The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 20, 1898, Image 6

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REIGN OF TERROR. /farm and Strikinc Miners At Pana, 111. ARE USING ’HEIR GUNS. Sheriff Shot From Ambueh Loses Right Arm. *» - Pana. 111., Nov. 19 —The tcwD has been kept in a s’ate of terror all evening by uutrercue encoun-, tars between negroes and striking miners. Both are heavily armed and use their ammunition ireelf. Sheriff Sid Watts, who w»s re turning from the Springfield mins, where he had been on duty, was shot from ambush. Tne bullet took effect in bio right arm, which had to be amputated. A number of residences have bjfcn pierced by bullet, and those who are able to do so have sent their families to the country. The principal streets are patrolled by soldiers. Captain Butler had a long con versatien by telephone with Gov ernor Tanner last evening, and it is said more troops will be hare today. Desultory firing in every section of the city continued throughout last night. The terrorized citizens buddled in groups were guarded by heads of families heavily arm ed Quite a number of families left the city and spent the night in the country with friends. C. H. Heath, an ex railroad naan, whose home is in Flatham, a negro district, was fired upon by i the blacks and himself and family were driven to shelter in the c >un try. The blacks claimed shots were fired at their home from Heath's yard, a statement which he denies. Members of tsoop B NO FAKE— BUT SOLID FACTS. Mrs. A. 0. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and cnildren at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Belts, Hair Ornaments and Buckles, ail to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices before ouyiag in Millinery. Blood Poison. Contagiosa B’ood Batoon hoa been ap rspriatoly called the curee of maahind. ia the ano diaaaae that phyeiciana can not ease; their mercurial and potash remedies only bottle up tha poison ia Ma system. to enrwly break forth ia a •eu viraleat farm, roauking in a total Wmakeftto ayetaen. Ml Freak B. Martin, a prominent Mmdoratgto Benaylenaia Ave.. Wash- ington,D.C.,eays: WM * ,on 8 ~ time under treat J n>ant of two of the beat physi -11 rians of thia J* for a severe r of blood poison. '%gsSsT XJt ■» y < »>*d»tioß grew worse a® while, <g|fe W' ! lS|t withstanding the tec* ehsrged me three tn Jt’ ‘ hundred dollars, w /jrr My mouth was ABM «kB anting aarer, my tongue was niton away, aa that for three tontom* I wan unable to taate any aalid ■and. My tow wan coming out rapidly, to* I wan to a herrible in. I had triad endtom trantmonto, and was nearly dia- Mtommto, whan a friend recommended SstoM Atoe * had taken fcmr bottles, I to nut beater, and when X had fltontoto «%toaaa bottlaa, I was cured gnnd and wail, my akin was without a Mmnaah, and I have had no return of too disuses #<S.saved me from a life to mraary." 5.8.&. *MtoaMi) will enrt any case oi blood aieon. Baahs on thedieease i 4* treat- mnu s s s J A PECULIAR REMEDY. Bom«t*ing About The New Dis covery For Curing Dyspepsia. The Rev. F. I. Bell, a highly es testßfd minister residing in Weeds -1 port, Cayugo Co., N . V., in a re ,cent letter writes as follows! “There ha* never been anything that I have tuken that ha* relieved ths Dyspepsia frem which I have suffered fort» n jenrs except the new remedy called Stuart’s Dys pepsia Tablets. Since taking them I have had no distress at all after eating and again after long years can sleep well. Rev. F. I. Bell. Weedsport, N. Y , formerly, Idalia, Colo, Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets is a remarkable ren edy, not only be cause it is ceitaiu cure for all forms of indigestion, but because it seems to act as thoroughly in old chronic cat's of dyspepsia as well as in mild attacks of indiges tion or biliousness. A person ba* dyspepsia simply because the stom ach is overworked, all it'wants is a harmless, vegetable icrnedy to di gest the food and thus give it the much ne*ded rest. This is the secret of success of this peculiar remedv. No matter bow weak or how much disordered the digestion may be, Stuart s Dys pepsia Tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not. New life and new energy is given not only to the stomash but to evsry organ and nsrve in the body. A trial of this splendid medicine will convince the most skeptical that Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles can be cured. The tablets are prepared by the F. A. Stuart Co ,of Marshall, Mich., but so popular has the remedy become that Stuart’s Dyspepsia Taolets can now be obtained at any drug store at 50 cents per package. Send for bock on stonsach diseases free, were kept on th » alert all night. A colored miner reported to the police that a white man had teen killed in the Flatham district. Officers Smi'h aud Le°, accompa nied by the negro, started for the scene. They were met by Captain Butler, the militia commander, who told the officers it was unsafe for them to enter the Flatham dis trict. Captain Butler refused to send a guard to accompany the of ficers. In the Springside mins last night, Ed Jones, a white ncn-un ion miner, is reported to have been shot in the back and seriously wounded. A report reached here ysstsrday that seventy-five negroes with winchesters had lined up in Springside to clean out the whites of that section. Captain Bu’lcj sent troops to the scene at once. io Marry a hero * - - Actress Will Wed One of Men Who Followed Merrimac. Chicago, Nov. 19.—1 tis report , ed that P . K. Petersen, of Charles ton|S, C., who was coxswain of the steam launch that bravely follow ed the Merrimac to the mouth'uf Santiago harbor, will soon marry Miss Charlotte Criue, the actress. Miss Crane is the actress whose presence at an aristocratic military tall in Charleston, S. C., last win ter created such a furore among the society women of that city who were present. Mr. Peterson is now in Charles ton. Miss Crane is at present ii this city, playing in a h eal theat er. TAPE WORMS “A t*p<> worm eighteen feet long At iwtctmeua the scene after my taking twe JAS< A RETS. This lam sure has eauaed my bad health fur the past th re. years. lam still ..king Cascar*ts, the only cathartic worthy of •sues by sensible people ” _ Gbo W BowakS, Baird, Him CANDY fl cathartic TSAO! MARR RSMSTIRSO F!ex*ant. Tacte Good IM •uod. Neva, Sicken. Weaken, or Grips. 10*. sic. wS ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... hMriu. a m .«, <»*«•. vmS. m M-TG-BAC SBUiiAWMftXMiflr DRWRY IN OKUNO Foreigner At /fails Desire His Protection , SPANIARDS POWERLESS - I .Citizens Os Other Countries Have Appealed to The Admira’. I Washington, N iv. 19 —News of a mixed character came to the na vy department today from Admir al Dewey touching the situation in the Philippines. The admiral sent two of his warships, the Charleston and the Concord, some time ago to the southward from Manila to ascer tain whether there was a»y truth in reports that the insurgents had expanded their activities iu that direction. Today he cabled as fol lows: “Manila. Nov. 19.—Charleston and Concord arrived today Iloilo. Glass reports that the entire island of Panay is in possession of insur gents except Iloilo, which is defen ded by 800 Spanish ’roops. All foreign citizens t here beg for Amer ican protection. The island of Ne gros has declared independence and deairea Am rican protector ate.” Glasa is the commander of the Charleston. So far nothing has been done by the admire' toward curbing the insurgents in their operations save verbal representa tions from the American comman ders to Aguinaldo, in which it has been pointed rut to him that it would be good policy, in view of the probability of the annexatioi. of the islands by th“ United Sta'e* to pursue a course that would not be obnoxious to the United States. But the eituati n is now realized to be critical »<• fur as the Span iards are concerned perhaps they can be left to take care of them selves, but the foreign resident at Iloilo arejdiffcreiitly regarded. The difficulty in the situation is that with the best infections to intervene to protect the Europeans and other foreign -rs and to save the city of Iloilo, the second city of importance in the Philippines 'group, from looting, the United States forces appear to be estop ped, under the rules cf war. from moving from their position. .Such is the construction placed upon the clause m the protocol relating to a suspension of hostilities. The immediate t fleet of this state of affairs may be to hasten action in the Paris conference, for it is only by the termination of that tribunal that the Urited States can cotne to the relief of the beleaguered Spaniards iu Iloilo aud at other poins. It. is sa : d to be a fact, however, ■ it iHm ~ n HAT THAT IS FINE AS SILK in quality aud ainartand stylish in shape and finish, marks the man of good taste and elegance in d’-oss. Our fine Derbys and Alpines bear the stamp of style, and we have such a large as sortment of both shapes and colors that any head can befitted and any face be suited to a be coming and handsome bat. W. H. COKER. P. S.—Special sal«a in ladies’ fine shoes, $2.00 kind go at sl. 7t this week. W. H. COKER H Broad St. Poisoned by Ivy Was in a Dreadful Condition Happened to Read About a Similar Case -Followed tho Other Man’s Example and Was c;ur«d. The following i:i< id at i» g-ivrii l y ( Charles Uon is. geuei al jobber, Lexing ton Aveuu.. Nor. !i Curunrids-, Mana.: “Several years ago I became poisoned | by ivy. 1 tried many medicine*, spending a large sum of money without obtaining a particle of good. My children were also afflicted with the same discare. We were all constant bu'/e ers with uu awful itching sensation, and it seemed as if 1 should tear myself to pieces. I picked up a paper in which I found printed a testimonial from a man in Vermont who had been similarly afflicted and had talcs z Hood’s Sarsaparilla w ith benefit. 1 a bottle, which v.’t took and it did Me end My Children w much good I purchased another supply. We continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla until we used five bottles and I can safely say that neither myself nor children nave any signs of lhe poison. It hasau tirely left us and we are perfectly cured. We give the whole credit to Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Before resorting to this medtetue ' was reduced in weight, but now I weigh 175 pounds. He»>d’s Sarsaparilla has not only done much good but haa >een the means of saving me a great deal if money. I would not be without it in tny house and I heartily recompiled tto all who are afflicted. I have writ eu this statement for publication, of my w:i will, as 1 want others to know w hat Hcod’s Sarsaparilla .as lout tor us.” Cium-fc Mounts. . t-lav/ui’a Di II are the only pi)M to taka l UUUU 3 1 wuh ib-ou *Saja»win«» WB. 1 ■ 1 . »-1 ■ « a." that a total disagreement at Pa’i# may result in speedier action than if the commissioners agreed upon the main principles of the Philip pine ceasion, foi in such case sev era! additional sessions probably would be required in order to ar range a detai' of the treaty. It is now thought to be c rt»in that th- commission ut the meet ing nex' Monday or Tuesday will do one of the two things—°ithfT agree’o the cession of the Philip or note a disagreement and diaaoive the meeting, for the ad miui-t ration is not disposed to further tolerate delay and has so instructed the Un ’e<l States com mission- rs. The la’ter s f»* n lone c blegram today in r I ii- deciphering occupied the entire official day aiui meantime there were wild rumor# touching the nature of i s con tents. As a matter of fact, it was nothing more than an extremely verbose statement of the Spanish side of the case relating to the Philipp inee. 'lhere was a renewal of the at tempt to take issue with the Amer ican contention as to the meaning of the protocol clause relative to the disposition of the Philippines, and much quibnling. accompanied by quotations from F roach, Span ish and other European language? in thj effort to demonstrate to Americans just what an English word might mean. The latter will take no notice of this kind of a hair-splitting plea, but at the next meeting will call on the Spanish commissioners to make answer to the American proposition to cede the Philip pines, probably allowing until Monday or Tuesday only for a final and responsive answer on that point. DREYFUS TOLD OF REVISION • Prih neh On Devil’s Island Is In formed Os The Proceedings. P.-ris, Nov. 19 . —The govern ment or French Guiana has sent a dispatch to the colonial office here saying Alfred Dreyfus, the former French officer undergoing impris onment for life on Devil’s island, has been informed of the revision proceedings in hie case. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve iu the world for cute, bi uiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pur box. For salu by Curry Ar lington Co. EDWIN BUGHffIN Writes Interestingly Front Pittsbilrg. ON MATTERS MUSICAL 1 Roman Member of Magnificent Orchestra Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 19 —The first concerts of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra took place 'on the evening of the 3rd and afternoon cf the sth. The Orchestra comprises sixty picked musicians, men who are considered artists in their line. The numbers rendered were the “Leonore” Overture No. 3 Beethoveu, the “E minor Symphony” of T*schaikowsy. “Spinning Wheel” of Saint ’Saeus, and the vors iel to Wag ner’s “Die Meistersinger.” ~ Every number was played with tire and vim, and the soft est |xassages of the orchestra | wera like a breath of air, while the fortissimos were as strong and fiery as a maddened steed. Mr. Victor Herbert had been engaged to replace Mr. Frederics Archer, as conductor. Many doubted the ability of Mr. Her bert as a conductor of orchestra works and thought it an unwise change in the management. Mr. Archer, the former con ductor, seemed to have little control over his men and proved to be a conductor of inferior ability. Besides he was accused of harshness to his men, while Mr. Herbert is just the reverse. Mr. Herbert’s persaual mag netism. Lis wonderful control <>t musicians, his greatness as a conductor and Lis strictness in every little detail won the" suc cess of the first concert. The people went wild after each number, and papers were unanimous in declaring the concert a success in every way. After w 6 had played tae Saint Saeus “Spinning Wheel” I thought the audience would tea' Carnegie Hal! down. Mr. Her bert bowed dozen’s of times in acknowledgement of the appre ciation of his efforts. The leading musicians deci - re us'theequal of Thomas’ Chicago orchestra, which has one hun dred men. The next concerts take place njl-ZIB.. M ,11 LB J— 1 T“ zx. *• No Quarter ! // There is no sense in trifling 4, V with disease. Death is a foe f All -t A ready enough to over l/i - power poor hutnan- at the least op ' P or tunity without l our adding any ~ 1 // yAL A thing to the deadly ( / by uncer- \ l iKfltainity or inaction. \ I Ueath is not the t / \ so, t of an enemy to d>lly-daUy vCVfeiattk w 'tl>. nor give /T* the slightest quarter. He should be bayoneted to the earth with a •ure and vigorous thrust. There is just one niediaine which can be counted on with absolute certainty to over come the deadly assault of wasting disease and restore the rugged, masterly power of perfect health. The “Golden Medical Dis covery” of Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buffalo. N Y., creates that keen digestive and 1 nutritive capacity, which makes healthy, nourishing red blood, and keeps it pure and alive with bounding vitality It nour ish**, vitalizes and builds up every organ and tissue in the body ; tones the liver • heals the lungs ; atrengibens the heart, and restores complete energy and cheerfulness. " I had been troubled for several years with snelU of hver casnplalnt," writes U NwUtiina- Beld, Hsq., of Sweetsprings, Monroe Co., W. Va “and about two.years ago my health gave way. I tried harsauan’la. I was getting worse all the time. I bad a weakness in my left side and limb*, palpitation ®f the heart at times, cramp ing pains in th* stomach after «atiag nerves weak, and no energy for anything I took Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discover*, and began to mend from the start. I soon felt like a new person Jam now enjoying splendid health and have a splendid appetite, govd digestion, and also a peaceful, quiet mind.” Dr. Pierce’s thousand pag> book, “The Common Sense MedicaVAdviser ” contains oyer two hundred reliable prescriptions, with directions for self treatment of all such diseases as are curable without a phy sician. Anatomy, physiology and the laws of reproduction are explained, with over seven hundred illustrations. One copy, paper covered, sent absolutely free for 21 one-cent stamps, to pay cost of mailing only. Address, World’s Dispensary Med ical Association, Buffalo, N. V For « handsome cloth binding send 31 stamp#. ' ‘leiiing <>f the eleventh j ‘‘Loon of the twelfth. imbors to be played are | Overture” of Schu ,nry difficult composition i y tingto play in good tLI minor symphony of “ e bn, “The ride of the a v and “Tanhuuser Ov<i by w agner. ‘ Ie of the Valkyries” is ' U P|) represent a lot of | nna l witches on horses the air. It is a jsition and lhe fid dhTs iaV 0 a chance to dis pbiy We have re he.trs|ry morning and are vvorkilj A tlq ia ry Ist, we go on a tour oLjugipa] cities of the north.l e Herbart will go soul JIS J nlI j Bure would ii e i 8 without a doubt t-otning orchestral conduct,] great things iu that liut |_, e expected of him. I hopbj.jte t j )e Hustler- CommeijQcu # |j J( u t some E{?yptiaibnnies I au in the museum. ] n the mtaatime I beg to bihfully ; *t>r. Buchanan. KliSVw T / I X»a if F* s-jfl \ /u IN THE KING EOOM Every g od like* to • good, solid 10-j g SID>)A RD. It gives dignib the room aud besides it is ih u h». place for the pitcher of water. Decide how t»h vou want to pay for this f u l and orna mental article o uu itur«. We have them from).oo to $30.00 The least ex petre are well made of oak with x 24 mirrore. Serviceable and t-able/ Tho»e of higher price aruore ornate in design, some of artered oak hand carved, with aped bevel ed French plate mor. Inter esting to look at en if you don’t buy. • RhCDY, H.ARVEt ('J 337 -oad St. 2-°CENT SUMP! Will send a letter to any point in Uncle Sam's big { domain.! For very reason, if you ire sick, trji i sore or suffering, Ulis _ wry trifling outlay May Save Your WMb lif a I Here's just how LI IU ■ it is- Yom can * write a plain letter, csu'tyo? WeU. M will take just two cent, to oarry t to tM “ Washington Medical & Surgical ’utltili, Atlanta, Georgia," And the famous specialists whs form th. staf of that Institute are able to g*« you treatment by mail as well as if you came in Pj r ’ son to the city. This is no mistake They are •<► ing it every day. They now have patients in • lithe adjoining States some of them hunartlß of miles away, end ther cures are simply •••’ dsrful. CURES POSITIVE ANMNDCC I CONSULTATION FfiCC’ In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs Club Hare Lip, Cross Hyssand other surgical coo"" in aB forms of Skin end Blood disorders,Rheuma tism, Sciatica, CaArrh of the Nose. Tnroaj. Lungs Stomach or any vital organ. Liver n ney awl Bladder troubles, Nervous wean crises of either men or women, disease*®’ . sexual parts aud ewry other bodily afflicdoai tn highly trained specialists alone can deal wun. write freely. It costs you nothing U« “■ dertake your case we shall send you qussuo blank for frill particulars. If y<”’ curable by Wlfnas skill and perfect science ■HALL Curb it. That first 2-ceni stamp may save your life- A tetters sacredly private, ADORESS. Washington Medical Lfurglcd INSTITUTE. •ftft-1 Auftdl Bldg.. .IrHM wftli yoi wfi-iiurr jv. _ -am -iervo-kiHing tub net > habit. NO-1 <> - * •uiuTea the desire tor tobau- o, < I |T*Mn3£ j»»t urrrous dißlrcs* ex pels ■ t I I " Bpfjiol. Mau, purifle' tin- blood. Ffl R 1 has— •tores loti Uifiuheod. .oaM.'fl you la Le.itb, U l | rJ i» amiby okeft * V **;, vU m<m k laß*y*,urI a ß*y* , ur o* r - ‘*i jtvit* a»LP I T*'ii " s** l