The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 15, 1898, Image 6

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MORE REVENUE. Hanna Says Tariff rtilst be Revised A|W AN EXTRA SESSION Must be Held Says The Infa mous Dingley. Cleveland. 0., Nov. 14.—1 n an intervew last night Senator Han na said the tariff would have to be revised to meet txietir.g condi lions. “The war revenue measure,” he said, “mm-t b«j revised, but we will keep mai y of the original features of the law, simply because it is now necessary. Under the old tar iff law we are not getting very much revenue, because we are ex porting instead of importing, and something must be done to meet these new conditions. We must have a new measure. So far as 1 am concerned I favor putting a ■ duty on Ua and coffee. The reve nues for the support of the gov ernment must be raised in some way and the indirect is the best way, according to my idea. When the people do not realize that they 1 are paying a tax there is no com plaint. Still, it will be necessary to retain some of the features of the war revenue measure. Ihe tax is now on the people, and in seme instances it is the proper method of taxation.” EXTRA SESSION PROBABLE. Tto Much Work For a Short Session, Says Dingley. Washington, D. C. , Nov. 14. Congressman Dingiey said last night an extra session of congress was almost certain. “In my opin ion,” he said, “congress will not be able to dispose of all the im portant legislation which will come before it m the short ses sion.” If an extra session should be necessary, it will be called for a date almcst immediately following March 4 r thus making a practical ly continuous session. Therepubiicanis will then hav e a large enough majority in the senate to insure the carrying out of the policy of the administration, in spite of the possibility of two or three republican senators not be ing iu sympathy with it, and the republican majority in the house is strong enough to enable the enact ment of legislation desired. If a treaty of peace with Spain is presented to the senate during its coming session it will be with confidence on the part of the ad ministration of its ratification, but it is by no means certain that the treaty will be prepared in time for action by the present senate. The belief is that the ratification of the treaty aqd practically all the legislation rendered necessary in consequence of the acquisition of territory by the United States will go over to the extra session of the Fifty-sixth congress, most of the time of the coming session of this congress beirg taken up with the appropriations and routine matters. On account of the instability of the republican control of the sen ate in this session, it is dcubtful whether the legislation affecting the * permanent increase of the army will be accomplished if in deed, it is attempted. The administration does not ap prehend difficulty in the next house of representative* on ac count of the reduced republican majority, since the issues in the campaign just closed were sharply defined, and there is no opportu nity for the existence of an anti administration faction in the re-> publican party in the bouse. Gomez’s case continues the meet delightful creature of the kind in the city. ' • ’ NOTICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern : H. P. Crossman, .1 S. Espy and John Davis. Roster Committee for Co. “D”osth Ga. Vol. have made their report. Notice is hereby given that said reoort will be passed upon nt the ordinary’s of fice in the court house city of Rome, Ga ,on the first Menday in March 1899 at 10 o'clock a. m. This is to cite all survivors or descend ants of the members ot said Company or their representa tives to show cause if any they can, why said repoit should not be approved and made the judgment of tie ordinaiy and filed with the clerk of the superior court and ad mitted to the final records as a true Rcster of said Company. Witness my hand ai d rfficial sig nature, this 7th day < f N< v. 1898. “"John P. Dati®, Ordinary, Floyd Co., Ga. \OTICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern : T. S. Burney, L. R. Wrsgg and H. T. Moore, Roster Committee for Co. “G” Ist Ga. Cavalry have made their report. Notice is nereby given that said report will be pass ed upon at the ordjnarv’s office in the court house city of Rome, Ga., on the first Monday iir] March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. m. This is to cite al! survivors or descendants of any of the members of said Company or their representatives to show cause if any they can why said report should not be approved and made the judgment of the or dinary and filed with tne clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true Ros ter of said Company. Witness my hand and official signature - this 7th day of* Nov, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Floyd Co , Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA Fl OYD COUNTY. .To all whom it man concern. F. W. Quarles, Sr , C. M. Harper and T. J. Glenn, roster commit tae for Co. “E” Sth Ga., Vol., have made their report: Notice is hereby given that said report will be passed upon at the Ordinary’s office in the court house, city of Rome Ga. . on the first Menday in March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. m. This is to cite all surv vors or de scendants of any of the members of said conipanj or their represen tatives to show cause if any they can, why said report should not be approved and made the judge - ment of the Ordinary and filed with the olerk of the superior 4?ourt and admitted to the final records as a true roster of said company. Witness my hand and official signature This. Nov. 7th, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. Floyd Co. Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it mayj concern. J. A. Tucker, J. L. Hardin and J. E. Mullin, roster committee for Co.. “B” 21st Ga, Reg’t have made their report: Notice is here by given that said report will be passed upon at the Ordinary’s of fice in the court house, city of Rome Ga, on the first Monday in March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. m. This is to cite all survivors or de scendants of any of the membera of said company or their repre sentatives to show cause, if any they can, why said report should not be approved and made the judgement of the Ordinary and filed with the clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true roster cf said company. Witness my hand and official signature inis 7th day of I Nov. 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary, Floyd Co. Ga. Jotice. GEORGIA FLc YD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. G. K: Green, John A. May and Joel Stowe, roster committee for Co., “D” 29th Ga, Vol., have made their report: Notice is here by given that said report Will be passed upon at ihe Ordinaiy’s of fice ; n the court house, city of Rome Ga., on the first Monday in March 1899 at 10 o’clock a. m. This is to cite all survivors or de scendants of s id company or their representatives to show cause if any they can, why said report should not be approved and made the judgement of the Ordi nary and filed with the clerk of the superior court and admitted to the final records as a true ros ter of said company. Witness my. hand and official signiture. This 7th day of Nuv. 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary: Floyd Co. Ga. Ripens Ta&ules: tor sour -ntnacli. NOTICE. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said county will be sold«at public outcrv on the first Tuesday in Dec. 1898 at the court house door in said coun ty between the usual hours of Bale the following real estate towit. Lying and being in the Fifth ward ot the city of Rome Flovd county Ga. Beginning on the East side of Spring street at dividing line between lut cf John Rupee and lot hereby described, thence East erly along said line 88 feet, thence Southerly 80 feet, thence Westerly 182 feet and 8 inches to Spring St, thence Northerly with Spring St. 88 feet to the starting point. Sold as the property of Mrs. Nicy Kam merer, deceased. Terms of sale cash. This Nov. 7tb 1898. e Peter J. Kammerer, / Administrator. NOTICE. GEORGIA YLOYD COUNTY. Pursuant to an order of. the court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in December 1898 at the court house door in said between the# legal hours of sale the following real estate towit, Subdivided lots Nob. 11,12.13.14,15.16 and 17, ac cording to the plan and platt of a tract of 51 acres surveyed and platted by Dr, J. W. Hicks from land lot No. 316 in the 23rd dis trict and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga. Sold as the property of Mrs. Jane H. Clyne, deceased. Terms of sale one-third cash, ba’- auce in one and two years with 8 per cent interest. This Nov. Bth, 1898. Foster Hkrpee, Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINIRTRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern,Mrs M. J. Morrison having in proper form spplied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of E, T. Morrison, late cf said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of E. T. Morrison to he and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they cai». why permanent administration should not be granted to Mrs. M.' J. Morrison on E. T. Morrison’s estate Witness my hand and of ficial signature this 7th day ot Nov. 1898. John Davis, Oidinary, PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ES TATE. GEORGIA. FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas on the 18th day of No vember 1896 Frank Murphey exe cuted to Mrs. A. H. Cheney a note for the sum of $430.00 and at the same time executed and delivered to her a mortgage on the lands described below to secure said note, and whereas in said mort gage the mortgagor g-»ve to the moitgagee the full power to sell said lands at public eale before the court house door of said coun ty, in case he made default in the payment of said note and mort gage as to principal and interest, which mortgage is recorded in the Clerk’s office of Floyd superior court in Book K—l of mortgagee page 111 and hereby referred to. And whereas said mortgage and note came due on Nov. 18 1897 and has not been paid by the mortgagor. Now therefore by the power *so vested in the undersigned the mortgagee in eaid mortgage, which power is more specifically shown in said mortgage hereby referred to, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in December 1898 during the legal hours of sale be fore the court house door of said county the following tract of land with the improvements thereon, all that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the 23rd District and 3rd section of Floyd county Georgia aid being part of land lot 117. the tract herein described being the Southeast corner of ss dl ot on th > East side ofjjlhe Dalton road 'containing three acres more or less and being the land conveyed to Frank Murphey by D. P. Phillips on Oct. 4. 1890 and recorded in book “P P” of deeds page 584. The total amount of principal and interest that will be due on said note and mortgage and a'ao the costa of this advertisemect af* 'er allowing certain credits is $34.16. Fee simple titles will be made to the purchaser at said sale and the proceeds will be applied to the payment of said nn-rlgaga and costs and the balance will be turi.- ed over to Frank Muiphey. This 7th day of Nov. 1898. Mrs. A. H. Cheney, Mortgagee. < SMl’s Tax sales For December 1898. GEORGIA,FLOYD COUNTY, Will be sold heforo the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county G»., between the legal hours of sale on the IstTues day in December 1898. the follow ing described property by v-tue of state and county tax fi fas is sued by the tax collector of Fluyd county Ga., and against the fol lowing named defendants. Ail that tract or parcel of land in the 22nd district and 3rd sec tion of Floyd county Ga. , con taining eighty acres more or I<?bs. it being an undivided half interest in lot numbet twenty-three. Lev ied on by virtue of a tax fi fa is sued by V. T. Sanford for rax 1897 in favor of state and county vs James ware as the property of the defendant. .Also at the same time and place all that lot of land lying and be ing in East Rome bounded as fol lows, beginning at a point on the North side of Spring street 150 ft East from the Northeast inteisec tion of North and Spring street and running thence North along the East margin of lots of Holt James and Mrs. Thomas to prop erty of East Rome town Co., thence East(along said property of East Rome Town Co., 50 feet to property belonging to Ed G. Warren, thence South a'ong sa d margin’of said E. G. Warren prop erty 150 feet to North margin of Spring street, thence West along said North margin of Spring street 50 feet to point of beginning Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V. T. Sunford tax col lector for tax 1897 in favor of state and county vs Mrs L. J. i’atton as the property of the de ttndaiit. Also at the same time and place a certain lot and improvements thereon, situated in the Fifth ward of the city Rome Floyd Co., Ga., fronting 100 feet more or les? • r Spring street and running back -nine width 300 feet more cr 'ess. Bounded on the Enst by the prope.ty of O, T. Dozier and on the Went by property of the defendant. L-vie.t on by virtue <f m fi f- o-ued by V. T Sanfor'l n>.\ <• le< -,»r for tax 1897 in tiiv rof M N. Vest & Co., transferee vs Maiiiua McAi thur, as the property of the Deft, J P McConnell. Sheriff. SBEBIFF’ SALES ' FOE BSi’EMBiR 1898. Georgia Floyd county Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Gr. between the legal hours of sal*, on the first Tuerday in December 1898 the following described property to wit: One 1 horse wrgon and harness, poney plow, one Lowers plow stock, one side harrow, 01 e . top harrow, one cotton planter, one hog. 10 acies cotton in field to gather, six ac,es more or less coin in field to gather, Levied on by virtue of a distress warrant issued from the justice ccurt of the 919th District G M. in favor of J. P. McConne’l receiver against Oliver Rearden, as the property of the defendant. "I Also at the same time and place all that ract or parcel o' - land, sit uated lying and being in the 22nd district And 3rd section of Floyd county Ga., originally Cherokee county known and distinguished as lot of land number 227 in said district and section and contain ing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. Levied on by virtu • of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd superior court iu favor of D. B. Hamilton vs Alfred John son asjthe property of the defend ant. Also at the same time and place one undivided one-sixth interest of lot number 59 as shown by the original map of Forestville Floyd county Ga.. but now North Rome. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa is sued from the Floyd city court in favor of Chas. Broadway Roubb vs Henry S. Forsyth as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place one dark brown mate mule named “Kate” about 6 years old, one, dark brown mare mule named “Bell” about 7 years old, one 2 horse wagon, Tennessee make. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage flfa issued from Floyd city court in favor of R. J. Ragan vs H Abromson as the property of the defendant. « Also at the same time and place | one utdivided two-thirds in'erest | in a certain tract or parcel of land | in the 23 district and 3rd section of Floyd eiunty Ga , known as the Oak Hill farm. Consisting of lots of land No. 299 and that por tion of lots No. 300. 301 and 302 lying on th<* North side of 'he Et owah river containing about 450 acres. Levied or as ti e property cf W. F. Ayer tn satisfy three mortgage fi fas from the superior court of said county of.Floyd, one in favor of J. B. Sullivan, one in favor of Mrs. 8. V. t Ay*»r end ore in favor of,G. C. Longstreet etui vs. W. F. Ayer as the pn perty of the defendant. Also at the same time and place lots of land Nos. 38 and • 105 in the 4ih Di-trict and 4th Section of Flovd county Ga., as the prop er yof J. F. Turner, to sat’sfv two mortgatw fi <ae from the Su perior court of said county . One in favor of K. W. Berryhill, and the other iu favoi- of K. W. Berryhill. trans f erret against 'he said Turner. The two lots described are included in the fi fa in fuvor of B -rryl i l, and lot No 105 only is included in the fi fa in f ivor of Berryhill, trans ferree. Also at the same time and place one undivided one half interest in one sixty saw gullet gin feeder and condenser, one half interest in 36 inch corn mill, one half' interest in standard platform scab-s U. S., one half interest ip one up pack ing cotton pies?. Levied on bv virtue cf a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd superior court in favor of R. G. Clark vs A. J. Williams as the property of the defendant. Also at the eam« time and place town lots number 91 and 92 front ing on Shorter avenue 136 feet and running back along Divis on street one hundred and fifty-five feet. The dividing line separating said lute beim; one hundred and fifty one feet in length. According to tne mao of W» st Rome by Tedcas tle and McK o, Said lo's are a part of land lot No. 239 in the 23rd District and 3rd Section ot said county. A full description of said property which is now im proved by a residence, out houses and store hnu-e is found on pages 572 and 573 of deeds record in book “AAA”. Tne above proper ty is situaDd in the suburb of West Rome, and will be g'dd sub ject to a Mortgage, executed by the defendant in this fi fa, to The Rome Mutual Loan Association, its lien being older than plain tiff’s judgement. . Levied on hy virtne of fi fa issued from the Jus tice court, of the 919. h DistrictG. M., in favor of Rounsaville & Bros, vs James A’ El ison, as the property of the defendant, who has notice of this levy advertise ment and Bile. Levy made by W. M. Byars, L. C. October 13th, 1898.. Also at the same time and place all that piece or parcel of land ly> ing and being in Fioyd county state of Giorgis, and that part of said county known as the addition of J. R. Stevens, deceased, to East Rome a plat of which said addition i« recorded and registered in book “X” tyage 66 of records wf the superior court of Floyd county, same beinc 10l No. 3 am’ containing 2 and 1-5 acres more or less. Said lot fron's 122 feel on the Cedartcwn road running back between parallel lines t*o a 60 foot street,'• said lots North boundary line extends 800 feet, said lo's South boundary line -ex tends 825 feet. Levied on by vir 'Ur»of a fi fa issued from the citv court of Atlanta in favor of 'ihe Southern Home Building Loan As soc atson against Ai me S. Lester as the property of the defendant. Also at, the same time and p'ace one hundred acres of land in the shape of a rec'ang’e I eing the South part, of land . lot number 126 iu the ?4'h uis'rict and 3rd section of Floyd com ty via. Sa d property levied on as the proper ty of Annie E Fleetwood to satie ty an execution is u«d from the superior court of Fioyd com ty in favor of Equitably Mortgage Co . against said Annie E Fleetwood, as the propesty oj the defendant. Also at the sanin time and plac» lot of land No. 84 and all ot lano lot No. 85 except twenty-two am three-fourths acres in ihe N. E. corner iu the shape es a triangle, convayed to William W. Milam hy William McCullough on the 10th day of November 1858 ano except thirty two and three fourth, acres in the Southw. st corner ii the shape of a triangle, deeded t< Hugh M. McCullough by Willian .McCullough on the 20th day o Maich 1858. Said land containing io all 270 acres in the 24th distric and 3rd section of Fioyd county state of Georgia. Said propertv levied on as the property of Geo. W. Fleet wood to satisfy an exe cution issued from the supcrim cju r t of Floyd county Ga , in fu vor us Equitaole Mortgage Co. against s»id Gecrge W. Fleetwood as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and two certain tracts or parcel# J land iu the 22nd distriat and 3 rd section of Floyd county Ga ° the property of the def >o ' d ** James W. Mitchell, the same ba ing 80 acres off o f the East r>art of let No 59 and 40 acres off West side oi said lot. Both divia' ed trom ihe other part of the 1 4 Dy a straight line running North and South till'd both together ecu laining 120 acres. The first par Ce i is’he place whereon the defend, ant resided the first of March 1889 Deed made and recordtd in th ß Clerk’s office for the purpoas o f levy and sale. Levied on by vi r . tue oTa fi fa irsued from Floyd superior court in fuvor of Kvere-t C Learned Vs. Jas W. Mitchell as th- p operty cf the d f.-ndant. Also at the same time aud place five » ales of cotton weigbinc 60‘2 490, 520, 585 ymd 537 Levied 0B by virtue of M mortgage fi f B j g . -ued from Floya city court in f*. vorofW. H. Cokei & ( 0 , v « J. I’. Anderson as the property of the defendant. The above hy. ied cotton will 1 , be delivered to purchaserat Rome cotton factory J. P. McConnell, Sheriff, WILD LAND SALES. Will be sold before the court house door in the eity of Rome. Floyd county Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the find Tuesday in January, l?99,the fol lowing described property towit: All that tract or parcel of laud to wit. Lot No 333 con’aining 100 acres and lot No 316 containing 160 acres, all lying and being in the 22nd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga. Levied on hy virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford tax colb <-’or for tax 1897 due said state and county against B H Taylor as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and plact that tract or parcel of land being known in the plat as lut No 78 iu the 3rd District and 4 h Section of Floyd county Georgia contain ing 40 acres more or leas. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1897 in favor i f said state and county va Silas F Smith ae the property of the defendant. Also at the aimetiine and place all that tract or parcel of laud be ing lots Nos. 798, 124, 308 and 305 aud 94 in tne 16’.h District and 4th Section of Floyd county Georgia containing 200 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Banford tax collector for tax 1897 in fsror of state and county vs Frank L Mi.ler as the property oi the de fendant J. P. McCoxnkll, Sheriff. X CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL GE- RGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whorii it may concern. W. H. Ennis, -administrator of Ei'jah Perkins. Ueceaaed hae in due torm applied to tie under- Honed tor Lave to sell the lauds belonging to the estate «f eaid deceased and said applica'ion will De heard on the fiist Monday in December nxt This 8 b day of Nuv. 1898. John P. Davls, Ordinary ■ l . 1 i APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas W. P. Trout, adrwDii tra or of Jerry Townsend, repre sents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has aomini®* tered Jerry Townsend’s estate. Tbi* is to cite all persons ooucsrned, kindred and creditors, to *ho* cause if any they can, why administrator should not be <l lf ’ charged from his administration and receive letters of dismisnoD on the first Monday in JanuaQ* 1899. • Tins Oct. 3rd 1898. J’HN P, Davis | NOTICE.| GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. j|To all whom it may concern. W. J.;Hhll, W. B. Judkins and J*. J. Vincent, Raster Committee Co, “G” 22nd Ga. Vol., made rbeir rep<Tt. Notice is here* by given that said report passed upon at the ordinary • 0 fice at the court bouse city 0 Rome. Ga., on the first Monday in March 1899, at 10 o’clock s. This is to cite all survivors or , ■tcendantacf any of the r» eßi )t said Company or their re P entativea, to show cause n I they can why said report * lO I no be approved and ni»d« I judgment of the ordinary . I \Uh the clerk of the superior | md admitted to the final }| ,8 a true roster ot said* coa )' | Vitnesß uiy baud and offio’* 1 y ia*ure this 7th dav of No' ’ ■ John P. Davis Ordinary- j Fioyd Co- - i h