The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 20, 1898, Image 4

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1 ggEJB 111— *■- niimifiicoiiEm / / e^JSTLEROFR OME EstaHWMd, IHMO -HE )fCMECOMMERCIAL f Eatabilabeil. 18W>. *i»d *v»ry evening, except Saturday. \ Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EBITOR AND MANAGER. w- a.. _ Tolbert might enlist and go to Manila . The demand for a reduction in taxes grows in velumn. . * Yes, Jane, dear, the street pi mo is a roll of music. M icon’s prohibition campaign ia a scizzin' an’ a bilin’. Some people are good and some are good for something. Thanksgiving Day is only four days away—but on sched ule time. Jerry Simpson is going to quit politics. Jerry believes in reciprocity. Thanksgiving day draweth on apace and the turkey wears a worried look. The allround piano salesman does business cn the suuare and upright plan. Van Wyek lost by less than 18,000 votes, lie came so near bin was yet so tar. Never go to extremities with a foo| or a mule. Life is short enough without it! King Humbert of Italy, and the Queen of Spain accept the cxar’s peace proposal. ► The Newnan Canning Factory Co., contemplates increasing the capacity of its cannery. From 11 to 36 is the increase of Democratic Congressmen from the Eastern states. What is Uncle Sam going to give his Caban children in lieu of their beloved bull fight. - - 1 -; The telegram that Wanamaker sent Dick Croker would make interesting post-election read ing. a-- • Those who hi ve been there, agree that the day afterward is the best time for sober reflec tions. The Pittsburg Post thinks that the tariff law should be dry docked and have its bottom scraped. Seven hundred and eleven applicants for pardons are on file with the prison commission of Georgia. Among the inovations that Georgia is not ready for is that of co education hobby of the club women. The ratio of Georgia women whu do not favor the co-educa tion proposition is about 100 to 1, of th<Af who do. According to the Savannah Press, the tax dodger is numer ous and his name is legien The Press is about right. SHE?""—.. .....i . " ! The mummy of an Egyptian queen who lived 3000 years ago was lately sold in London for 160. And she never kicked. The North Carolina football team is built on a parity with he average white elector in be Tarheel stale. Just sweep ing everything before it. RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROVAI BAKING BOWOCR CO., MW YORK. Gov. Candler talked horsf gense a few days ago to the Gid eon’s Band of reformers who went to him to enlist his a’d in cutting official salaries. He said to them : “You fellows are pull ing at the wrong end of the trace. It’s all right to talk about lopping a couple of hundred dollars off some fellow’s salary, when you haven’t got anything else’to do. But that is not the idea now. We’ve got bigger work oa hand. Why don’t you know that if you should abolish the whole statehouse force, in cluding myself, you wouldn’t make any perceptible reduction in the tax rate, and you tell me you want to reduce the taxes. Now, 11l tell you what to do, and I’m with you: Just go off and study up some way to bring more money into the treasury and get more property into the hands of the tax gatherer. Then you won’t need to talk about slicing this fellow’s salary or abolishing that fellow’s office for the sake of economy.—Ma con News. “And as for the Macon Tele graph, you go to New York and atk who owns the Herald. The Journald or the World, and they will tell you. Go to Atlan ta and ask who owns the Atlan ta Journal, and they will tell you ; but you come to Macon and ask who owns the Macon Telegraph, and the angels in I heaven can’t tell vou.—Sam V Jones. This is pretty hot.shot for one gold bug to be pouring into an other of the same faith and or der. The Eufala Times offers a bit of advice to the Southern far mers : “The Southern States will prosper more when one half of the land now put in cotton is sown in peas and grain, or turn ed into pasturage. Then make ti e other bring as much cotton as the whole now brings, and there will be prosperity.” In noting the cry of legisla tors and the press that all hid den wealth be required to pay taxes just like other property, the Blake y Observer remarks : <‘The man who has his wealth hidden and fetches it out to face the next tax rate is too honest for this world, and heaven is his home.” A girl’s college for girl’s and a boy’s college for boys. Drive the co-education idea back across the Mason and Dixon’s line and let it be nursed fora lew hundred more years among its short-haired New England mothers and nurses. The Nashyille Banner thinks that Gftn. James B. Weaver, ofl lowa, who has been defeated as a democratic candidate for con gress, has more defeats in more parties to his credit, perhaps, than any man in American poli tics. The Rev. Henry Frank de clares that “Pulpit Babboons are a better attraction than trained monkeys at a circue.” Sr Gov. Candler demands a low* er state tax rate, and the gov ernor is right. Dalton Citizen. Michigan has elected three Smiths to represent three of her congressional districts in the next congress. Li Hung Chang has plumed his fight for the Yellow river— perhaps old Li will use his yel low jacket for a bathingsuit. The recent outrageous beha vior of the negro officers in San tiago is another evidence of their incapacity for commis sions. It makes a difference.lf it’s a man who talks and talks * and talks, you call him a bore ; if it’s a woman you call her viva cious. The business men of Hunts villehaye raised S7OO with which to purchase a Kentucky thor oughbred horse for our “Fight ing Joe.” As soap is an enemy to dirt, so is religion to sin—but you must catch your tramp or your sinner before you can make the application. That was a wise young man who broke the engagement be cause the girl’s father offered to lend him the money to buy the license with. - 1 J—— 1 W " MJL “Reducing a few salaries will, not meet the trouble in Georgia. The people are demanding gen uine retrenchment,” says the Augusta Chronicle. Admiral Dewey and Gen. Joe Wheeler both sent congratula tions to Roosevelt. “Comrades” was the song ; Alger did not be long to the quartett. Commissioner Peck says, re garding our interests at the Par is Exposition : “We have the genius, we haye the skill and we have the big space, too ” Cissy Cisneros is again in evidence in Havana.Ciss is anjap preciative girl and has doubtless gone back to return those pants she borrowed when she masque raded out of Havana. By all manner of means let the legislature put the pension list on an indigent basis and make at least a temporary re duction in the school appropria tions. The tax payers have a right to live. 1 And so Nebraska didn’t go re publican after all! Now what becomes of all the dissertations on the “passing of Bryan aad Bryanisn” that w r e read in the republican papers last week?— Albany Herald. L_. " The statement that Spain will only yield to force in surrender ing the Philippines is not start ling. She said that once before, and Dewey furnished the force. And that power plant is still in thorough repair. Now it is said that Tesla will supply power for the Paris Ex position from Niagara Falls without the aid of wires. It may be shocking to suggest it, but Tesla is going to see a failure in the current crop. ■•W. • I 1. Those “prominent citizens” at Toluca, 111., who lynched a negro the other night, are mak ing it extremely difficult for the north to give the south good ad vice about upholding the law.—- Chicago News, Quails, fresh, fat and fine, al ways on tap and served to the Queen’s taste, at Gomez’s case. I THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processed known to the California. Fig Si kuf Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured ay the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of tlmt fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. liOUUWLLF.. VIW YORK. J. V SHERMAN'S LAMENT. John Sherman, in a recent interview, confirmed the worst charges made against Hanna and McKinley in reference to the manner in which the old man was ousted to give place to tha Republican Warwick. Here is the plaintive tale of the old man : “I -was always a supporter of Pre. ident McKinley. You know that hab ver he desired to have —govt rnor, president, anything I sustained. They always called upon me and I responded. But Ido b‘dl n vn that my suggestions or wishes .vou'd now be sustained by tkj ad tn .listra tion. I consented to give up my seat, as I did not want to ap pear exacting. Always wi.h good nature I have subscribed to the program. I think that I have been used for a purpose. “They reaily did not want me in the cabinet, but wanted my senatorial seat. It was rep resented to me that they could not make up tne cabinet with out me; that questions were coming along that I ought to have control of. “I know that Hanna wanted the rest of my term, and as had always been friendly to me, I did not desire to seem diso bliging. So I resigned my seat and went into the cabinet. Mr. Hanna received the rest of my term, but when he tried for a term for himself he could only get it by a single vote, notwith standing the administration’s support. “It then began to be said that I was growing forgetful and Be nil*. Hanna, whom I had ©bilg ed with my seat, was among the first to say that I had lost ray mentality. It was not a very kind return for my vacating-my seat for him.” If the “silver craze” were dead, as alleged by the gold or gans for the steen thousandth time, it would be natural for the common people to believe that the gold organs were “hainted” by the ghost of the deceased, alleged. The McKinley-Hanna Co., limited, having heard from the Carolinas, now’ have a clearer idea of what the respectable people of the South think of ne gro officials and the black su premacy said company has been imposing on the South. Ye?, Pauline ; ’possum .sup per politic* is dead in Georgia. | —D.dton Argus, j WHAT A NORTHERN PAPER THINKS OF NEGRO SUF FRAGE. The following from the Phila delphia Record Rums up the cause of negro suffrage and its outcome in a nut shall. It is in deed a weapon placed in the hand of the colored brother, which bids fair to be his ruin. This from the Record : “Never was a worse political mistake made in this country than when the republican party with the selfish view of securing permanent control in the south ern states, armed the ignorant negro population with the right of suffrage. The result has been to halt negro advancement by making the white population antagonistic as a matter of self preservation. The southern peo ple have been made solidly anti republican. Negro domination has proved intolerable where the experiment has been tried, and a dangerous floating vote has been added te the electorate in states in which the negro population is but a small percen tage of the whole. “After hundreds of years cf slavery there should have been, at least for the lifetime of two or three generations, a season of probation to fit the African for the full exercise of the rights of citizenship. Now the poor ne gro without such an apprentice ship has to wade in blood to gather in the spoils of office to which he deems himself entitled. “For the race riots- in the south there is no seeming help. They are deplorable; they are disgraceful. But our mistaken policy has made them inevita ble. The equality of the two races has been established on paper, but it cannot be main tained in practice. The weaker race must bend to the stronger . This is a law that no act of con gress can repeal.” ..■Li!.. L HUMAN NATURE. When some people are not hungry they are sleepy. So many people become silly in trying to be funny. After a case is lost a client dees as much talking as his at torney. A man never knows how well posted his wife is on church as fairs until she entertains her minister at supper. A woman likes a man to re member what aches she bad last, the same as he likes her to remember how he likes his cof fee. As people grow olier they be gin to throw all the clothes they* takeoff at night across their beds to keep their feet warm. When some people gossip,they regard their indignation at the wickedness going on in the world as a sort of reform work. You’can pick up a boy’s school book and find instantly where he is studying. Every page he has passed over is full of marks of dirt.—Atchison Globe. YOU SHOULD KNOW What Hood’s Sarsaparilla has power to do for those who have impure and unpoverished blood, ’t makes the blood rich and pure and cures scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, nervousness. If you are troubled with any ailment caused or pro moted by impure blood, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla at once. Hood’s Pills are prompt and efficient, easy to take, easy to operate...* 3 j itr, tf'f »;3 d ‘t .k ♦* • J,l l ? ■*.J tf&wk w fcJi j tui X W Lours << niiorrhit.Kt 1 W (MIDY ft ; "■ —WI - - I I HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Doi are Reward for any caße Catarrh that cannot be cured b v Hall’s Catarrh Curs. F. J.CHK¥EY&Co.,ToIedo,Q We, the undersigned, have kn wn F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug, gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. G. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken I internally, acting directly upon , the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the est b ’ ■ ■ ■» Ooke ohepper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and ’ cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean I and economical. For further particulars see ROME G-AS CO JWESSIONJL emos /•; , ATTORNEYS. - $ —— „ J. BR.ANHAM, LkIW Office 2W, K at. first reet.St, : ■ ——j —— —. CHASW. UNDERWOOD Artornwy at Law, Boiu»‘ Croporaion Ijlw Onlyr -W. J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice In all ocurt». Special attention given to commercial U« 1 and the examioutlon cl laud titles,. office la King building. R<Jme, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at la* and J. P Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB dr .WILLI NOH AM Commercial Lawyers. Office In Armstrong hotel building, Rowe, G* M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. Office Klug Building. * Rome, ua. W. H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law ,Will Practice in all coutM Office, Maaonio Temple, Kone, Ga, J- SANTA CRWF O < - Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collection! * specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOBI3 » RIGHT. HARPER HAMILTON WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postoffice Building CHARLES E. DAVIS —ATTORNEY aT I AW- Collection asp W 111 practice in courts. Masonic Temple y^uuex, Koine, Ga DENTISTS. 1 7’ a7 'wills? d.d.'sTT Office 240 1-8 Broad. If Over cantrell A O*»i J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D S..M D . ENTIBT’ Office, 1-8 Hroad street. Over Hanke Far niture Co. PHYSICIANS. CL HAMILTO n. m d- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. qn ce ’phone No. rt. Xu. F. HAMIiOND. M- D- Physician and Surgedlr, Office in Medina building. Residence, No. West First* B TONSORAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, The'‘Old Reliable.” operating the O*Rr hotel Harber Shop, invites you to give ki» trial, and promises to do the rest. Duly »LLied mm employed on the chairs , HOWELL C. TAYLOR. Himself a skilled barber, employs ••-If very beat artists in bis toneoral studio, >« Lurry Building, opposite the ArmetrnoC- ***** you are made comfortable while your wort >* UMug done. t PASTEUR FILTERS The enh Germ Prooi Filter in the world. Makes ’water pure and f clear sale by The Hanson Supply Co