The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 14, 1898, Image 7

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leo derth ■I, 1)8 Kitstii by |iß(ii filth* Lcomed hone. Merrimac «« w ' ,oy ‘ ■ U , \ov lA-Osborn fl fe J death with Hub fl Merrimac and novel Hair. But when IS wanted to kiss biin ■ iv al here today he ■ Vl . |iand-«mer men ■d you,” he said to a beauty, the belle of ■ '•why don’t yougiris ’ ;■ ,o prrv ns were at fl t t() g r ,Pt the lowan ■d the io ming of can escoited to his fl brass baud and a dele flfbankers and city fa fl the way flgliaw and many proiui fln of the state will ar- Hight to take part in a ■in honor of the young flje will be presented with ■some sword. Deignan ■ar from homo when he ■ rears old and this is his ■sit situe then. In it wi'.s learned that he ■ming home on a 10-days’ »li, the girls of Stuart de ed to receive him with On die arrival of the Island train this morning lung women were on the rm waiting for him. all gone — Trol BJ.E ExI’E<’TF.D AT favorH VIRDKN hx - : II!., Nov 14—The ntgro-s who at A the Virden coal mines ' ""■ a? ii is improbable that r t Horts will be macle to 1 * at V irden, the soldiers t there will be relieved ' " jO BURNING WALL. '* ' People at a Michi *'l® B an Fire- ■ ’’ :h,, Nev. 14.—The ' lywns vi-its-d by a "W flig " a ' b; ‘ ’o-foy. • JJ a r 8 Tay- ] «ylor and an old man 1 1 iark were burned to death Wall fell on them , ■ One Large Scar B 1 All That Remains c 1 ! Great || Scrofula Sores Could Not Sear to LooF H P° n Her-A Cra:-;, Complete Bl are by Hood’s □arsaparlllv II r ot:,erß railed. taken with neuralgia in m ■•eron^ 1 ' eye - Not loup nft,r thiH > Kt»h^ ! ° re appeared on my Ufl oboek ■Other fr ° m 1117 upper Ilp to n, T ■ rirht r ®* "*B>e on my ner k end on tn ■ were one Iny bmba. The. Beonn > Wy * rou ble«ome and painful an great rßlln sores. M d Bo tHui th! “ I *■<! »dv? a QUI<I nOt boar to look ut ,n I hare/i tki* 1116 wenr a bandage, but I auke ft 3 irritate the aore an< I"*® it worse. Sol I«> M "'° ‘ h<! Sor!M - I •iwiiar.J , WM with a cae< I Hood's R. !n: ° e ’ ' Tt ' lck bad bean cared bj i rr " ap,rill, > urged mo to try It * "bort ti ** p ® rßDa( ied to do to, and i» Tbs 1 * aW 11 r,tts belpifag me. **lgia tKiBBn t 0 heal and the neti fcontb. tj, n J hea<l wa * better. In • few *ll haaltd'^ 0 * 011 myarm « *nd lim be 4,1 .“T ° n ,uy neck e radu *n y 1 Ua »e were- a ? a ° W they aII « on< - (lice y. ' " d eily R yinptom of eoroful* •11 the ei ff * ,? 8e enar on m X right arm ie •iiUctten t?" ra ’ Bair ‘ s of my terrible ‘i’s.J ii * h " iK*ralgf. ib rUo cured.” - • • iatch. Kma, New Hampshire. aSOnd’c' Sarsa ‘•JLt'L, 11 « parilla , 11 *« the One True Blood Purifier. ( ij s F>j]J s are the only pijja to Lake wtih Hood** Sarsapa PERSONAL McNIION. Mr. G. W. King, of th* Gate city was here today. Mr. \\ ill White, of Annkton, is in the city for a few days. Capt. C. P. Marton, of “The Pine«,” is in the-city today. Mr. Alex Whlh, of Vans Valley, was in thJ’ib today. Mr. R. R. Morgai _lj\nnis ton, spent Sunday in ity. Capt. J. D. Kirkpatr'l‘C3lk VPH Wednesday for Col limbi r onn s , ’ball l # i Mr. J. W. Davisson, of clary, ta, was the Armstrong today, Hon. John C. Foster, of Fos ter’s Mills, spent the day in the city, Capt. Felix Corput, of Cave Spring, tpent the day in the city. Mayor John J. Seay will leave sor Jacksonville, Ala., tomor row. Mr. Ray Knight, the popular railroad man, left last night lor Awniston, Mr, Walter S. Langford hat returned from a businest trip to Gadsden. Col. Al. W. AV al ton is confined to his room with a slight attack of the gripp. Hose supporter!, the 25cts grade, at lOcts to dost them out at Mrs. Gazrards. Mr. W. H. Adkins afser spend ing a few days with his family, left for Augusta today. Mr. J. I). Saddler, Southeast ern freight agent for the Texas Pacific, with headquarters in Atlanta, is here today. The best way to avoid sick ness is to keep yourself healthy by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, he great blood purifier. Say “No”whe« a dealer offers you a substitute for Hood’s Sar saparilla. There is nothing “just as good.” Get only Hood’s. Mr. J. O. Williams, Miss Ad die Williams and Miss Dora Wilson, of Trion, were in the city yesterday and tosk dinner at tho Central. For Kidney, bladder, ail stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda fouats of Curry-Arringten Co., Jervis A Wright aad J. T. •uch. Messrs. A. M. Beardsley and C. A. Leach, of the Atlanta Constitution, arrived today and will canvass the eity in the in terest of the Constitution’s great Century club. Miss Cofield, who has been visiting at the home of Mayor John J. Seay, leaves for her heme in South Carolina tonight. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Laura Seay Watson a«d Miss Fie Seay. KILLED HIS BROTHER Nashville, Nov. 14. —At St. Josephia, Lawrence cowuty, Friday night, while Mr. and Mrs. Oliva were oat of their house attending to some busi ness, their eldest son, Floyd, got hold of a revolver, and by some means accidentally shot his younger brother. The cliild died yesterday morning. “ SHELVES PRINCE LI. Lj Hung Chang Ordered to Fight the Floods. Pekin. Nov. 14.—Li Hung I Chang has been ordered to pro ceed to Tsi Nan, capital of the province of Shan Tung, to con fer with the viceroy, of San Tung to prevent further inunda tions from the yellow river. The appointment is regarded as vir-l tually shelving Prinfce Lt. ‘‘IF WE HAD KNOWN” An Incident of th* Surrender of Captain Euiat* Au incident in connection with the surrender of Captain Etilale, of the Tiscaya. at the bailie oi Santiago, was told by Captain Robley D. Evans, of the Indiana, at the Jubilee, in Philadelphia, which illustrates the amenities ul naval warfart, Captain Evans depicted the ar rival of Captain Eulate. covered with blood and dirt, and soaked with salt water, on board the In. dkna, and the scene of the blow p’? 0 ' up of the Viscaya. I 1 offertd him a cigar, alO cent & said Fighting Bob, ♦‘g e looked at it a momert. and iutu from his own pocket a long bea’tifully-rolled pure Hava na. and holding it up, "he said: ‘I left 15,000 of them on board the Viscaya.’” « He paused a second to allow hi Suditora to fully appreciate the fact, and then continued: “I am the last person in the world to depreciate the biave American seaman animated by pure heroism but if we had known the se cigars were on board, the efforts to save the Viscaya would have bee® posi tively heroic.” ARTILLERY FOR GEN. LEE- Several Batteries Have Been Oruered t* Savannah. Washington, Nov, 14. With a view to their aubeequeut transfer to duty ir Cuba, the following named troops, now on their way f.ona Porto Rico, have been order ed to go into camp at Savannah: Batteries C and F of the third ar tillery, Bof the fourth artillery and D of the fifth artillery, Troop B e of t the second cavalry, and Troop H. of the sixth cavalry. The second artillery, with the sxcaption of the light batteri’s Giow at Huntsville, has been or dered to Savannah and attached to Gau . Lee ’a corps. Nearly all of this regiment is now stationed in different portions of the Nor’h western statas. SON’S RETURN KILIED HER Soldier Gave His Mother a Sur . prise. Lansing, Mich,, Nov 14. Pri vate Robert Thorburn, of Com pany F, Thirty-first Michigan Volunteers came home today on a furlough unanounced thinking to give his mother a ha| py surprise The doorbell was answered by her in person. She was so overcome at seeing him that she sank to the floor and in a moment was dead. pupils going blind. Fifty Thousand in Brooklyn Who Need Glasses. New York, Nov. 14. Mies Jes sie H. Bancroft, directress of phy sical culture in the Broeklyn pub lic schools, has been sleeted treas urer of a fund which is to be raised by the Brooklyn Teachers’ Asso ciation to purchase eye glasses for school children whose parents can not afford tu buy them. About 50,400 Brooklyn children need glasses. Annual •■!■■ ever9,ooo,ooo Box«e COB BILIOUS AND NEBVOUB DISOBBEBS «ueh as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Olddincaa. Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushnure of Heat. I.«ss ot Appetite. Costivenoss. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chilia, Dis turbed Sleap. FriKhtful Dreams and al! Nervous and Trembling Sensations THE FIRST DOBE WILL GIVE RELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffere, #lll acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. ■ KF.A'HAWa PII.VB. taken as direct ed will Quickly r-s’ore Females to com plete • health. They promptly remove obatrucUonsor irregularities of the sys tem »n<l c " rf Weadacbe. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE but Fat ent Metlcine In the World, BSc. all Drvg Stores, LOO HAPPLNIhGS. New Candy Dainties. Wai nut and Pecan Crisp, large boxes 10c, Peanut and Cocoanut Brittle 10c, pure Milk Kisses 5c box (the new delight,) Fairy Midget Stick, pure as crystal, light as a feather, 15c lb. A(so faeoy gift packages in latest styles and flavors, at Lloyd & II arper’s. ’ Superior Court—His Honor, Judge W. M. Henry, convened the adjourned term of Floyd Superior court this morning. The trial juries were empaneled and the first case put ou trial was the St. Louis Coffin Co. vs., Richards & Lanadell. Mr. Henry Walker represents the Coflin Co , and Judge George Harris the defense . The case is on trial this afternoon. To Memphis and Retubn.— On account of the National Quar antine Convention, Memphis, Teno., Nov. 17—19th, 1198, the Southam Railway will sell tick ets at the rate of one fare, or $lO.lO for the round trip Tick ets on sale Nov. 15th and 16tb with final limit returning 21st. J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. Rec< rlbr’s Court.—Recor der M. B. Eubanks hel i a very interesting Monday morning matinee this forenoon. He fined Gus McCurry, of Darktown, lie for getting drunk and firing a double barreled shot gun around permiscously on the streets in the First ward. McCurry was vory “npstreperous” whin ar rested and officer Logan had to whale him a few before he could be subdued. The other cases were 2 fancy drunks at $5 each, and 4 plain drunks at $3 each . Important Committee.—The traffic managers of the South-' eru, the N. C. & St. L. and the C. R. S. roads have appoidted Messrs. J. J. Seay, J. H. Cald well and C. S. Pruden respect ively, to represent the roads in terested and these gentlemen will meet at noon each day, name an export rate for the ensuing 24 hours and also ap portion to the three roads the amount of cotton each is to freight from the days’ receipts. Mr. George Wright has been named as secretary of the com mittee. Enjoyable Affair —T h * mission meeting at the Third Baptist, yesterday afternoon was largely attended, the house be ing taxed to its utmost capacity to hold the audience. The reci tations by the young people were well rendered. Hon. W. J. Neel made a ringing address, while Pastor Pullin gave these present a»most fatherly talk. The musie was one of the principal features. Miss Della Allen pre siding at the organ, with Judge John P. Davis and Miss Cora Powell playing vielins. The col lection netted a neat sum for missions. L "J! Wil 1 T" SNEEZED SELF TO DEATH A Doctor Expires In His Yount Wife’* Arms. Parkersburg, W. Va., Nov. 14 —Dr. W. F. Tuffts died this after noon from shock and exhaustion, caused by a paroxysm of sneezing Four doc’ore d d every’bing that science could suggest to atop the sneezisg. Dr. Tufft* had been nor mat in every way til! the sneizing ■ pasM cam**, bat he could Lot con trol himaelf, and aft**r half an beur of ince-eent exertion, died in bis wife’s arme. He was married recently. IN MEMORY Or HE LOES Monument To The Dead Os The First Illin is Dedicated. Chicago, Nov, 14.—The menu* ■ent to the Saatiago d I ...» —— . «« . •> . •—-* » - - •- - —•- SECRiiMI OF S t ATE Recovers Perfect Health by Use of Paine’s Celery Compound. Olli . JB wo <»rn • & W> w : ' ? -w MJr When unsolicited testimonials are constantly recievod from men of such prominence as the distinguished citizen whose por trait is here printed—when among the thousands of letters received by the proprietors of Paine’z celery compound there are to be found in almost every mail some from men and women oF national reputation, it is ea sily understood why this reme dy which makes people well has proveu its remarkable efficacy among all classes of people. No other remedy has the hearty approval of a like body of educated men and women and professional men, nor has there •ver been a remedy that w r as welcomed in so many intelligent prudent homes, where pains is taken to get only the best in so vital a matter. In such familiea all over the country Paine’s cel ery compound is the first and only remedy used. Prof. Phelps had studied the nerves |iu health and diseas, when well nourished and when under-nourished, in men and women ard children years be fore he looked fortlie remedy Paine’s ce’ery compeund is the outcome of his entire profes sional life. It is the one remedy that the world eould not lose to day at any price. Paine’s colery compeund in. duces the body to tike on solid flesh. Ist Illinois Vols. was djclicated at the regimental armory today with impreesive ceremonies. The shaft is of pure marble and on its black base bears the inscrip'ion: “In memory of the members of the Ist Infantry, 11l nois volunteers, who died in the Spanish-American war in 18®8.” It also bears a Kat of the names of the dead, * THREE HUSBANDS One Os Tmem ( hargs His Wife Wita Ha vino. r Louiavill, Ky., Nov. 14 He nry. Webmhoff, the well-known sport ing naan, who wbs recently sued for divorce by hie wife has fi'ed a co inter claim in which he makes some sensational allegations, says that when he married his wife sht had a husband living, and was not divorced, of w hich he va as ignorant. He also charges that his wife, in 1898, crossed over to J-ft’erionvil’t In J., with a man nam?d StinAOo and was married. He denies her obargee. The ablest physician? univsr sally prescribe Paine’s celery compound where there is great need of a vigorous and prompt restoring of health and strength to the wornout system. Paine’s celery compound brings about at once a healthy appetite, complete digestion, regular action of the bowels Its use makes short work of disease. It rapidly drives out neuralgia, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and rheumatism from the system. It removes that lassitude or “tired feeling,” which betokens weak nerves and poor blood. Writing from the executive department in the state capital at Topeka on February 1 last, Secretary of State W. E. Bush said briefly: “I have used Paine’s celery compound and have found it to be as Very great benefit to me.” And not only men, but more particularly the gentler sex have found this great remedy a bles sing to them. WomeS working in close offices, saleswomen tir ed out and nerveus from long hours' standing on their feet and waiting on ijnpatient, irri tating customers ; overworked, worried and disheartened men and women everywhere will be astonished to find how much happier life becomee when their nerves have been strengthened and their blood purified by means of this great remedy. SPAIN’S G3EATESTNEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, 8. C. Weak nerves had cans ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life ink every muscle, nerve mid orga*. of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Cuny Ar ring on, druggists. ANY PERSON •fishing to know the truth in regard to their health should not fail to rand for a valuable ud new M-pnge Booklet which will be eeat PBBB for a short time to thoee who mention this paper. This book is published by the celebrated phyai oians and specialists Dr. Hathaway a: d Co. of S Broad St Atlanta. Ga.. when. )bt fbeaJS Write tv-rtala-.