The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 17, 1898, Image 4

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A- .. . ■ - - - - ... • John M Proctor J %4-y zua • } * MAIVAGER » = ‘ V «..-.••* FOR '■•■••; I * U MI.ISS! | g ROME BRANCH MUSI6 HOUSE- J He solicits the influence and patronage c f the peo pit of'Rome and the surrounding country. It will bo to year interest to call and get prices. J Marvelous 2 « Lo Figures! J w. Will be quoted on all PIANOS, ORGANS, BICYCLES, SEWING MA CHINES and othergoods now includ- *■ bs the big stock at No. 327, Broad street While this entire stock is to De closed out at reduced figuies Mr. Proctor is empowered to make the terms decidedly easy to all buyers. £ BICYCLES ' * At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, "L* - and will be sold regardless of cost. Fee cur w lie at once—it will pay you .to take a look. | Sheet Music 1 This stock will be closed out at 10 cents per copy. A ***** (ingraM | t LITHIA I J _Wateß| AS BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, M/ SI/ /|\ For Sale at Soda Founts off <h CURRY=ARRINGTON CO, J. \V T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. ft F. HANSON. SMITH. ft 1 THEHANSON SUPPLY CO. i £ Plumbing and Tinning. j g Engineers’ and machinists* x 5 supplies. Stoves, ranges and C C tinware. Gas and electric fix- a tures. INSURANCE .gasoline • 2 stoves. Water meters. • 2 325 Broad st. Phone 32. C joeooeu©©©©© tghr(dfrS.H , *TS. I “John,” she asked, “how do you like this hat on me?” “Oh I dun no,” he answered. “Have you bought it?” “No, not exactly, I brought it home on approval. I intend to take either this or an other one, which is s'» more than this, but I thought—” “Say, Flor ence,” he interrupted, “that’s the mod becoming hat I ever saw you have on. Telephone to them first thing iu the morning that you’ll take it, so as to make sure that they’ll not sell it to anybody ehe ” —Chicago News. 000 Never did the “Am erican Hog” receive so grand a tribute as in the quarterly report of the Kansas Board of Agriculture. The Secre tary says that the Hog is & “debt payer,” a “mortgage ’ifter” and a “buttress of prosperity.” More over, “high class swine are un known aad impossible among low classpeople. Kansas swine. Coin age of Kansas grain and brain, met at Chicago in 1893 the world beaters, aud beat them.” Marked c pies of the report containing this eulogy *f the American pig should b» sent to every editor in Madrid. 000 Gold Bible Hill, the mound where Joseph Smith, the founder of tke Mormon faith, claims to have dug up, under celestial direc tion, the golden plates on which were inscribed the Mormon Bible, is situated on the farm of Admiral Sampson, near Palmyra, N. Y The Mormons tried to buy the mound in 1893 to er'ct upon it a memorial chapel, but the admiral refused to sell, fearing, it is said, that it would increase Mormonism. 000 Queen Victoria is the owner of one of the most remarkable articles ever made iu prison. The Super intendent of Agra Gaol iu India, two years ago received an order to weave a carpet of special design for Her Majesty. Twenty-eight of the deftest convicts of the estab lishment were put to work on it. The carpet measures 77 feet by 40 teet, and it is estimated to contain u i fewer than fifty million stitches, 000 John Ferguson, who works a farm near Calhoun, Ga , is 50 years old, just over eight feet tali, aud weighs 816 pounds. Up to the age of 20 he was au invalid, but af ter that time he increased in brawn aud muscle with miraculous rap idity, until at the age of 30 he was, as he is now, a veritable giant. He is forty-eight inches around the chest and forty-four around the waist. 000 It is a good thing for some of the newly-elected congr ssmen aud •tate officials that the newspaper pictures of them were not required to be printed on the ballute. In that case many of the voters would have taken to the woods.—Mont gomery Advertiser. 000 The women are complaining. Since the streets were recently wxahed the crossings are so clean that no excuse is left for bolding up a dress skirt and showing a silk petticoat.—Atchiusou Globe. 000 A good many heroes are made of wood pulp and printer’s ink.— Chicago News. 000 De T.—“ How startling are stat istics; we drank seventy million gallons of whisky last year.” Mrs. De T.— “Speak foryoufelf. please, you know I never touched a drop f it.”—Harlem Life. 000 Pretty girls and young men are giving the Hobson kies with color ed lights at church entertainments it is considered proper, as it tends to make a young man interested in church work.—Atchison Globe. 000 The borrowing by the Govern ment of Norway of .20,000 000 crowns for military'purr | uet 0 1 AAIVXU >Ov. 'after adopting a design tor a dis tinctl.v Norwegian Hag, one not bearing the union of Sweden and Norway, may properly be placed in the war news column. 000 A universal war ia believed by the Paris Gaulois t n be a brewing’ England, says clairvoyant of that newspaper, will induce the United States to make no concessions to Spain, aud nut to coaling stations in the Philippines to any c f the Euro pean Powers--Russiajand Germany for instance. A conflict will ensue, England by taking sides with America will compel other nations having interests in Asia to ru.-h into the melee—and l here you are 1 But the premises of the Gaulois are ail wrong. England is not urg ing nor 18 it to her interest to urg°, the United States or anybody el»e to a commerce destroying conflict, ’ The in iverssl war predicted by the Gaulois will, therefore not ma teralize. Let the clairvoyant editor brew another 1 000 At a recent meeting of the pro fessional bull-fighters of Havana it was decided to forward to Pres ident McKinley a petition that af ter the begiuing of Ameaican con- ; trol there be no legal steps taken to prevert them from carrying on their amusement. The gladiators will state that General Lee during his residence in Cuba never misaed an opertuniiy to witness a fight They also declare that all Ameri cans who'have witnessed ahull fight are greasy pleased with it 000 Piper Find! ter, the hero of Dng 1 Ridge, who has been ap pearing in London music halls with his Victoria cross, has been offered S3O for the decoration by a Birmingham firm, with tLe advice to get i <1 of it at these terms and thu« mvu himself and the order fuither degradation. Along with this c< m'B the statement that some of the Grenadier Gu irHg w h 0 acquitted thems 1 v s --ire- g'.-rv jg the Soudan are appeari; g at- ‘‘su pers” ill Mr. Tree's product!.u of “Musketeers. ” BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE , The best salve in the world - for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, g Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, f Chapped hands, Chilblains, ■ Corns, ar.d all Skin Eruptions, * and positively cures Piles or no , pay required. It is guaranteed 1 to give perfect satisfaction or J money refunded. Price 25 cents | per box. For salu by Gurry Ar- ’ ijngton Co. | M IN THE DINING ROOM Every g-'od’man likes to see a g)od, solid looking SIDEBOARD. It gives dignity to the room and besides it is the right place for the pitcher of ice water. Decide how much you want to pay for this useful and orna mental article of furniture. We have them from SIO.OO to $30.00 The least expensive are well made of oak with 14x24 mirrors. Serviceable and durable. Those of higher price are more ornate in design, some of quartered oak hand carved, with shaped bevel ed French plate mirror. Inter esting to look at even if you don’t buy. Rhudy, Harvey O 337 Broad St. I Successful Physicians. Dr - Hathaway A Co. □f 22% H Broad bt„ Atlanta, Ga„ as boing per fectly reliable and remarkably successful in the treatnaont of chronle disaasesof men and women • They cure when others fail. Our readers if in need of medical help should certainly write these eminent doctors and you will ren»i»e a free and wtpert opinion of your case by return mai’ vit-ourcost. Vl***f* JfS F R HI filjt fjr PUBLIC I I Sit ■■ I I We will Sell New | I Books wholesale | II PRICES’ I 1 FOR CASH. Second Hand | | Books cheaper uhan the | 1 cheapest. Give me a call, | 1 H. A. SMITH. »» || THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. 1 w — - »)) IH, P. WOOTEN & BRO., S& ' Successors to it J ROME PHARMACY, f Broad st.—New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome I harmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our 5? stock is complete and of the very highest grade. J : W We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en 2r TJJ deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a" times. Ue should be pleased to have you call on a Full line cf druggist’s sundries, toilet articles i Ti« such things as are usually carried iu a first-class I - J* store. Cigars and tob a cco. S'* Come to see us. • ?? MS *5 S ■x S. Al. Stark, a •*< s SI 2 Ll® ® GiimasS'S fill 8 a -s i 'B Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave «»| SI £ I ** I l r -*l I ''iiltil Hiiii f Jiiiiiii A NARROW ESCAPE. ’thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart. Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a shoi t time. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if 1 could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis > covory for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular size o 0 cents and $ 1.00, guaranteed or price refunded. — I Announce, l’o th-j public I that I have secured the servic-s of ; William McClellan, an exp. rt fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thu Garrow famous candy kitehen is Atlanta. We are new makibg ■ all kind office taffies, eocoanut,® creams, nongats, etc. AU w» aft <■ a trial. We can please you. B A. M. AntogboM, » next d oor tn Cnrrv’s duig c 11 ■ J 1 'L-gg 4 Tc MEM PHIS AN n RETUR>*■ "*■ (in account of the National Quar-H antine Convention, Menipl“’ s >H Tenn., Nov. 17 —19th, 189 b, tl |e | Southern Railway will sell'H ets at the rate of one fyrß> $lO.lO for the round trip.Tic't'H ets on sale Nov. 15th and I*"‘W 1 with final limit returning J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. ■ TH >T With the exhilarating sense®, of renewed health and siren-' 1 -® and internal cleanliness, wl^ 1 ® follows the use es Syrup of Cg l ® is unknown to the few who ■- I '® n °t progressed beyond th® I ‘® I time medicines and the substitutes sometimes off’-® but never accepted by the ■ informed. Buy the ge” 11 "*® Manufactured by the Cahf u ‘® Fin Svruo Co. t