The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, November 22, 1898, Image 6

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IK<[t(OMEfICI*L EHUSTLEROFR QME Established, I8»o. ’H£ RCME COMMERCIALS Established. IHUS. tied every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly, PHIL G. BYRD, EBITOR AND MANAGER. The loan gobbler is the lone eorne turkey. Exhaustive sermons are nei ther pcpular or effective. ei i '■ .j. ljm um— Football hair isn’t worn long after the game season closes. Hogan ! Hogan? Oh, yes, he was the fellow who had an ally. —T Nations go to the brink of war in order to let the.r war horses drtnk gore. Between discussion, concus sion and “cxqusshuns,” feetball is getting there. “ I see you are ‘kiting’ your editorials.” Yes, I make them light on purpose. The goldbugs should rejoice, Li Hung Chang now camps by the Yellow’ stream . In the language of the flowers, there’s no scents in the chrysan themum's conversation. Taxes on beards ire levied in Japanese cities. The oriental populists are all Chinamen. The way to win a man is to I lot him talk to you about him self. if comes high, and etc. The Tenth Immunes and the Sixth Virginia are causing lots of trouble in camp at Macon. It’s only natural for a Bruns wick toper to get the horrors af ter ploughing through “Hell’s Half Acre.” A waiter in the Boston bean ery has died leaving an estate ot $55,000. All things come to him who waiters I That old pagan precept: “Know thyself” would not im prove some of the folk in this prosaic world. Only one man has been killed I in the football games of this sea son. The war with Spain has civilized the game. As a message from the dead —was “Brigadier Bill’s” eight column interview. It awoke no responsive echoes. Spain very prcperly refuses to ourronderthe Philippines. Spain has heard that you can’t get blood out of a turnip. Atlanta’s Peace Jubilee will not be a peace jubilee, but will ba Atlanta’s JJubilee. Atlanta does nothing by pieces. If your husband comes home dead drunk, do your duty by him and “lay him out.” This advice is gravely offered. Henry Watterson says Presi dent McKinley cannot hold himself entirely guiltless of the race trouble in the Carolinas, Croker says that Van Wvck was beaten for the New York governorship simply because the people ceuld not forget the war. “Have you read Atkinson's manifesto about the deficit?” “No. He left it, and that’s enough. I’m going to watch Uncle Allen cure it.” The private soldiers aud non commissioned officers and nurs- I es who have been asked to testi fy before the War Investigating I Commission in regard to i.lairs fat Camp Wikoff present in de- I tail the facts of official neglect, incapacity and stupidity with which the country has become familiar through the newspaper reports from Montauk Point. Their stories are widely differ ent-from those of high army of ficials which were given to the Commission at the outset of its i inquiries, in the belief,no doubt, that the record of malfeasance could be suppressed But there was too much of it to be disoos ed of in this way, and the Com mission now seems as clearly inclined to welcome the truth as it was anxious at one tun® for its suppression. The election is over. The special taxation bill of Gov. Smith of Vermont, has passed the lower house of th e Vermont legislature. It empow ers a Board of Tax Examiners to make, with non-residents who will rule the state and live there, an agreement as to taxes for a period of not to exceed thirty years The measure is designed to induce men of wealth to go to Vermont under an assurance that their taxes will not excoed a specified amount during a spe cified time. Joe Choate, of New York, wants to go to the United States Senate. With Senator Bacon, cf the Empire State of the South, Senator Choate, of the Empire State of the North, and Senator Hogg, of the Empire of Texas, and the returns not in from Chi cago and Kansas City, it would seem that the Yankee Pig was turning the National senate chamber into a smoke house. We see no reason why self respecting white men of the South should go into duck-fits over a visit from McKinley, Hanna’s agent in the White House. True, he has given the South a few negro officials—oh, well, you fellows who are fond of such, just dive in, you are welcome to your share. We have profited by the les sons of unpreparedness in the Spanish-American war. Should a resumption of hostilities with Spain or any other international entanglement force us into war again, it is safe to say that the first clash of arms will find us better equipped than we were on April 21, 1898. The daily editors of the state failed to look with favor on that eight column interview “Briga dier Bill” had his typewriter ’ take down, the proof-sheets of 1 which were sent out by the At ’ lantaJournal.“Brigadier Bill's” political prospects have gone like Ward’s dux. Lydia Pinkham, who for a generation has appeared in the public prints as a comely dowa ger of some 45 or 50 years, now comes out in low neck and be trained gown looking to be only about 25. Lydia seems to have prescribed for Time and been rewarded by a renewal of her youth. —tt - L .... If Mr. McKinley wants to undo all he has done toward wiping out sectional lines, he has only to espouse the cause of the offensive negroes and scala wags who have been fired out of the Carolinas.—Memphis Scimitar. I he abbreviation fiends will pro bably write the year after next ’OO. We have noticed that the people who aboreviate the most, have more spare time than anybody. Gov. Johnson, of Alabama, says in a published statement concerning thepicse it situation in North Carolina a’d the ques tion of Federal interference that “it would seem quite as proper to consider whether the Federal government should not interfere in Illinois,” and this gives him a reasonable ground fer main taining that “all the virtue, in telligence and patriotism of the nation are not confined to any section.” Gen. Miles and Frederick Remington have secured a tem porary injunction in one of the New York courts to restrain the American News Co., from sell ing a book which is called“ Re mington’s frontier Sketches,” and which is alleged to contain fac simile reproductions of fifteen sketches made by Remington and published in the “Personal Recollections of Gen Nelson A. Miles. jGeorge Wilson’s minstrel show has gone to pieces. George needs to get him a black tie, a long coat and a license, and go about the country cracking his jokes and abusing everybody and ev erything in sight. We’ll guaran tee he’ll make more in three years than he has made during his whole life.—Madon News. It requires $30,000 a day to maintain an army corps and over $30,009 a month to pay 13,000 men and officers, which generally constitutes a corps. The government is now support ing five army corps, the First, Second, Fourth., Seventh and Eighth. The claim of those who assert ownership to the Maria Teresa is good. She became a derelict the moment after her abandon ment, and according to the law of the high seas, belongs to those who get her off the rocks. One thing is certain, the Leg islature will have to cut some thing, and it to ’ook like the pruning knife will be ap plied first to the public school and pensions appropriations. ’Possum suppers are regard ed with superstitious awe in this state, and if you ask a can didate to attend one he has a case of cold shivers right away. —Americus Herald. Knowing that “riches have wings,” is doubtless the reason that many men of wealth sleep with an eye on the coop and a finger on skooting iron. Ah. that sad moment when we hear • , De 11 h-i ,: il pinion- , .re f ing near M Abut! 1 :, .newel- I dear. We know that d> at’n must sooner or later come to all, but we can Kg# never surely forctel 1 jKS when the dread angel will appear. No matter how imminent tin -i:ni Wfeg SragS mons may seem, it may t still, in God’s good provi- a? dence, be far away It is part of man’s hu- f ' J/k nianity to man e'-ir to avert sick- • /’asW*’’ ness and death 1 I J II IL ( i Ijf- as fai as lies in ' \ r JBWil■ lllfliH IMI mortal power, i wWC-v. # n w 'lll™ li. Nearly thirty MmbyA'jftg years ago, an -T# 3 ** institution was founded in Buffalo. N. Y., known as the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, which has since become one of the most famous institutions in the world for its enormous benefits to the sick and suffering all over the United States. Thousands have come there for treatment and tens of thousands have received professional ad vice by mail with suggestions for inexpen sive home-treatment, whereby they have been cured of severe, and in many in stances, apparently hopeleas diseases. A Massachusetts man. Mr. John Brooks, of Boylston. Worcester Co., writea " About a year ago I was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs The doctors said I was in con sumption and could not get well I took Emul sion of Cod Liver Oil and it did me no good. After taking it four months I heard of your 'Golden Medical Discovery,’ and wrote to you for advice. I have taken your medicine aud it saved my life. I felt so sick when I wrote to you that I thought I would not live through the winter. In the morning 1 raised an awful lot and would Spit all the time and had pains in my chest. My Bowels would not move more than once or twice a week; my strength was nearly gone; I could not do a whole day's work Now, my bowels are regular every day aud I feel no more pain in nty chest. I feel a geeat deal stronger, lam working hard every day. driv ing a team in the woods and I owe my thaaks to Dr. Piefee's Golden Medical Discovery. I know it saved my life." The most difficult diseases to ctlre are those which are aggravated by constipatioq. In such cases Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be taken in conjunction with the “Discovery." They never gripe. All gsod dealers sell them. Roftu Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* Akim hakirw powders are the greeted mtnaccn to health of the prearat day. asvsc emu— sown® oa, wtw «• The Georgia delegation in Congress, including the two Senators, are a unit in opposi tion to territorial expansion in the far East. Humbert, King of Dagoes, is dead broke, though his argans continue to monkey with the situation and refuse to grind out the truth. The Hon. Barton Wharker, populist nominee for tne presi dency, serenely peruses the elec tion returns with the complacent comment: “Never techedme!” Perhaps if these 75 lowagirla who forcibly kieeed Bos’wa Deiguan had applied separately the young maa might not have tried to i un the osculatory block ade. Bishop Doane, who leads the party opposed to divorces, prob ably is the only American who wears knee-breeches after the manner of the English country clergy. <• —•" ; Perhaps the New York Journ al is right in its claim that Cro ker won a great victory at the recent elections. It seems to be pretty well agreed that Croker beat Van Wyck. The New York Journal takes as an editorial text, the state ment of Samuel Tilden, that: “The Democratic p.arty will win victories when it has courage to be Democratic.” With the annexation of Cuba, Uncle Sam, with gentle love for humanity throbbing in his heart, will probably order football substituted for the cruel bull fight. as Cuba’s provincial game. Platt Lad a conference with Roosevelt right after the election and has since been confined io a sanitarium at Lakewood, N. J. It is surmised that he is suffer ing with an attack of political lockjaw • The negro soldiers have not made as creditable record in camp as they did in battle at Santiago. Insubordination and lawlessness follow them it camp and many complaints are heard against the negro soldier.—Au gusta Chronicle. The Chicago Chronicle thinks that imperialism makes strange bedfellows, which is shown by “Joe” Wheeler aud “Joe” For akar comfortably snoring under the same blanket, while Senator Hoar occupies a bunk with Sen ator Jones, of Arkansas. It is declared that the Cubans are very much opposed to per mitting American negroes to land on the island. Perhaps the be«t place for the negro is where he now is, but he nust certainly learn to behave himself.—Co lumbus Enquirer-Sun. Thanksgiving delicacies in profusion at LUoyd A Harper’s. Also fat Turkeys, fancy bleach ed Celery, fine Cranberries and things appropriate to the occa sion. TO CURE A COUGH. Horace Greeley said: “The way .to resume is to resume,” arid the ; Augusta Chronicle Hiys “the way i not to cough is i>< t to cough ” I “Everyone has noticed.” says the ! Chronicle. “how the coughing of one person iii church, cr in any other assemblage, starts everybody ehe who has a semb ance of a cough. Misery loves c< iupany,bai will not stand competition, and when our neighbor in church coughs we immediately follow sui' ito see how our cough compares with otr neighbor's. A, B and C do i be atiine thing, each one plum i ing himself on the merits of his own cough, and pretty soon the speaker finds himself talking against a coughing match, and trying to get in his effective son tencr.s in the intervals of silenc" between coughs. This 's especial ly noticeable in a school, children manifesting as much rivalry in the volume of their coughing as they do in they display of i-oro toes or cut sing <rs . •“In his own family circle and in the Bunday school with wlr'ch he is associated the writer has fre quently directed children to swal low when they feel the impulse to cough, and pretty soon it will leave them, while it they cough it will simply make necessary another and another. This was a theory evolved from his own observation and experience, without medical authority, but the writer is glad to seethe following endorsement of it from the Scientific American: A physician who is connected with an institution in which there are many children, says: “There is ncthing more irritable to a cough than coughing For some time I had been so fully assured of this that I determined for one minute at least to lessen the num ber of coughs heard in a certain ward in a hospital of the instution By the promise of rewaids and punishment I succeeded in induc ing them simply to hold their breath when t-mpted to c ugh, and in a little while I was my sell surprised to see how some of the children entirely recovered from the disease. Constant coughing i* precisely like scratching a wound on the outside ot the hody, so long as it is done the wound will nut heal. Let a person when tempted to cough draw a Jong breath and bold it until it warms and soothes tvery air cell, and some benefit will soon be perceived from this process. Th» nitr-gen which is thus confined acts as an anodyne i to the mucuos membrane, allaying ! the desire to dough, and giving the throat and a chance to heal. This is a common sugges tion. and if our ministers would make it occasionally to thei r cough it g congregations they wou'd so cure a much more peaceful and pleasing service. Not only is it a good thing to practice in a crowd, but it is useful as a personal ex periment. If you have a cough try it. 4 Gov. Candler has no favoos to ask of the Macon Talegraph, nor of the other papers that fought his nomination,connived at keeping down his majority in the general election,and are now engaged in seeking mistakes in his administration. Gov. Can dler is a Democrat. 1 - * ll ■ —. A mad elephant was recently subdued in Kansas City' by the unexpected appearance of a white horse on the scene. He probably knew that a red-head ed girl must be somewhere in the neai vicinity, and it was time to stop his foolishness. YOU SHOULD KNOW What Hood’s Sarsaparilla has power to do for those who have impure and impoverished blood, f t makes the blood rich and pure and cures scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, nervousness. If you are troubled with any ailment caused or pro moted by impure blood, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla at once. Hood’s Pills are prompt and efficient, easy to take, easy to operate. ' HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Doi. ■ Reward for any ~M e ;< ut n .rl, that cannot be cured h Hair, Catarrh Cure. I F J. Chkvby & co.', Toledo,® We, the undersigned, fc, ’ , known F. J. Cheney for the 1J , Lu years, and believe him to h® financially able to carry out a B | obligation made by their firm ’ West&Truax, Wholesale D- u . gists, Toledo. O. •’ Walding, Kinaan & Mar vi| Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, llall sCatarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upe n the blood md mucous surface of the systtm.TTestimonials Botsß« ot free. Price '5c per bottle. 8 0 ]j by all Druggists. Hall’s Family P i| ls . est b M Coke oieoper than Coal- Canbe used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or siot. Clean and econonical. For further jarticularj see ROMI GAS 00 PSDllSSlMluii® ATTORNEY;. J. BRANH.M, Law Office 200, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornay at Law, He,. Crcporaion law Onlyr "W. J. NHJELi Attorney at law. Will practice Inuocuru. Special attention given to eotumt-iig uJ aud the examicatlou cf land titles. office In Klug building, Rome,\ ■ WALTER HARR.J Attorney at law and J. P. Office ov<f j. I Kane & Co.'s. i I LIPSCOMB <Sr .WILLI NUKm I Commercial Lawyer®. Office tn Armstrong hotel a mid in g, Hot Gt I ———— ■—■■ —■ ... ■ ■ M B EUBANK3, Attorney at law. offio«King Bulldin Rome, ua. W.H.BJNNIS, Attorney at Law. ,Will Practice in all nv I Office, Masonic Tempi*. Rom®, H J SANTA. OR.WF 3 a Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. CoJectu • ■ specialty. ■ Masonic Temple. Rome, &>. | MOSES U right. HARPBMJMTOH ■ WRIGHT & HAMW I Attorneys at Ljv | Office:No. 14 ■ CHARLES E. DAf I —ATTORNEY ATI >V- ■ Collection a®p cial.y. Wiifratein all H courts. I H Masunio Temple A un * x > / DENTISTS __ II T.7fT'wiiLLS,MS., ■ Office 24C 1-2 Broad. * OvltntA ± ■ J. L PENNINGTOIyJ .CS ,M D 1 . ent!' W office, .105 1-2 Broad Klv^t >Ter lankt Fw in lure Co. f _ [J PHYSIiFs. j C. £IA-M-LLT A ■ Physician and SurX Offi*. MedltaJ H Building Rome, Ga>-■» N “’ |W - K lu. F». 1 Physician and Si# Office in M®df«* K building. Reside#’- 403 Ab<H Pint «l ■ ce”phoNo. d g _ TONSOB PARLORS. I LE JsARRETT, i The ‘Old Ke> operating the Oatr ■ hotel Barber SBr '*" you to give low ■ trial , and pro« d " t; ‘e ■ men employed chair®. B HQ|C TAYLOR, ■ Himself a fbarhez, employ® aiy t*» ■ very O*t aSl n “ i<'»»oral »iu<lio, La iM» S Curry BuiWo®“ e ,h « Arnutrang. K‘s» | von are mpf id^ l * whll * y° ur W K being doM. ■ ■ ■ I , I PAS’JR FILTERS I T onb Germ I Pre Filter in th* I woiMakes water | purnd cle. r fo 1 ■ The Uarsox* Su Co I