The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 15, 1898, Image 8

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■rw be wwMwgMMFW-wwwwwS B ■' MR- EDNDDN COMES TO ROME \ H < HI We have much joy in announcing to our frieuds, in and out wav from Broad street. p Fj . of Rome, the coming of Mrs- L. Condon, of Atlanta. ‘ Mrs.' Condon is assisted in her magnificent Rome studio by P I E9 In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- i Mr R. G. Hubner, one of the leading young photographers o ks'i ■ She is todoytho highest exponent of advanced photogra- | .1. Bsllinore. A visit to this new and modern Photo Stu <io M M wide land. ’ f 11 prove a most delightful event and will more than repay you* [gMS m 3 I Her studio in Rome will be in the elegantly appointed apart- * ’ 1 here is not a better appointed gallery in the South—Nor has Tj i? Hl ments on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- j Mrs. Condon a peer. Ca l and see tier. I p' hl. r. -.... _ „ —— B W NOW A.SS TO B-A.SS “ >#< I M We are now in our new store. We lost a month before getting into it, We are determined to make it back.- Ou U prices will do it. Moody & Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlanta,.failed--sneriff sc d their immense stock out in cash H lots. We \A/ere the only Home merchants at the sale. We bought ar a trifle. We’ll turn the bargains over to our cus- gfll M tomers- We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and Silks in the latest imported Novelties, and a. great as- M sortment of Laces, embroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the special bargains: low cases Ladies l ast Black Hose 3c Two bales vard wide Drilling, w rlh Sc, at 5 , three cases Ladies’ hast Black Seamless Hose 5c Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 < Two cases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c • Tpn Bales A A A Sheet ng, yard wide 34 j j; 1 wo cases Men s full size and full length 1 ndershirts- 10c vyh* Three cases yard wide Percales, Fall styles 4| c Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c Two bales good quality Matress Ticking at QI 1 wo cases Men’s box 3c Two.cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5 C One case Men’s Seamless Sox 5c Ong of remnant White Lawns, well wqrth 15c, at 8 |||| Iwo cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15c '\\ Two cases of good Bonnet and Dress Gihghams at 3 3-4 c ■|| M One case Ladies’Hemstitch Handkerchiefs ; one case Men’s 2,000 Men’s all pure Linen Collars, five tor 25c ■M Linen binjsh Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c ZWv 800 Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them- worth case Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirty 25c ' $1.50, your choice for 39 c | Are you ir\ need of a f uit of Giothing? Will you require-’an Overcoat, a Macintosh, a pair of Pants, a Coat and Vest? U Uo you want a Hat? We’ll save you from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases- Good Jeans pants 35c; Men’6 Styush U Capped Coin 1 '>e Shoes, 75C; Ladies' India, Button, Foxv.d Vamo, Patert Tip Shoes, a'l sizes at sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $ 1.00 Shoes are the best in America. Q| Ladies l ine Hats and Bonnets, go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else if you care to save moner. We repeat that we lost a month or account of buil ling our store, and that we are going to make it up. We have a werld of goods which we bought at half price and we can afford to let them go at half prices, and we shad let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve knoc ed the bottom out of prices to get it. Our prices are as low as 4 cent cotton. Gome to see us at our new store. Q CO gj —* ——y — ——■ * mm— , ——————■ _ Mm fMY'BE « HOAX ■ Telegrame Announcing That Dreyfus Is Dead PARIS GREATLY EXCITED Dreyfus Letter Abandoning Hope Lends Color To Rumor. I Paris, Nuv. 14. —It is reported here this evening that Dreyfus is' dead. The rumor is understood to be based upon a mysterious telegram received from Colmar, capital of Upper Alsace, signed by an un-' known correspondent. So far as can be ascertained there is no confirmation of the re port. The father-in-law of Dreyfus says be has received excellent re ports from the colonial office quite recently as to the prisoner’s health. Despite these assurances there are dark rumors afloat. In view of the curious manner in which the I letter from Dreyfus declaring that I he had abandoned all hops, was ' conveyed to Mme. Dreyfus Friday 1 many people believe he is dead. A dispatch on Friday said that Mme. Dreyfus had applied that day at the office of the minister of the colonies for permission to send her husband some warm clothing for his return home. The request was refused on the ground that the government would do whatever was necessarv. At the same time, according to the dispatch, *he authorities read a letter from her husband to the effect that having for five months addressed appeals for revision to Gen. De Boisdtfifre (recently chief of stall ot the French army) with out getting any reply and being weary and exhausted by his useless TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q on ch tablet. appeals he would write no more to his family or to anybody. He described himse'f as ill and dying and bequeathed to the “gen erosity of my country the case of I rehabilitating my memory.'’ j It appears that Mme. Dreyfus 'then requested permission to tele ! graph her husband the decision of - the court of cassation. This re* j quest was also refused. Then, through a friend, she appealed ta 1 President Faure. but with no bet ter result. The dispatch said her counsel would bring the whole mat-1 ter before the court of cassation. YOU SHOULD KNOW What Hood’s Sarsaparilla has power to do for those who have impure and unpoverished blood, 't makes the blood rich and pure and cures scrofula, salt rheum, , dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism I nervousness. If you are troubled with any ailment caused or pro- j , nioted by impure bloed, take' j Hood’s Sarsaparilla at once. Hood’s Bills are prompt and efficient, easy to take, easy to operate. National Quarantine Con-' vention.—On account of the! National Qurrantine Convention I at Memphis, Tenn,, November! 17th to 19th, the Southern Rail way will sell tickets on its lines to Memphis and return at rate of one fare for the round trip. ! Tickets will be sold Nov. 15th * and 16th with final limit to re-J turn Nov. 21st. For further in formation, call on Southern Railway ticket agent. LIEUT. HMRIS Who Abandoned ’Hie Maria Teresa to Her Fate TO BE COURTWARTIALED. - The Teresa to be Floated and Towed to United States. 1 Washington, Nov. 15, —Lieu- j tenant Commander N. Harris, who was in command of the Spanish cruiser Maria Teresa at (the time of abandonment, has j been ordered to proceed from ' Charleston with flie enlisted men formerly attached to the Teresa, to the navy yard at Nor .folk. No additional details were re ceived at the department today concerning the condition of the Spanish warship, but it js as sumed that the ships Potomac j and \ ulcan, which were sent to i her relief, are using their ut- ■ most endeavors to draw her off the beach at Cat island into deeper water, v, ith a view to towing her to a place of safety in the ( nited States. The report that the tide rose and fell in the wreck would seem to indicate that she is in need of I extensive repairs before she can I be made to float. M hether the leakage caai be stopped while she lies in her present position, in two fathoms of water, remains to be seen. Ihe \ ulcan is* equijqjed with ■ all the tools and machinery for i the ordinary repair of chips of war, and unless the Tteresa is damaged to a greater extent than is believed to lie the case, 1 the facilities at hand are believed 1 Ito be sufficient to put her in condition t-> tow her to a United ' States port when the wind and ' tide are favorable. When the expedition returns to the United States, with or • without the Teresa, an investi gation will be instituded to de : term-ine the necessity and re isponsibility fur the abandon ment of the Teresa oft' San Sal ! vado’-. I SITUATION ATWILMINGTON Frightened Negroes Urged to Return to Their Homes. , Wilmington, N. C , Nov. 15. ? —The city authorities are bend t ing every energy toward per j suading the negroes who are in i the woods to return 'to their i 11 homes. The military patrol was' j I discontinued today and’the citv - is policed by a force of seventy five men. Conditions are resuip 1 - ing a normal course. - ' - , AMERICAN FRUIT SEIZED. Hamburg Officals Alleged That I It Was Lousy. ' Berlin, Nov. 15.—The Berliner ‘ Correspoudez asserts that the San • Jose scale louse was found at > Hamburg in September and Octo ■ her in dried and undried Califor nian pears and nectarines The , consignments were seized and re exported tinder official contro 1 . National Qu ar a ntin e —On account of the National Quaran-' tine Convention at Memphis, ’ Tenn., November 17t-19ch, the Alabama Great Southern R. R., ’ will sell tickets from points on its line to Memphis and return at rate .of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold Nuv. 14th and 16th with final limit! ' to return Nov. 21st. For further, ' information call on A. G. S. R. | R. Agent. Ld> r SOUTHERN railway. Con lenM*<| Srhrdwle in 6. IMIK. H'i'ATf ON<. ' ~ ' N’'L“l7/ u"i4 “N J. Lv ('halt » 10,idpni Ar Dalton • 7.51 am B.4'.’pin !.’. lOam Vr me | juMun .V.-lupnij J. 44; m Ar Atlanta |ll.4oaia I'.'nipm 5 (Darn LvA'iauia I LJhMu, 1 .. pqn, 5.2(!:,nj \r Mac'»n 7.10 pm 2 fium 8-2'hvn . ArJ'f,. ,! Ar Everett .1 > 7.:.’.. ami iSipis . Ar J.u'ksbnv tile .... ....I f V.-litan. .I.?.•>;,ia | . ~v j.-sup i ’■ ft 55 pm I Ar Jacksonville . - . ILv E .'crett". ....... “7 iFiindTaOpm , Ar Brunswu k s .main 4. .I'piu I No. 10 carries I’uHman Slespiiig Car Chat- I mi, to A tlunta. No. 14 corr '- I'ulin »r, sleep .... Car ami Day j Joaehes I'oa Lu >ooga o,icil.i a:.u At- 1 1 lanta to Brunswick. ' No. 8 currtms Pulima-' Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. sAatioxsl No 13 - No. w ; No 7' Lv Atlanta 4.!li;nm -I.A pni 7.50aS Ar Rome | rttrii.m c 25pm 10.20. mi Ar Dalton 7 A.m 7.31 pm 1 l.Smirn Ar Chattanooga |K-,.'i-'m K.Mpir. l.oupm Lv Chattanooga i 8. .'.airi 9.10 pm Ar Burztn 4.2l'pm ’ Ar Lexjnpton r>.io;.>n' lAitiml Al’.”l Ar Louisville 7 aOpru 7 50um' At ' mi'iimati , 7.30 pm 7.30am1l . ~~ Ov Cliatianoogi i 1 §Spm 1 m T?mni Ar Nashville , it;, 55,, ft 4,ft m] ft rxipm No. 13 Carrie Pullman Slei | cHr .ulmta to! hactano'iga anil Chatt.tmoo;a to (tlnoimiaXL No. » carr'cs Pullman >).■. Cn ■ Car Atlanta , o Cincinnati and Chatia;n><?/a to LouisviUe. < I [Nl a. No. is No. tft Cv Cimttam ,;,. a ,- I v: ' 11.-1 n r. z .m.iri 1 Ar Knoxville 11 . .. r., ftu-am l.lOnin Ar Morristown l. Jlphi 9N)aro ■.'.a,n | Ar Hot Springs 1 • nit.if,an: J.i). n I Ar Asheville 1.1.,pm 5.10nr.i lAr Salisbury 1; ie t , n 0..i0, m Ar Greensboro ft.v.'pin 12.10; m I \rlmlmxh !.... ... ~4 li ~n i 3 m I \r >.orl<dk.^_ l .„.. ..,..1... ...., 7,aoam I )r Wa hlngton..:. T ■'l "r, c.m, V .M tn I v /•Tr'PFIE- ••••-if’.- LA': l - Gnrn ft'.’.ium No. 12 carries Pullman D.-awi it- Co Sieen ng 'ar Chattanooga t.o V-w York via Asha- '■ ami Salisbury to Rlvhni mil ar-n ing Rich .noml 6.40 u.rn also Pujbnail Sleep ng Car .liemisboro to Norfolk No 16 is solid train Cm iai>>>-a t, bury. with Pullman Sle pi' ■< ■.■ , •,, , , ~, | o S disbarj- and Salisbury to N'ea York witli jut change. 2E* Tt * lw - ■ ‘~T~ ~7T n<7T ; ' l' m ) r Knoxville i t . ;u |j.;-g,. iIU 1 Ar M< rust..wn. I',am 1.2 :pm y • i 7.Guam. 3.55 pm < Ar Washington 7 ii-nn f Ar Ne« York. .... ....I li . . 11j ' ; No. fl. carries Pullirian -limping Car Chatta nooga to Wasliln.-L >n and Cbattan. oga to New Yck without change. . 1 -•s’- I carries Pullmai. Sleeping Car Knoi cille to Uri tol. S'Atr .S- (,v Rome ; 9. loam , A»r Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham fO.OOpm A r L elr ??'. 3.55pnc N Meridian 7.80 pm Ar New Orleans 10.30 am Ar Junkson ~ 9 45am Ar Vicksburg II".Il lllthsam Ar Shreveport. 7.2t’pm 'No. 15 1 jjNo. 9~ |tNo7~ie HNo. 10 2.tWpiri Dmpm'LvlmM ... ar g.Siam B.3sLm 5.40 pm 8.57 pm, Ar Gad -den. ar AOOam ftSoam C OOprn, 7 ♦ Daily exespt Sunday. | Sunday onlyT” T. S. GANNON, Siiv r A o m . Washington, D.C. J. M CULP, Traf. Mgr., Wa-hingtoa D. G. iV A TURK, G. P. A_. W»»hlngtoa, D. C. 1 A. BKN3COTJf.iL A Taney new seeded Raisins i Currants and Citron at Lloyd Harper s. Pri oes to sell quick I - - n „ PRESCRIPTION DEPT || 11 SIB® ■* '■ .*<M I ■ yOUX'G AM) OLP, I We none of us live so caretulM ly that We never require the aiM of drugs and medicine to put right. It’s a comfort to knoH where you can get them i at proper prices.' We are "I’M modest about these points— can give you what you patent medicines, sundiies, toilet articles aii'l Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Citot ch it Co., H « 300 Starke, The - M. Stiuke the popular tai, now open for ordersand rea'i.' business in his new business next door to Wooten’s drug ' in the Clark building- Mr. '' • Las a splendid line of new >• goods and invites you to can see him and them. ■ Beware •)£ Imitations ■ ■ I I J t * X)HH DUNCAN’* ’*ONA, AC»*