The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 21, 1898, Image 4

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IIISWOMEML EHUST&EROFR OME Established. IWO. "HE ROME COMMERCIAL EstAii»h*'i. i«». L,—* r . 4»\td fftry except Saturday, I Sundas and weekly. $-■ • • PHIL (I. BYRD, /• EBITOR and MANAGER^..» f ' —, , , . .*■ ■ Km Free silver seems to ha-ve moi • lives than the China'. bravely speaking, the Coffin Trust undertakes to Hm lousi ness into the » •' *.t • One Lemuel Eli Wuigg wants George Dewey cotirtirwtialed ‘ tor cutting the cables. i , The Sells 8r05.,, and Fore paugh circus paid $720 for li cense to exhibit in Savannah. It may be possible to Carry an election without 'money, but Mark Hanna doesn’t see it that way. -r-i-' ■ 1 lu the meantime the Span iards are raking in ike big im port revenues from Cuban sea ports. McKinley, should confine his interference to the Philippine question, and let the Carolinas alone. While the turmoil in North Carolina is subsiding the Tar heel coons are still keeping shady. Gen. Wood states that the ne gro regiments in Santiago have been a source of constant trou ble ever since his arrival. Gen. Jose Gomez, in a letter • t-o Admiral Sampson, gives a graphic picture of the wretcbed- Heee and misery existing in Cu ba. ■ • With the negro regiments growing more upstreperp.ue with each day, can Uncle Sam afford . to muster out the Second- Geor gia? , T . ■ Lk ~ J •-. Sectionalism has been effaced by the recent scrap with Spain. And that Kentucky corner on . Colonels has also been consid erably shattered. According to their sworn state ments, Col. Roosevelt’s election expenses were $2,000, while J udge Van Wyck’s weffe a little more than S4OO. When reveling in the joys of Thanksgiving next Thursday, add to your happiness by resolv , ing to increase that of some des titute or sick person. • j . _ Charcoal absorbs the gases and relieves the distended stom ach pressing against the nerves f which extend from the stomach to the head. Therefore eat char ' coal. / Perhaps it would b« just as well to give Hie Philippines a government by syndicate and make them feel' like a part of th? V nited States'at once.—Ameri cus Hera! I. It’s all well enough for Niko la Tesla to invent a torpedo that will abolish war, but if he can invent a lotion that will abolish baldheads he will becoome a millionaire in short order. The hardest work about the Nicaragua canal, remarks the Houston Post, will be the dig > giug of a right of way through ■ congress with the big trans-, continental transportation sys tem in opposition RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. • Gov. Johnson, of Alabama, says in a published statement concerning the present situation in North. Carolina and the ques tion of Federal interference that “it would seem quite as proper to consSdqr whether the Federal government should not interfere in Illinois,” and this gives him a-reasonable ground fer main taining that “.all the virtue, in telligence and patriotism of the nation are not confined to any section.” Gen. Miles and Frederick Remington have secured a tem porary injunction in one-of the New York courts to restrain the American Mews Co., from sell ing a book which is called“ Re mington’s frontier Sketches,” and which is alleged to contain fac simile reproductions of fifteen sketches made by Remington and published in tire “Personal Recollections of Gen Nelson A. Miles. jGeorge Wilson’s minstrel show has gone to pieces. George needs to get him a black tie, a lo»g coat and a license, and go about the country cracking his jokes and abusing everybody and ev erything in sight. We’ll guaran tee he’ll make more in three years than he has made during his whole life.—Macon News. It ri quires SBO,OOO a day to maintain an army corps and over $30,008 a month to p’ay 13,000 men and officers, which generally constitute! a corps. The government is now support ing five army corps, the First, Second, Fourth., Seventh and Eighth. The claim of those who assert ownership to the Maria Teresa is good. She became a derelict the moment after her abandon ment, and according to the law of the. high seas, belongs to those who get her off the rock?. JHA'I // W-y X? I flo \ WS, ■ ? - - -T ~ l , <•;€> 43' Many a woman th tows away the flower of her youth her beauty, her amiability and her capacity for wifehood and mother hood— without realizing it. There is no sadder sight than that of a young woman who has for years been bearing up bravely and silently under physical tortures that would drive a man to the mad-house. Thousands of women suffer in this way and ask neither aid nor sympathy. They realize that they are the victims of weak ness and disease of the distinctly womanly organism They clo not consult a physician because of the well-founded fear that he will insist upon disgusting “examinations” and ‘local treatment,'' Dr. Fierce’s Fa. vorite Prescription does away with all necessity for these ordeals. It cures in the privacy of the home. It restores health and strength and vigor to the delicate or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood. It tones, invigorates and builds up the nerves and transforms nervous, over wrought, sickly invalids into healthy, happy wives and mothers. Dr. Pierce is an eminent and skillful specialist who has been for thirty years chief consulting phy sician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Hurgical Institute, at Buffalo, bJ V Jfe will answer, without charge, all letters from ailing woib en. The “Favorite Prescription” is for sale by all good dealers. “ 1 suffered from womb trouble for about twelve years. • writes Mrs H.irrv Pomeroy, of Box ,sB, Monona. Clayton Co.. lowa. "I doctored with six different physicians, but found only tempor ary relief. I then used six bottles of Dr. Pierce s it-svorite Prescription and three of ' Pleasant Pellets ' lam a new woman. 1 hope and pray .that thii will induce other poor sufferers to use Dr Pierce s medicines and be cured •• -V , <■ tun.- TO CURE A COUGH. • L ■ ■' ■ ■ Horace Gitdey saic: “The way to resume is to rename,” and the Augusta Chronicle mys “the way not to cough is not to cough.” “Everyone has noticed,” says ibe Chronicle, “how the coughing of ' one person io church, cr in any other assemblage, star'! everybody else who has a semb'ance of a cough. Misery loves company,bu will not stand competition, and when our neighbor in church coughs we immediately follow eui' to see how our cough compares w’ith onr neighbor's. A, B and C do the same thing, each one plum ing himself on the merits of his own cough, and protfy soon the speaker finds himself talking against a coughing match, and ( trying to get in his effective sen tences in the intervale of ailenc° between coughs. This '8 especial ly noticeable in a school, children manifesting as much rivalry in the volume of their coughing as they do in they display <>! sOra toes or cut fingers,’•*.• “In his own family -circle and in the Sunday with wh ; ch he is asso jilted the writer has fre quently directed children to swal low when they feel the impulse to cough, and pretty soon it will leave them, while if they cough it will simply make necessary another and another. This was a theory evolved from his own observation and experience, without medical authority, but the writer is glad lo see the following endorsement of it from the Scientific American: A physician who is oounect°d with an institution in which there are many children, says: “There is nothing mo.s irritable to a cough than coughing. For some time I had been so fully assured of this that I determined for oi e minute at least to lessen the num ber of coughs heard in a certain ward in a ho-pit il of the instution By the promise of rewards and punishment I succeeded in induc ing them simply to hold the r breath when tempted to CuUgli. and in a little while 1 was my sell surprised to see. Low some of the children entirely recovered from the disease. Constant coughing is precisely like scratching a wound on the outside of the body, so long as it is done the wound will not heal. Let a person when tempted to cough draw a long bYeath and hold it until it warms and soothes every air cell, and some benefit will soon be perceived from this process. Th* nitrogen which if thus confined acta as an anodyne to the mucuos membrane, allaying th* desire to cough, and giving the throat and lungs a chance to heal. This is a common sense s-Ugget*- tion. and if Qur ministers would make it occasionally to thei r cough ing' congregations they would se cure ft much more peaceful and pleasing service. Not only is it a geed thing to practice in a crowd, but it is useful as a personal ex periment. If you have a cough try it. Gov.’Candler lias no favoos to ask of the Macon Talegrapli, nor of the other papers that fought his nomination,connived at keeping down his majority in the general election,and are now engaged in seeking mistakes'in his administration. Gov. Can dler is a Democrat. A mad elephant was recently •übdued in Kansas City by the unexpected app&arairce • .of a white ho"se on th * probably knew that a red-head ed girl must be somewhere in the near vicinity, and it was time to stop his foolishm ss. Leuuel Eli Quigg hss come out,and in a spet-ch opposes ex pansion. Had Lemuel Eli -‘ex panded’’to the size of his seat in congress he might not have been so overwhelmingly defeat ed in the late elections. 1 he farmers of South Georgia will not be likely to raise much wheat, but then we can fall back on hoe c ke whenever ne cessity requires it, and it ain’t such a bad thing to fall back on, —Waycross Herald. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FlfiS is dae not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it ia manufactured by scientific process*.' known to the California Fig SiriX Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As th* genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of tlait fact will assist orie in.a voiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of .Figs has < givgn to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty Os the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oth£r laxatives, as it acts' on the kidiieys; liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of , the Company— CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. : ' SAN I'RANCISCOk Cal. I*CISVfL> F,. ' *>*.*’ VOKk, jt. T SHERMAN’S LAMENT. John Sherman, in a recent interview, confirmed the worst charges made against Hanna and McKinley in reference to the manner in which the old man was ousted to give place to the Republican Warwick,Here is the plaintive tale of the old man : “I was always a supporter of Pie ident McKinley. You know that whatever he desired to have —g- vernor, president, anything -—1 sustained. They always called upon me and I responded. But Ido not believe that my suggestions or wishes , ouldnow be sustained by h ■ administra tion. I consented to give up my seat, as I did not want to ap pear exacting. Always wuh good nature I have subscribed to the program. I think that I have been used for a purposfe. “They really did not want me in the cabinet, but wanted my senatorial seat. It was rep resented to me that they could not make up tne cabinet with out me; that questions were coming along that I ought to have control of. “I know that Hanna wanted .the rest of my term, and as he had always been friendly to me, I did not desire to seem diso bliging So I resigned my seat and went into the cabinet Mr. Hanna received the rest of my term, but when he tried for a term for himself he could only get it by a single vote, notwith standing the administration’s support. “It then began, to be said that I was growing forgetful and se nile. Hanna, whom I had oblig ed with my seat, was among the first to say that I had lost my mentality. Jt was not a very kind return for my vacating aay seat forh’m/’ A Frenchman now uroposes to cross the Atlantic in an air ship. If we never hear any mors of him after he starts we may rest assured that his ship took a perpendicular course and that he necessarily did likewise. But if he is able to swim out he may bring us tidings of Andree. ■1 jt . " ■■ Ihe Cnarleaton News and Courier says in North -Carolina it was a revolution, and in South Carolina it was a riot. What was it in Illinois 9 —Albany Her aid. A fight for money and a cold blooded political murder. Yes, Pauline; ’possum sup per politic" is dead in Georgia. —Dalton Argus. WHAT A NORTHERN PAPER THINKS OF NEGRO SUF FRAGE. The following from the Phila delphia Record sums up the cause of negro suff rage and its outcome in a nut shell, it is in deed a weapon placed in the hand of tho colored brother, which bids fair to be his ruin This from the Record : ‘ Never was a worse political mistake made in this country than when the republican party with the selfish view of securing permanent control in the south ern states, armed the ignorant negro population with the right of suffrage. The result has been to halt negro advancement by making the white population antagonistic as a matter of self preservation. The southern peo ple have been made solidly anti republican. Negro domination has proved intolerable where the experiment has been tried, and a dangerous Moating vote has been added to the electorate instates in which the negro population is.but a small percen tage of the whole. “After hundreds of year! of slavery there should have been, at least for the lifetime of two or three generations, a season of probation to fit the African for the full exercise of the right-* of citizenship. Now the poor ne gro without such an apprentice ship has lo wade in blood to gather in the spoils of office to which he deems himself entitled. “For the race riots in the south there is no seeming help They are deplorable ; they are disgraceful. But our mistaken policy has made them inevita ble. The equality of the two races has been established on paper, but it cannot be main tained in practice. The weaker race must bend to the stronger . This is a law that no act of con gress can repeal ” U. S. Grant, Jr., wants the California legislature to elect him United States senator. Well, he is over thirty years of age as the constitutor) requires all sen ators to be, but what other qual ifications has he? asks Editor Eldridge. THE PRESIDENTIAL PENDU LUM. The last seven presidential elections have been carried al ternately, with the regularity of a four-year clock, by each of the two great political parties. The record is. 1872—Grant, Republican, 1876—Tilden, Democrat. 1880—Garfield. Republican. 1814— Cleveland, Democrat. 1888— Harrison, Republican. 1882—Cleveland, Democrat. 1896—McKiu’ey, Republican. In 1900, according to the rule, the presi l< nt should again be a iemocrat. Will history repeat itself? And who will be th) man? New York World. YOU SHOULD KNOW W hat Hood 's Sarsaparilla has power to do. for those who.have impure and impoverished blood, 't makes the blood rich and pure and cures scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism nervousness. If you are troubled with any ailment cau-ed or pro moted by impure blood, take Hood s Sarsaparilla at once. V Hood s Pills are prompt and efficient, easy to take, easy to operate. -T mil jrgj,,., - Successful Physicians. r ? o t 2 n3 T e 1 n ' Dr - Hathaway 4 Co. i-% oa< Ga.» as per- {r^tmLn\ 10 n b f lH i an ‘ , rei ? arkab, y *”ic€es*fn] in the v of chrome Jigeiu-esof men and women. °I b ? r 8 ,° or rea -i if id (yt . ln * t l | cal help should certaisdy write and you will receive a free wit?'<wtuMU PIC,On of yoar CUB *’ by return mail HOW S THIS? We offer One Hundred DoL lars Reward for any' case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J Chevey & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, h m kn wn F. J. Cheney forthe] H9t 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out auy obligation made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Drug, gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upoi the blood and mucous surface! of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the est b a Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For particulars see ROME GAS CO ----- - . i jui XLM . PRDFESSIOML CIIDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office 200, East; Finstreet.Bt, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornay *t Law, Kina' Crcporaion Onlyr "W. J. NEHL Attorney at law Will practice in all ocurt* Special attention given to commercial law and the examination of land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. 'WALTER. HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB .WILLI NOH AM Commercial Lawyers. Office In Armstrong bote! building, Rome, Ga —— r - M B EUBANKS. Atterney at law. OfflceKing Building. Rome, ua. « W If. ENNIS, Attorney at Law ,Will Practice in all oourM Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. J SANTA CRWF Ol , Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collections » specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSEB V BIGHT. HARPER HAMILWN WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postoffice Building CHARLES E. DAVIS —ATTORNEY aT LAW Collection aip cialty. Will practice iu aU courts. Masonic Temple Annex, Buae, Ga DENTISTS. j?a7 wills? b7b.s7? Office ‘J4C 1-8 Broad. # Over oantreUA Owei J. L. PENNINGTON. D D.S.,M D . ENTIST- Office, 3U6 1-8 Broad street. Over Hanks To mture Co. ~~ PHYSICIANS. O. HAMILTO N. M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, MedlMi Building Rome, Ga. Oj ce ’phone No. **• - - I_i. B. HAMMONO. M- D- Physician and Surgeon, Office In Medlsa building. Residence, No. 4U3 Wail First at ce;’phoNo. tt TONSORAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, The ‘Old K-. liable.” operating the Coatr hotel Barber Shop, invitee you to give il" trial, and promises u> do the rest. Only eaid* men employed on the chairs. HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Himself a skilled barber, employ B•-!/ •** very best artists in his tonsond studio, l» Uurry Building, opposite the Armetrenf* you are made comfortable while your wot being do»e. i PASTEUR FILTERS The enb ,G«nn Proof Filter in tie world. Makes water pure and "clear so sale by The Hanson Supply Co