The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 15, 1898, Image 4

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jIEIIUSTLER-GOMMIAi H- I F.HUST LEROFR C /V fc I Established, 1890. '■WE ROME COMMERCIAL t ■ ij Established. 1895. every evening, exri pt Satuiilay. A Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, FDITOK AND MANAGER. ML _ i. ■ ■ Sagasta seems to be pining fflmr help to turn loose. | Manilla should be garrisoned I pith white North Carolinians. U .1' 1 Let’s get down to work and locate another cotton mill this Sall. Its the candidate who itches nost for othce who hates worst ■o be scratched. Islands or no islands, Spain proposes to continue in the bull lighting business, | It is said to have tickled Joe |l>eiter to see Mr. Armour Squeezed in short ribs. I This fall has taught the fourj fejcent cotton men to appreciate a I’pretty day when they get it. If we have and hold the Phil lippines, why should we pay Spain for what she hasn’t got? I ' ...i —— J In Western towns in order to’ • get th* children to make home j connections, the curfew’ ring oft 1 I is rung on. » New York pie-hunters think /an endorsement from Gen. Joe Wheeler will go a long ways Roosevelt. f \ -W- r- A’ republicans majority in e ’v York has been cut down 1 from 212,000 to 18,000. This is a remarkable shrinkage. j There is another'demand for th* mill* to come to the cotton. It is voiced in the recent strikes and lockouts at Fall River. The Constitution properly says that when the state has to borrow money to pay appropria tions it is time to call a halt. W JA * Teddy needed a war record in his business—and w’ent and made it. As to its quality see Gov. Black or Judge VanWyck . Spain does her sham battles act on the ocean. If you%ant to see the Spaniard at his best, behold him slaying his betters in the bullring. iMte •••*. ... , Cc j Napoleon, at cZy'f■ <r i St. Helena, il said to Antono -Sb tt» o marc hi, his i t •-■ physician, “Be- / ■C7— l —l_ i Er - ?!—,' lieve me, we J. , had better i— leave off all XZi "Zs ~these remedies; life' s a fortress jV K- which neither ''l ‘ you nor 1 know ~' anything about. Why throw obstacles in the way of its de fence? Its own means are superior to all the apparatus of your laboratories. Medi cine is a collection of uncertain prescrip tions, the results of which, taken collect ively, have been harmful to mankind. Water, air and cleanliness are my chief medicines.” At the time when Napoleon said this he was largely right. Physicians in those days dealt out obnoxious and drastic drugs that did violence to every fiber in the body. Since that date medical science has made wonderful strides. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine composed of native medicinal roots that do no vio lence to nature. Its action is gentle and natural. It simply promotes the natural processes of s< cretion and restores the lost appetite, cortwts all dis orders of the digestion, makes the assimi lation of the food perfect, invigorates the liver, purifies and enriches the blood, builds new and healthy flesh tissue, tones the nerves and gives sweet and refreshing sleep. It is the great blood maker and flesh-builder. It cures 98 per cent, of all cases of all diseases of the air passages that lead up to consumption. It is a wonderful medicine for all diseases due to insufficient or improper nourishment of body or nerves. Do not deal with unscrupulous dealers who urge you to take worthless substitutes for the sake of a few pennies added profit. . h“ve been using Dr. Pierces Golden Med ical Discovery and ' Pleasant Pellets ’ for the past three years and they have saved mv life.” Thus writes Mrs. Sophia Frazer, of Oakdale. Rockbridge Co., Va ' I now keep the Pellets ’ in my house all the time and use them every time I feel the need of a laxative I am fiftv- . y ea rs old and was troubled with liver cont wel'l ■■ Untl ' 1 USed your "’edicine. Now I am Every sick man or woman should send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr R V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y., to pay the cost of mailing for a free copy of Dr. Pierce’s great (Biooo page Common Sense Medical Adviser; 3> stamps for a heavy cloth-bound copy. RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROVAL BAKING POWOCR CO., NEW YORK. Talk about depreciation in prices ; here is a chance for the calamity howler. Ormonde, “the horse of the century,” was bought for sl’o,ooo by W. B. McDonough from the Duke of Westminister a few years ago, and now he is about to sell him back to his farmer owner for a meat ley s’>o,ooo. - - —— Farmers in this section are sowing wheat —about as usual, thank yoq. Next-spring they will rack up to the supply men and ask how many acres of cut ton they must plant to the plow, and then they will go right home and plant for another 12,- 000,000 bale crop. An eminent astronomer says that for communication with the inhabitantt *>f Mars we should require a Has as large as Ireland and a pole 500 miles long. The republicans might utilize the Philippines, though they need a longer poll than they erected last week. The full name of the Empress Dowager of China is Tzu-hsi tuan-yu kang-i-shao-yu chaung cheug-shou-keng-clnn-bysten- chang-si. What * lovely sausage it would make festooning a butcher’s meatery arch, hanging in tempting links above the scale*. - *- » " ■ ■ ——■ There is a report in the Lon don press that the King of to- abdicate in favor of Crown Prine* Constantine. And a far-away look comes into the eyes of the Prince of Wales as he turns from his morning paper and rolls a cigarette. :o_— n _ In one sense the Democrats are fortunate as a result of the elections. They have failed to capture the House of Represen tatives, and control of that body for the two years prior to and pending a presidential campaign is usually a handicap. i war All the girls in his native town kissed the returning lowa boy who was.on the Merrimac widi Hobson at Santiago. But a U . S. bluejacket who can sink a collier has no dread of the fast est smacks ever launched from woman’s ways. Bernhardt is going to India to shoot tigers by day and play Sardou by night. That will be almost as much fun as being a member of th* Georgia legis'a tur*, and shooting craps by day and bucking the tiger by the electric. Tesla is now regaling the re porters with accounts of a won derful electric invention by which all war can be prevented. It is about time that Tesla should stop telling what he is going to do long enough to do something, - —— , Pennsylvania is already in a fairway to suffer the penalty of an increased republican majori ty. Matthew Stanley Quay an nounces his intention of being a candidate for re-election to the United States senate. A PAYING NIVESTMENT. Capt. Chadwick of the cruiser New York contributes to the November Scribner’s a paper in l which lie declares that the quickly achieved destruction of Cervera’s fleet was largely due to the frequent bombardments in which the vessel? of Admiral I Sampson’s fle*t had participated l According to this authority the costly bombardments of the Ma tanzas, San Juan and Santiago forts were an effective fire dis cipline for the crews of our North Atlantic squadron. During engagements the men became accustomed to be ing often under fire. They learn ed how to economize ammuni tion and to handle their guns with carefulness and delibera tion. As a conseqenee they went through what might have been called an everyday experience when Cervera’s fleet appeared, j and, with astonishing ease and ; completeness, crushed an enemy that had not fired a shot for months. There can be little doubt, as Capt. Chadwick says, that the encounters of our men-o’-war’s men with Spanish batteries had ! some effect in familiarizing Sampson’s gunners with the feel of actual battle. It may have contributed some what to the steadiness and accu racy of their aim, but it is hard ly to be admitted that this ex perience was of such importance that without it the result of American gunnery upon the Spanish fleet would have been’ radically different or less effect- ? ive than it proved to. In support of this it may be recalled that the marksmanship j of Dewey’s gunners at Manila! was equally accurate and effect ive; and Dewey’s fleet had pass ed through no battle with shore batteries. The ability to shoot straight which iias made the gunners of the American navy the wonder and the dread of other nations is due mainly to the incessant tar get practice in which they were enabled to indulge for some years before the war broke out and which provided for an an ■ nual expenditure by the navy department of from $7,000,000 to $8,000,000 —one of the most i satisfactory and paying invest s ments ever made by any branch > of the Federal government. Having voted for the Repub [ lican candidates, that Ohio regi t «ient can go on back to Porto Rico and stay there till then*xt election. 5 1 t It looks as if Rudyard Kip ? ling’s bear warning has made J. t Bull determine to but the Czar’s i disarmament proposition off the . bridge. 1 'J. J ■ Tesla claims to have discover ed the means of wireless teleg i raphy—but no inventive genius has yet unearthed a wireless politician. Events in North Carolina ought to convince all doubting Americans that we can handle the Filipinos without the slight est trouble. Sam Jones recently intimated that he had Old Nick for an ad vance agent. He said he finds that the devil is just before him in every city. ”” L> ' On Thanksgiving Day this nation will show the world what a race of sculptors we are— ‘ even on so fowl a subject as a greasy turkey. The best way to avoid sick k ness is to keep yourself healthy by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processor known to the California Fig Srm>e Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As thr genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of tlait fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig (Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction ■which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and , bowels without irritating or weaken ing •them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial ■effects, please remember the name of "the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. lOUIBVII.I F ' ’'O'.W VOHR. Jf. V Roosevflt is the Yankee Kai ser—and the selfrespecting peo ple of this nation wish he and the German “war lord” were both in Jericho. _ Minnesota has elacted a Dem ocratic governor for the apparent purpose of killing him by soli tary confinement. Every other official elected on the state tick let is a Republican. j -2J-2-LS.~Jtt.JL- . Gov. Candler’s positive an- I iiouuct ment that he would not nnake any more civil appoint y ments for th§ next 30 days has I caused something lik« h «tir in I political circles Amt. ricus Her ald. If it is true that France has decided to crawfish out of the Fashoda affair her press will have still more time to abpse i the United States and officially urge Spain to resist our de jnands. Now that Chauncey “Peach” Depew has formally announced his candidacy for th* United States senate, New York lepub licans may be safe y described as being sure of the fruits of victory. The troubles of the army have been chiefly due to jimcrow reg imental and company officers, small bore surgeons and chap lains with empty headsand hair trigger tongues. Memphis Scimeter. FACTS WORTH KNOWIN® Bolivia has abolished the match monopoly. The eggs of the silkworm are about the size of musterd seeds. Almost all the camphor used by the world comes from Japan and Formosa. The preparation of human hair for the manket gives em ployment to 7,000 Parisians. Sixty thousand elephants are annually slaughtered in Africa for the sale of their ivory. The total value of the mineral output in the Dominion of Can ada for 1897 was $28,000,000. The Vermont house has reject ed a bill to grant suffrage in municipal affairs to taxpaying women. A Paris dispatch says that there has been quite an epidemic of juvenile suicides of late in that city. Keys of bronze and iron have been found in Greece and Italy dating from at least the seventh century before (Christ. Mor® th in 1,000 deer, 600 muoje, 500 caribou, 600 bears and nearly 1,000 wildcats were slain by legal methods in Maine last year. In apite of the «trictest pre cautians the South African dia mond companies lose ever $2,- 000,000 a year by the theft of jew*ls.. The only artisan buried in Westminister Abbey is Georg* Graham, the instrument-maxer, who invented an improved clock work in the y*ar 1700. Oh yes, the cotton planter is a son o f freedom, No one, not even the supply man, dictates to him how many acres to plant to the plow. When he plants for a 12,000,000 bale 4 cent crop, he does it for the charitable purpose of enriching the wealthy and clothing the poor. The Southern cotton planter is a philanthropist—that’s what he is. Experience is nothing to him. Rufus K. Polk, a native of Maury county, but who became a naturalized citizen of Pennsyl vania by marrying one of her belles and becoming manager of a large iron industry in that state was elected to congress last Tuesday is a Democrat An. other evidence that good blood will tell. —Chattanooga News. Lady Henry Somerset, who has been in poor health, has been living almost in retirement in England for some time. She has occupied her leisure in mod eling a statue of* her late friend and co-operator in the temper ance cause, Miss Francis Wil lard. The Prison Commission has acted wisely in Iscation the State’s central penitentiary farm near the state’s asylum for luna tics. The surplus of the farm can De utilized -in feeding the asplum inmates and save the tax payers many a dollar. If the Filipinos have taken the Island of Negros, as asserted in a London dispatch, our Com missioners at Paris would ap pear to be dealing with the wrong party for the cession of thac particular member of the Phili i pine group. RECONED AS WITTY. “I suffered nearly all night from insomnia,’* said the drum na*p; ' “I’d bet you $2,” reared the country landlord, “that they ain’t one of ’em in my house.” —lndianapolis Journal, Parson Goodman—“ See here I Don’t you know where little boys go who play football on Sunday ?” Small Boy—' Yazz r ; d*y goes to 5 al*, when dey gets big ’nough.”—Puck. Wyseman—“l make jt a rule never to ask a gentleman to re turn money he has borrowed of me.” Pratt—“ Then how do you manage to g*t it?” Wyseman—“Oh, after I wait a reasonable time, if he fails to pay up, I conclude that he is not a gentlemen, and then I ask him.”—New Orleans Times Democrat. “Does your husband ever go to church, Mrs. Badger? ’ “Olf, yes, he goes quite regu larly in the wintertime.” “Why does he go in the win ter time and not at other times?” “Well, you see, he generally has the quinsy when the weather is raw, and thinks he is going to die.” HOW’S TIHS? We oiler One Hundred Dol lars Reward fqr any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cur*. F. J. Chkvky & Co., T*ledo, O. We, the undersigned, Imye known F. J. Chenev *for th* laet 15 years, and believe him t* b® financially able to carry out ally obligation made by their firm. West <fc Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan <fc Marvia Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.*. . Hall’s Catarrh Cure is take* internally, acung directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonial* sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are th* est b Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME GAS OO PROfESSIOHIL UADi ATTORNEYS. J. BR.ANHAM, Law Office 200, k su Firstreet.St, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD ' Ar torn ay ar Law, K< iw' Croporaion Law Onlyr ■W. J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice in all ocuru, Special attention given to commercial law and the examication cf laud titles, office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. £. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB <Sr .WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawy,-n>. Gffice tn Armstrong hotel buildr g, Rome, Ga* CV M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. officeKiug Building. Rome, Ga. W H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law. ,Will Practice in all court* Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. J SA.NTA. CRWF O <•» Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. CollecUoos * specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES v right. HARPER HAMILTON WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postoffice Buildiqg CHARLES E. DAVIS —ATTORNEY AT LAW - Collection a special -y. a Win practice in all courts. Masouic Temple Annex, Rgui«, Ga 'r_L' Ll J W 9» DENTISTS. TTXwills, d7d.T7 Office 24C 1-3 Broad. # Over Cantrell A *wet J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D S..M D. . ENTIBT' office, jus i-a Hroad street. Over Hanks Fu» niture Co. i . o. Hamilton, m d Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. 0.. re 'phone No. 93. > Li F. MAMMOM’O. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medic* building. Residence, No. West First »t ceJ’phoNo. 9 JTONSORAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, Tte 'Old Reliable.” operating the CMitjt hotel Harber Shop, Invites you tv give trial,and promises to do the rest; pnljrskiue* men employed on the chairs. HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Himself a skilled barber, employs only very best artists in his tonsoral studie, In Uttrry Building, opposite the Armstraeg. Het* you are made comfortable while your werfc !• being done. "* 111 1 i i PASTEUR FILTERS The enb G-erm Prcof Filter in the Makes water pure and clefir fc* sale by The Hanson Supply Co