The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 21, 1898, Image 8

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GRE4T SLU’GHTEF OF MERCH/II?01SE > AT PRIVATE SALE OR AT AUCTION! ■ 'HUI f,,v This great stock shall be closed out. Every piece of woolen goods in this house used in making a dress will be offered from this hour until it is sold At Less Than it Cost Delivered We are going to quit retailing dry goods in Rome, We want to quit by January ist if possible. Our prices should wind up the stock by that time. f* • * t"* Not a piece of woolen dress goods in our store to be sold at as much as cost. Every pat- ,D > you want any fine,hose? We will let you have 3 pairs for less than the price of one- tern a bargain unequalable. Not a piece of woolen dress goods in our store to be held as high Tn 2 ‘"“i? ° f / )U ’ H . nes J’ MaC ° Y * ny Or Lisle • nose aie worth 4Uc to 703 per pair.) Lo these we will put a pair of extra fine silk hose ra SIOO per yard, though some of it cost $1.50, $2.00 and $2 -50 per yard. worth SI.OO or $1 50 For all the three pairs we will ask you to pav us but one dollar No sue! ~, nn , , , no t , ... . , ... , ... | bargain was ever offered in Rome in fine goods. ' ‘ ’ UCI You >n,y buy »3.00 silks and *o.oo dress goods at 98 cent, I A b.g stock of black silks. W e 1.3 W pairs K rippe„do.fs line shoes just received. We bought these to help pav exp,,,,.. have by far the best stock of silks, satins and woolen cress fabrics within this city—meeting while selling out, and we shall not offer them at cost, but we’ll cut the usual margins in two all*of the requirements of the latest styles. . ‘ in( l £’ ve .V° u new stylish shoes for less than you can buy the like in North Georgia. No shoes Po net buy a dress without calling to see us, if there is any affiliation whatever between (( l u al to Krinpendorf’s. Buy no others. Our price in shoes beats the Jews and Gentiles alike* you and vour packet book. We shall continue retailing dry goods in Rome until the stock is i Our shoe department is a beautiful shoe store within itself. Me. Owens in charge, reduced below $20,000, and we expect not to buy over $3,000 more to keep the stock up before stock of new capes and jackets just received. Last year’s styles that we held at $lO 00 bringing it to a finish. $15.00 are now on sale at only $2 50. I A STARTLING OFFER TO MERCHANTS IN ROME AND ■ We have resolved, irrevocably to stop retailing dry goods in Rome soon. We should be most happy to sell the stock in bulk at docents on the dollar of original cost—nothing for freight t>r other expense, and - we make the open offer to so sei I the stock, our salespeople to be cared for to the enJ of their contracts whith us. It is a good stock of most desirable merchandise and is worth much more than we ask for it. We are very anxious to sell out. and we shall wholesale it or retail it at prices much under values. bASS m; rISS w HI CORBETT WILL WIN it Lsast The Sports Are Betting 10010 80 ON THE GREAT SLUGGER The Fight at The Lennox C’ub Tomorrow Night. New York, Nov. 21.—That ths twenty-round I out between J. J. Corbwtt and Ihomas Sharkey will be brought to a decision before the Lenex Athletic Club tomorrow fight without any police or other interference is now almost a cer tainty, With th® big contest only th rty •ix hours hence everything ’•earns to be running emooth’y, for as yet not on® word of protest, lay or clerical, has been u’tered in reference to the meeting of the big one within the limits of the city. The legal authorities seem to be perfectly ea'isfied that every detail of the Horton law govern ing pugilistic exhibitions in thi •fate will be lived up to by thr principles. Corb tt is the favori'e in the betting at 100 to 80, and the gen eral impies«ion is that the rules governing the bout, which call for •'clean bnak. favor him. The Bailor pugi'ist is stroi g in in fighting, but has yet to show any degree of cleverness at long range work, while the Very oppoeit- can be said for Cornett. Another thing v Lieb go'd judges rsfar to is Sharkey’s lack of c ntrol cvsr his temper when receivirg punishment. During his long weeks of hard training, under the supervision of Tom O’Rourke, the sailor has learned to govern him self in this respect, it is chimed, and great things are expected of him by his friends and backers. No man could have trained more carefully than Sharkey has, and the same can be s.dd of Corbett, to whom victory means much. Char ley White, who has charge of the ex-champion’s training, is more than satisfied with Corbett’s work and present condition, He says his man was never in better shape than now. and barring accidents, certainly ought to win. Corbett, White says, will enter the ring weighing about 182 pounds. O’Rourke said tonight that Shai key’s weight would be 17G pounds. Reports from both sides here are to the effect that each man is in the best possi ble condition physically and equal ly confident of winning. The advance sale of seats has . been unusually heavy, amounting , to nearly sßo,ouo-. The purse of ♦20.000, it is announced, has been paid over to the stakeholder, Frank Farrell, NO FAKE— BUT SOIID FACTS. Mrs. A. 0. Garrard will, from today, begin an actual cost sale to close out her large win ter stock. Choice Felts for ladies and children at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. Belts, Hair Ornaments and Buckles,ail to go at cost to close them out. Don’t fail to call and get prices before ouying in Millinery. —"—"*■! "' . 4"'. .i '.."jr* ■ it vr rtnnr you continu, -.h- .11 r-Lilii- I- to!, habit AR-TO-im-Jf -iMw* ■:nov l »tl:e,l^ s ,. e f,..tuba<;e< v itb,_- ■ itnervou npen nice 1 T 1* ' K . pu.-iaea -,he bl ,vu re-lfd • H T i res jost nuni..TOd- _V? i.oxf'i ,7'““.''" stro ’»S a or, op,' 7 I,e! . H S 31 - ck-eMeur ” itu zest own drvgKirt whe 'Vi C fIWW- .' .I*’suebforua. Tax it witi ■wAcy Kt * ' w '“. ntly, perßisteuiiv. Ont ® 5P“— Asuvlly cure»; S boxes. ♦!'m t. F aa Tanvecdtoeure, o. xeiefun. m -’Sy ’ l « Co. '.’blear* *ientraaL . K ew No morphine or opium in D- Miles' Fajb i’Uebb. CUBE AU Pain. ’One .jutadowJ P GREAT ESTNEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Garcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had cans ed severe pains in th® back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies th blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life intc every muscle, nerve and orga» of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cent». Sold by Guriy Airing* on, druggists. I ® < . .. ’■ ■iuw A H?T THAT IS FINE AS SILK in quality and smrfH and stylish in shape and finish, marks the man of good taste and alegauc p in d"ess. Our fine • Derbys and Alpines bear the stamp of st; la, and we have such a large as sortment of both shapes and colors that any head can be fitted and any face be suited to a be coming and handsome bat. W. H. COKER. P. S.—Special sales in ladies’ fine kh >es, $2.00 kind go at $1.79 this week. W. 11. CO KER 11 Broad St. VZ f A.H.U ‘ THE WEST. • TG ARKANSAS ,_j&TEXAS. Schedule in Effect Oct. 4th, 1828. Worthbouxd. No. 2.1 No. 4I N 0.70 ! No. 72 tv Atlanta 81 am sWwi 4 52pm 580 pis Ar Marietta.. SOfami 1) Itipiai 54’tpm 6 36piH “ Home ... 11 2t>auij | 745 pm • Dai’.oa. 11 4lam 11 4lpm| 816 pm " Chat'nooga 1 <Oom 106 am 08jpiu " Nashville . 4155 pm, 6 4iiam •* Memphis.. “Xnin 430pm| tv Nashville 7'z-- . n " , Ar St Lout*... 7 20-m 7 E— — , .4 v Ar . OOWn-. , ’ ...... tv~lSashrille .17 50vm. 7 23amj 7.71.... Ar Louisville. 2 30aia!122apm " Cincinnati.| 705 am 405pm| . Train No. 2carries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville, Fla.. Atlanta and Nashville, oeu nesting with vestibule train for Chicago. Train No. 4 carries. Pullman Sleeper Augwsl* and Atlanta to Nashville and St. Louis througt without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to Chat: iiuooga, passengets remain in ear until T o'clock a ni. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to Knoxville ria A. K. & N. Ry. Train No. 70 connects at Boyce with Q. & C. for Cincinnati. Xhis train carries through coach Atlanta to Koine. „ I To the South and East. 5 - —_ SOUTHBOUND. . No. 1 I No. 8 No.Vl No.7S tv Nashville 0 itetn U in | ' Chat’noogal 255 pm 8 20am 5 55nm .II.LL " Dalton. 411 pm 4 7 Ham “ Rome . ... 425pm' 7 4faml “ Mai.etta . 6 4.lpm 6 47mm 9 45am I 7 ( Sum Ar A’ .anta .. I 7 ttpm_7 3wunl 10 85am 8 IMue tv Atlant*...l I>o .■ ■ j Spml Ar Macon 11 13pm 11 10am 720 pm . “ Tifton. I 2 50iim! 3 05pm | " .1 a rk'nyille 8 . ■ tv Atlant* ... 760 pm 7 50*m 4 05pm .... ~f. Ar Macon .11 IBpmil loam 7 3opm " Albany.... j •47pm 11 vfipm Thm'sville 630 pm “ Savannah.' 8 06»im ! 600 pm .. Lv Atlanta . 1185 pm 750 am r 5 Hrirnf “ Ar Augusta...! 5 15»m 120 pm 8 25pm! .... Ar Charleston 11 00nm: 8 00pm •• ColumbloJlO I ”. tv Atlanta. ■ JSb'ii 1200 m jlijutiin Ar Athens 1021 pm ~ 16pm 2 l*p m “ Richmond. 6 lapm' 7 lAaml 7 loam " V ush’gton 10 30pm 11 :Ham 11 31am.' J* Now York,’ 65. am 5 2Bpnji Tram No. 1 carries Pullman Sleeper Nash- Ville, Chattanooga and Atlanta to Jackson ville. Fla. Train No. Scarries Pullman Sleeper St Louis J to Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper ’ Chattanooga to Atlanta open for passengers ( hattanoog* 8 o’clock p. nj. Pullman Sleeper Knoxville to Atlanta via A. K. N. Ry. For further information write to H. F SMITH, C. ii. TTARMAN, Traftic Manager. <; on . A<t . M.-fIV arc yi tk frore. >v,Pwc’k • - J., m ei-mt -a- s RrownN Hitlers. Ht-bu-.dttt •/stem, aid*. Jise-’ion, -em.iv. exeeg; pj •Bd&uceav-*A’<h >. .. . emiiiic. I SOUTHERN Rfuufly. 1 <on leased Schedule in Effect Julj 6. IHHB. N > 14 > 1 ILv Ch > I ■ : .11 ri. Ar Dalton 8.42 pm 12. lOurn I Ar Botne | ; ,i,<,m, I* 4 'i-ni, I.Mam Ar Atlanta c . 1 t m 5 Ojnrn r .y Atlanta 4 lup n,.i ' pm, ?■. _’i>.,m \i Macon.. ;.t j.,, 2 icgml S.jiarn ',c ,45ani 1.38 pm Ar • I 7 23iinii 3.23 pm .Ar Jacksonville 1 I ' *v Jesup I ttl.Oiam 6150 m Ar Jacksonville| M.iiopni io.ihpm Lv i' zerett 7. .. .. . [T’Fiim 3 )pm Ar Brunswick , No 10 ea PhSn e( Ci *t- ! tnnooga to Atlanta. No. l lcarr j s I’ullnun SI ■ep'ng Car ami Day I C'oache. Ciiu ia lO'.i'a o Jacksonville and At ! lantw to.Brun.swiclt. No. 8 carries/■’ulhna ' Sleeping Car Chatta | nooga to Al -Un. rtAl lONR~~i S > l.i N'o. V No T ’ ; t*v Atlanta ’ 12h c' l.Onpni T.-Vhirn Ar Rome | S ' , hm, 6.25 pm 10.20 am Ar Dalton ’ 'c i, 7.34 pm 11 3'i::m Ar Chattanooga B.m S.ofhirr. l.Oopm | Lv Ciiattunoogu 8 A.a tn I>. lopm , Ar Burgin 4.2tipni i ■ ArLexiugton ‘ rr.m 4.s(;um| Ar Louisville 7 SoianiJ.jt-aifl Ar ( .... i- i: i• 1 T _ 7 •lop-n' I.•inn Lv Chattanooga ITsipinl 7715 am 1 2Kpm I NaahviMe . | 6.A r »pm A4o*mj &55pa No. 13 osrrte Pullman Sleeping ( tr Atlant* i boCh&ttanoitfa a:rl r ’hat anoot'a to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pul’man Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cfne.ltinati and Chatia ioogu to Louisville. WATIO-tA ’ \ 6 N NO. tT i CvCnattanoogu tOaml Aionm i£jopn | Ar Knoxville 11.;.:,am B.u >..m I.loam Ar Morrisp.wn. i 1.21 pm 9.50ur0 2.2.'>am Ar Hol Springs • | ip,., i 4.0 Ar Asheville 5.10 um | ArSalisbury ... , b I'lpm ft.3oani i ArGieensboro m 12.10ptn 1 J r ” ale ‘« ‘ ! '• I' 3.23 pm !Ar Wa l.ln r . ’ “ .; Ai ' n 110 No 12 : ies I'nl'in m Ihawi..;. I'loim Sleen- ■ 'tig ‘'ar Chattantxiga to X-at Ycr.i via Ashe .l. c and Salisbury to Richmond, a. it in - liiuh moral G st) am also Pullman <'ar iiw >uro to Norfolk Mo Hie solid train Cha vnoira to Salis | tmr v with Pullon i - . - , Ch .tian ... <>-...slmry and Sale-i,. N ■* A" ,rl< w<lh- . out change. 52 A II- >. 4. I No.-/ Lv Chattanooga . ... I s.(jdpm' 8.40 am Ar klioxvlllo .... 8. Ipm ll.r.Sam r rl , n I " 15a m 1.2 ,pm ' r 1 1 ' ‘ ...... ' ■ . . :i. .;>pm Ar vva .hini'tor,.... - ( .. , n Ar , fatpm No. 6. carries Pul.m i i ,| ■ !a - C.u-(’hatta nooya t > •. ushl ncl ,i .in j i,,, uga io Ise w without e'.i.mge. No. I carries Puilm m Sleeping Car Knox ville to Bri 101. STAT! .N-I v.,, 1 I/ 0 ' 1 "' ■ ■ h min | Ar Birmingham lo pipm v New < )imu .... .... ’ io t „ lr4 * r •’.'•-'•l'-ou ". J.tAam Ar VicWmrg Ill.UAnm Ar Shreveport.l 7.2tipm ’No 15 exp, { . 4. ijjja 10 XOOpm i ciirn Lv Rome *i 8& am 136ai* I s.4i;pm 6.57 pm Ar Garden, ar 6.ooam' fl 3"urn 6-OOpm) 7. Wpm<Ar AttaU*. ivi 5.45 am! b.zmim t Daily except Shtufiy? | Sunday only. - ’ r. S.GANNON.Bdv.r> A 0.M., D.a I J. M CULP, Trof. Mgr , Wa -hlugtos D. Q W. A. TURK. G. P. A., Washington, D. G. UA. BKJXBa»JT. w H, a a.r. A..Ohs»t*coo<s Tsua O—P—■•—■•! MW—M— I iai****t —1 Fancy new seeded Ruisins Currants and Citron at Lloyd & Harper’s. Prices to sell quick - „ , s n PRESCRIPTION otl>l I ■ ' ’’'l RaH j 1 iw i iJw' ■ ■ i JJF’W- Ttli I iJWIF’-s*-. ir f rW’MwW*N , “* YOUNG AND OLD We none of us live so careful ly that we never require the aid of drugs and medicine to put u» right. It’s a comfort to know where you cau get them pore at proper prices. We are not modest about these points— w» can give you what you want in patent medicines, . druggistet sundries, toilet articles and ec. Prescriptions a specialty. J. T. Crouch & Go., 300 Broad street. Starke, The Tailor - Mr. &>• M. Stazke the popular tailor i’ now epeu for orders and ready l° r business in his new business hoffl* next door to Wooten’s drug sic#* in the Clark building. Mr. Stark* Las a splendid line of ne w sea’ o * goods and invites you to call see him and them. j Beware of Imitations MSws failure (A I I JOHN DUNCAN'S fiONfi, fit*