The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 17, 1898, Image 8

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f MR- CONDON COMES TO ROME 1 * We have much joy in announcing to our frieuds,in and out wav from Broad street. f I of Rome, the coming of Mrs* L. Condon, of Atlanta. Mrs. Condon is assisted in her magnificent Rome sfudio by i j ' I" this celebiated lady is all that stands tor merit in tier pro- i Mr. R. G. Hubner, one of the leading youn g photographers o rkfij session. She is today the h’ghest exponent of advanced photogra- | Baltmore. A visit to this new and modern Photo Stu cio w i nhv—Euualled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the A . ... *j>• » i * i -n .■ r rwiT’ 'Sv!'w'd ] ]| 77 7- 'p prove a most delightful event and will more than repay you l v M Her studio in Rome will be in the elegantly appointed apart- ’ 1 here is not a better appointed gallery in the South—Nor has j * ments on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- , I Mrs. Condon a peer. Call and see her. <• w now / s to bass We are now in our new store. We lost a month before getting into it. We are determined to make it back. Ou prices will do it. Moody 8l Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlanta, failed--sneriff sold their immense stock out in cash lots. We were the only Home merchants at the sale. We bought at a trifle. We I! turn the bargains over to our cus tomers. We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and Silks in the latest imported Novelties, and a. great as sortment of Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the special bargains: Tow cases Ladies’ East Black Hose 3c Two bales yard wide Drilling, w rlh Bc, at .5 Three cases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hose 5c Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 Twocases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c ~0-~k/TPk Ten Bales AAA Sheet ng, yard wide 3| Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10c VV7 Three cases yard wide Percales, Fall styles Three eases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c Two b a l es S oot l Quality Matress Ticking at 4| Two cases Men’s box 3c Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5 C One ease Men’s Seamless Sox 5c n One case rernnant White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8 * Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15c 'fl < Two cases of good Bonnet and Dress Gihghams at 3 3-4e One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchiefs; one case Men’s ’< X 3 2,000 Men’s all pure Linen Collars, five tor 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c SOO Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth One cise Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts 25c $1.50, your choice tor 39 c Are you in need of a s uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh, a pair f Pants, a Coat and Vest? Do you want a Hat? We’ll save you from 25 to st) per cent on your purchases. Good Jeans pants 35c; Men’6 Sty’ish Capped Coin Tne Shoes, 75C; Ladies’ India, Button, Fcxed Vamp, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes at sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $ 1.00 Shoes are the best in America. Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnets, go to our Millinery Department. Do not bay anywhere else if you care to save We repeat that we lost a month •n acceunt of building our store, and that we are going to make it up. We have a world of goods which we bought at half price nd we can afford to let them go at half prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade :nd we’ve knocked the bottom out of prices to get it. Cur prices are as low as 4-cent cotton. Ceme to see us at our new store. BZ.SS CO MUY BKfi SENATOR Wonderful Career of ft Nebras ka Brakeman EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES Turns To Gold, He Is A Smooth - Omaha, Neb,, Nov, 17,—The woods are full of Republicans who wish to go to Washington. The most prominent candidates fur Senator Alien’s berth are Assis* tant Secretary of War Meiklejohu, of Columbus, F. F. Thompson, of Lincoln, and Judge M. L. Hay-, ward, just defeated as Governor, who resides in Nebraska City. One of the three is likely to be chosen. Thompson presents the most un ique figure. He was cncea railroad brakeman in Nebraska. Later he became a division suj erintendent. Afterward he bought a weak insur ance company and made a fortune out of it. Thompson has some local reputa tion as a philanthropist. He sent several train leads of children from diffeient p r.s of the State to the Omaha Exposition . Thompson is the cleverest politican in the bunch and Senator Thurston has already publicly announced that he will be chtseu. Every thing Thompson touches turns into gold, and he has one ol the finest residence in L ncoln, Thompson had an indifferent edu cation, but he is a close observer ani keeps bis own counsel. His enemies charge him with undue friendliness to corporations. 4 J V o’4 z -* «U*l»i<» TtO«A 4-« Z _\ JiHitarf •m-’n ArreMMi i F ■**!* • NEGRO STOLE HER HAIR Cut Oi f Girl's Plait With A Ria Knife And Fled. Reading, Pa., Nuv 17. With out a word of warning a strange negro yesterday appeared bsside Miss Adeline Kauffman, as she sat under a tree, at Upper Bern, yes terday, and seizing the long plait of red hair that hung down her back, cut it off with a big knife 4 He fled as silently asjiecame, bearing ofi his prize. Miss Kauffman, who is only 15 years old, but well developed lives with the family of Milton S. Balt haser. She was left alone yesterday and wandered a short distance fretn the house. No one was within hearing of her when the negro came. He is described as a slender young fel low about six feet tell. All the people in the neighborhood j lined in a hunt for him, but to no WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds of the McCall Bazar Patterns since we have tauen the agency, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern has ever been returned as unsatis factory, and with hundreds of sales, not one word of criticism has ever been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many’ ladies are delighted with the McCall Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each.—None High er. Lanham & Sons 245 Broad treet, B.iss old stand. | GEN GRAHAM IS SICK He i s Suffering With Typhoid Fever And Pneumonia. New York, Nov, 17.—Briga dier General W. M. Graham, $5,000 IN CASH Sinned Op by a b’ercliant’s Little Dailglter. MONEY WAS CONGEALED In Some Loose Papers on Floor Os an Empty .Room. ! Kirkwood. 111., Nov. 17.—Last Satuiday J, IL Laird, a prominent business man of this city, had $5,000 in bank. Todjy hiS $5,000 is in a heap of ashes, and Laird 1 must begin all over again to make i his fortune, Saturday, intending to go to St. Louis to purchase an, w stock of good#, Laird drew from the bank his entire saving?, $5 000 in paper. There having been a number of burglaries lately, he decided to hide the money till time for hi# departure. He hit upon the plan of w rapping it in old papers and throwing it among a let of other# in an upper room. Sunday morning his littledaugh ter was sent to the room to clean it up, and in doing so she gathered up the bunch of old papei# con taining the money and stuffed them in a blazing stove, where they were quickly consumed. La ter Mr. Laird went to look for hi# money, and found to his horror that it had been burned. He took the loss philosophically, however, and said he could make it over again in ti ne . ' . -VF.-" II .11 retired, is critical! v ill of typhoid fever and pneumonia at Fort Hamilton. The surgeons at the post think that he will recover. Mrs. Gra ham and two of his sons are with him. THE WEST i TO ARKANSAS ?MI EXAS - _ Schedule in Effect Oct. 4th, 1898. MeitTßßOUim. N«. 2 No. 4 . Ne 70 N 0.71 f.v Atlanta 8 Itemi t fißrnTToSnSmiMß Ar MaKette.. •Os am V Item • 26pa “ Rome .... li Stem! it 45pm '* Dalton. .. 11 41*mlll 41pm litem “ Chat uooga 1 OOfftu 1 Ooam #Kpm *• Nashville . flASpm 4 40am “ Mvmyhla .. I ahem 4 flOpa . Ev NaxhvtHh | J ftffpml 7 Sbaml ..... Ar St Leila.. .17 Mem 1 7 3temj , ... Lv AasJivkua i > 4/pru, , auaui . | Ar Chioago, ♦ fldajn BWp«n .[ , Ev kaakville . 7id*a| 7 Bhiu Ar LouiavUba / 2 Btem,l2 “ Ctactrmaln.l 7 (Karn 406 pm ...... Trata No. 2carries Pullman Sleeper hetweea Jackson rille. Ma.. Atlanta and NateJtlla, oam nesting with vestibule train far Chisago. Train No. 4 carries, PuUxaan Sleeper AugnsW and Atlanta to Nash rille and tit. Louis througk without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta « Chattanooga, passengers remain In snr until f o’clock a ui. Pullman th a « per At la tea M Knoxville vie A. B. A N. Ry. Train No. To conneeio al Boyoa with VAC. far Cincinnati. Thia train oarriss throng eoach Atlant* to Rome. To the South and East. •OVTBBOOBB. i No. 1 | Vo. a j MaM I No.!# Ev KaaiteUln ri ffikin lOltexu, 7. •’ ** Dalton : 4 1 Itjm 4 #R*ml ? Uaaa - feme 4 25pm- . .. ; f Amu ** fepstta . 1 •ilipm, «4tem » Mate f #fiam Ar Atteate I 7 Syaal 7 BUajnlKH#<m ! »«tem Lv' AtUhm j VeOfctS ’ T Base 41Km~ .. A« Macon. >ll Lfipm 11 Item lk»n TKten ##teß ttepaa .7.77 •• Jauipwvin*# 4tem ... ETa ttenta? YKpmj fgT T » Macon n ugaa n Item T Sbto •• Albany |*>m 11 itrmi •• Thm nvtne . ... .. i#op,m " ■ iIL L-c-■.. Ev Atlaete . N Bspm ?RMxn I iftpsa Ar Augusta... tltem Ar CMrlofen 11 (item ..T57 " CMvfiutna .» Kajpjt# 10pm . tv Atm-su — .Ar Athens IISKTux. 3 Mpm ? item ” Hu-hßMmd ,'ffitete; 7 Item F Item """I - !O»n>i>;U »lem 11 flam J' New York .1 I JSern l_l KUpm i Train Na. 1 ear rias Pullman Bleeper Nash ville. ChoOenneoga sad Atlanta to T --thmn Ville. Fla. Train No. 8 carries Pullman Bl«w{gr St Louis to Augusta without ehange PtiUwan Sleepsr Chaftanooge to Atlanta span for prinsirngara Ch*»t*aooge il o'clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper KboxvlUo to Atlanta via A. JL 4b N By. For further Infoiuaet’un write to H P BMITH, a K. MARMAN, Manager. (ten. Pass. Agt. M?ny an Viv*. BB»» fitoia Tterwovk or houaebe'd .*r?» wowd'i Ir -u Bitters Hebu id. l r SOUTHERN i RAILWAY.' Ib KflTeet July tt, 18BS. VtAridte. | No. ;o i-i No. - 3 j CvUhattanoogu 6.3bj,m 1 >. in; in Ar Dalton 7.slutu M r'pm 11. tilaua Ar Rome D.OOain, 0.-tUpu: I iiatn Ar Atlanta 11.4t>:un! t i.iupm, 5 01am i Lv Atlanta 4.3Pl>njh I 5 .pm 5.20 am Ar Macon 7.lOpiT? 2 r>ani 8.20 am . Ar 4esup.„ ■ lAmJ 2.38 pm Ar £ verst t ! 7.l.;aini 3,#Apm Ar Jaciteowf Hie ........ . i 9. lot,ml » ";>pin Lv Jesup TilOOlurni 6.561 m 4r J ackton rille... 1 I i) uv Krerett . um t.i Ar Brunswick ..,.. ... k.Joain ; 4.3ojun No. 10 carries Puftuiun Sleeping ( ~; . t-laii'Xiua laii'Xiua to AUonta. No. 14 cerrieK Pulte an Sloepiti:; Cur and Day Coaches Gha ut loom <> Jacksonville and At lanta to Brnnuivick. No. 8 carries I’ullrna- Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Allan la. eTanoNp. ~ ’~Nq7ll fta — (rff<<77' tv Atlanta 4.2<i»«i. {.ohpm I'.lioiirn Ar Rome 6,pm lO Tiitim Ar Dalton 7.Wam. V.34pm:l 1 ;ki.ini Ar Chattanooga t «>srn bJ.i<pir.' 1 oopm Lv Chetutnooga. t.L.ani; S.iopini Ar Buraia 4.29 pm . , ! Ar Lex ing ten ; MCptni 1 .ten l Ar LonlsvlUe j 7M«pmj 7.Mtaml.. Ar Cfijcfenatl . . . 7 supin 7.*nm!~7 Lv CbMtenoot* Fi.Stenf T. item' T Ar NtehvlHo . __ | Afopra 1 iMomn Me. 13 earrie* Pullman Weeping Car zitlauta chßutan arvl Cliftluiuoutfa to Cincinnati. No 8 ekrries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta Cincinnati and Chatt.anuo-a to Louisville.' ( ~ BTATIQge ■ N A No. 12 I No. 11 (A ffiatUtnooga. ...... 8 Dam < loam iffJOpm Ay Knoxville 11 n'.ntn k-tLann l.iOam Ar Monrietown l.Npm 9.50ar0 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs jjp, n n.saan-i j.Ooam Ar Asheville j 4.35 pm 1.15 pm 5.10 nm Argaliaburv fl. »opm «..ioam ArSreenstoere , 0.-Vipm IfflOpm AinVa bYngton,. 1...77.7 6 l2amiT3spm . 2»ew Ytirk. .... t 12 Upto o.2.’>am Tfo Drawing Ko .ni Sl-ep ing Car Chattanooga to New York ria Ashe rtlle and Sallßbnry to Richmond arrivin'' Rich. m<md 4.40 am also Pullman sioepme Car ■ teeusi'oro Vo Norfolk No Isl Is solid train Ciiattnuoo?a to ‘-alia euyt. tevh Pullman Sleeping Car Ciiat'anoo -a I Vo Salisbury and Salisbury to N -w York wlvh xut change ( ' ~ STATIONS. ' N<7 4 No. « • Cv ?*h*tvanoo<» ' fl.oopin 8740 am 1 Ar Knoxville j g.j pm 11.55 am I Ar Morristown :2. Ihnni 1.2.1 pm Ar HrtsVol 7.00 am 8.55 pm < Ar Washington ■ ' I Ar Mew Yefli .... ... .7 ......._. l L2Qpm i No. #. curvier Pullman Sleeping Car Chalta looga v« Wusiiln-,’! .u and Cbatiunvoga to New ’ y« r ß without (.ba-nve. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Knox- HUetoßrl vol. ■TABiowe. ~ No - 15~ r A’ r k°® e » i(iam A Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm , * 5?*% ».55pua 7 ' 3 ”P® <r New Orhans t io.3oam 1 f r Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar ■ 7.2tpm ♦Ne. > lt?fo. Iff ffNq 10 J. i«pn»! TSffpm Lv~Kbrae ar Ooam i.3sam #.4Qpm| #.A7ptn Ar Gad-den. ar Aooam| 8 Soam A#>pm| Attalla. Jv' Attain 'kjourn ♦ Daily eneegt Sunday. f Sunday enly. " P. S. BANNON. Idv.r & 0.m., Washington. D.Q J. M CULP. Tret Mgr., Wu-hlagton. D a W A. TURK, 9 P. A. Washington. D. C. & A BICNBOBGIZR. > <•>. A.ObaltesM>effS.Tona Fancy new seeded Raisins j Currants and Citron at Lloyd & | Harper’s. Prices to sell quick I a A A A PSSSC Os PT. IMOrW - TH.M I ~ ” YOUNG AND OLD,’ We none of us live so careful ly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicine to put ui right. It’s a comfort to know where you can get them pur* at proper prices. We are not modest about these points—wl can give you what you want in patent medicines, druggisUt sundries, toilet articles and ec. Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch & Co., 300 Broad street. - ■ 11 . ■L L 11 " toTARKE, The Tailor Mr. i. M. Starke (he popular tailor a now epen for order# and f° r business in his new business born* next door to Wooten’# drug stort in the Clark building. Mr. Starks i Las a splendid line of n« w se#» o * goods and invite# you to call #nd see him and them. ««lr_- 1 MB—B—W*~^*’’*^* ll * I ’■l—l ■■ I ' Beware of Imitations •■J I JOHH BVNCAN’t •<>*•, AMBtW * f * .