The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 14, 1898, Image 8

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THEY SKEDADDLE * -J Wilmiagton Democrats Catice In’Exoflils IF NOTORIOUS -CITIZENS Whit* And < Black Scailawags Run Out. i • Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 12. Geod government was put to a te«t last light and th* new ufi oial w*r* called upon alm*st be* for* th*y had taken their seats to make geod their promise* to pre •*rve order. A big lynehing party was plau »*d for th* night, and it required all that the mayor and hie asso ciates could do to prevent it. There w*re six negro** in jail who had bean arrested during the excite ment of th* day whom »ome of th* people *t th* town thought should b* summarily dispatched. One was a prominent leader— Thoma* Miller-—who was charged with declaring he would wash his hands in a white man's blood be fore night. Another w: sA. B. Bryant, who wa* charged with b*ing a dangereu* character. 1 he other were mere or lets prom inent negroes who had L**n under the baa -of th* whites fcr conduct •alculated to incite .trouble. May or \\ add*ll and hie associates put » veto on th* proposed lynching. They said that good government Wa* to prevail in Wilmington from this time and would commence immediately. The would-be lynch ers were so insistent that the may or called out r. guard and kept the j»il surrounded all night. i 9*piads of men are out searching ■for the asost notorious characters, theyill b« d*ported as they found. night the white republican ' ! f MR- EDNEJDN COMES TD ROME 1 *) W« hare much joy in announcing to our frieada, in and out wav from Broad street. / ( J .' f o£ Rome, the coming of Mrs 1 L. Comdoa, of Atlanta. , Mrs. Condon is assisted in her studio by f | . A] In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- i Mr R. G. Hubner, one of the leading you;* photographers o session. She is today the h’ghest exponent wf advanced photogra- ... Bultmore. A visit to this new and andto Stu dio wi pb y _lC,...lie,l by but f.w. if .ny and excelled b 7 „o„.i U .ntb. | | prove a moat delightful event and will J ’mi than repay youffSA’ *lj H.r .tudio in Rome will be in th. elegantly appointed apart- '{’ 11 ° re « »®‘ • better appoinled gallery^' 1 , $ South-Nor has f j * ments en the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- | Mrs. Condon a peer. Ca 1 and see.J(v w . l)t , r J * t U W NOW AS TO BASS ''SK We are now in eur new store. We lost a month before getting into it. We are determined to make it back. Ou prices will do it. Moody & Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlant <, failed--sneriff sold their immense stock out in cash lots. We were the only Rome merchants at the sale. We bought ar a trifle. We’ll turn the bargains over to our cus tomers- We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and bilks in the latest imported Novelties, and a. great as sortment of Laces, bmbroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the special bargains: Tow cases Ladies’ Fast Black Hose • 2« Two'bales yard wide Drilling, w jfh Be, at 5 Three eases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hose 5e Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-1 Two cases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c Ten rtles A A A Sheet ng, yard wide 34 Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10c Vy7 Three cases yard wide Percales, Fall styles 4Ac Three eases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c Two bales good quality Matress Ticking at ' 4| Two cases Men’s box 3c oYv Two cases Fall outing, the 8e quality at 5c One ease Men’s Seamless Sox ®e One full case of remnant White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8 Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15c /fl Two cases of good Bonnet and Dress Gihgliams at 3 3-4e One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchiefs; one case Men’s MK) fool 2,000 Men’s all pure Linen Collars, five for 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c 800 Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of then worth One case Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts 25e $1.50, your choice for jy c Are you in need of a s uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh, apa i Pants, a Coat and Vest? Do you want a Hat? We’ll save you from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases- Good Jean ants 35c; Men’6 Styiish Capped Coin Toe Shoes, 75C; Ladies’ India, Button, Foxed Vamo, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $ I .GO Shoes are the best in America. For Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnets, go to our Millinery Departnaaut. Do aot buy anywhere else if you care to save y. We repeat that we lost a month ©» aeceunt of building our store, and that we are going to make it up. We have a world of goods which we bought at half prices we can afford to let them go at half prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve knoc ad the bottom ent of prices to get it. piices are as low as 4-cent cottoe. Caine to see us at our new store. EASS BIROS &> CO 'deputy sheriff, G. Z. French, left i the city He was followed to the I train and narrowly escaped vio- I l*«ce. A party of men went into the car, determined to take him out. The arrival of Fred Stedman, who i* one of the most conserva tive and cool-headed men in town, whil* at the same time being a Header in the movement for whit* i supremacy frustrated the attempt. H* wa* joined by *ther citizens and they prssuaded the crowd to det French go. French was prom inent in republican politics, and has been charged witk organizing the negroes. Several white men of this com munity who have becorn* obnoxi ous frcm their leadership of and association with negro politics are also to be deported. Notice was s*rved on three of thtm this morning to leave within twelve hour*. They are ex Chief of Po lice Melton. Chari** Gilbert and F. H. Bunting. Ou Markat street two pictures ar* displayed from a branch of a tree, On* is labeled “F. H. Bunting. Whit ths other i* a picture is a negro wo man, and is mark*d “Mr*. F, H’ Bunting. Colored.” The Ihre* men have signified their to gJ- —— - —VI - - - - - Spain's Appeal to Powers*. L*ndon, Nov. 14.—A dispatch from Madrid, byway of Biarritz, Franc*, says that Premier Sagasta is anxiously awaiting the results of the J*’.nt Peace Commissisn in Paris, In th* ex ent of a rupture, it is his intention to address a memo randum to the Powers. Senor Mon tero Rios, President ot the Spanish Commission, the dispatch says, is desirous ot speedily finishing his woik in Paris and returning tc Madrid. crettf you wh >thcr ycj cuntioue tn* ■ ’erwc-killing tuoacc j habit. NO-TO-b A<\< X|«BV I moves thp desire tor tot aeuo, <ut n< rventfthstre»fc ex t»cu iik 1 B R flUmz* hne. pynfie* the bl oj 3 k r • itore? lost rnanbood. B'A 1 ’ •nd id ,* uook. r n4> 1 O-KAC fr< *• g j your own druggist « J* Ijl S#*’’'?.?* 11 v °ueh forus. Takejtwii Wkw BL **• -n.pao- t.tly. I i-iinn ■ 11- Ou. 301 usually cures; 3 boxes, V.’bC f7‘tltocur ‘ • or We r ' funtl ninnir »l*ru4j< B dy €» - > Chicago, Woa.ire«2« h’tw F# RANK MUTINY Among Spaaish Soldiers in Havana. IN DESPERATE CONDITION There Was Also an Uprising Among The Police. ; Havana, November 12.—The fourth Battalion, Mobilizadode la Habana, mutinied Tuesday, refusing to accept payment of i one month’s salary and a prom issory for the remainder. They demanded all cash. They took possession of the blockhouses at Cienaga, in the outskirts and i challenged the troops to come and fight them. Gen. Arolas, military commander of Havana, went to Cienaga with one bat talion of regular and the muti neers surrendered. Arolas ar rested the captain es the men, Fernandez Marina. A grave uprising of the mili tary police occurred ’ Sunday. They refused topatro 1 the street* and seized their barracks. The trouble wa* not stooped until they received the money due them. The civil guards also re volted, and had to be paid one month’s salary. lhe regular troops also show great discontent, and an upris ing on their part may come at any time. . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE I DAY Take Laxativ* Bromo Quinine 1 ablefs tAJI druggists refund Uvis, cost*, fails to cure. 25c. Co. Ga. "<* OV S trg r 7lh day » on Mrs. A. H. Ci W.f A.R.R ■ THE WEST. TG ARKANSAS I _j& TEXAS. JJ Schedule in Effect Oct. 4th, 181.'3. " ~i i 1 ' ’ northbound. No. 2 I No. 4 No 70 ; N 0.72 ; Lt Atkinta . 8 Hum; üßopn’ 4 .X.-pru sSvmu I Ar MtV'mtta.. 905 am! 9 18pm! 640 pm 6 85pu “ Rome 11 'Zf.ahnj 17 45pm ■ Dalton. 11 41am*U 41 pin “ nooga 1 <opm 101a in 035 pm “ Nashville 655 pm (P4oani " Memphix .. 730 am: 4 90pm Ev Nauhville 7 SoJwn 780 ami./ .. I Ar St 1,0iiie...1 7'JU»m ,7ftgpnH | Lt Aasnvu.e, 4Opm| i imuii Ar Chicago., i 1108 am! R33pm I/vYfashville .[ 7 SOpmi, 7 liian: ... .• 77.7. / Ar Louisville .1 2 3i>am|l2 25pm “ Cincinnati.! 7 Usami 4 05pm ...... Tram No. 2carries Pullman Sleeper between Jaekxoaville. Fla.. Atlanta and Nashville, son ne-ting with vestibule train for Chiosgo. Train No. 4 carries, Pullman Sleeper Angneti and Atlanta to Nashville and St. Louie through without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta tc ' Chattanooga, passengers remain in ear until 1 T o’clock a. m. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta t« I Knoxville via A. K. & N. Ry. ’Lain No. 70 connects at Boyce with Q. 4 C. ’ for Cincinnati. This train curries through eoaeh Atlanta s o Rome. To the South and East. SOUTHBOUND. No. 1 | No. 3 N 0.91 j N 0.78 Ev Nashville l 9 10am ; 10 iQpni ’ “ Chat’noogn 256 pm 3 20am 5 56am Dalton 4 11pm! 4 2cam 7 Ham •• Rome 4 25pm 7 45atn “ Marietta . 6 45pm 6 45ain: 9 45am T 06am Ar Atlanta 710 pm 7 30aui110 35am 8 00am Ev Atlanta . I 7 50pm| 760 am 4Kjim Ar Macon.. 11l 13pm 11 10am 720 pm “ Tifton. . 2 50am| 306 pm •' Jaek'viville. 8 45am|10 25pm . Ev Atlanta ... < eOpmi 7 obaiiv 4 odpml Ar Macon . . IHUpm 11 10am! f 2Upm “ AlbarA i ~. 827 pm 11 06pm •• Thm nville 6 30pm •• Bavannah. 6 00am 6 00pm ...... Ev Atlanta . ill3spjp; 750 am 3 10pmI .' Ar Augusta.. J 5 I.sam 120 pm 8 25pm Ar Charleston llOuam 3 00pm i “ Columbia Jib 55am! 10 lOpni] | !, Ev Atlanta . 1 T.iOuni 12 00tu |l2-00m ........ . Ar Athens .. 'lo2lj;in 2 16pm 216 pm | “ Jtichuiond. lojunj 7 If.amt 715 am ' . " Waah'gton 10.10 pm 11 31am 11 31am i . " New York .1 65 am 5 2.i|>m 5 ftpin • ■ 'j' Train No. 1 earrios Pullman Sleeper Nash- ‘ Ville, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackeon- ' Ville. Fla. 1 ( Tiain No. 3etyriesPullman Sleeper St. Louij [ to Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper ! Chattanooga to Atlanta open fur passenger! 1 Chattanooga 9 p. m. Pullman Sleeper ‘ Knoxville to Atlanta via A. K. & N. Ry. For j I furthw information write to ) J H. V SMITH. C. E. HARMAN, | 1 Traft’,- Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. | ( itil ■ liy arv UK.-SU* I ~ A ma <r neuretu’ d bares, irown* ifr -’t Bitu-rs- Rebuilds um ( ( ystem, aid •_ -“mo- -s exeev nt lA’r. -» -euilUK, j , SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Nehedale In kffect Joly *. 181 m. st a rib ns. _ | No.'ic NbHl4 1 No. i Lv Chattanooga 430 am! 7 3,pin H>. 10pm Ar Dalton l.jiam, ft. 42. m 12.10 am Ar Rome ~... S.Uoaui 9.40 pm UUtn Ar Atlanta il.4Oarn lt.snpm 5 Oram Lv Atlanta A2O®tpl1 1 s.aka ir Macon '. 7.lopn* 2 ‘16.,m B.2uam j Vr ’ Ar Everett i 7.25amj Ar Jacksonville I 9 40nml 9.25 pm j l.v Jesup "!fB 6tam 6.56 pm , ir Jacksonville ...^l. Minin Kilftp n Lv E/eretl / . , 7.3.aunl i.jupm Ar Brunswick | B,3oiunj 4.30»in No. lo- carries Puhtnun Sleeping Car Chat- ‘ l«in.oga Lo Atlanta. I No. 14 carries PuHu an Shaping Oar and Day CouchesCna la usiga « Jacksonville and A»- [ lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 carries i'ullnia* l Sleeping Car Chatla- | auogu to Atlanta. L aTAricNs.~ ~No 13 \* o . 9 N‘ o 7* Cv Atlanta 4 30*m 4 00pm 7.s(iarn Ar Rome 6.30 um 6.topm 10.20 am Ar Dalton 7 tlVatn 734 pm 1 L3oam Ar Chattanooga A4oam| » at/ptr. l.OOpin Lv Cnatcanooga XRiain 9 iitpm ! Ar Burgin 4.29 pm: i I Ar Lexington 3 lOj m; 4 50am ...1... I Ar Louisville. 7 sO])iii 7.« lam Ar Cincinnati 7.30 pm 7.. . Lv7%atcanooga ... ’l.&pm: t.lsam i 25pm Ar Nunb ville ■ | 4.5&pm A-glam 6.56 pm Ne. IS oarrie. Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta toCnattano ‘im and Ckititwnooga to Cincinnati. No 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlunta o Cincinnati and Chaitauac*ga 10 Louisville. BTATIONA. No. A j No. 12 1 No. 14 Cv Chattanooga .. 8 10am 4 ItKim 10. JOpm l Ar Knoxville 11 65ain ft.o.iam t.loam • Ar Morristown. I.!3pm ! 9.soum' 2 25nm Ar Hot Springs 3 | tpni 11.46 am •A.OOum I ‘5 r Aohevilla , 4.S'pm l.lhpnil 5.10;:® ' Ar Salisbury MOpm' 9.80 am Ar t'reenshoro 1 9.f,?i,m 12. j O . m Arhub'lg’h 1 |.4v»m, 8.23. m Ar Norfolk .... I 7.50uhi1 Ar V.'a hinzton..'..-. .C:.| I 6 WamiTiffipm \ r 2 s ew_' ork. •• ■■ J12.4-lpni' 0.28 u m No 12 carries Pullman Drawing Ko ,m Sleep- ' Ing Car ChattundOga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Iticti •nond 640 a m also Pullman Sleepgig Car lieensboro to Norfolk No. 16 Is solid train ChatVanon.-a to Salis- Ourv, with Pullman Sleepiu,' c kl Chat lanooL-a tai Salisbury and Salisbury tn Nou York with >ul oliungc. ~ 6 I'A I~,NM. No. T Cv Chattanooga ■ s.ooiJm 8.40 am Ar K'lovviUe M pln I |'.r,-. ;ira Ar Moir.stuwn ;. 15am l.2tpm . 7.0.1arn 8.5.5 pm Ar Washington : 7.40 i1m ■ .'l.2opm No. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga t i Wasnlngt ,n and Chaitun oga to New A'o.-k without change. S-,. 4 e.ariVes Pullmai, Sleeping Car Knox ville to Bri tol. s-i ATt NS? ~~ " Jfo7lF Q V o ™*: ' FiOam Aft- Aunmton 11.81 am Ar Birmingham lO.OOprn Ar Meridian 7 Utipm Ar New Orleans __ lUKOam A.r Vlcksbnrg Ar Shreveport. 7.2<’pm Is ji N ‘2-JJ __ ILNo. 10 2.uUpm 4.50 pm LMome 8.50am'8.35am A43pmi O.bipm Ar (lad-deo. ar AOOam 6 S iam AuOpm| 7. IQpmlAr Attalla., Ivl A46am. A>aui ♦ Dally exoept Sunday. | Sunday only?' F. S. GANNON. Idv.e. * O M .Waahlßgtea, D.a J. M. CULP. Traf. Mgr.. Washington D. Q W A TURK. G P Ao Washington, D ft 3 A. BENSOOT3H, g a.>. a-.OKattaaoeouTeaa Fancyj new seeded Raisins Currants and Citron at Lloyd & • Harper’s Prices to sell ryiick u o a n n „J PkTSCS'eroo OEPT. young and old; We none of us live so careful ly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicine to put us right. It’s a comfort to know where you can get them pure at proper prices. We are not modest about the,e points —w* can give you whhtyou want in patent medicines, druggistet sundries, toilet articles and ec’. Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch & Co., 300 Broad street. Starki, The Tailor—Mr. S. M. Stiuke the popular tailor i* now open for orders and ready for business in hie new business horn* next door to Wooten’s drug etor* in the Clark building. Mr. Stark* Las a splendid line of new season and invites you to cull and see him and them. Beware of Imitations JCHN SUMCA*><I WMir »**