The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 15, 1898, Image 5

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' loliii M Proctor * I 15 NOW 2 I r A |jg/%r»i/%<aEr» » I FOR '. J fc,JSJF©BBEg g ■olt BRANCH MUSIC HOUSE- * S p e solicits the influence and patronage cf the peo H] e of Ronis and tho BUrroUlldin ? nouotry. It will bo to ■cur inUre’t to call and get prices. ■Marvelous J ■bo Figures! * ■ > • ■ yji! be quoted on all PIANOS, ■dkgans, BICYCLFS, SEWING MA ■CHINES and other goods now includ .•■bathe big stock at No. 327, Broad ■streeN While this entire stock is to ■be closed out at reduced figures Mr, ■Procter is empowered to make the ■terms decidedly easy to all buyers. -$■ ■BICYCLES . <. »ny price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, win be sold regardless of cost. See cur who e 'Bat one o —it will pay you to take a look. I Sheet Music | ■ This stock will be closed out Bat 10 cents per copy. bKmh • B®X-X.X..X..X. .X.-X IlngraM i I LITHIA I I Wateß | ■ builds up the system, SI? ■ - M? g ror Sale at Soda Founts of:j \l? I CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. W ■ I-Crouch and Jervis&Wright. 1 J* HANSON. NORRIS^N.’.SMITH. S? THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. | Plumbing and Tinning. • ■ Engineers’ and machinists X : Su Pplies. StQves, rangesand v [ tinware. Gas and electric fix- tures. INSURANCE x gasofine • .stoves. Water meters. • 3 2 5 Broad st Phone 32. £ ©©© SOUTH CAROLINA Is Still Warm Ower Her Race Riots. I I TOL3ERT QUrS PARTY. —: Redhot Resolutions Passed by ’ Citizens. J I . I Columbus, S. C., Nov. I«. I'here has been m< re bloodshed in Greenwood county and along its borders, ib th-j sister county of Abbeville, but none of it can be laid to the door of the white m«n who wreaked summary vergence upon blrfcks last wrek. The two Tolberts, who are still in the penitentiary, had the case against them dismissed by the magistrate today, but are still here. A negro woman was shot through aud through and is suppposed to be mortally v cuLcled. The woman was in her own house, which stands near the point from which unknown paities fired upon Pri vate Miller, wounding him so se riously, on Tuesday last. The woman, Eliza Gode, was beside her invalid daughter and a child when three white men came along and begae to fire indiscrim- Giately through the walls of the house. It is suppos'd that they thought certain segro-*s they had been after were in the house. The woman and others saw the men, but do not know who they were. On Saturday last tin people held a mi.Bß meeting at Phoenix and adopted a series of resolutions, which are of particular interest. Today the citizens of the whole county are to hold a mass meeting at the courthouse in Greenwood 1 It has been called by State Sena tor Wallar. The object, it is sup posed, is to res’ore order through out the county. The Phoenix res olutions read as follows: Resolved, That we, the ci: of Phoenix and surrounding cuu.i j iry, in mass meeting assembled. 1 desire to express our deep regiet at the loss of life and b;oodshed that has recurred in this vicinity dur ing the past few d iys, aud to call attention to the fact that this sec tion has always been noted for the high moral character of its people, its peaceful, law-abiding disposi tion, and the friendly relatione that bavd heretofore existed be tween the races. • • Resolved, That the evidence of negro as well as white eye-witness es to Tuesday’s riot agrees that the first hostile attack was made by 1 Thomas Tolbert and certain ne- , groes, and that the first shot fired was the one that killed J. I. Eth ridge, and was fired by a negro. We regrst that deluded negroes have had to suffer the penalty for misdeeds committed as a result us the influences of white men, whose greed and selfishness has led them to act the part of enemies to both the white and colored people ot lour country. Resolved That we hereby ex press our firm conviction that the deplorable troubles through which we haye just passed are attribut able solely to the evil influences exerted by John R. Tolbert, R Rhett Tolbert, Joseph W. Tolbert. Thomas P, Tolbert and Robert H Henderson, and we believe their further residence in Greenwood county or its vicinity will tend to imperil the lives aud property of both the white aud colored peo ple, and we earnestly hope that they will choo'e to remove them selves and their evil influences elsewhere. Resolved. That a committ e of safety be appeiuud. who shall be aeked to suggest end put int®oper ation such measures as wdl Lest insure peace aud the protection of life and property, that we desiie to assure the colored citizens i f 1 this community that we will to 1 the Lest of our nbi ity protect them I so long as they are in lbw discharge of theirMu ties and in the *xercis« {WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS We have sold hundreds and hundreds ot the McCall Bazar Patterns since we have taken the agency, and upon inquiry of the ; salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern lias ever been returned as unaatis- | factory, and with hundreds ol I sales, not one word of criticism < has ever been heard against the ' McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies / { are delighted with the McCall <[ | Patterns, because reliable, and < because the prices a-e only 1(1 < and 15 cents each.—None High- A er. Lanham & Sons 245 Broad J; treet, B iss old stand. ■B- '■ - ' —r—r— —r— X of tbeir rights as peaceful and or- £ derly citiz-n< and that we con lernn all assaults if negro sby << white persons. Immediately following action on X the above resolutions, the follow- $ ing information was read from Elias Tolbert and accepted as such: « >< To the Citizens of Greenwood ?< County— Heretofore I have acted ?< as I have from a sense of high Christian duty, from pure consci eutious motives, not from a desire ~ for any office or the emoluments of office. I have tried to do my duty to my aountry as I knew it, my church and school. I have never shirked my duty as I saw it. I tried to do my duty as a fif'een jear-cld soldier boy in the Second South Carolina cavalry, company I. If there are any old soldiers present btlongit gto my old com mand, they can tastily to the fact that I was always found at the front. I find that in many things I made mistakes, that the two races cannot act together in the formation of a government and that the country should have white supremacy, that the Anglo S. xon sbou’d predominate, ai.d hereafter I intend to stand shoulder to slioul- , der with the white people to do all in my power to have a government that will protect every one alike, Uut let it be made by the white i»e< p’e. I solemnly promise to do all 111 my power and shall hea'rtily ?■ co-operate with them in doing 2 this. - E. L. TOLBERT’ LI.. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE \ The best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, 3a Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, ga Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, * and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Uu. ry Ar ungton Co. ? W SP ra * ' */ • IN THE DINING ROOM Every g nd ’man lik,s to see a good, solid lookin g. SIDEBOARD. It gives dignity to the room and besides it is the right, place for the pitcher of ice water. Decide how much you want to pay for this useful and orna mental article of furniture. We have them from $lO 00 to $30.00 The least expensive are well made of oak with 14x24 mirrors. Serviceable and durable. Those of higher price are more ornate in di sign, some of quartered oak hand carvid, with-shap d bevel ed French plate mirror. Inter esting to look at even if you don’t buy. Rm dy, Harvey <7 (J \, 337* Broad St. - I rriitritfifrf ■! POHC I «SfflDffl IB I I Wiwill Sdllnr j I Bosks wholesale I j PRICES! ! | FOR CASH. Second Hand ?| $ Books cheaper uhan the «| cheapest. Give me a call, 1 i H. A. SMITH. I || • THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STOEE. || I fit jt f 111 zt r ¥ ? 111 t n H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., S Successors to e tea Zg ROME PHARMACY. Th 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. r sea We have bought the entipe stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our JU. stock is complete and of the very highest grade. \7e solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- St gj* deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a times. We should be pleased to have you call on n Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles . Jp- IB such things as are usually carried in a first-class 1 • gK store. Cigars and tob a t co. Come to see us. 1 .■» .JI- 1 l._. . '»■ '■ S S. M Stark, 2 £3 ‘ 7 He • »S 3 UDlfiiJ iND mW® fAIUB 2 /he *** ■£< Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Z>\s IS »•< SS !£ • -*• * _ ’ *** A NARROW ESCAPE. • Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. I). “Was taken with a bad cold ( which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. . ' 1 gave myself up to my Savior, I determined if I could* not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was ad’vis- I ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis-) covory for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured 1 me, and thank uod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular size 50 cents.and +T.OO, guaranteed or mice refunded. * ■ ' I Announce,— To ihd public I that I huvw secured tie •eiTicrs of ' William McClellan, an exp.rt I fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with din Garrow famofis candy kitchen it Atlanta. Wears new ma king daily all kind of fine taffies, coeoanut, creams, nongata, stc. All we ask is a t?ial. We an please you. A. M. Axtocboli, ■ ext dcor tn Cnrrv's drug etc re ■bus ij- ■ ' i' .■ _j» Tc Memphis and Return.— On account of the National Quar antine Convention, Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 17—19th, 1898, the Southern Railway will sell tick ets at the rate of one fare, or $lO.lO for the round thip.Tick | ets on sale Nov. 15th and 16th with final limit returning 21st. J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. TH.*T JOYFUL FEELING. With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use es Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old ; time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California 1 Fi<’ Sy run Co.