m y. We repeat that we lost a month on account of building our store, and that we are going to make it up. We have a world < f goods which we bought at half prices we can afford to let them go at half prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve knocl d the bottom out of prices to get it. prices are as low as 4-cent cotton. Come to see'us at our new store. BASS BROS OO t GOES INTO BANKRUPTCY Mrs. Leslie Carter Gives Her Liabilities And Assets. New York, Nev B—Mrs, Leslie Carter, the actress under the name • f Caroline D. Carter, tilled a peti tion in bankruptcy today showing liabilities of 168,778 and no asv sets except wearing apparel valued at S2OO. Some of the claims ixtend back for several.yeaas, and among them are accounts lor growns and cos* tumes from Paris makers several •lairns for cash loans and a hotel bill. The largest item is for $20,704- alleged to have been advanced od a cash loan by the Wirt Dexter es' ate of Chicago. M THaT JOYFUL FEELING. With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use es Syrup of Figs, is unknown Io the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. NOTICE. • EORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To ail whom it may concern. W. J. Hall, W. B. Judkins and W, J. Viocent, Roster Committee f<.r Co,'“G” 22nd Ga. Vol., have made their report. Notice ip here by given that said report will be passed upon at the ordinary 's of fice at the court house city ut Rome, Ga , on the first Monday in March 1899, at 10 o’clock a. m. ihis is to cite all survivors or de scendants ot any of the members of said Company or their repre sentatives, to show cause if any they can why said report should boi ba approved and made the judgment of the ordinary and Hied with the clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true roster ot said company. Witness my hand and official sig nature this 7th day of Nov. 1898 John P. Davis Ordinary. Floyd Co., Ge. NOTICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. G K. Green, John A. May and Joel Stowe, roster committee for Co., “D” 29 th Ga, Vol., have made their report: Notice is here by given that said report Will be passed upon at the Ordinaiy’e of fice ; n the court house, cicy of Rome Ga., on the first Monday in March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. m. This is to cite all survivors or de scendants of s id company or their representatives to show cause if any they can, why said report should not be approved and made the judgement of the Ordi nary and filed with the clerk .of the superior court and admitted to the final resords as a true ros ter of said company. Witness my hand and official signiture . This 7th day of Nov. 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary! Floyd Co. Ga. TICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. J. A. ducker, J. L. Hardin and J. E. Mullin, roster committee for Co., “B” 21st Ga., Reg’t have made their report: Notice is here by given that said report will be passed upon at the Ordinary’s of fice in the court house, city of Rome Ga, on the first Monday ii: March 1899 at 10 o’clock a . m. Phis is to citeall survivors or de scendants of any of the mtmb?rh of said company or thair repre sentatives to show cause, if anj they can, why said report should not be approved and made the judgement of the Ordinary and filed with the clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true roster cf said company. Witness my hand and official signature tnis 7th day ol Nov. 1898, John P. Davis, Ordinary, Flojd Co. Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA Fl OYD C.eUNTY. Io all whom it man concern. I . W. Quarles, Sr , C. M. Harper and P. J. Glenn, roster commit tee for Co. “E” Bth Ga , Vol., have made their report: Notice i» hereby given that said report wil be passed upon at the Ordinary's office in the court house, city of Rome Ga., on the first Mcuday il March 1899 at 10 o’clock a.'m. This is to cite all eurv vers or de- scendants of any of the members of said company or tneir represen tatives to show cause if any they can, why said report should not be approved and made the judge - ment of the Ordinary and filed with the clerk of the supsrior court and admitted to the final records as a true roster of said company. Witness my hand and official signature This. Nov. 7th, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Floyd Co. Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: T. S. Burney, L. R. Wragg and ,H. T. Moore, Roster Committee I for Co. “G” Ist Ga, Cavalry have 1 made their report. Notice is nereby given that said report will be pass ed upon at the ordinary’s office in the court house city of Rome, Ga., on the first Monday in'| March 1899 at 10 o'clock a. m. This is to cite all survivors or descendants of any of the members of said Company or their representatives to show cause if any they can why said report should not be approved and made the judgment of the or dinary and filed with tne clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true Ros ter ol said Company. Witness my hand and official signature this 7th day of Nov, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary, Floyd Co , Ga. 1 - NOTICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern : H. P. Crossman, J S. Espy and John Davis. Roster Committee for Co. ■‘D ’ both Ga. Vol. have made their report. Notice is hereby <iveu that said report will be massed upon at the ordinary’s of fice in the court house city ol Rome, Ga., on the first Menday in March 1899 at 10 o'clock a. m. This is to cite all survivors oi descendants of the , members oi said Company or their represents ives to show cause if any they can, why said report should not be approved and made the judgment >f ti e ordinary and filed with ’.he Jerk of the superior court and ad nitted to the fipal reco’ds as a true Rceter ot said Company Witness my band end rfficial sig nature, this 7th day of Nov. 1898. P. Davis, Ordinary, w Floyd Co., Ga* THE WEST. TG ARKANSAS . TEXAS. Schedule in Effect Oct. 4ih, 18C8. KOlt’i HBOCSD. N«. 3 No. 4| N 0.70 N 0.72 £v Atlanta . 8 t?ahi7«soprr. 6Wpni Ar Ma-ietta.. 9 Btam 9 18pm sAmm Ckcprs " Homs .... 11 26am 743 pm * Dalion. II Alamj 11 41pm 816 pm “ Chat’nooga 1 MOpm 1 Otam 935 pm ** Nashville J 6 55pm; 6 40am “ Memphis . 7 30aml 4 80pm Ev~Ra»hville I 7 20pju| ? SOanxl Ar St Louiv. J 7 30»ml 7 S2nm I . . . Lv Junnlli; 1 < aipm] 1 55am7 I Ar Chicago.. | 9 03am I 830 pm | Lv Nashville .17 Stipmi 720 am Ar Louisville. 2 3tainl22spm “ Cincinnati.| 7 05aml 405 pm Tmin No. 2carries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville, Fla., Atlanta and Nashville, coa necting with vestibule train for Chicago. Train No. 4carries,Pullman Sleeper Augusta and Atlanta to Nashville audSt. Louis throngS without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to Chattanooga, passengers remain in car until 7 o’clock a. ra. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta t 4 Knoxville via A. K. &.N. Ry. Train No. 70, connects at Boyce with Q. 4 C, for Cincinnati. This train carries through coach Atlanta to Rome. To the South and East. SOUTHBOUND. No. 1 | No. 3 J No.lll N 0.78 tv Nashvilie 9 10am, fc 10pm “ Chat’nooga 2 55pmj3 2tam 5 55am....”” “ Dalton . 4 11pm 4 2»am 7 Ham “ Rome .... 4 25pm; 745 am ... •* Marietta . 6 43pm' 6 45am 9 45uflr 7 C3am Ar Atlanta 7 cOpml 730 am 10 35amI 8 00am tv Atlanta . . 750 pm 7 30aml 4 OSpml. Ar Macon.. dl 13pm 11 10am 720 pm . n Tifton . 12 30am 8 05pm “ Jaak’nviHe 1 8 45am Ig 25pm . tv Atlanta ... V.Aopm ifeam 4 03pm Ar Macon . 1113 pm 11 lOainj 7 20],ni “ Albany 3 27pm 1106 pm •* Thm’eville I 6 30pm *‘ Savannah. 6 00am 6 00pm 1 tv Atlanta . 11 Sfcpmi 750 am 3 10pm ' ' Ar Augusta,.. 5 15am! 120 pm 8 23pm Ar (’harles'on 11 00am 800 pm “ Columbia .110 55am! 1010 pm! ? . tv Atlanta . 7 SOpnullOOm <l2 00m Ar Athens .10 21pm 2 16pm f 2 16pm ‘ Richmond 6 15pm 715 am I 715 am .... •* Wash’gtondO 30pm 11 Marti'll 31am *‘ New York .! 5 3 .am 5 23pm 5 28pm ... ” Train Na. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nash ville, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson ville, Fla. Train No. Scarrlos Pullman Sleeper St. Louis to Aagnsia without changa Pullman Bleeper Chattanooga to Atlanta open for passengers Chattanooga 9 o’clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper Knoxvilie to Atlanta via A. K. & N. Ry. For further information write to H. F SMITH, C. E. HARMAN, Trail;. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. JMU’ny s*«i>rsoii s are sfl-m front >vAwe-k or househox? . urek Bltrowii s II .-n Bitturs Rcbuddita im, aid* remeves excese Nils SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (oa lenaaii SrbsAale la EITVet July 8. Itna. 2 —Stations.- i No. 10~Na~i4 7 No. Lv Chattanooga.! 4tCnin 7.#tpm 1 16.10 pin Ar Dalton 7.51 am B.>2pm Ar Rome g.OCum 9.4Wptn t.44ua* Ar Atlanta ll.ttam 1 i.S'lpm S Waß Cv Atlanta 4.20 pm 11 .VSpm b-Ctara irMwan 7.10 pm 2 unm t B's A Ir Jesup Aam 2.48 pm \fEv-rett 7 2us»m H.twfmi \r Jac.isonvlUe S.4iMm ».25pm r,v J.-aup ? Wltigm Jacksonville ly. 15pm tvFrerett 7?.!.!." 7 Cam TFitn Ar Bruuawlck B.Stamj Oxpru N .. 10 ,w lw Penman Sleeping Cai CLat tam oga to Atlanta No. 11 curries f’ultavgtt Sleeping (tar and Day I CoacheaCha umeoga Jacksonville and ite lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 curries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. s-rATio:.w.~ Nb. 13 , Fta.' t I~So~F Cv Atlanta 4.2tam' 4 Sdpml 7.50 am Ar Rome A3oam! 6 25ptn 10.30 am Ar Dalton 7 Ar Chattanooga 8.10..m' ASOpm! I.oopm Lv Chattanooga B.s6atn 9.10 pm 1 . Ar Burgin .... 4.29 pm! Ar Lexington 5.10 pm! 4.50 am Ar Louisville 750 pm 7.50 am r . Ar Cincinnati 7.3opm7~Siam 7..'. 7.7 Lv Chattanooga I SSprnT. ISam 125 pm Ar Nashville . 6.55 pm! O.SOnmj 6.56 pm No 13 carrier Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta wChattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta o Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. stations. No. 6. i No. 12 I No.'ll Lv Chattanooga S t.iarn; 4. l0am!10.»nm Ar Knoxville 1155 am 8.05 am I.loam Ar Morristown. I.2tpm 9..50atu 2.25 am Ar Hot 5pring5......... ;1 1 rpin 1 1.-OJarc; 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4 35pm 1.1?,pm! 5.10 am Ar Salisbury 6.40 pm 9.30 am Ar Greensboro 9.52 pm 12.l0ptn Ar Raleigh I.4'iami 3.23ptn Ar Norfolk 7 soam ArWa hington.... 1....1... 6 i2aml 9.35 pm ■■ • I;• - ■ •_• I'-’. t.iprn 6.23 am No. 12 carries Pullin in firawt.ig Ko ini §loen ng Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe- Mlle and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich aond 6.40 a m also Pullman Sleeping Cat Jieensboro to Norfolk. No. 16 Is solid train Cha-.t.anoo.m to Salts tury, with Pullman Sleopbi - c !r Chattanooga o Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with iut change. ~~ st A t ions, ; 1 X,. 4 | No. 6 Chattanooga , s.Gipin B.4batn > r J£ no ’" 1!6 I 8.4 4>m 11.7>5 <m \r Mornstown 2. L’.am |.2.lpm ' r Ijr c V’i T.ouxinl 9.55 pm ‘‘ New York. ......... . r ' 1.20 pm No. 6. carries Pullman Sim-ping Car Cbutta iocjta vVashlnvt -n mid CUatmn to New iX.-k without change. No. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Knox rllie to Brl tol. s t .<*ri. 7n£ ~~ No. 15 _ <v Rome .7... 7. ....... Tfdam A- Anniston 1121 am dr Birmingham .’.’.‘.‘7.”'. loioOpm Ar Meridian 7. Ar New Orleans 19.30 am Ar Jackson.... ... a 4611 m Ar Vicksburg "".“i Ar Shreveport 7.Beptn * N .°-dl 9 1 ftfo. it ||wo. i| ?U)pni 4 L’pm Lv Borne jfjiOami 5.40 pm 6.57pm,Ar Gdd.derf. ar AOOam ABoam 8 00pm 7. WpmlAr Attalla. Jv 5.45 am t Daily except Sunday. j Sunday en>r F. S. GANNON, ftdv.e. A c m., Washington. D.6L J. M. CULP, Traf. Mgr.. Wsshlagtoa D. (X W A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington, D. G?. •1 A. BKMSOO6B3IK 4 <-•.A.jOhnttMoega.TOM ——l—■■—<» Fancyj new seeded Raisins Currants and Citron at Lloyd &| Harper s. Prices to sell quick 1 U. n A A n -K—ls PtttACRiPTIOS OtPl Swlb (• \jEyy. r ’if a j<. SYyi . ■ Jotlupl young and olp; We none of us live socarel ly that we never require thel of drugs and medicine to pul right. It’s a comfort to kfl where you can get them ■ at proper prices. We are | modest about these j>oints-l can give you what you "'aiiH patent medicines, druggß sundries, toilet articles Prescriptions a specialty. ■ J. T. Crouch & v0.,8 300 Broad str J 11 ' " - . - ' ' BM Starke, The Tailor M. Starke the popular tail:® now open for orders and reai'H business in his new business O next door to Wooten’s drug fl in the Clark building- Mr. Las a splendid line of new goods and invites you to ««' B see him and them. ■ rj ii—— are of Imitations ■ Wi I x»<« puHCAira »o»*, * r * .-W