The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 21, 1898, Image 6

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Knifing Et erytliinQ. A SPECIALS FOR THE NEXT TEN DAY®* J< z ) •’' \ ■« . w.p- v, / /V Sk \ fiPj GENTLEMEN’S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and BOYS’ MACKINTOSHES: A|l new f' Y I I 1 Styles and to be sold for LESS than COST FOK CASH! i” { I u_i —.-. ~ n •; 1 ■•4s3» f -4®. Just received a Sample Lot of Mens’and Boys’ Fine Over Coats and all of them Lz >VI lAMIu are good and most desirable styles. We will sell the lot at or.e=half regular prices CAPES AND JACKETS- £Y Sample Lot of Jackets and Caqes in all the Latest | <f V; > ' STALES JkTsTTD COLOBS! ' 1 * These Beautiful Goos just received and the entire lot . ’ j » jh v Will be sold 33 per cent less than original cost v ' to manufacture. ' Bj) ' QTT TTC* Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery and ail kinds of notions, you cm IvXdjJiahv" "always find here at the very lowest prices, and very best qualities. ■.- , ’ ‘ \ • .< ■ T , .<S" Ladies, Misses and Infants, knit underwear, wool and cotton, you will find ho here at prices much lower than any other house in Georgia, and you will get the. ? very best qualities, no shoddy old goods in the line. , ; T — —-**t* —•— \ ' / ri{— .wn« ■y’wt *.' «j JH.,! 1 ' 1 1 ' -•» > ' 1 ————■■—■■ ——-——— ,no HftTS! CHILDREN'S CLOTHING : f/IEH’S SUITS. UNDERWEAR- i SHOES! I We carr y by for the Knee pants 16c ®‘ CO Sc.i's $1,50 Unlershirts 15c For men, boys, ladies largest and best line Child’s suits 65c $7.00 •’ ’• $3.50 ‘ sOol;ind 25o;and children- W« ’'PCjM of Hats in Rome, and $2.00“ “ SI.OO $a 00 “ “ $4.50 . “sl.oowool 50c eiye you the very lest 1-Y- ..J Jwe can sell them at $3 00 “ “ $1.50 $11.00“ “ $5,50 Canton flannel quality for the the Stetson Hats lesstkanother hous ’ S4 ’ 6o ,’‘ " $225 $15.O0“ •• $7.70 drawers 18 c very lowest price. Have Brains tn Them es pay for them. Boys All wool pants 75c Heavy Oan ten flan Ladids good shoes 75c Yes, there are brains in Stetson By «!] DieailS COIH6 “ $7.50 “ $3.75 $3-00 “ “ $1,50 nel JraW€H'S ?5c Mpll’a ° “$1 GO brains in wearing them. and see them. ’ SIC.CO $o- OO ‘ ‘ $2,50 worth SOc /Tliev are solid leather New Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft " ~ Hats on sale. It’s a wise head that wears a Stetson Hat. *'* GfIRLIST THRKRTS So Open as to Cause Uneasi- . ness in Spain. ANXIETY ABOUT RRM Y » ’ Loyalists are Attempting to Make Trouble- «■ - London, Nov. 18.—The Mad rid correspondent of the Stand ard, whose diepatch i? forwarded from the Spanish frontier, says : “The state of the army causes anxiety in political and official circles. It is an open secret that officers of all ranks and the repa riated soldiers are discon tented, first at the non payment of arrears and then because they are profoundly mortified at the manner in which the war was conducted which prevented the army from getting a much de bited opportunity of coping with the Americans as t ey believed the army would nave turned the tide in Spain’s favor. “Thus far the republicans hava not attempted to tamper with the loyalty of the army, but the loyalists are positively trying to do so in Calalomia and Valencia, /They announce the impending publication of a manifesto, chiefly addressed to the artillery, declaring that jjen Carlos no longer considers himself bound to show any con-j sideration for the present dynas ty and government whose short comings and errors have involv- > ed tne loss of both territory and honor. “The Carlists’ threats are now so open that all classes of news- ( papers denounce their propa ganda. The Madrid press sarcas-j tically advises the government! not to allow itself again to be I painfully surprised by the Car lists, as it was by the Cuban and Philippine rebellions. “Gen. Weyler is regarded by Spanish officers as the most powerful and popolar among them. He seems inclined to avoid ; political intrigues and even ’ shows a disposition to suppoitj | Senor Sagasta and the queen ' regent.” CARLISTS SECURE A LOAN, Campos Informrd About Situa 1 tion in Northern Provinces. London, Nov. 19.—The Daily Mail’s correspondent at Biarritz says : “The Carlists declare that they have obtained a loan but not from England. Proof of the statement is seen in the strict censorship in Navarre. “Marshal Martinez Campos has had long conference with the captain general of Madrid, who was formerly captain gen eral in the northern regions of Spain and is therefore acquaint ed with the situation in the Basque provinces and Navarre . j BIG I EES F< RLA W YERS i Ex-PRBeiDENT Harrison Gets $100,060 As A Retainer VVsshington. D C. Nov 19 ( . t I | Ex-Prtsid nt J'eij.min Harr.son ( has t een retain; d 4iy Venezuela to 'represent that Government before j the Arbi'rati‘ 0 C< mmiesion that i site in Paris within a short time Ito settle the d epute between | Great Briatain and Venezuela ov< r boundary lines Gen . Harrison is i said to hava received a retaining fie of SIOO,OOO, Ex-'Secretary Tracy is said to be an associate with Gen, Harrison i and his retainer is leported to b» >50,000. NOT ENOUGH SPEED ' Developed By Tjib Farrago? At . Her Trial,’ Nftw York. Nov 19. —The Tii bune’s Washington dispatch says that the terpedo-boat Farragut failed to attain 80 knots at her trial at San Francisco. The offi cial time was 29,73 knots in an hour. I The Union Iron-Wurks of San Francisco, the builders of the boat have protested to the Washington authorities on the ground that the water in which the trial was made was too shallow. The contracts i call for a speed of 30 kuote or the the boats can not be accepted. Two other torped -‘•boats failed to develop the nqui<<-'1 30 knots, For Kidney, bladder, amd stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at ths soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jtrvie & Wright and J, T. such, , OS. JWJIGY ARRIVES Few Knew Ylie fluted S'ls piOas flLsnl. ANXIOUS TO (JET HOME. She Has Mad® no Confession or Statemenl New York, Nov. 19 —Ou board the Cunard line steamer Lucania, which arrived this ; morning from Liverpool ind Queenstown, was Dr. Nancy Guilford, the Connecticut mid wife, a prisoner in custody. Mrs. Guilford appears on the passenger list as Mrs. N. Brown. Mrs. Guilford was on deck when the steamer reashed quar antine this morning. But few of the passengers on boaid knew of her identity. She gave not the slightest trouble during the voyage, nei ther has she made any state ment or confession. She appear ed anxious to reach home to see her family. ■■■l—. ■ > In noting the cry of legisla tors and the press that all hid den wealth bo required to pay taxes just like other property, the Blake y Observer remarks ; ‘‘The man who has his wealth hidden and fetches it out to face ' the next tax rate is too honest ' for. this world, and heaven is his | home.” RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days’ of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best. Says the Urbana (Ill.) Daily Courier: “WererG the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, Afcdisou street, Chicago. WWblhVlhtMh L’VER SALE, AND FEED STABLEST Offers the public tffij finest tot-mv, b*fcco *.v anC'S and most polite and courteous driven The best stock of horses and mules on s>le co stantlv. CANDY M CATHARTIC ; g - . WwSMdpVwE cure constipation Wc •• 2Sc 5Gc DRUGGISTS -