The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 14, 1898, Image 5

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I (ILL HOT PAL llliilei States ti nssUmt I b’ot a Gent. |W L3IAN SYNDICATE I Forme i Purchase the Archi l Pe'.ag .’Tis Repertwd. I York , Nov. 14.—The Lon- I don correspondent of th* Journal I ®*bleshis paper that he has aicer ,a'ied frowi good authority that 1 kited States has demaded all of the Philippines, without assuoi - Ir ga cent fcf th« debt in return. FjRCH ABE Phi LI PPI N EB. Brussels, Noy. 14 —lt is report *dheiethit,a Belgian syndicate a * formed and is now read} toLl 'y the Philippine*. Bondholdehs Worried B>ri»,Nov. 14.—The Paris ncwss, ’®P°rtui)Hd by the hoidrie it P a u *Q bonds, is it s aU-i.t, n I lß ’ o » Mention of the Piiilip- P 1 Jf *. It urges concerted action *1 ‘ Powers for interference in b,ha! f Os Spain Spanish Peace CommißS’on fire s«f« ( i n g now f O stand ill' e Americans until that inter er *nce can be brought abou‘. They • r# . however, disquieted by the that England, to judge o,n lf d Salisbury’s utterances, ® e *us o prevent any concerted iu ifference by Europe and by the n °w edge that Atner.can diplo af.v inactive at Berlin and St. yslurg, thus checkmating any action. SUING m OF BUSINESS' We Have Decided to Quit the Clothing, Business AND OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ®ng E kt’’’ Wft H h E 11l Ori ff • p b fe |i H M | Iwi bw I uij 11 i nln bi = ■< FURNISHING GOODS<aqd HATS! AT PRICES THAT WILL SELL THEM YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS THIS SALE V * * ojs jiiik jflk w i tfKF wp* s -.-: wH alMi'AvH ia TWO HUSBANDS Have Been Assassinated for Mrs. Carter. !|(0 BLUR TO THE SUNDER Each Man Shot Whjis on The Veranda of his Home Valdosta, Ua., Nov .14—Steve Carter, one of the best known mtn in Echols county, was shot down on his porch Saturday night by parties hid in his yard . Cartel ' went on the perch about 9 o clock to get a drink of wrfter. and while i here the contents of a doubie-oai reled shotgun were poured into him. It ie said that two pistol shots were also fired a; him. 'h® !Rm ‘’ ily of the dead man gave the alarm by the bliiwing of hoi ns. which at 11acted neighbors to the ocene. As Carter had not anem nr' in the world the tragedy i* fiurrounded J in mystery. ! The killing, however, recalls an ! other tragedy which h ippenned in I the same neighborhood two or I three y<*vs ago. Frank t'olson. whowanihe hu’buidof Carters i present wife, waw Vmd down in a I similar manner while, on Iris porch i at night. , Carter’s mysterious <b aih ’ 1 to the belief that the slayer of Cm- I son was al-o ‘ho murderer of Cai ! ier The people in tho neighbor hood an airaid to express their suspicions, as they are without proof to back them up Colson had two children, one ol them mariied. Carter has large family connections, and more trouble may follow, as it rs known that they have strong suspicions aH to the author ot the crime. Car ter is said to have been one ot un best man in lhejeounty. WAS SET FJJEE. Father Who Killed Daughters Betrayer CHEERS IN COURTROOM When the Kentucky Judge Dis charged The Defendant Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 14.—Ser geant Perkins, who killed his son in-law, J. W, Newton, was this morning dismissed by County Judge Moore, on motion cf Cuun’y Attorney Polsgrove. Attorney Polsgco'. e stated that Newton had wronged Perkins’ eldest daughter three years ago. and married her at the point of a H hot gun. • A few months ago he wrongs! his wi’e’s unn atiisd sister, Pols grova said he £ would r j tu»e to prosecute the father for ki m g Newton under such justifiable cif cumstancH?, especially w hen N-w --ton had returned aimed, and n tended to kill bis w. There applause win n Pula groxfc comple-ud his s', t m»*ni and hearty cteeri when Judgr Moors ordered that the d 1 m'am be discharged from r«4>ilv BACK TO ANSWER Nancy Guilford Left I- nd n Saturday-. London, Nov 14—Dr, Nancy Guilford, the Bridgeport (C mnj midwife, who is wanted in connec tion with the Yellow Mill Pond murder will sail f>r New York to day m custody of Am.ricanuffi cere. THE IflfflTf’Rm Lies In 15 ft. Os Water, A Mile Off Os Eat Islaiui UNCLE SIM CLAIMS HER And The Spanish Prize May yet Be Floated Home. Washington. Nov. 14.—-The of ficia' r«*j ort of the nav; depart uiet t of 'he finding of the Maria Teresa was contained in the fol lowing cablegram received from T’ommander Craven, of the wreck it g tug I’etomac, which has b««i ordered to Cat Island from Sailin gs “To Secretary t f he Navy Wasbingion Patom ■<•. arriv'd. Maria Teresa near Bird P r t. (’at Island, one mile < tT shore cf *»er Tide I’a'tig in I insidi. remporary deck Ii" ken up, mov blv art:cl-H removed by n -lives. Vtilc n i < t Bp'-nB p '-n . Natives at woik -it ce Sa i.; da f' . Tin- Lu'omac was ordered at once back to Cat Gland with ins atructior a to Commend r Craven l.i take possession of ihe Teresa .•>r.d drive < ff the w ’eck»-i> whine loot ng the ship H- ii pi d by cable that he Would leave di.itely aid W ill'd arrive at the wisck in the morning The fact that the Teresa | a vess-l drawn g in tiim twenty •thiee lec-t of water an t waterlog ged as she was when abandoned probably drawing neaily thirty fe t should have been driven in twelve feet of water is regarded by naval officers as evidence of the great strength of the storm which cause! her crew to leave her. ORF STLEAND COMFORT and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth inn like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled and our spider phaetons, runa bouts, buggies,traps, carts, wag cnettes, canopy top, or open sur reys, ire lisdit, easy, comforta ble and beautiful in construc tion, trimmings and finish. We also repair and overhaul vehicles; also carry a big line of fine harness and lap robes, Rome Buggy Co, 5509-511 Broad street,Rome Ga. Sattehfield & Williams, Agents. B ISO’S F. I have been taking Piso’s Cure for Consumption since 1883, for Coughs and Colds. I had an attack of LaGrippe in ISSIO, and have had others since. In the Winter of 189 G-7, I had a spell of Bronchitis, lasting all winter, ami leaving a troublesome cough, until 1 again tried Piso’s Cure, which relieved me.—Mrs. M. B. Smalley, Colorado Springs, Colo., August 19, 1898. IS CuSsWHEftE ME ELSE FAILS." BeFt Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use bfyij jjj time Sold by druggists. The Pino Company, Warrrn, Pa. L'VER f, SALE AND FEED STABLES." Oilers the public t/i, limb t»i n«, b > f > a; c< s and tnott polite and courteous drm f s The best slot k i f horsts and mules ov F?b- < q otantly. -..Ml ■■■ll —M ■ ■ u-jr. ■. mil I ■■■ ■■ TWII I I Bl Mill 111 I Bill IT IIIWMB Ml ■ CANDY < cathartic VK cure constipation ,0c /jll 25c 50c DRUGGISTS - ■»- -- ,