The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 21, 1898, Image 1

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MNTH year [ash MH BR PAID luilsi States Commissioners Notifu Spaniauis. Will E |MD the islands. M si O n Must be Completed or W ar Will be Kesumed. ■ Paris, Nov. 21.—The Spanish have been Kothieh that the United States ■commissioners will be ready to ■c rea t "ith 'hem in joint session a'le noon. Unless the Span |(j.liave an M(lc( l uate r e aßOn ■f, r further delay the two com ■juissioiis will join in the most ■important meeting thus far held. The American commissioners, a written communication, will that the third artice of ■ the protocol legardmg the Phil— BHjppine- is capable of ®idy one construction, that no arbi- needed to elucidate its and that the United States admit any other power r e here purely as a lexi cologitt. ■ They will maintain that the two cunmissions ate charged to ■ whether Spain or the ■ VmtHi States shall in future own the Philippines. S This will he accompanied by the char d<claration that rhe ■ United States will possess the ■ Philippines. following this dedartion, the M American commissioners w ill ■ lay before Spaniards two alter- ■ natives. First—To accept a sum of B money from tlie United States and to cede end evacuate the Philippines. S Second—To lose the Philip- pines to the United States by ■ cgi, quest with the possibility of M other territorial 'ossesto indem- H nity the United Sta'es for the ■ aided expense of conquest. ■ Tbis communication nr y not B be h i nihlly designated as an B ultiii tum, but it will lack B nau/it i.f the conclusiveness in- B dicatu. I y that wt rd. This will I b» -(> ] lain that the Spanish k counuißkioneia will scareely ■ baggie for money on the first al- ■ ternative nor cherish any doubt | of American action under the I second, should the irst be de t dined. I No one here, except the Amer ican commissioners knows how much will be tendered Spain as the cheapest and most humane Wfl y of settling the difficulty. Sb* is exceedingly anxious to escape the Philippines debt and possibly the sum offered may be •n analysis o r that debt, which I consists of $40,000 000 in bonds ou which she realizeds36, ”1 the latter amount she is be lieved to have expended some ’10,000,000 or $11,000,000 in lighting the States and & part in attemptimg to quell tbs Philippine insurrection. A reasonable guess at the sum for tender would be $20,000,000, though it may falQ’below that. 1 he Cuban question may come U P again tomorrow. The Ameri- Cau commissioners bad thought tlie discussion on that point fin ished. but the Spanish commis • ’ioners are reported to have de c’ared last week that the mort gages imposed by Spain on the »a well as on tho Philip -1,1116 revennea must not be im paired or questioned. Ibis would compel the Amer ican commissioners soon, and THE HOME HUSTLER COMSIZLCLiL SMASHED HIS BAR. Savanna!) Woman Dismantles tho Whiskey House of HER DRUNKEN HUSBAND. She set Him up in Business and he Drank too Much. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 21 Mrs. Harry Bradley, of New York city, went to her husband’s saloon, on Congress street, in this city, Sunday morning about 3 o’clock, and after a short de liberation, took an empty bottle and smashed every glass in the place and poured out and threw away every bottle of liquor. She gave her husband SB,OOO some time ago to set him up in the bar business Ila has been on frequent sprees since he has been here, and has made her numerous promises that he would reform.For the last week, in spite of an oath he took be fore a justice of the peace, he has been drunk most of the time. Saturd heay left the keys to the place at his home. Mrs. Bradley found them, and with ht r baby, nine months old, in her arms, went out about three o’clock in the morning. She first told the burglar alarm-people that they need not come to the place, as she was going in. She went ’n, put her child on a ta ble and sat down for half an hour to deliberate, and then took a heavy bottle and smashed every piec* of glass in the place and poured out every drop of liquor, leaving nothing but the empty, shattered bar. Bradley was arrested today for disorderly conduct and beating his wife, and ie now in the po lice barracks. Mrs. Bradley says she will leave Savannah at once to join het people in New York. * KNIFE BLADE It: Woman’s Hand Found a Vi tal Soot Hamlin, W. Wa., Nov. 21. Meager details of a tragedy which occurred yesterday have just reached here from a point about 15 miles West, near the Mingo- Lincoln county line. Miss Sarah McClellan, 28, was killed by Mrs. Stephens, a neighbor woman, lhe cause of the trouble is not known. Ac cording to reports the Stephens woman used a knife. probably tomorrow, to demand whether Spain means t» repudi ate the plain compact of the proctocol to relinquish sover eignty over and title to (. üba. Three weeks ago the Spanish commissioners accepted the Cu ban article in-the protocol with out condition, save that its em bodiment in the treaty should depend'only on an agreement here 011 all articles in the pro tocol. f Recently, however, Spain s representatives have said that the Cuban matter has been only temporarily passed and was still 111 obeyance. TO CURE" A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. 4 B. A Q- »o n each tablet. ROME GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21. 1898. EMPTY HO|W>l Will cailse fl Lively Fiylit In Concress BAILEY FORLEADER Strong Opposition Has Sprung Uy Against Him. Washington, Nov, 21. —Although the Democrats failed to capture the House, the indication are that the contest for leader of the mi nority will be an animated one. lha fr.eiids of Bailey, of Texas, are reported to be at work already trying to eecurj his nomination in th -s caucus for the empty honor of being named as the candidate for Speaker against Reel. The bringing out of Bankhead, of Alabama, by his delegation, is regarded here as a direct blow nt the I t Xd'i Ihe Northern Democrats will De much more numerous in the next House i han f r f <ur years,! and the talk is that they wil be | pretty solid against Bailey. The beli» sis that they will favor ’ De Armond, of Missouri. Some of Bailey's friends are reported as trying to win support for hnn by the claim that he is a consistent I silver advocate. In this par icular i he does not differ from either De Armond or Richardson, both' of whom ar<» known to be opposed to the continued leadership of Bai fcy- MONEY FOR BLAN;O Captain-Gmneral Will Draw On Paris F. r $2,000,000 Havana, Nov. 21 —Capt. Gen Blanco received from Per- t> day a cable authorizing him dia* on Paris for $2,000,000 gold to be ap plied in the payment of the Span ish tro >ps in Cuba. This amount is in addition to the draft for $250,000 by the Madrid government On London which was sold last week. The Spanish authorities are making strenuous efforts to com plete the evacuation by the end of the year. The remains of Gens Santoci d* es and Vara Del Rey arrived this afternoon from the south const and were escorted ti the captain-* general’s summer residence, win re they were deposited pending inter ment. The remodeled police force was formally constituted t?day aid armed with rifles and mathetee. It will-begin active duty immedia’e iy- This af'ernoon thirty-two dele gates from tne Cuban assembly ar rived from Baia’oono, A matine? concert was given 'o day by the Havana Yacht slub at Playa de Marianna in aid of the Cubans. _________ ffASY FOR DREYFUS French Mod fies Prison Rules And Allows Exercise. Paris, Nov 21,—The government •ctording to Thu Tempts, ha, or-' dered a modincat.on of the prison treatment cf former Captain Al bert Dreyfus. Dreyfus is to he allowed to pro menade and exercise eix hours a day over an area of eight acres. It is still unknown whether Dreyf .s wi'l be brought back, and the most conflicting statements i are cuirent. Comte Es erl azy’s bock, “L’ Affaire Dreyfus,’’ is to be an attempt to throw ncys’e;y on the Esterhazy case rather tnau light on the Drevfus affair, - -r-w That beautittil roll-top walnut; desk, mahogony finish, for sale, very cheap, can be seen at Mrs. lA.O. ftarrards AT J LANHAM TIhWEEK . SONS! fxu \ yk /v f -j* A I i /J"' 1 A-4 i- I /] I ' Wk 1U Wuw I t T f Pf'l I i I I ro rd r \ ii I W'i v i Iblf l W W II If U B B JJI I < 1 '■ k n I - B A.*- 0 LOT HIN Q At prices to sell Our second floor on Broad street is a complete clothing store, with a nice new line of men and boys , and children’s clothing at prices you can’t get elsewhere, if they do advertise to sell at cost, etc. Our prices are lower than theirs, and all we ask is a chance to show and price and let 1 you be the judge. Men’s fine suits, been selling at $9.50, we now sell for $6.50; and anything in clothing at equally as great reduction. We sell shirt s irafirsi cheaper than you I - J can buy elsewhere 'H'lffhU - We sell the Stan- I f er merchants get I; I' It 75c and SI.OO for .. 41 |l | M E E them. The sav- Bizßbl’U? h ing wifi be yours. 1' C iv eLSS . i fed r Bmrniwm ” iTTHr 110 Gentlemen’s Heavy Wool Fleece Lined Shirts Something real good at only 50c. They are worth coming to see. We want to close out a *‘ ne °f lac *ies’ wrapps * k anc * w ' l! name P r > ces ’ that will interest you if you C3re to save mon- w ey, Ladies wtappsfor about what the outing TZ /fjll’ffll'imwk flannel cost, and the fmW aTOW work thrown in. A LOUIES’ OAFESI2 Capes as low as, each, >9C Pretty Plush capes for ..... .$1.25 Pretty Plush Capes, handsomely braided and beaded, Thibet trimmed, for only . , . $1.50 Capes and Jackets both cheap and fine, at prices to sell. LANHAM And SONS 10 CENTS PER WEEK