The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 18, 1898, Image 3

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■so RGH RRDB |||||| t Lsmiie ßrls - Will Pianl ■ i 25,000 T fees. ■3IG fIDfIIRSVILLR DEAL I het e a Large Diversified Or | chard will be Planted. r " ’ I Tbatf'thie is the best peach Lowinf section in the best peach lute iirthe union, has already Lea fully demonstrated. I Tbalfthe wise fruitgrowers are k au iv'aware of the fact,becomes Lore apparent each day. The latest evidence submitted L this line comes in the an nouncement that ’ Rounsaville Pros., of Home, propose to plant Ibout 25,000 peach trees on ibuut 150 acres of their Cham ber’s term near Rome, on Silver Creek.'. I Still,another bit of evidence I (jmeß’i’i the following, from I Adairsville : Mr. Price Luner has sold his home place of 265 acres of fruit, hod to tbe 4 Southern Nursery, of ■'/hichester, Tenn. This compa ,y ig well known throughout Ibis section, and their coming juaong us is hailed with delight. They will at once begin improv ing the land and set it in peach es, apples, quinbes and plums. \Ve have another orchard as ]#rge in our county and thous ands«uf smaller acreage. The industry here is growing •wonderfully and necessity will J corqpel our growers to erect a canting factory and ice plant before another year, unless some enterprising man or firm does it for them. NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. * 1 Mrs. A. 0. Garrard will, from today, begia an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Beits, Hair Ornaments ano Buckles,ail to go atcobito close them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices odfore buying in Millinery. Blood Poison. Contagious I’ood Poison has been ap* •ropristely called the curse of mankind, at is the one disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial and potash * u **oies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely break forth in a •ore virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system, t Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent JtWeJor at 936 Pensylvania Ave.. Wash ington,D.C.,says; I was for a long time under treat j, ■ ment of two of the l?cst P h y s *‘ cians of this city, IJ for a severe case p of blood poison. eSwßflg /.f but my condition grew worse ail the while, not fact that they /wf~~ charged me three ‘lmbW /iy <f ' hundred dollars. /]<*/ My mouth wa * • tiled with eating sores; my tongue was almost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any solid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, •nd I was in a horrible fix. I had tried ••rious treatments, and was nearly dis couraged. when a friend recommended B.S.S. After ’ had taken four bottles, I began to get better, and when I had fi«Mhad eighteen bottles, I was cured •ound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a lue •i misery." S.S.S. {guaranteed Partly **getable) will cure any case of blood poison. Books on tbedisease •ad its treat- ••nt. mailed KJ. J** by Swift q w. ~. h , A PECULIAR REMEDY. Sombtbing About The New Dis-. cgvkry For Curing Dyspepsia, Ihe Rpv, F. I. Bell, a highly ei teaased miiister residing in Weeds port, Cayugo Co., N. Y., in a re cent letter writes as follows! •‘There has never been anything that I have taken that has relieved the Dyspepsia frcm which I have suffered lor t*n years except the new remedy called Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. Since taking them I have had no distress at nil after eatiag and again after long years can sleep well. Rev. F. I. Bell. Weedsport, N. Y , formerly, Idalia. Colo. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets is a remarkable remedy, not onjy be*, cause it is certain cure for all forms of indigestion, but because it serins to act as thoroughly in old chronic cases of dyspepsia as well as in mild attacks of indiges tion or biliousness. A person ha» dyspepsia simply because the stom ach is overworked, all it wants is a harmless, vegetable remedy to di gest the food and thus give it the much needed rest. This is the secret of success of this peculiar remedy. No matter how weak or how much disordered the digestion may be, Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or nbt. New life and new energy is given .not only to the stomash but to | every organ and nerve in the body. A trial of this splendid medicine will convince the ’ most skeptical that Dyspepsia and all- stomach troubles can be cured. The tablets are prepared by the F. A. Stuart Co ,of Marshall, Mich., but so popular has the remedy become that Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets can now be obtained at any drug store at 50 cents per package. Send for bock on stomach diseases free, • HE HAS SUFFERED For Th® Crime of Another Through an Error. New York, Nov. 19.—Angelo Carbone, who has been impris oned at Sing Sing for the mur der of Natalio Broguo, in 1889, and was under sentence of exe cution for the crime, has been discharged from custody in. the Supreme court. The fatal wound, the police found, was i made by .Alessandro Cieraraelo, who has now confessed that he committed the deed. ;■ "’** 'L -"** PLAGUE ON WINGS. Dragon Flies Took Possession of a Ship. Philadelphia, Nov. .TB- The British steamer Kensington from Java, ran into a huge swarm of dragon flies in the In dian Ocean. Their bites were something awful and the body of each man was soon a mass of blood. The pest lasted five days, when an army of boatswain a birds, the dragon flies’ deadly enemy, made their appearance and drove them awav. THREE killed —————— (, Montgomery, W. V., Nov. 18 A boiler exploded at a saw mill near Cotton Hill yesterday. Engineer Tredway and John and Charles Radford were kill eJ. ? ■ WORMS “ A ‘“” e ’jQ.Tnri’" TH??! am sure Ims caused my uUl!e by ‘"-% P bowlßß,. Baird. Mxm 4?” * CA N Y Cathartic MA"I» (UrHni; *» jH)-TO-BAC PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. 11. P. Pinson, of Atlanta, is in the city today. Miss Nellie McAfee returned I from Anniston yesterday. Dr. D. G. Hunt came up from Rome Sunday.—Dalton Citizen. Mr. W. A. Thompson, of An niston, is at the Central today. Supt. W. O. Connor, of Cave Spring,was in the city last night. j After a painful illness of two ' weeks, Mr. Will Dance is again out. Mr.C. J. Hollingsworth, of the Gate City, was in Rome last night. Mr. Hughes Reynolds contin ues quite ill at his father’s home in Bast Rome. Mr. I. T. Maples, one of Lav ender’s young merchants, was here last night. Mrs. Christopher, of Gadsden, is here, the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. W. Watters. Fgr Rent. —9 room house on 4th Ave. 2 blocks from Broad St. Apply to N. M. Gemez. Rev. Mr Hudson, of Rome, is the guest cf his brother, Mr. J. I . Hudson.—Dalton Citizen. Mr, P. M. Nixon, one of Rome’s most enterprising young men, was in the city Tuesday.—Cartersville News. Kill the man who asks you if you think it is going to rain. He is « huisatite and should be abated. That beautiful roll-top walnut desk, mabogony finish, for sale very cheap, can be seen at Mrs. 1 A. O. Garr aid s Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Magruder, | Mrs. Guy Cothran and Capt. George Magruder have arrived home from Gadsden. T. J. Newsome and G. A. Newsome and their families left ’■ • ■ \\ Monday for Rome, where they j will in the future reside.—Cal houn Times. For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda , founts of Curry-Arri ng ton Co., Jervis £ Wright and J. T. •uch. 1 The McCall Bazar Patterns ( are known ae the most and Reliable Patterns in the j market; no alteration; no com- ( plaints ; styles are strictly up to { date. Lanham & Sons. ,_ ~ I Fancy Eastern and “Canadi an” apples a specialty at Lloyds. { Also just everything for Thanks- j giving fixings, and of the best quality that money can buy. To j avoid disappointment send them ] an order. 1 *• J oSw® A HAT THAT IS FINE AS SILK in quality and smart and stylish in shape and finish, marks the man of good taste and elegance in d p ess. Our fine Derbys and Alpines bear the stamp of style, and we have such a large as sortment of both shapes and colors that any head can be fi.ted and any face be suited to a be coming and handsome hat. W. H. COKER. p s.—Special sales in ladies’ line shoes, $2.00 kind go at $1.79 this week. W. H. COKFR 11 Bread St. LOCAI HAPPENINGS,. t Ain’t it The Truth?—Gov. Candler is busy stopping the leaks sprung in the state treas ury by the Atkinson administra tion.—Calhoun Times. Chasing Dollars.—Mr. W 11 Smith, a well known young man of Rome was in town Tues day.—Calhoun Times. Fresh Nor folks.—For the finest Norfolk oysters on this or any other market, and prepared in the most appetizing manner, call at Gomez’t case. For Rent.— A neat cottage, near First Methodist church, pleasantly located and conve nient to business center, etc. Price reasonable. Possession on Ist of month, or right away. A pply to L. A. Lloyd, grocer. Hall’s Philosophy.—l he cry of mere laborers is still hard on all is heard to get worK done in both town and country. It is not because everybody has work, however, but because there are many too lazy to work. —Calhoun Times. Postponed. —The rec ption which was to be given in Lonor of Dr. and Mrs S. R Belk, by the Epworth league next Friday even ing Las been postponed until Fri day, Nov. 25th. Dr. Belk will re turn from conference in time, to be present. It »will be made an especially interesting evening. C. R. & S. Improvement.— The C. R. & S. road will soon put in a new sidetrack near, the Benedict mill for the use of that industry as a shipping point. Since the new patent process has been completed, the Benedict mill has been doing a rushing business.—Cedartown Standard. Ex Roman in Race.—The an nouncements of Messrs. Eck Clements and Will Whitfield for bailiffs for Cedartown district , apt ear elsewhere. These gentle men are clever and deserving, and will receive a strong support at the election on January 5, 1899.—Cedartown Standard. Another Arrival. —Imperi- al table jelly, a delicious desert, easily and quickly prepared; superior to other kinds and liked by all. Also Tryposa, a delicious powdered jelly in all flavors and colors, only 10c a package. Try one ami you will order a dozen. You will find both at Lloyd <fc Co’s, the popular grocer. From Sam Hardin. —Letters from Sam Hardin who is st Hat Pueblo, Col., state that be is greatly pleaded with that section. It is not improbable Mr. Hardin will purchase a ranch near Pueblo and locate ther . Pome can ill afford to lose vuch a Fplen did young man. His frien is here hope to see him return to Rome and, You Don’t Want Ice —Now, Nature supplies this want, but we have son ething von do need and want, and that is the best grate Coal on earth. We have opened a big coal yard at our Ginnery on Second Ave., and can supply you with the Mon to vella, Wooldrige Jelico Coal. Promptly delivered. Try a ton of our choice Jelico Lump and our word for it, you will be pleased. Rome Ice Co. Phone 100. Yards Second Ave. It Was A Kicker. —News comes from Adairsville that Scott Stokes, while discharging a shctgun, met with a painful accident. The gun was an old-fashioned muzzle-load ing one and a neighbor boy thought tn have some fun out of Scott, put in an txra load sc that the tittle fellow would be kicked over when he discharged the gun Hie older brother however, got the gun aad went rabbit hunting. When he fir- Woman’s Friend Tbe Great Medicine that Gives Nerve Streafth MwW's tompxrfil# NakM Ife Kl®h an® Pura, Qraataa an and RaaMVaa Meat*, Vl*sr and Vitality. “I toto Mat I o«fh» »• vrfta a tow war to ta praba al Haad’a fcraayafHta, wklab baa fraat Ihtafa na. 1 wan la a balhaba oawSffian aa4 Waa a!a® ad toy rtanaab aad aaaattpabad. I triad vanaediaa highly raaoamtndai tor faaaato vaahnaaaaa, bat tba madlalaaa braafbt an atbaa tranbiaa. Iwm aa wnrir 1 anald attaad to toy haaaahal« datia®, and I lhaa 4aUrmlaad to try Rood's Bar topaHHa. After I bed kaboa thia nadiataa a abaat time I began to (ala atraa*th. I •raw ttrwngwr Raeh Bny aatU I waa able to work all toy wtobtot nay taeaavealonoo. 1 here takea ■ood'a FtUa ter eaaatipatlon, and I an baton le toy tbaa I bora bean for tva ynan. dßaoo taking Host's Baraaparllla aad Haod'i Pills I feel rntod ia the anarnto*. I am iaaa narrons and am .iaya I baea riob* and parer blood. I bare dlvaya boon bothered with eerofala, bad sow I am rid of 11. Before ny laei obild ws bon 11 took Hood’s •oneparlllo, aad my glr'A »by was fat and while my * * ehlld xaa not wall and Itoad to be only twe years old." Mao. ■. *. I«AL, Box did, Mlaacart Vslloy, lowa. Hood’s B to'nt ■ too beaO- la foot too Cao Tree Mood Pander o nnH’a Pi Ila »r» r»r»iy ▼•eouaio.eero TOVU » 1 ma fu i| 7 , r ,|,a r *a. M led the gun it burst and bis faea' and bead were badly hurt, the most painful injury being from the powder burn.- Popular in Rome. —Mr. M.J R. Emmons, the big Atlanta clothing merchant, was here Sunday, the guest of his mother and family Rich bo'ds a warm spot in Dal-» ton’s heart—Dalton Citizen. Wild Tukeyc.— Mr. Thom is Lawthon killed two large wild tur keys on the E f owah river Monday afternoon." A drove of fifteen o r twenty flew up and he succeeded in bringing down one with each barrel of his well-aimed gun.— Carte'rsville News. A Precocious Youth.—Jchn Richard Roberta,, eon of Mr. W. W. Roberts clerk of the superior court, makes a business of shoot ing English sparrows, which he sells to parties fora half cent each to feed opossums upon. The boy uses a rifle in the destruction of the troublesome little birds and hardly ever misses a shot.—Car tersville News, Tas Simpson Case.—ln the au perior court today, before Judge ' Henry, the case of John S'mpson vs, the Southern Railway, for $2,000 damages has been on trial. This case grew out of injuries al leged to have been sustained by defendant a year ago, last March, in tthe Etowah bridge wreck, Messrs. ieaborn Wright, A. G. Ewing and W. S. McHenry for plaintiff, C. W. Underwood, of Rome and Sam P. Maddox and I. E. Shumate of Dalton, for defense. Thb “Bloody Sevrntb ” Gov ernor Candler has gathered about him a gallant staff of Georgia Colonels —thirty-five in all. The Seventh Congressional district furniebts Mr. J P. McConnell, of Floyd, Mr. W. P. Laramore. ot Bartow, and Mr. W. R. Pow«r, of Cobb. The newspaper boys of the state have already dubbed Editor Bub Cramer, of Fulten, Captain General of the Governor's military ssaff.—Cedartowu Standard. Who Is This Orphan? —“A seri ous accident occurred this morn ing at the Mountain City Mill Co. Will Laddie, a white orphan boy from Rome, Ga., had bis left foot badly mashed. The lad has been here for a week working about the livery stables. His parents and re latives are all dead he says. Last night be went to s’eep on some sacks at the Mountain City, Co’s plant, and this morning an eleva tor moving mashed his foot above stated. Dr. S W Fain was called and dressed the foot, secured the boy a ticket back to Rome, and sent him there over the Western and Atlantic read thia afternoon.” —Chattanooga News. Quails, fresh, fat and fine, al ways on tap and served to the Queen’s taste, at Gomel’s cif«. fl BAILIFF SHOOTS rr — Davy Bryan Thinks he Hit J. B. Reynolds. BUY HIB MAN ESCAPED. Bailiff Co>eland Out With An other V/ayrant. 11 * Yesterday afternoon Bailiff D. B. Bryan, armed with • warrant from Justice Treada way’s courtjaud a goodjrevolyer, went out to Brice’s to arrest Mr. J. B. Reynolds, a citizen of th at section of the county. Bailiff Bryan found his man and succeeded in arresting him. He asked Reynolds for his weap ons and that individual handed out his pocket knife. The bailiff started to search his prisoner for a pistol, but Reynolds began backing, “If yon run I’ll shoot you,” exclaim ed the bailiff, whereupon Rey nolds turned and ran. Mr. Bryan fired twice, and ■says he is confident h> bit the fugitive, though only showed a finger bars! of speed with each report from the pistol. He made good hie es cape. The warrant upon which Reynolds was arrested charges • him wiih having forged the iiaina of H. T. Bradshaw, hie father-in-law, to a nete npon which he secured 1115 from Mr. W.T.ChJwy, ' ' 4 Today Bailiff Copel ar d has gone out after Reyimjds, who ia | wanted on a warrant from Jus tice Walter Harrirpffice.charg- / ing said Reynolds with btring sold mortgaged 1 CHARLEY CRAWFORD DIES. ./ He Passes Away TWs Morning With Consumption. Just as we go to press this / morning Mr. Charley Craw ford»’/ the eighteen-) ear-old eon of Mr. / and Mrs. W. D. Crawford, dies* of consumption. He had beew ill for several weeks, and hi| death was not unexpected. I Charley Crawford wae a bro ther of Mr. J. Banta Crawford, the popular young attorney of the Rome bar. Bomans extend > Mr. Santa Crawford their deep est sympathies in his ced bo* reavement. nP- —— 1? * kjfccroQ) I WtA wjJ i IN THE DINING BOOM Every giod*man likes to see a good, solid looking SIDEBOARD. It gives dignity to the room nd besides it is the right place for the pitcher of ice Decide how mudh ’you want j to pay for this useful and orna mental article of furniture. We have them from 110.00 to $30.00 The least expensive are well made of oak with 14x24 mirrors. Serviceable and durable. of higher price are more ornate in design, some of quartered oak hand carved, with shaped bevel* ed French plate mirror. eating to look at even if don’t buy. -R&udy, Harvey & C?., 537 Broad St.